On the top of the mountain, the roar of Kyudou Rin'in cheered up everyone.

The originally injured Minato and the depressed Ichinose Takaradarou were both cheered up!

"Well said! Jiutang!"

Ichinose Tatarō clenched the broken steel sword and slashed at Clotho with all his might.

This time, encouraged by Jiutang Rin's words, his offensive became even more fierce.

The consecutive attacks all achieved extremely high results.

He suddenly had an idea and used the Tyrannosaurus tail behind him to slap Clotho away!

For a moment, the three sisters of Hades were at a disadvantage across the board!

Atropos's mouth-to-mouth trick could not hurt Jiutang Rin',

Minato could defend himself alone, and Lachesis, who was tied up by chains, and Tatarō had just repelled Clotho.

In this way, this battle would soon have a result!

However, just when the people from the Alchemy Academy were about to end everything in one breath,

Atropos suddenly sneered,

"So,...You guys are so annoying when you keep talking about bonds and feelings!"

As she said that, she turned her head to the woods not far behind her and shouted:

"Why don't you come out to help? How long do you want to wait?!"

As soon as the voice fell, a sound of dead branches and leaves being crushed slowly rang in everyone's ears.

Minato, Jiudou Rin, and Baotaro all looked behind vigilantly, only to see a copper-yellow figure suddenly appear, with one hand on the tree trunk beside it, smiling sinisterly,

"cluck...Little boy, don't be so anxious, isn't it just that you can't beat the opponent? I'll help you~"

Ichinose Tatarō fixed his eyes on the man, and the aura on him made Tatarō feel extremely dangerous, and it was accompanied by extremely strong malice!

"and who are you?!"

"Me? Hmm, what happened to this world that it actually forgot my name~"

The figure walked out of the woods, came to the center of the battlefield, stood in front of the three sisters of Darkness, and introduced himself in an exaggerated and arrogant manner:

"I am the one who is not even recognized as a Kamen Rider, the outsider among outsiders, Manno Tenjuro, or you can also call me GordDrive."

Ichinose Takarō looked at him with a few question marks on his head.

"Gold? Where is the gold? Brass is more like it......."

10 After this complaint, everyone nodded in agreement.

Even Lachesis came close to Atropos and whispered:

"Are you sure this helper is not a fool?"

Atropos snorted coldly.

"Idiot? He is more like a madman. According to the information I got from Consortium X, this guy once created an artificial life form and attempted to control the world with it. He almost achieved his goal. In order to reach the final step, he abandoned his own son as an experimental material. Such a guy is crazier than us."

Hearing this,

Lachesis and Cloto were a little surprised.

It can only be said that you can't judge a person by his appearance.

People with crazy behavior are often more twisted inside.

But this is a good thing for them.

With such a helper, the situation will not be so disadvantageous.

At this time,

Ichinose Takaradarou, who finally came back to his senses from the complaints, asked angrily:

"You lunatic, what is your purpose? Why are you helping them?"

Manye Tianjuro waved his limbs and answered madly:

"Since the day I failed to destroy the world, I have been wandering on the Internet in a data state. Suddenly one day, I was awakened again and met several friends who had the same ideals as me~ You say, why should I help them? Of course, it is to continue to destroy the world, hahahaha!"

In that sharp laughter,

Manyo Tenjuro pulled out a steering wheel sword from somewhere, with a fierce momentum, step by step approaching Ichinose Baotaro and others.

At the same time,

Lachesis and Clotho, who broke free from their restraints , surrounded them from different directions!

The situation that was originally reversed in less than a second, there was another accident.

The three sisters of Minghei had another helper, and it was a character who looked very cruel.

This made Baotaro a little unsure at the moment.

Even if he obtained the power bonus of X violence, he didn't think he could fight three alone.

Just when the situation became extremely tense, the accident happened again.

A voice without any emotion sounded in everyone's ears,

""Who knows where Kamen Rider DarkDecade is?"

For a moment, everyone stopped moving, turned their heads stiffly, and looked to the side.

They saw a man in a jacket walking down the mountain step by step and appearing on the chaotic battlefield.

There was no emotion on his face, and he asked coldly,

"Who knows where Kamen Rider Dark Decade is?"

