"Why? Isn't she your partner?! That's a human life! What do you think of human life?!!!"

On the top floor of the academy,

Lin Feng passed through the dimensional wall and came to the edge of the rooftop.

Looking at Ichinose Takaradaro who was roaring in a low voice below,

Lin Feng remembered a sentence said by the knight fans in his previous life,

【Next, I want to name a Kamisa. I forgot the beginning, the middle, and the end, but you know who I am talking about.

If the Fox God was present, he would probably answer directly,

【Of course I believe him, otherwise why would I go to save people?

Although this boomerang doesn't make sense, the stereotype is so serious that this sentence, which appears in any hero special effects, has become a classic sentence in the eyes of special effects fans.

Thinking of this,

Lin Feng was also full of emotion.

Is this the end of being engraved on the pillar of shame?


Lin Feng knew very well that today's big event had not yet reached its climax, and the really interesting things had just begun.

Atropos looked at Baotaro who was questioning her, without any remorse on her face.

Killing someone seemed to be a casual thing for her.

"Did you find it? This is your weakness, trusting and relying on your partners, this illusory relationship, but when this relationship breaks down, what will you do?"After the voice fell,

Atropos raised his hand and pointed forward, and

Clotho and Lachesis behind him immediately rushed out!

Clotho went straight to Minato and Tsuruhara Senmaru, while Lachesis blocked the second strongest combat force on the scene, Black Steel Spana, from the side!

But what no one expected was that the purpose of the three sisters of Hades did not seem to be to directly destroy everyone in their Alchemy Academy.

Clotho first repelled Minato, and then caught Tsuruhara Senmaru alone.

"Alchemy Academy students, watch out, we have chosen this guy as our test subject, and your disaster is coming!"

As he spoke, Cloto took out the Dored Driver that he had prepared long ago, and tied it directly to Tsuruhara Senmaru's waist!


Listening to the 08 sound coming from the driver,

Minato felt a strong ominous premonition!

"What is that driver? Did you make it using dark alchemy?!"

Lachesis knocked back Black Steel Spana with a sword and said excitedly:

"That's right! That thing is the crystallization of human malice! Your companion is about to become the first experimental subject!"

No matter how Tsuruhara Senmaru struggled,

Clotho's inhuman strength made him unable to move.

He couldn't even resist the alchemy card that Clotho forced into his hand!

Just when he was about to throw away the alchemy card,

Atropos, who had not made a move, used forbidden alchemy again to forcibly control his body!

"From now on, your title is the Dark Destroyer, Kamen Rider Dread."

Atropos raised his hand and twisted Tsuruhara Senmaru's still struggling right arm with force!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"Stop struggling, or I will break all the bones in your body~"

Atropos’ eyes flashed scarlet light, and his control over Tsuruhara Senmaru deepened.

He began to control him directly, swiping the alchemy card in his hand over the driver and then inserting it inside!

"So now, what are you going to say?"

Tsuruhara Showan's face twitched and his voice was hoarse:

"Hen...Shin! Aaaaaaaah!"

【Steamliner! DreadZeroShiki! 】


A ball of black flame exploded from the driver, and then a steam train made of lava came out, gradually getting bigger, surrounding Tsuruhara Senmaru, releasing a large amount of dark energy, completely surrounding him!

Finally, the train rushed into his body, forming a black skeleton like a skull behind him, heavily holding him, and in the burning black and red flames, he transformed into Kamen Rider EAD Zero!

The black body, orange-yellow eyes like flames, just like a skull from hell, the breath is full of darkness and terror!

"Senior...He turned into a black Kamen Rider?"

Ichinose Tarotaro's eyes trembled. He clearly felt the pain of Tsuruhara Senmaru.

"how so...That power is too oppressive."

Everyone else present felt the same way.

The pure malicious aura completely overwhelmed Tsuruhara Sawara, turning him into a Kamen Rider....Malgan!

On the rooftop,

Lin Feng watched this scene and sighed that the climax was about to come, but what he didn't expect was that the system actually gave him a task at this time.

【Ding! The appearance of the Villain Knight is detected, and the mission is automatically triggered!】

【Mission objective: Make Ichinose Takarō aware and defeat Kamen Rider Dread together】

【Mission reward: Random Kamen Rider deck x1!】

"Oh? Do you want to make Baotaro realize it?"

