"Brother! Are you ready?"

In the early morning,

Jiutang Linyin was wearing a youthful casual outfit, standing at the door, leaning against the door frame, tapping her toes on the ground, with a resentful expression on her face.

"Here I come!"

Lin Feng straightened his coat and walked out of the house.

"How is it? I matched it according to your suggestion. Are you satisfied now?"

Jiutang Rinyin looked at her brother who was so handsome that people couldn't take their eyes off him. The curve of her mouth couldn't be suppressed.

She suddenly regretted that she shouldn't have asked Lin Feng to match it so handsomely. When she went out to play today, she would definitely be stared at by the girls passing by.

Damn, why do you have to be so handsome?

Thinking of this,

Jiutang Rinyin pouted her little mouth and snorted, picked up Lin Feng's arm and walked out.

""It's just like that, it's not ugly."

Lin Feng glanced at her expression that didn't match what she said, and suddenly felt a little bit embarrassed.

This girl is still dishonest.

Forget it,

I'll go out with her today, so I won't care about these things.

Because the previous trip to the scenic spot was disrupted by a sudden melee,

Lin Feng promised Jiutang Rinyin that he would take her to another place to play the next day.

This time she chose the place herself.

It was a small town with ancient style and charm in the north of Furano High School.

When Lin Feng first heard Jiutang Rinyin's description, he didn't react to where it was.

Later, he remembered that it was a piece of real estate that had been left undeveloped for a long time.

The so-called ancient style and charm are actually some backward shops.

Because their location is far away from the prosperous section of the city center, no one has been willing to invest in redevelopment.

Unexpectedly, this place that has been left for almost ten years has been abandoned.

The town that no one cared about has suddenly become popular recently.

Lin Feng also asked Jiutang Linyin why the town became popular.

She said that a new shrine was built behind the town, and many people went to the shrine.

Lin Feng was naturally unaware of this matter, because although the real estate belonged to his family, he was not the manager, but his grandfather who had not yet passed away was in charge of everything.

Originally, it should have been managed by Lin Feng's father, but because of his missing, the old grandfather had to bite the bullet and take over.

I heard from my grandfather before that when he really couldn't work anymore, the consortium would be handed over to Lin Feng, which Lin Feng didn't want to accept.

Wouldn't it be good to be a young master who only spends money and doesn't take care of things? Therefore, Lin Feng had thought about it before, and he must find a way to extend his grandfather's life and let him continue to live.

Although this wish sounds very [filial], Lin Feng's filial piety is real.

""Brother, we're here!"

After coming back to their senses from Jiutang Linyin's voice, the two walked all the way to their destination.

Looking up, they saw a huge red torii gate in front of them, with the name of the town engraved on it.

In front of them was an ancient town that stretched all the way to the middle of the mountain.

It was quite large.

"Brother, I'm going to the bathroom. Wait for me to come back and we'll go in." After watching Jiutang Linyin disappear,

Lin Feng took this opportunity to communicate with the system.

After completing the task yesterday, he had been looking for an opportunity to claim the reward.

After all, he got three new decks, so he had to take a good look at them.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Eterna1 deck!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider W deck!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Acce1 deck! 】

Looking at the system report in front of him,

Lin Feng blurted out"Wow!"

"System, you did this on purpose, didn't you? Among the W-series Kamen Riders, only Sku11 is missing, but the other three are all here!"

Kamen Rider Eterna1", in order to express his love for him, special effects fans created a nickname that is passed down by word of mouth: Brother E.

Not only is his strength very strong, but his transformer character is also cold and charming.

After the transformation, the pure white armor, coupled with the corresponding black cloak, is not to say that he is extremely handsome, but it is almost!

In addition, the characterization in the theatrical version is very full, and his life experience is also regrettable.

If it weren't for the protagonist's halo bonus, and there was no wind that changed everything, then the final battle on the top of the Fuuto Tower, who would win is still unknown!

Then, the second set of cards is Kamen Rider W, which is also the other party in the battle with Brother E.

As the most popular in the Heisei era. One of the partners of Kamen Rider W,

Shotaro and Philip left too many classic scenes in the hearts of special effects fans.

