In the underground parking lot,

Dan Lidou looked at the confident Tianjin Gai with a scornful smile on his face.

"I hope you don't end up getting beaten up by me."

He picked up the cassette and pressed the button, and suddenly, a purple game field expanded!


"Lv2, Henshin"

As Danrito inserted the cartridge into the drive, a game character panel immediately appeared in front of him!

【[Gachan! LevelUp! MightyJump! MightyKick! MightyActionX]

The magical game sound effects sounded, and

Danrito's body passed through the game panel.

The purple-black armor instantly appeared on his body surface and he turned into Kamen Rider Gemn.

Tianjin Gai silently retracted his gaze and looked at the secret key in his hand with a resolute expression.

A long time ago, when ZAIA Company had not been destroyed,

Tianjin Gai created a set of drivers and keys that could borrow Ark's power in order to obtain Ark's power.

This set is exactly the same as the one used by Fei Dian or Ren at the beginning, but the only difference is that the system is still ZAIA's, and therefore, it is more suitable for Tianjin Gai, but it is only more suitable. Ark's malice that is enough to destroy everything is still difficult for humans to bear.

"For the future of mankind, even if Yak destroys me, it doesn't matter!"Nshin"

Tianjin Gai took a gamble, opened the secret key, and inserted it into the driver with force, allowing Yak Zero Driver to directly become Yak One!

【Singurise! When the five horns crossed, the THOUSANDAR Kisborn.P

"Ah! Ahhhh!!!"

Dense malicious intent poured out from the driver, quickly spreading to Tianjin Gai's body like a maggot on the tarsal bone.

The scarlet arc showed the horror and violence of that power.

Even Tan Lidou, who saw this scene for the first time, couldn't help but be surprised.

"Is it possible to use such strong emotions as energy?...Interesting! This is the one who deserves to be my opponent!"

Tan Lidou rushed out excitedly, and rushed to the front at the moment when Tianjin Gai transformed.

However, he did not expect that when he transformed, Yak's energy turned into a huge sphere of spikes that continued to stretch outward.

Before his attack landed, he was directly pierced by the spikes, and his body was stabbed and flew out on the spot!

Accompanied by the cascading and exploding air waves,

Tan Lidou broke a stone pillar heavily before he barely stopped!

"Transformed into invincible, have you forgotten this 107?"

Tianjin Gai grinned grimly, and at the moment of successfully transforming into Kamen Rider ThousandArk, the whole person turned into a red afterimage and rushed out, came to the rubble, grabbed the shoulder of Dan Lidou who was struggling to get up, gathered strength with his right leg, raised his knee, and directly hit Dan Lidou's chest with a very violent knee!

Bang bang bang!!!

The thigh is the most powerful part of the human body, and the knee is the most advantageous weapon of the thigh.

The combination of the two, coupled with the powerful energy output of Ark, each blow exploded a scarlet wave ripple.

Dan Lidou has been stunned from the beginning to now, and then,

Tianjin Gai threw Dan Lidou out fiercely, and broke the stone pillar on the other side on the spot again!

For a while, the entire underground parking lot began to shake violently.

At this time, not far away, the elevator coming down from the top floor arrived at the scene.

The little secretary who had been watching the game on the side, Li, hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"President Simoniko, Mr. Lin Feng?! You are here too?!"

Lin Feng walked towards her and nodded to her, then looked directly at the battle scene in the distance.

Sure enough, the plot development was just as he had predicted.


Simoniko looked at Lin Feng with some admiration.

"Lin Fengjun, how do you know that Tan Lidou will come back?"

She thought that Tan Lidou ran out of the company before and would never come back.

Hearing this, Lin Feng pointed to Li beside him and said with a smile:

"On the way here, I saw this little secretary dragging Dan Lidou's exhausted body back to the underground parking lot."

Siman Nicole suddenly realized,

"That's right, Danrito is Shumajia's body after all....No! This is not the focus now!"

As she said this, she looked at Lin Feng anxiously.

"What's going on, Lin Fengjun? If Tianjin Gai and Tan Li fight, then they definitely won't help us, right?"

Lin Feng went to a chair nearby, sat down leisurely, and said:

"I guess this competition must have been proposed by Dan Lidou."

The secretary was also a little surprised.

"You can even guess this?"

Lin Feng smiled and gave his own prediction:

"Tan Lidou probably wants to take control of Huanmeng Company to further fulfill his unfulfilled wishes and dreams. I guess Tianjin Gai told Tan Lidou about your affairs with Simon Nicole, which made him want to fight."When Simon Nicole heard that she was being used as a bet, she ran over and hugged Lin Feng tightly.

