"Thank you very much!!!!"

Looking at Ichinose Tatarō who kept bowing to him,

Lin Feng felt a little reluctant.

This guy was injured too much, but he was still so excited and kept thanking, which made Lin Feng want to stop him and let him rest.

However, Lin Feng thought again, this level, if it was placed on an ordinary person, it would probably be a disaster, but Tatarō was not an ordinary person.

He had the 101st Camie, the egg of the rainbow dragon, in his body.

Therefore, it might be good for his future to train Tatarō more often.

In addition, there is one thing Lin Feng thinks it is necessary to remind him.

"Baotaro, your strength has improved today. I saw the scene of you and X-Dragon establishing a bond. It was amazing."

Hearing Lin Feng's exaggeration,

Ichinose Baotaro was so excited that he almost couldn't stand still.

He bowed several times in a hurry.

"I am very honored to receive your praise!!!"

"Don't be anxious, wait for me to finish speaking."

Lin Feng looked at him seriously.

"Improving your strength is a good thing, but you will also face more and more difficulties and dangers. Are you ready to face everything?"

Listening to these meaningful words,

Ichinose Takarō scratched his head, a little confused.

Suddenly, he slapped his thigh and said with a smile:

"It's okay, senior! If you want to find an opportunity to test my strength, then go ahead! I can handle it!"

Lin Feng was stunned at first, and then he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It seems that this kid thought that he was going to find an opportunity to beat him up again, right?

Indeed, he might have such a plan in the future, but Lin Feng was not referring to this.

"I'm not talking about me, but everything about you, such as a dark future, partners who may betray you, powerful enemies that are difficult to deal with, etc. If these rain down on you, can you still withstand it and continue to walk on in the name of Kamen Rider?"

Lin Feng's heavy voice echoed in the valley and also echoed in Ichinose Takararou's mind. Although he didn't know why Lin Feng said that,

"Senior, to be honest, I don't have the confidence to hold on to all of this."

Ichinose Takarō lowered his head, looked at the Gotchard driver on his waist, and slowly clenched his fist.

"However, I will try my best to do it! This driver is the responsibility given to me by that uncle. Even if I can't do it, I will do it and keep moving forward along this road! Never stop!"

Looking at the tenacious look on Baotaro's face,

Lin Feng smiled with some relief.

It seems that he was worrying too much.


Lin Feng, who has read the original work, should know very well how tough this silly and naive boy is in his heart.

The pain he has experienced is no less than anyone else, but everyone may turn evil, and he is the only one who cannot.

After all, Baotaro's parallel time and space isotope has persisted for several years in the environment of the end of the world!

How could such a person stop because of some difficulties?

Lin Feng is really looking forward to his future highlights more and more.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see how you perform."

After saying that,

Lin Feng did not stop, summoned the dimensional wall, stepped into it, and disappeared directly on the spot.

Ichinose Takarō opened his mouth, and his outstretched hand paused in mid-air, and then he sighed in frustration.

"ah~~~Senior's movements are too fast. I wanted to ask him for some fighting skills.~~~"

Minato walked up to him and patted his shoulder.

"You have worked hard, go back and have a good rest today."

He looked at Jiutang Linyin,

"Jiutang, too, your performance today surprised me. It seems that Lin Feng has taught you a lot."

When he heard Lin Feng's name, a gentle smile appeared on Jiutang Linyin's dull face.

"yes...If it weren't for Oni-sama, I probably wouldn't have had the courage today."

Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered that Lin Feng hadn't come back from the mountain yet, and the smile on her face suddenly turned into an anxious expression.

Minato saw this and quickly comforted her:

"Don't worry, Lin Feng is fine at the foot of the mountain. He just sent me a message saying that the mountain road was blocked and the police surrounded the scenic area nearby, so he couldn't get in. Let's go down and meet him."

Hearing this,

Jiutang Linyin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's go down now."

"By the way, the next few days are for Christmas preparations, so I'll give you a day off. You don't have to go to the Alchemy Academy as often as usual."

""Great! Finally, I can take a break!"

However, just as the three of them were chatting and preparing to take the secret path down the mountain, a blood-red shadow fell rapidly from the sky into the valley!