In addition, the shape of Kamen Rider W was also quite avant-garde at the time, with two colors on one body, which was very obvious. It can even release a dismemberment kick, which is hard not to like!

With the blessing of multiple emotional elements, the final form also has a handsome golden version! It is also a Kamen Rider that Lin Feng likes very much!

The last set of cards,

Kamen Rider Acce1, although there are also many famous scenes, the popularity is not as good as the first two.

However, he also set the only record in the history of the knight, that is, as a deputy rider, he married the heroine in the play and completed the wedding!

This achievement is estimated to be difficult for anyone to break in the future!

Although Acce1's blue acceleration form is not as classic as Faiz and Kabuto, it also has its own characteristics!

If you count these three knights, Lin Feng really wants to try each one out.

So far, Lin Feng has three new decks in his hand, as well as the first Saber deck he got, and the Kronos deck he got last time, but he hasn't used them.

These are all very powerful characters.

I hope to have a chance to use them all and give those characters hiding in the dark in this world a little surprise!

"Bro, I'm back! Let's go!"


Lin Feng looked at Jiutang Linyin who was in a good mood, and suddenly laughed and joked,

"Your hands are very dry.

Jiutang Linyin was stunned for a moment, and looked at her hands in confusion.

"No...Bar...I put on hand cream before going out today."

Lin Feng smiled and said nothing more.

As a result, Jiutang Linyin thought more and more that something was wrong.

Finally, she understood what Lin Feng meant.

She stared at Lin Feng with a hot face and muttered in shame:

""Ouni-sama is such a big hentai! I am the one who doesn't wash my hands after going to the toilet like you!"

As he said that, he raised his hand and touched Lin Feng's lips, then he spread his feet and ran towards the town as if escaping.

"Even if I didn't wash my hands, what's the use? You kissed me, and you still want to complain,~~~"

"You girl, don't let me catch you!"

At the same time, in the Huanmeng Group building in the city center, today, President Simoniko is resting, and the employees in various departments downstairs are also relaxing.

However, the director of one department is still working non-stop.

It is the development department where Dan Lidou is, but he is not developing games now, but developing game cartridges.

He was seen with his hands folded in front of his chest, his eyes constantly flashing blue light, and he was obviously not typing on the keyboard, but new codes were constantly entered on the computer screen in front of him.

And these codes were written for the new cartridges.

"Hmm~ The progress of the cartridge development has been greatly accelerated. Although the body of the Shumagia is troublesome to charge, it is really convenient that it does not need to use hands~"

As a high-tech creation, the Shumagia itself is an integrated robot with artificial intelligence, so it only needs to be connected to the computer through the Internet to directly complete the information input.

This method is very beneficial to Dan Lidou who likes to make cartridges.

Soon, with the last piece of code entered, the icon of"Full Action X" appeared on the computer screen.

"The game remake that would have taken at least ten years to complete was now completed in just one month! Hahaha!!!"

However, before he could be happy for too long, a deep voice rang in his mind, (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Dan Lidou, come and see me."

Dan Lidou stopped his work and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The one who hacked my mind...This voice is Ark."

After confirming this information,

Danrito's meaning immediately entered a data stream somewhere on the Internet, where he and Ark's incarnation, Kamen Rider Ark-0, stood face to face.

"What do you want from me? Yak."

Because Danrito had absorbed Yak's malicious data in order to create the Dream Warriors cassette, the two not only knew each other, but also knew each other inside and out.

"There is no other artificial intelligence with my intelligence except Zea, but I feel threatened by Zein who has appeared recently."

Hearing what Ark said,

Danrito frowned.

"Zeya? I haven't heard of it before."

Yak explained.

"That is the super intelligence possessed by Hiden Intelligence, and it is an integrated existence with Kamen Rider 01. Now, I detected that you are going to join the three of us again, so I came to find you."

Dan Lidou snorted arrogantly,

"Don't confuse me with artificial intelligence, I am a human being."

Yak was a little surprised.

"Even today, you are still living in the body of a Shumagia, but you still want to be a human?"

Tanli Douhuan crossed his arms and said:

"Human beings are the most perfect carriers, and what defines their existence is not what you call appearance."

He pointed to his head, and his expression became devilish.

"It's talent!"

Yake became a little curious.

