"Your drive..."

Tan Lidou looked at the DarkDecade driver tied tightly around Lin Feng's waist, and a force that he could neither detect nor understand slowly spread from it.

It was neither as illusory as gaming sickness nor as malicious as ~, it could be felt intuitively, like a collection of huge energy - perhaps only when it was released, you could truly feel its power!

"Very curious, huh?"

Lin Feng smiled contemptuously, and took out a Knight Driving Card from the card box and showed it to everyone.

"Although I didn't expect to use it so soon, the timing is just right now. I'll use you two to test the power of the Fox God to see how strong it is, Henshin!"

【KamenRide! Geats! (Nine)!】

When the driving card was thrown into the drive at random, Lin Feng pushed it violently with one hand, and an extremely dazzling blue light column lit up directly under his feet.

Then, a rushing white nine-tailed fox emerged from the light column.

It kept running around the underground parking lot.

What was shocking was that every place it ran through had extremely pure energy, which turned into a huge blue light column that soared into the sky! Even the entire building of Huanmeng Group was shrouded in it!

After the nine-tailed fox ran a circle, its entire body turned into energy and merged into Lin Feng's chest.

Then, all the bright light columns gathered towards him, twisted into a vortex with him as the center, and continuously flowed into its body, turning into a force of creation that resounded with the sacred bell, and constantly expanded outward!

In the end, the power of creation formed a pure white armor, and the nine tails turned into a flowing cloak.

Lin Feng slowly raised his head, and his yellow eyes were sharp and fascinating.

This is the final form of Kamen Rider Geats, Geats!

At the same time, Lin Feng was still using the state after becoming a real god.

This state was very different from the state before becoming a god!

At the same time, in a soba noodle restaurant far away, the star in the star in the star who was eating noodles seemed to have sensed something and looked into the distance in doubt.

In the endless sky, in the DGP Temple of Desire, the game guide who was holding a tablet, eating bread, and observing the world, also felt the call of the soul and looked towards the Huanmeng Group.

But the one who felt the most profoundly was Dan Lidou who was also in the parking lot.

"What a surprise! Unprecedented power!"

Tan Lidou stared at Lin Feng's figure with burning eyes.

What attracted him now was not only the driver on Lin Feng's waist, but also the card used by Lin Feng!

He was very sure that the power contained in that thin card was no weaker than the cassette he used!

If he made good use of it, maybe he could realize the possibility of restoring his human body!

As for Tianjin Gai, he had already completely lost his mind at this moment.

Under malicious interference, he regarded everyone as an enemy.

The huge energy fluctuations after Lin Feng's transformation also attracted him and he was regarded as his first target!

At this moment, the one-on-two battle situation was completely formed!

But Lin Feng was not afraid at all.

Instead, he was defenseless. He stood there with the middle door wide open, waiting for the attack of Tan Lidou and Tianjin Gai!

"Don't be so arrogant! Even if your power is unprecedented, I can learn it!"

Tan Lidou, who was extremely confident in his divine talent, rushed out with the Fault Driver I in his hand!

Rich purple energy spread and rippled under his feet, and immediately pulled out a series of afterimages. He suddenly attacked Lin Feng in a flash and fiercely chopped down the Fault Driver like a machete!

Buzz! Whoosh!

If it was a normal enemy, it would be impossible to react to his actions, but as mentioned before,

Lin Feng is now a god!

Even if the Fox God is lame, he is still a god!

Facing Tan Lidou's slash,

Lin Feng fell straight back, and then in Tan Lidou's unbelievable eyes, the two looked at each other, and then behind Lin Feng, the cloak formed by the nine tails seemed to come alive, turning into an energy body, supporting Lin Feng under his body, so that he did not fall completely, and at the same time, like a play, he avoided Tan Lidou's attack!

However, before Tan Lidou could launch a second attack in anger, a cold gun muzzle was pressed against his abdomen!

【Geats Destroyer B9! 】


With a startling explosion, the B9 appeared in Lin Feng's hand in the form of a Magnum gun.

As he pulled the trigger, the violent blue energy slammed into Dan Lidou's abdomen like a howitzer.

The shock wave that erupted blew Dan Lidou away, smashing countless stone pillars all the way to the end of the underground parking lot, raising a cloud of rubble and dust covering the entire area!

""Woo woo woo! My building!!! My company, all this is money!"

Simoniko ran down from upstairs again, crying and crying for her parents.

