At the back door of the church, dark alchemical energy emerged like mist.

Clotho, wearing a veil, stepped out, pushed open the door, and walked all the way to the laboratory deep in the church.

The eldest sister Atropos and the third sister Lachesis had been waiting for a long time.

Clotho lifted her veil, took out a kimika from her pocket with a happy face, and handed it to Atropos:

"This is the level 10 Kemi I captured in Kyoto."

A few people looked over and saw a yellow flying saucer-shaped creature on Kemika's face, which was constantly making angry noises.


"Thank you for your hard work, Cloto. It must have taken a lot of effort, right?"

Cloto heard this and thought about his experience in Kyoto.

"It wasn't very difficult to capture the mysterious UFO. I went to the top of a temple and used alchemy to force it into a card. But other than that,..."

As she spoke, she looked at her two sisters with a solemn expression.

"DarKDecade's power has become stronger again, and this time, I feel a malice in him that is no less than that of Lord Gryon!"

Lachesis was a little shocked.

"Are you kidding? Why would he be tainted with malice?"

Kloto pursed her lips, recalling the scene when Lin Feng transformed into a hell locust. She felt a palpitation in her heart!

With one punch and one kick, a large area of Kyoto was destroyed on the spot, and it was even reported on TV afterwards and was classified as a natural disaster!

A natural disaster!

It can only be classified as a natural disaster if it reaches a certain level of harm!

After a moment of silence, Atropos hummed softly:

"Don't say such things in the future. Lord Gryon's power is not something he can compare to."

Kloto and Lachesis looked at each other.

As the two sisters, they were relatively closer.

Although they respected Gryon and followed his orders like Atropos, they also had their own judgments. For example, they sometimes couldn't understand why Atropos blindly trusted Gryon. However, they were all under the same roof and were called the three sisters. It was not easy for them to blame Atropos for what she said. They just didn't respond to her.

"Bring me the two fragments you recovered first. I need to complete the manufacture of the driver as soon as possible. Lord Gryon can't wait any longer."

After hearing this, Cloto immediately handed over two more silver strips.

When Atropos stuffed them into the beaker, the experimental device on the table automatically started to operate.

The purple dark energy was peeled off bit by bit and transported into the already formed Dread driver through the pipeline.

Only these last few pieces are needed to complete the driver!

Often at this time, uninvited guests always arrive.

With the creaking sound of the wooden door, the three sisters turned their heads at the same time and looked over with vigilance.

When Lin Feng leaned against the door frame and appeared in their field of vision with a playful smile on his face, the three sisters instinctively panicked.

"Hello, three little friends, what interesting things have you been playing with during the few days I was away?"

After Lin Feng got off the tram and sent Jiutang Linyin back to the photo studio to rest, he immediately rushed to the church.

His purpose was to run into the three sisters who were doing bad things secretly.

When the three sisters of Minghei found that

Lin Feng's eyes were fixed on the gradually formed Dread actuator, the three of them quickly gathered around the table, nervous and alert.

"It seems like they don't welcome me very much."

Lin Feng talked to himself while walking around them, went to the other side of the table, and directly picked up the level 10 UFO that Atropos had previously locked in the glass cover.

"You! Give it back to me!"

Kloto was a little anxious.

Although the UFO capture process was simple, this Kmi was still strong and important! It was so easy to catch it this time, but next time you won't be so lucky.

Therefore, Lin Feng's action of taking it and stuffing it into his arms naturally made Kloto very dissatisfied.

But is dissatisfaction useful?

Lin Feng raised his hand and flicked Kloto's forehead.

Because he now has a large number of driving cards, his physical fitness has also been greatly enhanced.

A collapse of the head made Kloto, the puppet, feel a strong pain and stepped back several steps!

"Clotho, be cool!"

Lachesis quickly stopped Clotho who was about to rush forward and whispered in her ear:

"This guy is a demon! Do you want to be beaten up by him later? It is more important for us to protect the Dread drive first!"

Lin Feng played with the Kemica and looked at the three sisters with a smile.

"I am indeed a human being, but that doesn't mean I can't hear your whispers...However, I do want to praise Lachesis. You are a good person and know when to advance and when to retreat. Why don't you stop working for that Ge Liang and become my maid? Then you don't have to do those things that are harmful to the world anymore. How about that?"