"That won't work, Lin Fengjun! You must save my life! Tan Lidou is a lunatic. If he really wins, he will kick me out of the company!"

Hearing this, the little secretary Li hurriedly comforted him:

"President Simoniko, don't worry. Mr. Tianjin Gai has already made a deal with Yake. The two of them should be able to defeat Master Tan Lidou together."

Hearing this,

Lin Feng smiled meaningfully and said:

"That's not necessarily true, little secretary, you still have a lot to learn."

As Lin Feng finished speaking, in the distance, Tianjin Gai punched out again, and

Tan Lidou flew directly into the air, rolling to the ground to cancel the transformation!

Tianjin Gai came to him proudly, half squatting, as if he wanted to taunt Tan Lidou from a close distance,

"Is this all you think of as divine talent?"

Just when everyone thought that Danrito was going to lose, he, lying on the ground, smiled with a [Planning] smile.

"Really? Then let me tell you what my talent is!"

Before he finished speaking, Dan Lidou unexpectedly took out the Fault Driver Type I from his back, put it on his hand, and fiercely stabbed the driver part of Tianjin Gai.

The next second, everyone was shocked to see that the Fault Driver was absorbing the energy of the Yak Driver!

"You bastard! Get out of here!"

Tianjin Gai roared and threw a punch, and

Tan Lidou used the force to roll outwards, pulling away a long distance, then excitedly swung his limbs and laughed like a lunatic.

"Hahaha! You didn't expect that, did you?"

Although Tianjin Gai didn't find anything wrong with his body, he felt that something was missing.

This strange feeling made him question angrily,

"What did you do to me?!"

Dan Lidou shook the faulty driver in his hand, very proudly.

""Ak's power has been absorbed by me! Now, let me try it too!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned to see Dan Lidou's crazy behavior.

He turned the energy in the faulty driver into bullets and shot them directly into his Shumagia body!

"Even if this guy becomes a Shumagia, he is still the madman in his bones!"

Simaniko hit the nail on the head.

The crazy things that Danrito did back then were no worse than this scene!

What about actively absorbing the game virus, what about actively committing death, improving the cartridge level, and what about completely dying and reincarnating as a collapsed source body?

Sure enough, absorbing the power of Ark is something that Simaniko should have thought of from the beginning!

"No wonder, no wonder Lin Fengjun said that Dan Lidou would win!"

Lin Feng sighed and nodded.

Indeed, this is crazy, but this is the personal charm of Dan Lidou.

It is precisely because of this that his strength will continue to increase!

At this time, with a large amount of malicious energy constantly eroding Dan Lidou's body, his headphones, like other Xiu Magia, began to turn red, but at the same time, a mark of destruction was also branded on his face!

This is a sign that Dan Lidou carries the malicious power of Yak!

"Learning is complete!"

Dan Lidou's temperament became extremely cold.

He raised his hand and used the 3D printing ability of Shumagia casually to rub out a brand new purple cassette on the spot!

【Fantasy and unparalleled! 】

Dan Lidou grabbed the cassette, rotated the upper part of it once, and inserted it into the player drive at his waist again!


【Gachan! LevelUp! Grab the glory of the Ending! The dark genius President! GradeUnmatched Genius】

As the exciting game music sounded,

Danrito took off on the spot. In the game space that had been in an expanded state, endless energy gathered towards him, turning into a sky full of purple streams, surrounding him and forming a new set of purple armor! []

Finally, when he finished combing his long hair,

Kamen Rider Gemn Warriors Player���Officially debut!

"It's a power I've never seen before...."

Sima Nicole was stunned at this time.

As the person who was most familiar with Tan Lidou besides Lin Feng, this was the first time she saw such a Gemn. Moreover, its game level seemed to be unparalleled!

Sima Nicole clenched her fists in worry.

"If it is the unparalleled in the game terminology, then Tan Lidou’s power may have reached a very terrifying level!"

Lin Feng looked at Tan Lidou's new form with burning eyes and answered affirmatively:

"Not only what you think, I can also tell you that he has the power of time stop!"

To be more specific, it should be the power of both time stop and invincible player! However, the power of invincible player is not the invincible power, but the basic value of invincible player.

According to the settings that Lin Feng saw in his previous life,

Huanmeng Wushuang can be understood as the fusion of Kronos and Huanmeng!

For Lin Feng, this may not be a big deal, because Lin Feng has the power of invincible player, so he is not afraid.