The employees were indeed evacuated, but looking at Lin Feng's posture, he broke so many pillars with one shot. A few more shots and the entire underground parking lot would be razed to the ground!

Simoniko felt distressed!


Lin Feng ignored her in the battle, and his eyes were still focused on Tan Lidou in the distance.

At this time, he stood up from the rubble with difficulty, his chest heaving violently, and then looked at his faulty driver, which was surging with electricity, obviously energy overload. , can't be used anymore.

Tan Lidou gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anger.

Since he became the Concept God, this was the first time he was beaten up like this!

How could the proud Xia Jiao swallow this breath?

At this time, his peripheral vision passed through Lin Feng and fell on Tianjin Gai, who was also eyeing him in the distance.

The two looked at each other.

They were originally hostile, but now they tacitly chose to cooperate!

With his mind racing,

Tianjin Gai took the lead in pressing the secret key on the side of the driver, and the rising malice around him immediately transformed into a large amount of energy!

【JudgementConclusion! 】

When the mechanical sound sounded, the scarlet energy quickly turned into dense tentacles.

They had extremely sharp spikes, shooting out like venomous snakes hunting for prey!

Tan Lidou chose to rush out again, and seemed to choose to fight Lin Feng again in close combat!

"Even if you attack at the same time, the result will not change at all!"

Lin Feng instinctively raised his hand, as if he was going to touch the card box to draw a card, but at this moment,

Tan Lidou locked on to this moment, and his hand, which had been pressing on the cassette at his waist, directly rotated the cassette panel for a circle!

【Pause! 】

A deep and magical game sound effect sounded, and an indescribable energy wave expanded, spreading to the entire game field, covering everything in the field, and stopping time!

This is Huanmeng Wushuang's time-stopping ability!

Ximan Nicole, who was far away, witnessed this scene, her mouth opened huge, and her eyes were full of worry for Lin Feng!

Because once time stops, it means that before Tan Lidou releases his attack,

Lin Feng can only bear it!

Could it be that Lin Feng is really going to be hit here?!

"Now, where can you hide?!"

Tan Lidou said excitedly, as if he had already confirmed the victory of this battle!

He closed the drive, then opened it again, releasing the strongest attack!

【Kimewaza! GenmCriticalFinale! 】

The moment the intense game sound effects sounded,

Dan Lidou's figure turned into an unclear afterimage, attacking Lin Feng from countless angles, which could be said to be at the same time or at different times, but because it was in time stop, the afterimages seen were actually completed at the same time, with difficult-to-capture attack angles, various attack methods, punches, feet, elbows, knees, weapons, etc.!

Until his figure reappeared, countless attack effects fell,

Dan Lidou turned his back and confidently returned the cassette panel for a circle!

Time stop ended!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!

A series of deafening explosions sounded, and the dazzling light caused by the terrifying energy wave bloomed in the entire underground parking lot. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The exploding fire lotus has an extremely strong visual effect!

Finally, a shadow shot out from the smoke and dust, falling to the ground several times in succession, creating a huge dent each time, all the way to the end of the parking lot, where it lay in the shattered rubble, with arcs of electricity and thick smoke surging on its body, and then, it disintegrated with a loud bang![]

"As Kami! I have unparalleled power, so there is nothing I cannot defeat!"

Tan Lidou slowly turned his head and looked into the distance, where Sima Nicole looked extremely shocked, which made him very satisfied.

"What do you think? Are you amazed by my terrifying strength? But even if you are impressed by my power, I will not give up taking your company away. No! Huanmeng Company has always been mine!"

As he said that,

Dan Lidou turned around and planned to leave the underground parking lot and go upstairs to announce the important matter of his re-appointment as the president.

But when he turned around and was about to step out, outside the smoke and dust, the pure white figure of Kamen Rider GeatsXI leaned leisurely against the wall with a playful expression.

At that second,

Dan Lidou's pupils suddenly shrank into needles.

He froze in place as if he had seen a ghost.


Lin Feng didn't say anything, but pointed to the distance.

Tan Lidou twisted his stiff neck in doubt and looked in the direction he pointed. He saw that in the center of the explosion in the distance, in the big pit,

Tianjin Gai kept coughing up blood and struggling in pain.

In an instant,

Tan Lidou's scalp went numb!

"How is it possible?!! My attack clearly hit you!!!"

He roared and rotated the panel of the cassette on his waist again!