Hearing this, Lachesis curled his lips and said angrily:

"Being a maid for a devil like you, I'm afraid I'll be eaten up that night! Don't treat me like a three-year-old child!"

Looking at the three sisters who were furious, they really looked like three angry black cats.

After laughing for a while, Lin Feng put away the kimika and his expression became serious.

"I won't tease you guys anymore. The UFO just now is my hush money for discovering that you guys are doing bad things here."

After saying that,

Lin Feng was about to turn around and leave.

The three sisters looked at each other in disbelief.

Atropos, who had been staring at him, finally couldn't help but ask:

"Why don't you ask what that driver is used for?"

Lin Feng glanced at it and waved his hand.

"I know, and I don't care."

Atropos frowned cutely.

"What if this driver threatens your students?"

Lin Feng came to the door, turned around, looked at the three of them with a meaningful smile, and said something that made them drop their jaws.

"Threaten my students? That's a good thing. I can help you plan a plan. For example, you can find a few elders of the Alchemy Alliance and go to the school to steal the Kamika of those alchemists. Then, use this driver on a student. This can also hit the psychological defense of those students. It's really killing two birds with one stone! I'm waiting to see your performance! Let's go!"

Hearing these casual words, the three sisters of Minghei all opened their mouths and stood there in a daze.

It was not until Lin Feng disappeared in the church that they slowly came back to their senses.

"Atropos, this demon, could it be that he has really become a demon? Didn’t he care about his students before?"

Kloto was dumbfounded. She had monitored Lin Feng for a long time in Kyoto before.

She should be right. Lin Feng has always been very good to those students!

Lachesis sneered twice, waved her little fist in the direction where Lin Feng left, and said viciously:

"Since he said so, why don't we do it? We have to disgust him! You big bastard, you dare to tease me!"

Atropos took a look at the Dread drive that was about to be completed and said in a deep voice:

"After the driver is completed, come with me. It's time to put some pressure on the students of the Alchemy Academy."

After returning from Kyoto,

Ichinose Tatarō and his friends returned to their daily lives, and the pace of capturing Camie was also accelerating.

On this day,

Tatarō and his friends who were doing their routine work outside were suddenly called back to the Alchemy Academy.

Minato said that he had something important to inform them.

When everyone gathered in the academy, two strangers they had never seen before caught their attention.

"Everyone is here, right?"

Minato came in front of everyone, nodded to Ichinose Takarō, and then introduced:

"The two over there were sent by the Alchemy Alliance, Investigator Kugimiya and Investigator Zhenma."

One wore glasses and looked quiet, and the other had a thick face and kept brushing his ring with a small brush. They both looked like elders, and several students bowed in a proper manner to show their respect.

"Excuse me."

Jiutang Linyin raised her hand and looked at the two investigators in confusion.

"What is this investigation about?"

The female investigator named Zhenma took the initiative to explain:

"It's like this, we have spies sent by the three dark sisters in our organization, so..."

Before she could finish her words, the male investigator named Kugimiya suddenly interrupted her weakly:

"Before that, we have one more thing to investigate....It's related to Kamen Rider."

As he said that, he raised his head and pointed the brush at Ichinoseki Takara.

"You, Ichinose Tatarō, because you got the driver from the traitor Kudo Fuga, the Alchemy Alliance does not recognize your identity as a Kamen Rider."

Tatarō scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Well, you say that a bit..."

Kugimiya sneered and interrupted others again.

"And I've seen your fighting style, it's really inefficient and completely unnecessary."

Baotaro gradually felt that there was something else behind this person's words.

"Extraneous behavior?"

Kugimiya shook the small brush and pointed at the Kamika hanging on the wall.

"I know what you are thinking. In your heart, you regard Kemi as a partner, right? However, it is meaningless to do so. Kemi is a prop. If you cannot use the prop effectively, you are unqualified. So..."

He said, and extended his hand to Baotaro.

"Hand over the driver immediately and let us keep it in the Alchemy Alliance."

As soon as these words came out, the outspoken Ginkgo Lotus immediately shouted angrily, but before he could finish his words, the door of the Alchemy Academy opened again, and a voice sounded from outside.

