
Huanmeng Group Building,

Software Development Program Department,

Director's Office, a fat old con man in a white suit stood up from his office chair.

Opposite him was a Shumagia body lying on a table, in which no data had been implanted.

"Come, it's time to wake up, my dear shrimp dumpling."

Tianjin Gai took a purple secret key and gently pressed the button.

【President! 】

Then, when the secret key was placed next to Shumagia's earphones, the body twitched directly, as if the data was disordered.

Tianjin Gai's secretary, Li, came closer to observe and said with a puzzled look:

"It seems that there is a problem in the learning process.

Tianjin Gai nodded solemnly.

"It seems so. Let's go into his consciousness and see what's going on."

Li answered, and then closed her eyes. Her consciousness instantly entered the brain of the primitive Shumagia.

Then she saw a strange data stream that was dark and full of scarlet.

Curious, she looked around, and the next second she saw a fat man with a slicked-back hair, appearing not far away on the opposite side.

"Are you looking for me?"

Li frowned in a strange way.

"No one is looking for you? Who are you?"

Tian Qilian adjusted his suit proudly.

"I am the game club president you are looking for!"

Just when Li was wondering if there was something wrong with his eyes,

Danrito's voice finally rang out.

"They are looking for me."

Tensaki lovers can no longer hold back.

"You, you, you! Why are you still here?!! No, they must be looking for me!"

Tan Li Dou Huan crossed his arms and flicked his fingers at this noisy guy.

The next second, Tian Qi Lian turned into data and disappeared on the spot.

"Ahhh! I don't want it to be out of print again!"

The troublesome guy disappeared, and Danrito looked at Li silently, looking like he was worried.

"Go back and tell the person who woke me up that I'm back"

"Yes! Tanli fights shrimp dumplings!"

Li obediently withdrew his consciousness, returned to reality, and nodded to Tianjin Gai beside him.

Seeing this, Lao Qian took out the secret key again and swept it beside the plain body Xiu Magia's ear.

【Data loading! Danrito! 】

The next second, the bare body of Shumajia immediately took a funny side-lying posture, and its appearance quickly changed, turning into the human form that Danrito once was!

"Okay, Tan Lidou, follow my orders from now on."

Tianjin Gai looked at Tan Lidou who had opened his eyes and wanted to give the first order immediately, but Tan Lidou refused without hesitation.

"Oh, who said I would listen to you? You don't think that I will work for you just because I wake you up, do you?"

Tan Lidou sat up, facing the sun outside, and laughed loudly:

"I woke up this time with only one purpose, and that is to completely revive the game company! Hahahahaha!"

With a mechanical laugh,

Dan Lidou took a big step and ran out of the office and left Huanmeng Company.

No matter how Tianjin Gai pressed the secret key in his hand, trying to control Dan Lidou's behavior, it was useless.

"Sure enough, it's just as I expected."

Simoniko's voice sounded in the corner of the office.

She looked heavy-hearted and very frustrated.

"What should I do? If he knew that his Huanmeng Company was controlled by me, he would never let me go!"

Tianjin Gai was also silent.

He really didn't expect that even though Dan Lidou had become a Xiumagia, he was still out of control.

Could this guy really become a conceptual god and be able to modify all data at will?

The low pressure in the office lasted for a long time. When

Ximanike saw that he had no choice, he could only think of one person in the end,

Lin Feng.

"I'll go get some help."

Simoniko sighed.

"This is the third time I have bothered Lin Feng. I wonder if he will hate me.~~~"

Looking at Simoniko who left dejectedly,

Tianjin Gai felt very guilty.

He had talked with Tan Lidou before and knew that this person was unusual, but he didn't expect that an accident would happen.

"Ah! Hiss!! ~"

Suddenly, Tianjin Gai's secretary, Li's earphones lit up with a scarlet light, her expression twisted and became painful.

"What? What happened?"

Tianjin Gai just stepped forward to ask about the situation, and then he saw Li's face, eyes and headphones all turned into a familiar dark red.

"Who are you...Yak?!"

"Tianjin Gai, long time no see."

Li's temperament changed instantly, and strong malice surged around her.

Tianjin Gai looked at this scene and instinctively took precautions.