Lin Feng stroked his chin, thinking about how to better achieve this goal.

At the same time, the black steel Spana below couldn't help but rush out.

"What a joke! Iron Steel!"

He first threw Lachesis away, then walked towards Dread while taking out the alchemy card and inserting it into the wrench sword!

【MadWhee1! Gokin! Valvarush Tuneup! MadWhee1! 】

After the transformation, Black Steel Spana had not yet realized the seriousness of the situation.

When he swung his sword at Dread twice in a row, he felt something was wrong.

Dread was much stronger than him!

Bang! Bang!

Dread caught the wrench sword that Black Steel chopped at him, and then pushed it out with his palm, then changed his palm into a fist and smashed it directly on the wrench sword.

Black Steel was pushed back dozens of steps on the spot by this completely unexpected force!

"It’s not over yet!"

Black Steel Spana endured the numbness in his palms and clenched the hilt of the wrench sword with both hands, intending to attack head-on again and break it with one force, but Dread turned his back and slowly closed the lever of the driver, and then opened it again!

【DreadBreaking! 】

When the low sound sounded, a large amount of lava-like energy substances began to surge from Dread's body.

They quickly gathered on Dread's right leg, forming an armor similar to thorns.

The rising wave ripples shook the surrounding ground continuously, and cracks spread silently!

Black Steel Spana was completely unaware of the danger.

He swung the wrench sword and slashed straight down, but Dread expected it and took a step back.

Then his eyes suddenly froze, and his right leg gathered all his strength and slammed into Black Steel's chest!

Boom!!! With a loud noise like thunder, the extremely sharp lava thorns exploded directly on Black Steel!

Suddenly, a huge mushroom cloud-like firework rose into the sky, and the magma that exploded the armor set off countless air waves and ripples, rolling around. A large amount of dust, gravel, and grass and wood debris rippled and spread, causing everyone around to be blown away!

Black Steel Spana was kicked hundreds of meters away by the knight, smashed heavily on the wall, smashed a huge dent, slowly slid down, and the transformation was canceled on the spot!

The people of the Alchemy Academy who were watching this scene were horrified.

That was Black Steel Spana, a Beyond Grade A Alchemist!

It was just a few encounters, and he was directly blown up!

Looking at Dread's black figure, they only felt a strong pressure, which made them swallow their saliva continuously, and their palms were sweating with nervousness!

"Senior Spana...Such a powerful Spana, lost?"

Ichinose Tarotaro was also stunned.

Although he had never fought with Spana, the experience in the kendo hall left a deep impression on him.

If it weren't for his bond with Kemi, he would never have been able to defeat Black Steel Spana, but such a senior lost.

Among all the people present at this moment, the one with the heaviest mood was Jiudou Rin.

Because more than ten minutes ago,

Atropos came to her once. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At that time, she coldly warned herself,

【Everything that happens next is your fault, Jiudou Rinyin.

Although she didn't know why Atropos said that,

Jiudou Rinyin, who had a strong sense of morality, instinctively attributed the root of the current situation to herself.[]

If possible,

Jiutang Linyin wanted to ask Atropos what she was going to do. If it was something that Jiutang Linyin had to do, then no matter what it was, Jiutang Linyin would agree, as long as Atropos could let these people from the Alchemy Academy go.

But she couldn't say it.

Lin Feng, who was weighing on her heart, would never allow her to do this.

"This effect is better than expected.���Many times."

Atropos slowly turned his gaze to Ichinose Takarō.

"Then it's your turn next, Kamen Rider Gotchard."

On the lawn, there was unprecedented silence.

Ichinose Takarō's eyes were red, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Tell me, why did you choose Senior Tsuruhara Senmaru? Did you have a grudge against each other before?"

This is what Baotaro is most puzzled about.

If it is just to become a Kamen Rider and destroy the Alchemy Academy, then Atropos can obviously let the previously killed Harima Shiori transform into a Kamen Rider, and he doesn’t have to forcibly control Tsuruhara Senmaru like he is doing now, and things will go more smoothly.

But why?

Atropos raised his finger and pointed to the driver of Kamen Rider Dread.

"Did you see it? The alchemy card he used was actually a replica of the steam train Kamika. In addition to the steam train, I also specially copied a large number of cards for Dread. However, how to use them effectively depends on the ability of the transformer. After my investigation, the one who knows the most about Kamika in your Alchemy Academy is Tsuruhara Senmaru."As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

So, why did we go to great lengths to control Tsuruhara Senmaru?