"I heard this familiar voice in the corridor. I was wondering who was so annoying. It turned out to be you, Kugimiya."Kugimiya

Rito heard this familiar voice and turned around and squinted his eyes to look over.

"Lin Feng? It's you?"


"elder brother!"

"Lin Feng, you are here."

Minato was relieved when he saw Lin Feng coming.

Fortunately, he had just received the news not long ago and secretly notified Lin Feng to come over. Otherwise, he would not be able to act rashly in front of the two seniors, Kugimiya and Zhenma. The main thing is that Lin Feng's family background is there. Before the tragedy, it was a family with a deeper foundation than the Jiutang Fengya family. Even the people of the Alchemy Alliance had to give him face. Lin Feng smiled at them, then looked at Kugimiya and said sarcastically

""What? Don't you know that I'm a teacher at the Alchemy Academy of this school? That's right. After all, Mr. Kugimiya has great ambitions and is ignorant of worldly affairs. He abandoned alchemy and went to participate in the DGP [Desire Contest] to become the God of Desire. You naturally don't want to know about my little things, but I'm very curious. After so many years, have you become the God of Desire?"

Hearing this, Kugimiya Rito was shocked and angry, while

Tatarō and others looked at each other, as they had never heard of the Desire Contest.

Even Minato was confused.

"How do you know DGP?!"

Lin Feng grinned,

"Apparently he didn't make it, so he came back."


Kugimiya Rito glared at Lin Feng angrily.

"Don't think that I dare not touch you just because you are a member of the Lin family!"

Lin Feng sat on a chair beside him, ignoring his threats.

"I advise you to follow the alliance charter, Mr. Kugimiya, and don't make up stories. The driver of Takara has already been reported to the alliance. You don't need to worry about it."

Ritsuto Kugimiya's mouth twitched, and he threw the cloak behind him, walked to a corner with frustration, and stopped talking.

He returned to the Alchemy Alliance from DGP to accept this investigation mission, just to find a way to cheat the Gotchard driver, and then go back to DGP, because there is a person there whom he must avenge.

As a result, now that Lin Feng directly exposed his plan, his plan fell through, and he was only helpless and furious.

Lin Feng glanced at him, then turned and nodded to Minato,

"You guys go on, I'll listen."

However, just as Lin Feng finished speaking, a fierce alarm sounded in the hall!

Minato looked solemn, and quickly operated the computer equipment for a while.

The next second, the figures of the three sisters of Minghei appeared under a surveillance camera!

"Something happened. The three Dark Sisters sneaked into Furasu High School! Put aside everything else and split up to find them. We must not let them harm the students in the school!"


Watching the students rushing out to urgently carry out the task of protecting the school,

Lin Feng could already predict how exciting the next big show would be.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Zhenma and Dinggong, and smiled meaningfully:

"Since the two investigators are here, why don't you help together? It's not good to hide in the Alchemy Academy and watch the students get hurt, right?"

Ritsuto Kugimiya snorted coldly, turned around and disappeared into the hall.

Zhenma pushed his glasses and pretended to be embarrassed, as if he was very afraid of the three sisters of Minghei.

However, for Lin Feng, who had read the original novel, these pretense were completely useless.

However, just when Lin Feng was about to find a better place to watch the show, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

When he opened it, it turned out to be a call from Simoniko?

With some surprise, Lin Feng answered the call, and then he heard Simoniko's anxious voice from the other side,

【"Mr. Lin Feng! Are you free now? Something big happened in my company! I need your help!"

Lin Feng didn't think the tone was fake, but he... Well, according to the timeline, it should take a while.

Let's ask Simon Nicole what happened first.

"If your company is in trouble, how can I help you? I don't understand company operations."

【I didn't make it clear! There is a dangerous person in my company! A bastard who should have died! An outsider! 】

Lin Feng was stunned. Just as he thought of a name, the system's announcement sounded in his ears.

【Ding! Kamen Rider Outsider, Danrito, has been resurrected! Mission automatically released!】

【Mission objective: Defeat Dan Lidou!】

【Mission reward: Two random Kamen Rider decks!】......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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