Minato, who sensed the ominous aura from a distance, shouted loudly,

"Baotaro, Jiudou Rin, hide quickly!!!"

Bang!!!!!!!!! The earth

-shaking sound spread, and the terrible air wave expanded instantly.

At that moment, Minato pushed the two of them to the sides with force, but he was swept away by the air wave and was blown away on the spot!

"Teacher Minato!"


Baotaro and Jiudou Rinyin anxiously got up and dragged Minato out of the smoke.

Fortunately, Minato was not seriously injured. He just hit a tree when he flew out and his shoulder was slightly dislocated.

""Hush! Keep your voice down!"

Minato forced himself to endure the pain in his body and asked the two to be quiet.

They hid in the bushes and nervously looked in the direction where the sound came from.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, a bloody back came into view.

Baotaro frowned and carefully distinguished it. He covered his mouth and exclaimed in a low voice:

"Teacher! It looks like a Kamen Rider!"

Indeed, when the figure turned around, the three of them clearly saw that the man was wearing a red driver on his waist.

The driver had a joystick for shaking, and there was a big bottle in the slot.

Most importantly, the figure looked like an armored���

The head is shaped like a king cobra, and the chest is a green furnace.

The body is surging with violent aura, which is very dangerous!

But this dangerous feeling is very familiar to Jiutang Linyin.

"The fluctuations on this Kamen Rider seemed very similar to the form that DarkDecade had transformed into before."

Hearing what Jiudou Rin said, Baotaro quickly guessed,

"Could it be a friend of the senior? Did he follow the senior's scent to find him?"

However, this conjecture was denied the next moment, because this mysterious Kamen Rider actually fished out the previously defeated Kamen Rider Zein from the pond in the valley!

However, at this moment, Kamen Rider Zein had disintegrated, leaving behind the unconscious Sakurai Yuto and the Zein driver on his waist.

"Hehehe...I didn't expect that I, Evolto, haven't been back to Earth for so long, and there are so many interesting people and things~"

That's right, the one standing here at this moment is Ebert, one of the survivors of the Blood Clan Planet.

But now his transformed form is his evolved form. Kamen Rider Evo1-X was looking for the next planet to devour outside the earth.

When passing by, he sensed some unusual fluctuations on the earth, so he rushed over, but he didn't expect to be a step late and only found an unconscious transformer.

Evolto thought for a while, it turned its head to look at the bushes where Minato and the other two were hiding, and in an instant, it was attracted by Ichinose Tatarō, to be precise, the Rainbow Dragon in Tatarō's body.

However, after sensing that the Rainbow Dragon had not yet awakened, he gave up the decision to take action now.

"So, humans are the most interesting creatures~"

It muttered to itself, then picked up Sakurai Yuto and Zein, (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) summoned a bloody passage, drilled into it, and disappeared into the valley.

Here, silence was restored until a few minutes later, when it was confirmed that Evolto had not returned,

Minato ran out of the bushes with Baotaro and Jiudou Rin. []

He looked at the deep pit created by Evolto with lingering fear, and immediately made a decision:

"Go! Get out of here as soon as possible!"

"Judging from the situation just now, what DarkDecade said before is likely to come true soon. More and more strange enemies are appearing, and we must be prepared to fight them!"

Before, the three of them were not so sensitive to Lin Feng's words, but now, witnessing the arrival of another alien creature with their own eyes, it is hard not to care about Lin Feng's words.

"I understand, Mr. Minato, I will continue to practice hard when I return!"

"Let's stop here for now, we're going down the mountain now!"

Shortly after everyone left, a black mist suddenly appeared.

It collected all the card fragments left on the ground by Zein in the battle, including Ex-Aid Invincible Player, Saber's Blade King Sword Ten Sacred Blades,

Showa Knight Super1, and Kabuto's Hyper Form.

It looked at these fragments and then quietly disappeared. In

Furasu, in the church,

���The atmosphere had never been so oppressive.

After returning from the Dark Three Sisters, the three of them sat in three separate corners.

Their relationship had never been so broken before.


Clotho, unable to bear the atmosphere, stood up abruptly and questioned Atropos:

"Tell me, Atropos, why did you remain indifferent when Lachesis was in danger? If DarkDecade had not appeared, Lachesis would be dead now, do you know?!"