The time-stopping wave expanded again, and the game field was stilled again!

But this time, Tan Lidou saw clearly that Lin Feng, who was leaning against the wall, was not affected at all!

"Impossible! Why doesn't my time stop have any effect on you?!!"

Lin Feng put away the playfulness on his face, pinched his fingers into the shape of a fox, and chuckled:

"Because I am Kami. The law of time is invalid for gods."

That's right. The reason why Lin Feng chose to use the power of the Nine-tailed Fox was because it was a god and was not affected by any law.

In other words, basically most of the control effects are invalid for the Nine-tailed Fox.

Of course, if the transformer is Ukiyo Hidetoshi, he might be tied up by the omnipotent chain.

Maybe he has some masochistic tendencies~

But now, it is Lin Feng who uses this power.

As a god, he will naturally not be affected by anything in the mortal world!

Lin Feng slowly pulled out the final control card from the card box, and at the same time pointed the B9 in his other hand directly at Dan Lidou,

"Your turn is over, now it's my turn! This strike will send you to the west!"

【FinalAttackRide! G-G-G-Geats!】

【DynamiteBoostTime! Boost Victory】

As the sacred announcement resounded throughout the entire game field,

Tan Lidou felt the threat instinctively and subconsciously used his teleportation ability to leave, but Lin Feng, who had anticipated this, directly activated the power of creation in his body and released nine blue energy tails, which turned into ropes and firmly tied Tan Lidou in place!

I have to say that sometimes the binding play is really useful!

Lin Feng pulled the lever of the B9 in his hand, and then rotated the blade in a circle.

The energy like a spring gathered madly on the sword body.

Finally, Lin Feng pressed his body down, bursting out all his strength, and threw the B9 as a projectile!

Tan Lidou looked at the blade that was coming straight at him, and his heart was dead, but the next moment,

Lin Feng actually flashed behind the

B9. A knight kick in the air, wrapped in dazzling blue flames, kicked hard on the hilt!

Boom boom boom boom!!!!!

The earth-shattering explosion resounded throughout the space. Under the double piercing of the sword blade and the knight kick, Dan Lidou's chest was pierced on the spot! A huge mushroom cloud of fireworks shot up into the sky, and the game field was instantly shattered. After returning to reality, the ceiling of the underground parking lot was shattered by the fire column, and it went straight to the top floor layer by layer!

However, the most shocking thing was that halfway through the explosion, a twisted black hole suddenly appeared, with Dan Lidou as the center, producing layers of ripples. The surrounding violent energy was all absorbed in the reverse direction, and then disappeared silently in this dilapidated underground parking lot!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The reward has been sent to the system space. Please check it in time! 】

Boom boom boom!

Even though the explosion did not complete, the strong impact still put the entire building in danger.

Gravel and dust filled the entire space for a while.

Sima Nicole, who came back to her senses from the shock, screamed and ran out!

"My building, my money! Woohoo!"

Out on the street,

Simoniko looked at this terrifying scene and could only sigh. Fortunately, Tan Lidou was finally dealt with.

Thinking of this,

Lin Feng appeared behind her quietly, holding the unconscious Tianjin Gai in his hand.

""Lin Fengjun, your new form is indeed stronger than I thought!"

Simonicole sighed, because although the game field would be stopped by time, the people in the field could see everything that happened during the time stop, so the scenes of Lin Feng's unscrupulous actions during the time stop were all captured by Simonicole.

She really didn't expect that in addition to the once invincible player, there would be someone who could be so free in the time stop space!

"This is not the most shocking thing for you~"

Lin Feng glanced at the Huanmeng Group building that had turned into a huge ruin, and asked with a smile:

"Do you want your company to be restored to its original state?"

Siman Nicole was stunned for a moment, then her pretty face flushed, and she swallowed her saliva with great excitement.

"Lin Fengjun, can you really do this?!!"

Lin Feng made a fox gesture and kissed her forehead.

"If you pray to God, as long as you believe enough, then your wish will definitely come true."

Hearing this,

Sima Nicole immediately turned her head, facing the ruins, clasped her fingers, closed her eyes devoutly, and made a silent wish in her heart. The next second, an ethereal bell sounded,

Sima Nicole opened her eyes and looked forward dully, only to see that the building, which was originally a ruin of rubble, was actually restored to its original appearance little by little under the control of a blue energy!!!

This is the power of creation!!!.....


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