【Kabuto! HyperForm】

【Execute! Justice Order!】

【ClockUp! 】

A series of mechanical sound effects sounded, and Kamen Rider Zein immediately entered the time-up transformation, and his figure turned into an elusive white lightning, and rushed straight towards Lin Feng!


Lin Feng's arms in front of him were immediately hit hard, and the sparks burst out, and wisps of white smoke rose up!

It seemed that he finally had some advantages, and

Zein couldn't wait to taunt,

"You really can't keep up with this speed!"

After several rounds of hard fighting with Lin Feng, Zein didn't gain any advantage.

He immediately changed his strategy and planned to win with speed.

However, facing his confidence, Lin Feng was about to laugh.

Indeed, Kamen Rider 03 did not have speed skills, but as everyone knows, when facing a speed-type knight, in addition to crushing the opponent at a higher speed, there are three other methods. One is time stop, which can directly make the concept of speed disappear.

One is range attack. After all, no matter how fast you run, you still have nowhere to hide from large-scale artillery shells.

The last one is to use the unique predictive ability of the technology-type knight!

Coincidentally, Kamen Rider 03 is a master in this area!

As a combination of the two artificial intelligences of Kamen Rider 02 and Kamen Rider Ark,

03 has reached the third technological singularity.

It has evolved the prediction results of 02 and Yak into a powerful future foresight!

If the prediction result is to retrieve all possibilities and make defensive preparations in advance to resist any kind of attack, then the future foresight is to lock in the result that will happen 100% and intercept it directly!

At this moment, Lin Feng has activated this ability.

His red compound eyes, like locusts, are constantly flowing with arcs of electricity.

Although Zein's elusive figure is still unclear, a route of action is presented in his field of vision, which is the running path of Zein under the time-transformation.

Therefore, when Zein was self-righteous and touched Lin Feng like a ghost,

Lin Feng had already clenched his fists and rushed directly to meet his attack!

I saw,

Zein flipped his palm and directly printed out Kabuto's special weapon, the Kunai dagger.

He held the handle tightly, and the sharp blade was covered by the sunlight, emitting bursts of cold light, piercing through the space and stabbing towards Lin Feng's chest quickly!

Most people would choose to resist the attack or dodge to make the attack miss, but at this moment, Lin Feng went straight to meet it.

Under the unbelievable eyes of Kamen Rider Zein, he firmly grasped the sharp blade with one hand and applied huge force, like an iron clamp. He grabbed the kunai dagger tightly, so that it could not penetrate any further!

At this point, Zein completely fell into the trap that Lin Feng had set in advance.

Lin Feng, who was able to predict Zein's movements, seemed to rush forward recklessly, but in fact he was confident in his own defense.

He used this to lure the enemy in, then controlled Zein's movements, and then beat him up!

Lin Feng clenched his right fist, and all the strength in his body gathered at this moment.

His fist smashed down, and the whistling sound of breaking through the air was so loud that it made people's eardrums vibrate and their heads dizzy!

However, such a direct attack,

Zein could definitely react, but when he raised his fist to block the blow, he immediately regretted it, because the terrifying force from his fist directly deformed Zein's fist with a crushing posture!

Although Zein was living in the driver and Sakurai Yuto was controlled by him like a puppet, the pain could not reach Zein's consciousness, but the body's reaction would not be fake.

The twitching pain in his bones made Zein's consciousness fly out, leaving a long mark on the ground, hitting the mountain wall next to him and shaking it continuously, and rocks rolled down from above!

"Your speed can't escape my prediction."

Listening to Lin Feng's arrogant words,

Zein, who didn't believe in evil, entered the time-up transformation again, but this time he didn't rush to Lin Feng immediately, but kept running, intending to deal with him for a while.

Lin Feng, who understood his thoughts, naturally had a way to deal with it, which was what he said before, one of the ways to defeat the speed-type Kamen Rider, a large-scale sweep!

Lin Feng took out a driving card and threw it directly into the driver!

【Attack Ride! Arrow On Big Bang! 】


As the mechanical sound sounded, a large amount of purple data energy emerged from Lin Feng's palm.

With the help of 03's built-in printing function, this energy condensed into a briefcase crossbow.

Lin Feng grabbed the crossbow, pulled the lever, and aimed at a certain boundary in front!

Buzz buzz buzz! A steady stream of purple currents gathered in a vortex, forming a huge poisonous scorpion arrow.

When Lin Feng released the lever, the poisonous scorpion arrow shot into the sky, split in the sky, and turned into a rain of arrows, covering half of the valley area!