After the words fell, the innocent Ichinose Takaradarou, upon hearing the name of his senior, raised his hand and answered:

"DarKDecade is my senior, what do you want to talk to him about?"

As soon as he said this, the man immediately turned around, his eyes fixed on Ichinose Takarō, and walked towards him step by step.

"You know DarkDecade, right? It seems I have come to the right place.

Baotaro gradually felt that the aura of this man was not right, and he seemed to have a strong hostility towards him, but it seemed that he was just an ordinary person.

"Sir, Sir! It's very chaotic and dangerous here. If you want to find Senior DarkDecade, we can talk in detail after the battle. Or, you can tell me your name first, and I will tell him the next time I see Senior DarkDecade!"

However, before Baotaro finished speaking, everyone was shocked to see that this ordinary man slowly took out a white driver from his back and put it firmly on his waist!


"My name is Sakurai Yuto, you can also call me Kamen Rider Zein."

Sakurai Yuto said, picked up the white secret key with his right hand, pressed the button to open it, and inserted it into the driver with force, and said in a light tone:


【Zeinrise! Justice! Judgment! Seigi! Zein Salvationofhumankind】

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical sound effects, four phantom light screens representing different futures appeared behind Sakurai Yuto.

Indescribable energy fluctuations gushed out crazily from the driver, forming golden ripples, and an extremely sci-fi scene emerged.

Finally, pieces of platinum armor were printed out and firmly embedded on the surface of Sakurai Yuto!

As the white cloak behind him rose, the ripples of air waves shook layer by layer, and the ground under his feet collapsed instantly, forming a huge pit. The surrounding trees shook wildly, and some thinner trunks broke directly on the spot!

And in the center of the storm, the figure standing firm and motionless was none other than Kamen Rider Zein.

"I remember, he is Kamen Rider Zein!!"

Manno Tenjuro's exclamation suddenly sounded,

"But why was this guy born at this time, and why did he appear here?!"

Manno Tenjuro's panicked behavior aroused the curiosity of the three sisters of Minghei.

Atropos asked in confusion:

"Zein, do you know him?"

Manno Tenjuro changed his previous nonchalant attitude and his tone became very serious.

"Of course I know him, but I'd rather not know him! He is the one that the consortium has always feared, and he is the same guy as me, trying to destroy all of humanity!"

Lachesis listened to this and couldn't help but want to complain:

"These days, why does everyone want to destroy the world?...What is his origin? Is he worth being so scared of?"

Manye Tianjuro snorted coldly and said:

"If it is according to what those people from Consortium X say, Zein has reached the level of God! As an artificial intelligence created by humans, it has the ability to predict the future, and at the same time, it has the power of all righteous Kamen Riders!" (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As he said, he looked at Lachesis,

"Let's take a more intuitive example. The ones you saw before, Kamen Rider King Snake, Kamen Rider Odin, Kamen Rider Calamity, etc., were all specially created by Consortium X to stop it!"

Hearing this, the three Dark Sisters finally showed a fearful look on their faces.

Although King Snake, Odin, and Calamity were all defeated Kamen Riders, the one who defeated them was Dark Decade!

He is currently recognized by all forces as the existence that should not be provoked the most!

And now, there will be another such person?!

"Alarmist! This guy doesn't look that great!"

As the most reckless of the three sisters, Cloto always speaks so arrogantly to anyone he faces, but this time, Manno Tenjuro���Same idea as hers

"hey-hey...I also think this guy is not that scary. Most importantly, I really want to fight him."

At this time, Atropos stopped him and said:

"Don't do unnecessary things. If this Kamen Rider Zein can help us get rid of those people from the Alchemy Academy, we can just sit back and reap the benefits."

Manno Tenjuro snorted in dissatisfaction, but he did not refute it anymore, because when he came here,

Consortium X represented him.

Although he was very dissatisfied with the orders of these people, he had no choice. Now the ultimate control of this body is in Consortium X. If he wants to be free, he can only complete the task according to the order.

Otherwise, he would not be here, listening to the orders of a few women.

""He's about to attack!"

Suddenly, Lachesis exclaimed, and saw Kamen Rider Zein in the distance pressing down, quickly accumulating strength to the soles of his feet, and then bursting out in one breath!

The whole person turned into a silver lightning, and in the blink of an eye he came in front of Ichinose Taro, and then punched out!