It was because we wanted his ability to master all the knowledge of Kamika to maximize the power of the Dread engine!

"So, what are you going to do now? Let me see your choice."

Ichinose Tarotaro turned his eyes away from Atropos, fixed his sad eyes on Kamen Rider Dread

, and then clenched the Kamika in his hand, inserting two cards into the driver with force.

His expression was tough and painful, as if he had made a heavy decision.

"Senior Tsuruhara Showan, wait for me, I will definitely rescue you, Henshin"

【Hopper1! Steamliner! Gotchanko! Steam Hopper! Hopper——hopper——】

The locust and the steam train turned into pure energy and merged into Takara's body, transforming into Kamen Rider Gotchard's basic form.

Seeing this scene,

Lin Feng on the rooftop shook his head helplessly.

Obviously, Takara was not firm enough, nor ruthless enough.

He was still afraid that he would hurt Tsuruhara Senmaru, so he did not use his strongest derivative form, but only used a basic form.

But he didn't know that everything was planned by the three sisters of the Dark Black.

They saw Takara's kindness and knew that he would not do his best, so they kept persecuting his friends to make him psychologically break down.

For example, in the next scene,

Ichinose Takara mustered up his confidence and pushed the drive to release the Knight Kick, but when he tried his best to hit Dread, he suddenly saw Tsuruhara Senmaru's face on the mask of Dread.

At that moment, the soft-hearted Takara forcibly retracted the Knight Kick because he was afraid of hurting his senior, but the next second, Dread suddenly took action and punched him hard!


With a simple blow, 753 hit Baotaro's abdomen fiercely, and the vibration force caused the ground under the feet of the two to collapse!

Baotaro was in great pain, like a curled up shrimp, kneeling on the ground, and directly canceled the transformation!

However, everything is not over yet.

In the horrified eyes of the crowd,

Dread is a ruthless machine.

He walked in front of Baotaro step by step, sat on him, and then raised his fist. With the power of Kamen Rider, he swung at Baotaro without reservation!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One punch, two punches, three punches.

The atmosphere of despair and suffocation spread infinitely in this space.

Black Steel Spana lost, and Baotaro also lost.

The other people in the Alchemy Academy were clamped by the three sisters.

They were forced to press on the ground and could only watch Baotaro being beaten by Kamen Rider Dread with 14 punches!

Although Lin Feng had seen this scene many times in his previous life, he was inexplicably excited to witness it with his own eyes.

If he hadn't known that Baotaro had a rainbow dragon egg protecting him, Lin Feng would have felt as uncomfortable as everyone else.

But now that he knew Baotaro would be fine, looking back at this scene, it seemed very abstract.

【How was the steel tempered?

Answer: If you can take 14 punches with 14 punches to your face, you can do it too!————[Bao Er Ge Cha Jin]

Lin Feng already wanted to laugh.

It turned out that everything had a traceable path.

The evil magician's extraordinary physical fitness had already been demonstrated.

And after these 14 punches, Dread became Bao Yi Er, and there was no more highlight scene.

At this time, contrary to Lin Feng's mood, the other people in the Alchemy Academy were in pain.

"Stop it! If you keep going like this, Baotaro will die!"

Minato, a teacher who rarely shows intense emotions, also had tears in his eyes at this moment.

"Lin Feng, where is Lin Feng?! Lin Yin, where is your brother?!"

Jiudang Lin Yin watched this scene in silence.

She clenched her teeth and looked at the phone in her hand.

She didn't want to dial this number.

What if Lin Feng came and was in danger like Bao Tailang?

She was already feeling physically uncomfortable watching Bao Tailang being beaten like this.

If Lin Feng was treated like this, she would probably fight to death, but...

If Lin Feng comes, he may take everyone away.

At least Bao Tailang will not be beaten to death!

What should I choose?

Should I choose to protect Lin Feng or choose everyone?......

On the rooftop,

Lin Feng looked at Jiutang Rinyin with trembling hands.

He naturally understood her thoughts and felt warm.

It was not easy to have a sister who still cared about him at this moment.

However, since it has come to this, it is indeed time for him to take action.

At present, all the goals have been achieved. The next step is to make Baotaro realize......8.


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