In the president's office of Huanmeng Group,

Simoniko stood in front of the French window and looked back and forth at the entire building countless times, but every time her eyes were filled with shock.

"It's amazing, Lin Fengjun, you are not really a god, are you?"

Siman Nicole looked at Lin Feng, who was sitting on the sofa and drinking coffee leisurely, with admiration.

She came closer with a playful smile and said coquettishly:

"Hehehe, why don't you help me and turn my company into a world-class company! That way I won't have to worry about it anymore!"

Lin Feng glared at her unhappily.

"Are you still young? You can't do things that are easy to get."

Simaniko pouted and had to give up.

"Well, well, in that case, we can only wake up Dan Lidou again."

Because in the previous battle,

Lin Feng felt that Dan Lidou's body was a Xumagia, so he showed no mercy and destroyed his body with the final blow.

As a result, he now has to find a new Xumagia body and then use the secret key data to activate it again.

However, Sima Nicole looked at the secret key in her hand and felt a little worried.

"Lin Fengjun, what do you think if he goes back on his word and doesn't recognize the previous agreement?"

During the previous battle,

Lin Feng and Tan Lidou agreed that if Tan Lidou lost, he would honestly help Ximaniko develop the company.

Ximaniko felt that Tan Lidou's character was too bad and was worried that he would not recognize his agreement.

Lin Feng's view on this point was different:

"Given Danrito's proud character, he wouldn't do such a thing, but...He will probably remember me."

Simaniko was a little confused.

"You mean, I hate you?"

Lin Feng smiled.

"I guess so. After all, this battle with him almost humiliated him. Danrito is such a proud person, he must find a chance to save face. But don't worry about"Five Five Seven", I have a way to deal with it."

Simaniko nodded, took the secret key and stood up and went to the table beside.

A brand new body of Shumagia was already placed, just waiting for the secret key data to be entered and activated.

【President! Dan Lidou! 】


Another burst of data flow sounded, and the base body Shumajia once again changed into Dan Lidou's appearance.

Seeing this, Ximani immediately retreated and hid behind Lin Feng.

Dan Lidou, who sat up, also locked his eyes on Lin Feng.

"you...Who is he? Why does he have the power of a god?"

At first, Tan Lidou didn't believe what Lin Feng said, but when he was blown up, his consciousness gradually calmed down in the network, and he re-analyzed everything in the battle.

Only then did he completely confirm that Lin Feng was not lying.

At that time, he was indeed a god.

Then the question came , why could the driver used by Lin Feng carry the power of a god?

You know, after becoming a god, Tan Lidou has been disappointed that his godly talent cannot be fully carried by his real body.

This is also the reason why he said that sentence before his death in the legend.

【Can the next era keep up with my pace?

Obviously, even the body of Shumagia cannot fully bear his divine talent.

But Lin Feng's driver can not only bear the power of the gods, but also use the power that does not belong to him for his own use!

This made Dan Lidou immediately attracted to Lin Feng's driver.

But unfortunately,

Lin Feng would not give him the driver for research.

Lin Feng shook his fingers, like a magic trick, and directly transformed into his basic form to control the card.

He pinched the two sides of the card firmly with two fingers, and then showed it to Dan Lidou.

"I'm just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember that."

After saying that,

Lin Feng stood up and walked to Tan Lidou's side, then raised his hand and patted his shoulder, saying:

"I know what you are thinking. If you want to challenge me, you are welcome to do so anytime. But before you can defeat me, you must follow the agreement and stay in Huanmeng Group honestly to help Ximaniko develop the company's business. This is what we agreed on before."

Hearing this, Tan Lidou looked at Ximaniko fiercely, which frightened the little girl so much that she quickly shrank her head.

"Lin Feng, look at him! He is trying to scare me!"

Tan Lidou's mouth twitched.

"No, can you be a little more capable? I just glared at you, is it necessary to cry and shout? If you don't know, you would think he is your husband!"

Lin Feng coughed twice and immediately ended this embarrassing topic.

"Okay, I'm done. I have something else to do. I'll leave first."

"Wait a minute!"

Tan Lidou looked at Lin Feng's back with burning eyes.

"Tell me your name, to be the first one to defeat me in this new era"

"Lin Feng, Kamen Rider DarkDecade."

As soon as the voice fell,

Lin Feng had already stepped out of Huanmeng Company, leaving only Tan Lidou muttering to himself, silently reciting Lin Feng's name.