However, she did not expect Atropos to answer her like this,

"Lachesis is not a human, she is a puppet."

Atropos looked at Clotho coldly, not caring about the shock and anger on her face.

"As a puppet, as a puppet made by Lord Gryon, she should have been prepared to die for the Lord's plan."

Lachesis pursed her lips, her eyes reddened, she looked at Atropos, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Even if it's a doll, don't you feel the slightest bit of fear? If you die, you can never come back..."

Atropos still had no expression on her face, but there was a hint of sadness in her words.

"Do we have a choice? We were created by Lord Gryon to work for him. Do you think you can resist him?"

After hearing this,

Clotho and Lachesis were silent.

They had no reason to refute.

Atropos stood up and walked silently to the laboratory in the backyard of the church.

"Instead of thinking about those useless things, we should think about how to complete Lord Gryon's mission. At least, we can avoid being punished....I'm going to repair the Dread drive. You don't need to go out and cause trouble for the students of the Alchemy Academy. Lord Gryon will be back soon, and we need to go and greet him then."

Watching Atropos disappear,

Lachesis felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

She hated the life here. She hated doing those inhuman things under the leadership of Atropos.

She hated being bound by the three words Gryon, hated being intimidated, and hated facing death.

She didn't know what was going on with this feeling.

When did she start to resist all this?

Lin Feng's words suddenly flashed in Lachesis' mind.

【I want you to atone your sins, become a real person, and live on.】

"As a real person...?..."

"How ridiculous!..."

In the north of Fuliangzhou High School, there is a small town with ancient charm. This is part of the Lin Feng family's real estate.

On the streets that are usually not crowded, the flow of people has gradually increased in the past few days.

The reason is that a shrine was built at the back of the town some time ago, and Christmas is approaching, so more and more people come here.

People play here and visit the shrine by the way.

However, many people are curious about which god is placed in the shrine.

At this time, a gentle woman wearing black and white double silk and a ponytail will come out and introduce:

"This is the shrine of the fox god, Lord Ukiyoshi. You can write your wishes on the prayer ema and pray sincerely. As long as you believe enough, you will definitely be happy."

After hearing this explanation, most people followed the procedure and began to pay a sincere visit.

Some more curious people continued to ask:

"Are you the shrine maiden here? Why don’t you wear a shrine maiden costume?"

At this time, the woman would shake her head and explain:

"I am not a shrine maiden. I am just a witness to your wishes for happiness. You can also understand me as the administrator of the shrine. My name is Tsumurai."

After hearing these explanations, people no longer had any questions.

However, some people with keen senses always felt a little distrustful when they saw that the god they were visiting was a petrified buckle with nine tails spread out. Is this god who doesn't even have a statue of himself reliable? And that night, 4.4 If they had a nightmare, they would see the fox god saying to them:

"Those who believe in me, all of them will be dragged to play DGP, those who don't believe in me, all of them will be dragged to play the game of heaven and hell. You ask me why I do this? I just want you to die, then pull you out of the soil, bury you again, and pull you out again....Until you believe me."


As the sun gradually sets, there are no more tourists today.

Tsumuri hammered her sore shoulders and casually came to the rack with painted horses to see what interesting wishes people had.

This is her only pleasure in this boring place.

At this time, she suddenly found a strange wish.

【Hope to have a child——Dan Lidou】

"Danrito? Does this name look familiar?"

As a former DGP game guide,

Tsumeli has been exposed to all the history of this world.

When she is bored, she will look up some major events in history, just like watching old movies when she has nothing to do.

According to her memory, this Danrito seemed to have been a villain, and he should be dead now.

Why would he write down a wish and hang it here at this time?

Tsumeli keenly sensed some ominous omens.

The wish on this prayer ema might not be as simple as it seems.

"It seems necessary to find this person tomorrow and ask him what his purpose is....Dan, Reito."

At the same time, a figure hiding in the dark took in this scene, turned around with a signature devilish smile on his face, and walked out of the shrine.

If Tsumurai was here, she would have discovered in time that this person was Dan Reito.

"my plan...It will be realized soon!"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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