"Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are determined by heaven"

"This is a proverb from China next door. It means,"

"We cannot completely control everything in the world, life and death, wealth, power, status, etc. We can only try our best to maintain a peaceful state of mind that goes with the flow. Sometimes you may not get it even if you work hard, and sometimes you get it without doing anything. Going with the flow is the true meaning of life."

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Jiutang Linyin who was lying on his back.

"So, if you want to know why Atropos is targeting you, then try your best to find the answer. If you want to help everyone fight against the three dark sisters and prove that you are not a useless person, then work hard to fight them."

"As for whether they can find the reason or prove themselves, those are not important. What is important is the process."

After saying that,

Lin Feng carried her on his back and continued to walk up the mountain road.

His words kept echoing in Jiutang Linyin's mind.

Gradually, she gradually understood what she was going to do next.

When the two were about to reach the top of the mountain, a scream suddenly sounded.

A large number of tourists who came here to play ran down the mountain in fear.

Lin Feng and Jiutang Linyin didn't know what happened.

They were about to find a passerby to ask about the situation.

The phone in Lin Feng's pocket vibrated.

""Rinyin, answer the phone."

Jiutang Rinyin took out her phone and opened the screen. Her expression suddenly became serious.

"It's Teacher Minato calling!"

As she answered the phone, a deafening roar came over.

Jiutang Linyin and Lin Feng were stunned until the roar ended, and then Minato's voice sounded.

【Lin Feng! Come to the southern Furasu scenic area to help! Ancient level 10 Kemi and X Tyrannosaurus have appeared! The three sisters of Darkness are also here! Baotaro and I are fighting with them, come quickly! 】

After that, the"350" call was hung up.

Lin Feng and Jiutang Rinyin looked at each other, and the latter immediately jumped off Lin Feng's back. The two ran against the flow of people to the top of the mountain!

Because this newly built scenic area is the southern scenic area that Minato mentioned!

Therefore, the tourists who escaped should have been scared by the movement on the top of the mountain!

"It seems that I can't spend this weekend well."

Lin Feng glanced at Jiutang Linyin,

"When this is over, I will treat you to a good meal as a reward!"

Hearing this, Jiutang Linyin showed a long-lost smile.

"We'll talk after the battle. Besides, I'll pay for the meal!"

On the top of the mountain, fierce fighting sounds continued.

At this time, Baotaro had transformed into the enhanced form of Super Gotchard Cross UFO-X.

All the alchemy released by the three dark sisters was blocked by him, but even so,

Baotaro was still retreating, because behind him, Minato was protecting a father and daughter.

These two were ordinary people and would be greatly threatened by their presence.

Therefore, Baotaro and Minato planned to fight and retreat at the same time, giving the father and daughter a chance to escape.

However, as their intentions became more and more obvious,

Atropos gradually discovered their purpose.

"Want to delay time? Cloto, it's time for you to take action."

As she said that, she took out the repaired Dread Driver,

Cloto took it, put it on his waist, and approached Baotaro step by step.

"Even if you transform into Kamen Rider Dread, you are still not my opponent!"

Ichinose Takarō already had this experience.

Although he defeated the opponent together with Lin Feng last time, at least he was confident.

However, Cloto was also very confident in himself.

"The same form will naturally exert different levels of power in the hands of different people. I am different from your useless senior! Henshin"

As she inserted the steam train copy card into the driver, she pulled the lever with her right hand, and a very oppressive train arrival bell sounded from the driver!

【Steamliner! DreadZeroShiki! 】

The fiery magma covered Cloto's body in the blink of an eye.

When Baotaro saw that Cloto, who had transformed this time, was not as painful as Senior Tsuruhara Senmaru before, he began to get nervous.

As Cloto said before, different people using the same power will have huge differences.

This time, he had to be cautious with Cloto until Teacher Lin Feng and Jiutang Rinyin arrived!

"I will never let you pass!"

Baotaro rushed forward with the Broken Steel Sword in hand.

Cloto grabbed the sword head-on without fear.

The two of them immediately collided fiercely, one punch and the other a sword, and a large amount of electric sparks kept splashing!

"So strong!!!"

Ichinose Takarō deeply felt the weight of Clotho's words, and the punches and kicks of the Kamen Rider Dread she transformed into became more fierce and ruthless.

She grabbed the blade with her bare hands and attacked with her backhanded fists, just like a fighting machine!

"In that case, let it fight you instead!"