Turning his head, he saw Sima Nico hiding behind the table, raising two small fists as if to defend himself.

Tan Lidou snorted lightly, turned his head proudly and left the office.

"I will keep my promise....What about Tianjin Gai?"

"He's downstairs! He's recovering from his injuries!"

"Then his office will be mine from now on!"

Simaniko breathed a sigh of relief.

She ran to the French window and looked at Lin Feng's disappearing figure from afar. She couldn't help feeling a little empty in her heart.

If possible, it would be nice to be a boss lady myself?

As soon as she walked out of Huanmeng Group,

Lin Feng immediately began to collect the previous task rewards.

This time, she was able to get two sets of card decks.

I wonder if there will be any surprises.

"System, settlement tasks"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Cronus series card set!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Ryuga series card deck! 】!!!

The surprise is coming!

After beating the son, here comes the father!

Lin Feng pulled out the card deck he got, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited!

Kamen Rider Kronos, as the father of Dan Lidou, the Kamen Rider transformed by Dan Zhengzong, became the representative knight of the time system with the ability to freely manipulate the time stop in the game field.

Although Lin Feng just defeated Huanmeng Wushuang who also has the time stop skill, this does not mean that Lin Feng does not want to have a Kamen Rider control card deck that can stop time.

Moreover, from the perspective of style,

Lao Dan is the father after all. Even if the ability is the same, he is more deterrent than Dan Lidou!

In addition, Lin Feng also likes Kronos's green armor more, and the crown-like decoration on his head is even more domineering!

In addition, the second deck, Kamen Rider Ryuga, as one of the representative Kamen Riders of the black series, also has a strong sense of oppression.

Although it does not have the bug capabilities of Kamen Riders in the late Heisei and Reiwa periods, it is handsome enough!

And Ryuga is not weak either, a typical character with abnormal numbers!

Lin Feng is very satisfied with these two decks!

Just as he put the deck into the card box, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

Lin Feng suddenly remembered that there was something important to deal with at school, so he quickly answered the phone, and immediately heard Minato's anxious voice from the other end,

"Lin Feng! Where are you? The Dark Three Sisters are coming in!"

At the same time, while Lin Feng was rushing back to Furasu High School, the Alchemy Academy was already in chaos.

The Spider Malgan that suddenly appeared had just been defeated by Kamen Rider Gotchard transformed by Ichinose Tatarō, but what was unexpected was that the person who turned into Spider Malgan was Investigator Needle Horse!

For a moment,

Tatarō, who had untransformed, and senior student Tsuruhara Senmaru who was not far away were both stunned!

"Hehehe...Are you shocked?"

Investigator Needle Horse stood up from the burning embers on the grass.

She was no longer as quiet as she was at the Alchemy Academy.

She looked like a crazy woman!

"The more shocking things have just begun!"

She rolled up the sleeve of her right hand, and her entire arm was stained with black lines.

Then, she grabbed Ichinose Tarotaro through the air!


A twisted vortex appeared at both ends, one end was in front of Investigator Needle Horse, and the other end appeared next to Ichinose Tarotaro.

Investigator Needle Horse's arm passed through the vortex and actually achieved telekinesis!

When Tarotaro was not paying attention, he directly took away the Spider Kamika in his hand!

"This! Is this alchemy?!!"

Ichinose Takarō, a beginner, was completely confused.

The only possibility he could think of was alchemy.

After all, Investigator Xima had not transformed, and her ring had just lit up.

This was indeed the case.

When Tsuruhara Samaru saw that scene, he immediately thought of a terrible alchemy.

"That is, re-refining in space! But this is clearly a forbidden alchemy! Investigator Needle Horse, don’t you notice that your arm is festering?!"

Investigator Needle Horse smiled grimly,

"That’s why dark alchemy is so wonderful~"

Ichinose Tatarō angrily looked at her who had stolen Camie away and roared:

"You can go crazy if you want, but don't drag Kemi with you! Give the wolf spider back now!"

Investigator Needle Horse twisted his neck, and then a large amount of malice surged out of his body, swallowing the spider Kemi again, and she once again turned into the spider Malgan!

"I just won't give it back to you, what can you do about it?" As soon as the words fell, the spider Malgan, who was transformed by the needle horse investigator, immediately released a large amount of spider silk.

She caught Ichinose Takaruo before he transformed and was weak, tied him up tightly, and then dragged him over with force!