Bang bang bang!!!

A series of explosions came one after another, and fire lotuses bloomed in response, rocks flew, dust flew, pungent smoke and hot fireworks continued to rise, and under the influence of the energy aftermath, the entire valley was shaken constantly!

Zein's figure, who had entered the Ascending Time Transformation, also appeared under the rain of arrows that washed the ground in a large area. He fell heavily to the ground and rolled to the edge of a pond! The depressing footsteps echoed in the valley.

Zein forced himself to sit up and watched Lin Feng's figure walking towards him step by step through the smoke and dust.

He knew that his speed was really restrained by Lin Feng's prediction, but this was not his ultimate limit.

In addition to Clockup, Kabuto also has HyperClockup!

So, the moment Lin Feng walked out of the smoke and dust,

Zein's figure disappeared on the spot.

This time, Lin Feng did not predict his actions.

He looked back in a panic and saw Zein transferred to the back of Lin Feng through the Super Ascending Time Transformation.

At the same time, the exclusive weapon of Haipa Jiadou, the Hundred Insects Sword, appeared in his hand!

"Can you predict the speed of traveling through time and reaching the past and the future?"

After saying that, Zein quickly pressed the four buttons on the handle of the Hundred Insect Sword, and a pleasant and charming mechanical sound effect sounded!

【MaximumHyperCyclone! 】

At that moment, the phantom of Hypa Kabuto seemed to appear in front of Zein.

Hypa Kabuto and Zein's eyes lit up at the same time, and dazzling wings spread out behind them.

Endless energy poured into the muzzle of the Hundred Insects Sword and Spear mode from all directions!

The gorgeous rainbow ripples kept impacting the surrounding space, as huge as the waves, making people speechless!

When Zein pulled the trigger, countless energy halos rippled and spread, and a super-huge energy wave similar to a tornado gushed out from the muzzle, sweeping towards Lin Feng with the power of destroying the world!

Seeing this,

Lin Feng did not hesitate, took out a driving card and threw it directly into the drive, and pushed it down with one hand!

【Attack Ride! Blade On Big Bang! 】

Lin Feng used his printing ability again to create the briefcase king sword and the antivirus soft sword, and combined the two together to form a double-edged sword, and then slashed at the incoming shock wave!

Boom!! (To read the explosive novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A deafening explosion sounded instantly, and the tornado-like energy wave blasted a huge gully in the position where Lin Feng was and the ground behind him for a hundred meters, and even the mountain walls on both sides were directly blasted into slag!

This is the horror of the Hundred Insects Sword in gun mode, firing shock waves at full power!

Zein walked into the smoke step by step.

At this moment, the double-edged sword in Lin Feng's hand had turned into dust when resisting the energy wave, and his body was covered with thick smoke, just like the traces left by the energy wave washing his body! []

The people who had been watching the battle from a distance were so angry that their hearts were in their throats.

Lachesis cursed angrily:

"What is this guy doing?! Why didn't he dodge just now? Even if he couldn't dodge, he couldn't just use two swords to block it, right?!"

Faced with such a terrifying tornado, everyone knows what kind of damage it will cause.

But Lin Feng just held two swords and stood there to resist this wave of attacks.

How could he not get hurt?

On the contrary, the people from the Alchemy Academy were much calmer.

Ichinose Takarō supported his weak body and secretly cheered Lin Feng up.

"Senior must have his own ideas, senior will never lose!"

But no matter what their mood was, everyone understood that the current situation was very dangerous for Lin Feng.

If he was attacked by another wave of attacks like the one just now, the balance of the battle would be completely tilted.

Therefore, everyone stared closely at the two figures approaching in the distance, for fear of missing any details!

"You are very strong, able to block the cannon just now with two swords, but unfortunately, you are only as good as this."

Zein said indifferently, he slowly raised his left fist, and pushed the secret key on his waist with his right hand.

【Justice Punishment! 】

When that incomparably sacred voice sounded, the final blow against Lin Feng was about to arrive!

However, just when Zein thought that the overall situation was settled and confidently mobilized the energy in his body to gather towards the tip of his fist, he suddenly found that there was a gap in the energy in his body, and it was being continuously extracted by an external force!

This caused his ultimate move to be unable to be performed for a while! It was not until a mechanical sound effect came out from Lin Feng's driver that

Zein looked down in horror!