Baotaro slashed Cloto with his sword and repelled him.

Then, he took out the blank Kamika and pleaded with the huge creature X-Dragon behind him:

"Lend me strength, X-Rex!"

Because early this morning, Baotaro and Minato arrived at the top of the mountain first and established a certain bond with X-Dragon,

Baotaro's call at this moment also received a response from X-Dragon!

Its huge body turned into a golden ball of light and merged into Baotaro's blank Kamika, willing to provide strength to Baotaro!

"Good! Let’s do it together!"

Ichinose Tarotaro inserted the X-Dragon back into the X-Steel Sword, then turned it into a panel and buckled it on top of the driver, and pushed the lever again!

【GreatfulAncient! Gotchanko! X X-Rex! Super��】


In the deafening roar of the Tyrannosaurus, the sound waves turned into waves that expanded in all directions.

The boulders on the top of the mountain flew, and the trees rose from the ground. They were all blown away!

Cloto raised his arms and barely resisted, but he still slid dozens of meters on the ground and almost reached the edge of the cliff! When the sound waves disappeared, when he looked up again, he found that the yellow armor of UFO-X on Baotaro had turned into the red armor of X-Tyrannosaurus.

Its appearance was like a humanoid self-propelled Tyrannosaurus, and the violent aura on its body was also very strong!

Seeing this,

Cloto was not to be outdone.

"You have a Kamika, and I have one too. And I can make as many Kamika copies as you want!"

As she spoke, she took out the Scythe Mantis Copy Card and inserted it into the drive.

"Watch me take all your Kamika and drivers!"

【Kamantis! Drain! 】

When the mechanical sound sounded,

Clotho charged out, and each of her punches and kicks began to be accompanied by green chain blades, and the destructive power increased sharply. She actually had the capital to compete with Baotaro for a while!

The two immediately started the second battle, which was also an even more intense battle!

Seeing that the situation could not be resolved for a while,

Atropos had to give a second order.

"Lachesis, Minato and the father and daughter are now in your care."

Lachesis walked forward with a wicked smile.

"Seeing Clotho enjoying the battle so much, I couldn't help it~"

As she said that, she flipped her palm and took out two Kemi cards at once, which were the level 1 Happy Four-Leaf Clover of the plant genus, and the level 3 Bang Bang Bamboo!

Lachesis flicked the cards lightly, and the dark and strong malice immediately infected the two Kemi, pulling them out of the cards and integrating them into Lachesis' body, turning them into a four-leaf clover Malgam bamboo hybrid that used double refining!

As we all know, the combat power of one Malgam is already very strong.

When two are superimposed together, it is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

It can be seen that Lachesis has no intention of showing mercy. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

However, what no one expected was that she actually took out the third Kemi this time!

It was also a level 8 Rafflesia of the plant genus!

"Let you people from the Alchemy Academy open your eyes and see what triple refining is!"[]

In an instant,

Lachesis's combat power soared.

His left hand was a gun barrel made of bamboo, and his right hand was a shield made of Rafflesia!

With both offense and defense, even Minato, the teacher, looked extremely solemn!

"Come on, let me take you on your way!"

Lachesis shook the shield formed by the Rafflesia, and immediately, a large amount of mist composed of pollen gushed out.

Minato immediately activated the alchemy ring to form a shield in front of him, but the pollen mist was too corrosive.

Even he, an alchemy veteran, gradually fell into a disadvantage and had no ability to protect the father and daughter!

At this time, good news finally came, that is, Lin Feng and Jiutang Linyin arrived at the scene!

"Teacher Minato! We are here!"

Jiutang Linyin raised the ring and summoned a shield to help Minato resist the pollen mist.

At the same time, Lin Feng protected the father and daughter behind him and stared coldly at the three sisters in the distance.

"You are finally here!"

Minato breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Ichinose Tatarō also felt the pressure on him lighten.

At least, he could now concentrate on dealing with Clotho!

However, the situation was not so good for the three Dark Sisters. When they saw Lin Feng, they were like mice seeing a cat. They instinctively felt fear in their hearts.

Lachesis even subconsciously began to retreat until Atropos's scolding rang in his ears.

""Be quiet! Clotho, Lachesis! He didn't transform, so there's nothing to fear!"

After these words came out,

Clotho and Lachesis came back to their senses and found that Lin Feng had no intention of taking out the driver.

Could it be that after the last battle, his strength was weak and he couldn't transform directly?