On the other arm, the sharp spider legs formed a weapon, and stabbed Ichinose Takaruo who was about to be dragged in front of her!


At that critical moment, a purple light bullet shot out, breaking the spider silk that bound Takaruo, and the spider Malgan's movements were forcibly stopped!

"Who is it?! Who is hindering me?!!"

Turning his head, he saw that all the people from the Alchemy Academy had arrived at the scene.

Minato, Jiudou Rin, and Ginkgo Renka went to check on Tsuruhara Sawamaru's injuries, while Black Steel Spana once again raised his wrench sword and fired a light bullet, which hit the spider Malgan hard, blowing it away on the spot and turning it back into the Needle Horse Investigator.........

Black Steel put away his wrench sword and snorted unhappily:

"Stop it, you real spy. You sent us away, transformed into Malgan, and snatched the Kamika from Ichinose Tarotaro. What is your relationship with the Dark Sisters?"

Investigator Needle Horse shamelessly admitted his crime.

"I took the initiative to help them, and I stole the blank Kamikas in the Alchemy Academy and gave them to them! Because I have always admired the three sisters of Hades and Darkness!"

When Black Steel Spana heard the names of the three sisters, he felt unhappy in his heart.

"What a joke! You are not a normal person if you worship monsters.

Investigator Needle Horse looked at him with disdain.

"What do you know? They are the pioneers who opened the Dark Gate and brought changes to the world. What those adults are going to do is wonderful!"

Minato still wanted to try his best to persuade her to turn back,

"How can there be any change? Once the Dark Portal is opened, the world will face destruction!"

Investigator Needle Horse has long been obsessed, and she has now completely become a believer of the Dark Three Sisters.

"If you don't understand, shut up! Oh, come to think of it, it was the same thing 10 years ago. A bunch of cowardly, stubborn and stupid guys ruined the golden opportunity to master the truth of alchemy....I won't miss it again!"

As soon as the voice fell,

Investigator Needle Horse activated the forbidden space magic again, pinched Ichinose Takarō's neck in the air, and lifted him up!

Seeing this scene, Minato and others immediately activated their own alchemy to interrupt Investigator Needle Horse's actions.

However, facing the iron swords, stones, and wooden spears released by Minato and others,

Investigator Needle Horse casually waved his left hand, and the dark red forbidden alchemy instantly destroyed everything, and at the same time released a high-intensity energy wave, blowing everyone away on the spot!

"Hehehe! How about it? This is the power of forbidden alchemy!"

Ichinose Takarō struggled hard, but he found that his power was always restrained by a dark energy and he couldn't move at all!

"You lunatic!!! You hurt Kemi, and you hurt my friends and teacher! I will never let you go!"

Investigator Zhenma sneered.

"You can't do anything now, and you still have the audacity to talk? You're courting death!"

Just as Investigator Needle Horse exerted force on his hands and was about to continue punishing Baotaro, a childish and emotionless voice echoed in everyone's ears.

""That's enough. It's almost done."

At 4.4 seconds, everyone's eyes turned to the side, and they saw three figures walking along the corridor step by step. It gradually became clear that they were the three sisters of the Darkness that everyone mentioned frequently. When

Investigator Needle Horse saw them, his expression immediately became very excited, and even his voice trembled.

"Three big shots appeared in front of me at the same time! Is it finally about to begin? Is the Dark Portal about to open?!"

Hearing this, Minato and the others instantly became nervous.

The current situation is very unfavorable for their Alchemy Academy!

One Needle Horse Investigator can't handle it, and with the words of the three Dark Sisters, the consequences are disastrous!

However, what no one expected was that

Atropos looked at her coldly and ruthlessly and said:

"You've gone too far, Xioma Shiori, so go to hell."

After saying that, in front of everyone's incredulous gazes,

Atropos directly released the dark alchemy in the air, melting Xioma Shiori into ashes bit by bit, starting from his arm!

"Why...Why do you treat me like this?"

Looking at the desperate Investigator who didn't know why he was treated like this,

Atropos gave a simple answer.

"Because you are no longer useful"

"But I have paid so much, and just because of one sentence, I have to die? Why! Why!!!"

No matter how much I screamed, it was useless.

It was like a horror story.

A living person was wiped out in front of everyone.

Ichinose Takarō, who was finally rescued, had no time to catch his breath.

He just got up from the ground and looked at the three dark sisters trembling all over.

"Why? Isn't she your partner?! That's a human life! What do you think of human life?!"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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