As a result, Yak's target was not him.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here to look for you."

Tianjin Gai frowned.

"I didn't expect you to be alive."

Yake sneered.

"I have already become a god, existing in all concepts related to malice, and like Danrito, I will never completely disappear."

As he spoke, his eyes flashed and his tone was low,

"However, I have encountered some troubles and troublesome people recently.

Tianjin Gai looked at it with some surprise.

"You call yourself a god, but there are still things that bother you?"

A playful smile appeared on Yake's lips.

"If it bothers me, it also means it’s interesting to me. The more unexpected things there are, the more I think this world is worth it.

Tianjin Gai never thought that such words could be said by a bastard who wanted to destroy the world before.

"Don't disbelieve it, Tianjin Gai, there is a second person like this who makes me feel interesting, and that is Tan Lidou."

Yake said, looking outside the building,

"I have been traveling through everyone's malice so far, and the first one made me feel interesting���The man, Kamen Rider DarkDecade! His power can actually control malice at will; and the second man, Dan Lidou, seems to have surpassed malice!"

Tianjin Gai did not think this evaluation of Ark was a good thing.

"So, if even you can't predict it, can humans protect themselves from the next series of changes?"

Yake turned around and looked at him with a smile.

"I didn't say I wanted to protect humans. I was just having fun."

Tianjing clenched his fists, his expression was very angry.

"It's your condescending attitude that makes me uncomfortable! Yak, since you want to have fun, then come and be my tool! I will surpass you!"

Yak crossed his arms and looked at the imposing Tianjin Gai with interest.

"Well, since you are so confident, let’s give it a try!"

At the same time, a car stopped at the main entrance of Huanmeng Group.

Lin Feng opened the door and got out.

He glanced at the towering building and walked inside without stopping.

He took the prepared elevator and went directly to the top floor, which was outside the office of the president of Huanmeng Group.

The door seemed to be deliberately left open.

Lin Feng saw from a distance that Simoniko was walking back and forth in the room, very anxious.

After discovering Lin Feng, Simoniko rushed towards him as if she had seen a life-saving straw!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

(To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) He raised his hand and pressed Simoniko’s little head to stop her from acting like a spoiled child.

"Stop being cute and tell me what happened."

After closing the office door, the two sat down on the sofa, and Simoniko explained the whole story carefully.

It was probably the day before yesterday, [] after Simoniko returned to Furasu from Kyoto, she talked with Tianjin Gai about the future development plan of Huanmeng Company.

After all, Simoniko had not been in charge of Huanmeng Company for a long time, and it had always been represented by another person.

But the acting president resigned some time ago and retired to the countryside, so Simoniko could only ask others for help.

This was also the reason why she went to Tianjin Gai.

But she overlooked one thing, that is,

Tianjin Gai is the president of Zaiya, a former technology company.

If you ask him whether he can create some technological creations that are at the forefront of the world, he can talk for days and nights, but Huanmeng Group is a game company!

He knows too little about the development of game companies.

This makes Ximaniko in a dilemma.

So, Tianjin Gai made a suggestion at this time, that he could try to wake up Dan Lidou and manipulate him to help develop the idea of Huanmeng Company.

At first, Ximaniko refused, because Ximaniko had been fighting with Dan Lidou for a long time.

Although she She is not a core member, and she does not have as much contact with Danreto as Hosou Eimu and his friends.

But as a person who experienced the incident firsthand, the fear imprinted in her heart still exists.

She knows best what will happen if Danreto is released and out of control.

However, the more important issue is that

Niko Sima really wants to do something to help the world, to help ordinary people without abilities, to fight against the kindness that may destroy the world.

This is also the goal she set during this trip to Kyoto.

And then again, although Danreto is in her impression , is also an evil man who destroys the world, but if he can turn Dan Lidou into a Shumagia as Tianjin Gai said and manipulate his behavior, maybe he can use his divine talent to do good things.

So, Sima Nicole made up her mind and agreed to Tianjin Gai to let him awaken Dan Lidou.

The result was not unexpected, and it was out of control.

Sima Nicole felt self-blame and guilt, but she had already understood that this was the most likely result.