If so, their situation was not too disadvantageous, and they still had a chance to turn the situation around!

Moreover, Atropos still had a trump card in his hand that he hadn't used!

Lin Feng ignored the three sisters of Minghei.

He didn't care what they were planning.

He glanced at the father and daughter behind him, thought for a while, and shouted to Jiutang Linyin:

"Rin! You come and lead this father and daughter down the mountain. Minato and I will block them here!"

Minato also echoed:

"Indeed! Saving people and leaving is the most important thing now, Rinyin, this mission is up to you!"

Even Atropos on the opposite side was disappointed in his heart, because after the last experience,

Jiutang Rinyin would definitely try not to contact him because of fear of him, and at the moment, she was the weakest alchemist on the field.0

But what no one expected was that

Jiutang Rinyin refused with an extremely serious expression,

"Brother Lin Feng, you save people, I will stay!"

Her eyes slowly locked onto Atropos, and she spoke word by word:

"I have thought about what you said. Yes, I should try my best to find the answer. Since Atropos's target is me, I have no choice but to stop her!"

As she said this, she turned sideways to look at Lin Feng and nodded heavily.

"Brother, don't worry, I will be fine, please believe me!"

Looking at the burning fighting spirit in her eyes,

Lin Feng smiled with relief.

"Finally cheered up? Since you want to do this, I believe you!"

After the voice fell,

Lin Feng turned around and came to the father and daughter without any hesitation

, picked up the injured little girl, and then took her father and quickly rushed down the mountain along the way they came.

The change of the situation made the three sisters of Minghei unexpected. Lin Feng, who they were most afraid of, just left like this, and handed the heavy burden to Atropos, who seemed to be the weakest.

Is this a joke?


The three sisters of Minghei gradually became angry.

This was a provocation to them!

This was clearly saying that even if Lin Feng did not take action, Jiutang Lingyin alone could stop them!

"Proud guy...I will make you pay the price right now!"

Atropos angrily performed forbidden alchemy, and her eyes flashed with scarlet light.

A thought emerged, and

Jiutang Linyin was immediately controlled by the powerful telekinesis, and then she was forcibly overwhelmed and knelt directly on the ground!

"Jiudou Rin...Your strength is not worth mentioning at all."

Atropos walked towards her step by step, speaking words that destroyed Jiutang Linyin's psychological defenses.

"You are just the daughter of this traitor, you can't do anything."

Jiutang Linyin struggled hard, without saying a word, letting those words that were enough to hurt her heart echo in her ears.

"You humans always like to rely on those illusory relationships. If it weren't for Lin Feng, you might not be able to cheer up, right?"

Lin Feng!

Jiutang Linyin's expression finally fluctuated.

Atropos keenly captured this and understood the key to breaking her defense.

"It seems that you really like that man....4.4 Unfortunately, can you, the daughter of a traitor, really get the love you want?"

Jiutang Linyin became angry.

"Shut up! What's wrong with relying on the relationships you build? What's wrong with cherishing the ones you love?!"

Atropos looked at her with contempt.

"You think so, but others may not think so. For example, your father"

"Ten years ago, Jiutang Fuga stole 101 Kemi cards and abandoned you to pursue the powerful force behind the Dark Gate, so he became a traitor."

Jiudang Rinyin is still sticking to his beliefs,

"Impossible! Father will not covet your so-called power, there must be something wrong with this!"

Atropos snorted.

"Who knows if there is a real problem? But I remember clearly that many people lost their lives because of his actions, and now you are going to cause others to lose their lives because of your arrogance."

After saying that, she looked at Lachesis on the side.

Minato, who was facing Lachesis alone, was almost at his limit.

Jiutang Rinyin's emotions were turbulent, and she closed her eyes tightly.

"If it were me before, your words would have made it hard for me to cheer up, but now, every word you say makes me angry!"


As Jiutang Linyin roared, she actually broke free from Atropos's alchemy.

At the same time, she slapped her hands on the ground at an extremely fast speed, creating a large number of chains, which shot out rapidly and tightly tied up Lachesis who was about to attack Minato!

"You! How is this possible?! How did your strength suddenly increase?!"

Looking at Atropos's panicked expression,

Jiutang Linyin raised her hand high.

"Because I get support and affirmation from the relationships I depend on! They are not useless, they are the driving force that pushes me forward! You will no longer be an obstacle to me, Atropos!"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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