【Attack Ride! Blade On Big Bang! 】 The golden sword from Kamen Rider Zaia, the exclusive weapon of Kamen Rider Thousand

, Thousand Hijackers, was condensed from data energy and appeared in Lin Feng's hand!

Asking for flowers

At this moment, the tip of the sword was on the driver of Zein.

Lin Feng pulled the lever of the hijacker and continuously extracted Zein energy from the driver!

"What?! You! Did you plan all this?!"

Zein felt his body become weak, and he fell backwards, leaning against the mountain wall, without the slightest strength to fight back!

Lin Feng was looking down at him at this moment, and he was no longer in the weak state of being bombarded by the tornado shock wave.

Everything was a trap he set to lure Zein!

"For this moment, aren't you afraid that I will kill you with my cannon just now?!"

Zein's emotions have never been so excited.

As an artificial intelligence, no matter what situation it encounters, it should be calm and composed.

But the person in front of him broke its expectations again and again, which made Zein feel angry and afraid!

Seeing him like this, Lin Feng couldn't help but sneer.

"As I said before, I have the ability to predict the future....Therefore, I predicted that your attack would not be fatal to me."

03's prediction ability is so abnormal.

Predicting high-speed moving targets is a thing of the past.

Being able to predict the upcoming attack and whether it is dangerous is the real use of this ability, because through some unexpected cooperation, you can quickly achieve your desired goal.

For Lin Feng, this goal is to blow up Zein in the simplest way.

Speaking of which, this is also thanks to the thousand hijackers.

Lin Feng looked at the weapon in his hand and sighed in his heart.

This thing, also known as the Suction Sword, is a very domineering weapon in the original 01 work.

It can even absorb the energy of the metal cluster locusts, but the old cheater at that time could not bear the violent power at all.

Even so, the basic principle of the Suction Sword has not changed.

As long as the enemy is a Kamen Rider of the 01 series, then his power can be absorbed!

Originally, Lin Feng just wanted to take a gamble and give it a try.

Unexpectedly, he really succeeded!

Now, Lin Feng unilaterally announced that the Suction Sword and the Fault Driver are called the two great artifacts across the system!

"Zein, your first journey since your birth ends here. I know you won't die completely, so I'll wait for you here. When you evolve, come back and fight again!" As soon as the words fell,

Lin Feng pulled the trigger of the thousand hijackers, and a burst of exciting mechanical sound effects immediately rang out!

【Jackrise! JackingBreak! 】

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

Accompanied by the sound effects with a strong sense of technology, endless white flames burst out on the swords of thousands of hijackers, mixed with a large number of dark red and green ripples belonging to Ark and 02. The three forces gathered together, setting off waves of air ripples. The momentum created at that moment was enough to make people stunned!

When Lin Feng swung the hilt of the sword and chopped it down, a crescent-shaped light blade with three colors burst out, carrying the power to destroy everything, destroying most of the mountain walls of the valley, crushing it into countless gravel and dust, tornado! With an unstoppable momentum, it slashed at Zein!

Boom boom boom!

Countless mushroom-like fireworks shot straight into the sky. The shock wave caused by the explosion was like a tsunami, which could be described as destroying the world. Most of the valley was razed to the ground. The energy ripples like waves shook the people from the Alchemy Academy and the three Dark Sisters who were watching the battle not far away and threw them all to the ground!

For a moment, the sky and the earth were dark, and the sun was not visible!

When everyone struggled to get up from the ground and looked towards the center of the battlefield impatiently, in their sight, Kamen Rider Zein was blasted hundreds of meters away and fell heavily into the pond, splashing water all over the sky and disappearing.���Gone!

In this terrifying scene, the originally beautiful scenic spot has been reduced to ruins, with black smoke rising from the glowing embers, swaying like a broken fire lotus, and the rolling smoke and dust rising straight into the sky, gathering in the sky like falling dark clouds!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The system reward has been issued. Please check it in time! 】

Kamen Rider Zein was defeated after all.

The winner was still the figure they feared the most, Kamen Rider DarkDecade.

Everyone thought DarkDecade was about to face his first defeat, but they didn't expect that everything was in his plan!

Atropos, one of the three sisters of Hades, looked at Lin Feng's back quietly.

"The devil who destroys everything...The destroyer of the world, is this his invincible strength?..."

Her expression was complicated, and it was unknown what she was thinking about.

After a long while, she slowly turned around and walked out of the valley.

"Let's go, there are other things waiting for us to deal with......"

Lachesis took one last look at Lin Feng, and looked at him from a distance.

There was some gratitude, some guilt, and some confusion in her eyes......


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