At this time in the office, Lin Feng looked at Sima Nicole, who was lowering her head, pouting, and feeling a little aggrieved.

After thinking for a long time, he finally stood up from the sofa.

""Okay, I'll help you again."

When Simon Nicole heard this, she was about to cry.

She jumped up and rushed to Lin Feng again.

This time, Lin Feng did not stop her and let her act like a little girl.

But the relaxed and happy atmosphere did not last long.

A strong vibration suddenly came from downstairs.

Lin Feng and Simon Nicole looked at each other.

They tacitly associated something and hurried downstairs without stopping!

At the same time, in the underground parking lot,

Tan Lidou leaned against the wall with a charging pile behind him. An electric wire stretched out and plugged into Tan Lidou's back.

When Xia Jiao woke up, he saw himself like this and shook his head helplessly.

""Sure enough, even if it is Xiu Magia, the disadvantages are still too obvious."

As soon as he finished talking to himself, he looked up and saw Tianjin Gai's secretary Li walking towards him from a distance.

"You saved me?"

Li did not answer, but tried to persuade her earnestly:

"Lord Danrito, please put aside the previous matters for now and listen to what we have to say before you make a decision, okay?"

Danrito sighed.

"How many times do you want me to say it? I won't agree."

Li shook his head.

"This is not what I want to tell you. You may not have realized it yet. The place you are in is your former Huanmeng Company." As soon as these words came out,

Tan Lidou's expression was stunned.

"What are you talking about? My Huanmeng Company should have been closed down a long time ago!"

Li raised his right hand, and a small projection screen slowly emerged.

"It was Miss Simon Nicole who invested in Dream Company and has been supporting the company's development for several years. Now, Miss Simon Nicole has returned from abroad to develop the business and has taken over this place."When

Tan Lidou saw the picture of Simon Nicole, he was a little nervous.

"Is it this little girl movie?...Things have really changed, but it's true that she is the richest among those people."

As he said this, he tried to stand up.

"In this case, I will ask that girl to hand over the company to me now."

However, before he could finish,

Tianjin Gai came out from the side and interrupted:

"Even so, you will still face a huge threat in the near future, and at the same time, it is also a threat to the entire world and mankind, so why can't you cooperate with us and solve the problem together first?"

Tan Lidou pulled off the wire behind him and stood opposite Tianjin Gai,

"Having said so much, I really want to know what exactly is the thing that threatens the whole world that you mentioned."

The secretary (Qian Dezhao) Shuli immediately ran over and showed another picture.

On it was a dense golden data stream, forming a golden word"goodness".

Then, the word"goodness" turned into a golden Kamen Rider figure.

"Its name is Zein. It suddenly appeared on the Internet one day not long ago. The reason for its appearance was that a few years ago, when humans were fighting against the evil that wanted to destroy the world, they created a system called Zein to expel evil. But no one expected..."

Tan Li Douhuan folded his arms across his chest, and understood clearly.

"But no one expected that Zein would be so extreme that he would not even have the slightest bit of malice left, and therefore would have to destroy all of humanity, right?"

He sneered as he spoke.

"In the final analysis, this is the bad thing about artificial intelligence. Tools are just tools, and they should not be given too much self-awareness."

Hearing this, the little secretary lowered her head with some sadness.

Tianjin Gai, who noticed this, raised his voice a few notches and went straight to the point:

"Don't worry about whether artificial intelligence is a tool or not. Anyway, we need your talent to defeat Zein now, so just tell me if you will help or not."

Tan Lidou narrowed his eyes slightly, he looked at Tianjin Gai, and after a long while he agreed:

"OK, I can help you. But..."

He stretched out his finger and pointed at Tianjin.

"There is one prerequisite, I want to play a game with you."

Hearing this, Tianjin Gai sneered and threw the player drive and cartridge that he had prepared long ago over.

"I thought you would say that. Let's go on!"

Dan Lidou said excitedly while putting the player driver on his waist:

"If I win, I want you to come with me and take back Huanmeng Company. I don't care whether Ximaniko is willing or not."

Tianjin Gai also took out the Yak Zero Driver, full of confidence.

"Sure! I'll talk to Simone! After all, there's no other way to control you except fighting, right? Come on!"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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