"The result of your talent is..."

"Come on! Try to predict the ending of my game!"

As soon as Dan Lidou finished speaking, the surrounding environment changed immediately.

The two of them came from the data stream to a game world in black, white and gray!

"here it is..."

Yake looked at the situation around him and suddenly realized something.

"So, your purpose is to lure me in?"

Danrito smiled meaningfully.

"Ah~ That's right! This is where everything started for me. Welcome to the world of the original all-around action x game!"

Dan Lidou pressed the button on the cassette in his hand, and a purple data wave immediately expanded to every corner of the world!

""Buzz buzz buzz!"

The environment that was originally only black, gray and white immediately showed colors, and everything had its own true appearance.

In this world,

Dan Lidou was finally going to start his plan!

He ignored Yake, stood at the starting point of the game on the roof, and started a series of ghost games without paying attention to others!

After completing many simple and magical game processes,

Dan Lidou came to another rooftop, but just when he was about to end the game, a gentle voice sounded from behind,

"Mr. Dan Lidou."

Dan Lidou turned around when he heard the voice, and when he saw the person coming, a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed it and pretended to be puzzled.

"Who are you?"

"I am Tsukimuli.

Tsukimuli is holding a tablet, looking very elegant.

"It is silently praying for everyone in this world to be happy, and therefore it is watching the manager of a certain shrine. Please don't act like you don't know, after all, it was you who hung the prayer ema on the shelf of the shrine."

Danrito nodded and turned back.

"Ah~ah, I know that place, but I'm sorry, I'm busy now."

Tsumurai interrupted directly:

"The person who developed the Kamen Rider Chronicles game, is it you?"

Dan Lidou's figure was frozen,

Tsumurai opened the tablet and called up a news report, which contained a series of investigations on the Kamen Rider Chronicles game.

"Many people around the world have disappeared because of this game. Although the number has decreased in the past two days, the hidden dangers should still exist."Did

Danrito hear this and muttered to himself in surprise,

147"Has the number decreased in the past two days?...Could it be that Zein was defeated?"

《He knew very well that the news of the reopening of Kamen Rider Chronicles was because she was deceived by some people and implanted the program into the Zein drive.

Therefore, those who have kept the Kamen Rider Chronicles cassettes,

���If you use the cartridge again, Zein will come and kill you.

This is Zein's plan to destroy all mankind.

However, judging from what Tsumuri said, if Zein stopped hunting humans with cartridges in the past two days, then there is only one possibility.

Danrito's eyes flickered.

It should be Kamen Rider DarkDecade who took action, and he defeated Zein.

It seems that he has to speed up to complete the new cartridge.

"Mr. Danreto? Mr. Danreto, are you listening?"

Faced with Tsumuri's call,

Danreto finally came to his senses, but his answer was still evasive.

"Sorry, this is also a surprise to me."

Tsumurai looked at him with some displeasure and said:

"We, the operators of the Desire Grand Prix, will investigate various histories, including your shameful history of becoming a threat to the world."

Hearing this, Danrito took a deep breath.

"Although you have a good eye and know a lot of history, this is outdated information."

"So, what does your wish on the ema mean?"

Tsumurai said, while showing the contents of the ema she saw last night.

【I hope to have a child.】

After seeing that,

Danrito fell into deep thought.

He thought for a long time, then turned his head to look at the building in front of him that was made up of game data.

"I have already achieved the next level of what my talent is capable of......."

As he spoke, he walked towards the building step by step.

"However, before that, I have something else to take."

He came close to the building and punched it hard.

In an instant, the building collapsed on the spot, and in it, two props flashing with dazzling purple light slowly fell from the sky.

"What is that?!!"

Tsumurai looked at this scene in shock.

Danrito smiled and took the two things, saying with some pride:

"Aren't there supposed to be hidden items in the game?"

Then, a light door opened in the game world.

Dan Lidou held the item tightly in his hand and walked towards the light door step by step.

"Come, follow me and witness the whole process of my progress to the next level!"

Tsumuli didn't know what would happen, but a strong premonition told her that she had to follow, because what was about to happen must be related to her!

What Tsumuli never expected was that after walking out of the light gate, they actually came to the shrine!......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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