But for Simoniko, who has personally experienced the power of Kronos's time stop, her expression has begun to turn pale at this moment.

"This is really the end. If he has the power to stop time, this company will probably fall into Danrito's pocket...."

Glancing at her frustrated expression,

Lin Feng smiled and said nothing. He waited for the battle between Tan Lidou and Tianjin Gai to end.

He also wanted to try it out.

What was the strength of this new form of illusion that appeared among the outsiders?


With a sudden explosion,

Tan Lidou's powerful punch, wrapped in a rich purple arc, hit Tianjin Gai's chest fiercely, smashing him to the ground on the spot, and shaking the ground with countless cracks!

Then, Tan Lidou turned around and sat on Tianjin Gai, and the Ora Fist kept hitting Tianjin Gai's head!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The punches rained down, and

Tianjin Gai looked at the fist shadows in his field of vision in horror.

At this moment, even if he had some predictive abilities that Yak had, he could not completely defend against these attacks!

He could only raise his arms and barely resist, but in the place where he was not paying attention, the ground below Tianjin Gai's head had been shattered and collapsed.

It can be seen how strong Tan Lidou's fist power is, the shock wave transmitted through a person is enough to shatter the ground!

"Another punch!"


Another powerful punch,

Tianjin Gai's raised arms were completely unable to resist, and the whole person sank directly into the collapsed ground, with the surrounding rubble pressing on his body, unable to move at all!


Dan Lidou chuckled and stood up, turning around to leave as a winner.

"In this way, this company will belong to me!"

""Wait a minute!"

Tianjin Gai's hoarse voice sounded again, and he struggled to stand up in the ruins.

"The battle is not over yet!"

After saying that, Tianjin Gai immediately planned to push the secret key, but

Lin Feng's figure suddenly appeared between the two of them.���This scene made Simoniko stunned for a moment.

After she confirmed that Lin Feng had gone over, she ran over in shock.

"Lin Fengjun! What are you doing? Come back quickly, it's dangerous!"

Lin Feng knocked on Simoniko's head and said unhappily:

"You are the one in danger. I am also a Kamen Rider. Have you forgotten?"

Siman Nicole was startled and quickly fled the battlefield and hid far away.

Yes, I almost forgot. The reason why I asked Lin Fengjun to come here is because he is a Kamen Rider?!

However, according to Lin Fengjun himself,

Dan Lidou's new form has the power of time stop.

Can he deal with it?

On the battlefield,

Dan Lidou sensed that someone had intervened in his battle with Tianjin Gai.

He turned his head and looked over in confusion.

"Who are you?"

Lin Feng pointed at Simoniko, who was shrinking her head in the distance with a look of fear on her face.

"You can understand that I am fighting on her behalf."

Tan Lidou glanced at Sima Nicole and immediately understood what Lin Feng meant.

"So, as long as I get rid of you, then Huanmeng Company will be back in my hands?"

However, after hearing this, before Lin Feng could answer,

Tianjin Gai, who had stood up again, disagreed.

"Get out of the way! I haven't lost to this guy yet! This is a fight between me and him!"

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. It seemed that Tianjin Gai was brainwashed by Yak's malice, resulting in only fighting in his consciousness....

"Then you two can come together."

Lin Feng arrogantly shook the DarkDecade driver in his hand.

"I don't mind killing two at once, it's easier this way."

When Ximaniko, who was hiding behind a pillar, heard this, she immediately became obsessed.

"Wow~ Lin Fengjun is so handsome!"

Li said with a smile:

"President Nicole, you shouldn’t worry. Will it be difficult for Mr. Lin Feng to deal with the attacks of two Kamen Riders?"

Sima Nicole waved her hand and said:

"Didn't you see Lin Fengjun's previous battle in Kyoto? I believe him!"

The scene of the Emperor Sword splitting the park in half is still vivid in my mind.

If Lin Feng is so confident that he wants to beat up Tan Lidou and Tianjin Gai, then he can definitely do it!

Brainless trust from a little fan girl!

Li didn't refute when she heard this, but after thinking for a while, she said:

"Well, you have another question to consider....If there is a three-way war, the underground parking lot may be destroyed, and the entire Huanmeng Group building......"

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Simoniko's face stopped abruptly, and her heart suddenly skipped a beat!


The Emperor Sword split the park in half with one blow.

If he used some force to blow up the building again this time, the consequences would be...

Thinking of this,

Simoniko turned around and ran upstairs like a madman.

"All employees upstairs, leave the company immediately, run away! Run away quickly!!!"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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