The sound of metal collision suddenly rang out, and

Taro reacted in time, using the X-broken Steel Sword to block in front of him, and collided with Zein's fist.

The two kept rubbing and exerting force on each other, and dazzling electric sparks continued to bloom, which was amazing!

Zein actually used his fist to fight Taro's Broken Steel Sword!

How confident is he in his own defense?!

"Mr. Sakurai Yuto, stop now!!!"

Ichinose Takarō called out anxiously.

"Why did you suddenly attack me?! We are both Kamen Riders, I am not your enemy!"


Zein's answer was still cold and confusing.

"Tell me, where is Kamen Rider Dark Decade?"

Bao Tailang was almost crying, he shouldn't have talked to him in the first place!

He thought he was his senior's friend, but now it seems that he is his enemy!

"Mr. Sakurai Yuto, I really don't know where DarkDecade is. I can only pass on the message to him when I meet him!"

Hearing this, Zein lowered his head slightly, as if he was not satisfied with the answer, so he gradually clenched his fists, and then his body shook violently!


A huge force like a tidal wave attacked from the tip of his fist, and

Baotaro could no longer resist. He was blasted away by the force with a face full of horror.

After smashing several large trees, his whole body was embedded in the mountain wall, and he was in great pain!

""Takara! Don't worry about it for now!"

Minato shouted worriedly:

"If you must fight, do your best to defeat your opponent first, and the rest can come later!"

Minato, as Tarotaro's instructor, is the person who knows his character best.

If Tarotaro thinks Sakurai Yuto is a good person, he will not be able to do it in the battle.

Although this shows his kind side, it is also his weakness that is easily exploited.

Right now, the group of the Dark Three Sisters are still staring at them covetously.

If Tarotaro loses to Kamen Rider Zein easily here, they will be attacked from all sides. That is the most dangerous situation!

303"Mr. Minato, let me try again, I still have a trick I can use!" Tarotaro

Ichinose struggled to break free from the mountain wall, and he was seen pulling out the UFO-X card, replacing it with the X-Dragon, and inserting it into the panel of the driver!

【MarvelousOccult! Gotchanko! X UFO-X Super!】

Seeing Baotaro use the UFO-X power again, everyone understood Baotaro's intention!

"This kid is quite clever."

Even Clotho, one of the three Dark Sisters, commented like this.

However, Kamen

Rider Zein, contrary to everyone's expectations, just stood there quietly, picked up a card with his right hand,


"I seem to have seen that card...."

Lachesis looked at the cover of the card that Zein was holding from a distance.

On it was a golden Kamen Rider.

"like...It was a card that DarkDecade used in the battle with Kamen Rider Odin a long time ago.

Atropos shook his head when he heard this.

"Gotchard UFO-X-form can pull a person out of the body and forcibly cancel the transformation. This Kamen Rider Zein didn't want to dodge, but had to resist. He is likely to be defeated."

Yesterday, when

Baotaro pulled Tsuruhara Senmaru out of Kamen Rider Dread's body in front of everyone at school, everyone was shocked by the scene. After all, this skill of forcibly stopping the transformation is a bit too buggy. Even if the Kamen Rider is strong, he will definitely be hit if he doesn't guard against it.

But no matter what the onlookers say,

Zein still performs his actions like a machine.

He turns the card in his hand over and inserts it into the driver casually.

Then he pulls the lever on his waist and cuts a card into pieces on the spot in the surprised eyes of everyone!

【Execute! Justice Order!】

【HyperCriticalSparking! 】

When the mechanical sound sounded,

Ichinose Tatarō also started to move.

He raised the broken steel sword in his hand high, and a huge amount of energy was poured into it, making the sword body extend instantly, like a whip, straight at Kamen Rider Zein.

However, under the close attention of everyone, the blue whip went straight through Zein's body, and then nothing happened.

On the top of the mountain, there was unprecedented silence, and everyone's faces were all stunned.

Kamen Rider Zein was stunned for a while, then looked down at himself, and then looked up at Tatarō, and a question mark slowly appeared on his head.

In an instant, shocking emotions like a storm exploded in everyone's hearts!

"Takara's attack actually had no effect on Kamen Rider Zein?!!"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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