Looking at the huge monster that suddenly appeared in front of him,

Jiutang Linyin screamed in surprise at the first moment.

"They are all level 10 Kemi!!!"

"Oh my god! These are the strongest kami of each element!"

"and UFO-X.Like an X-Tyrannosaurus?! And there are five of them at once?!!!"

The people at the Alchemy Academy were already dazzled, and Ukiyo Hidetoshi's group could only say"WTF", because they had no idea what a Kami was.

At this time,

Tsuruhara Senmaru, who was a doctor of Kami knowledge, took the initiative to introduce it to everyone:

"These five are Beetle X from the insect genus, Transcendence Fighter from the vehicle genus, Land Lion King from the animal genus, Ten Fortresses from the creation genus, and Void World Tree from the plant genus. These five have powers beyond imagination, and if you can get one of them, you will have the power to change the world!"

After hearing this explanation,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and others roughly understood that it is equivalent to the various powerful evil demons in DGP, but this evil demon is good, or it can be said to be a neutral existence.

"Wow!!! It seems we are really lucky today!"

Ichinose Takarō was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"If we can become partners with all five of them at once, then the collection work of Kami can be accelerated a lot!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Alchemy Academy nodded in agreement.

As everyone knows, Kami has its own hierarchy, but this level, except for the level 10, there is no obvious difference in the other Kami.

In other words, level 10 is the most difficult to find and subdue, and they have only subdued two so far.

Once these five can be subdued today, the progress will soar a lot!

However, before they can be happy for a few seconds, these five Kami suddenly launched an attack on them!

Some released missiles, some released lightning, and some sprayed lasers.

A series of amazing attacks came, and the six The Kamen Rider was blown far away on the spot, and fell directly from the villa into a factory not far away!

Jiudou Rinyin and the others did not transform, and they were far away, so they were not affected, but when they turned around, they found that the five Camies had disappeared.

In desperation,

Jiudou Rinyin and the others could only return to the factory, reunite with the six Kamen Riders, and then make other plans.

However, something unexpected happened again.

When everyone gathered in the factory, another level 10 Camie appeared.

It was of the professional attribute, X Wizard!

At this moment, it was making a weird laugh and looking at everyone very happily.

"Did you enjoy the magic I just performed?"

"Those evil demons...Did you do it?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi vaguely sensed something was wrong.

"How do you know about the evil demons? The DGP should have been stopped."

Master X immediately realized that he seemed to have let something slip, and he quickly covered his mouth, somewhat unnaturally covering it up:

"Uh, cough! After all, I am also a great magician. It is normal for me to know things that ordinary people do not know."

Suddenly, a gust of wind rushed over, and Ichinose Takaradaro, with shining eyes, stared at it and shouted:

"Oh! Oh!!! A talking Camie!!! I've been waiting for this for a long time! Come and be my friend! Wizard X!" Wizard X, who was originally an outgoing Camie, immediately became a little introverted after meeting Baotaro.

"You are really a strange human being? But the aura on you......"

Master X sensed that many of the Camis in Baotaro's wrist card box were very happy.

That feeling attracted Master X a little.

"Maybe, we can really be friends, who knows?"

However, at this moment, a cold male voice interrupted Wizard X's words,

"Don't be fooled by that guy."

Everyone looked back at the same time, and saw a familiar man gradually walking into their field of vision.

Jiutang Linyin narrowed his eyes and keenly searched for his name in his mind.

"Investigator Kugimiya? Why is it you?...Master X's actions, is this related to you?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi snorted coldly and walked forward.

"I just said it...How could a neutral creature like Kemi deliberately pick on humans? There must be a mastermind behind this."

Master X didn't know why Kugimiya Rito appeared at this time, but looking at the current atmosphere, it seemed that everyone was hostile to him, so Master X hurried forward to ease the situation.

"Mr. Kugimiya Rito, I was just about to play a game with them as you instructed. They are all very nice people, it's okay!"

"Playing games?"

Kugimiya Rito sneered.

"You have helped me achieve my goal. There is no need to do boring things like playing games anymore."

Master X was stunned.

"Mr. Kugimiya? Are you saying that you are using me to bring everyone together?"

Kugimiya Rito shook his head.

"There is only one person I want to find...."

He pointed at Ukiyo Hidetoshi and said with gritted teeth:

"That's you, Ukiyo Hidetoshi!"

""Hmm? ? ?"

Ukiyo Hideto frowned, listening to the hatred in his words, it seemed that he hated him, but he seemed to have no memory of where he had seen him before.


Kugimiya Rito did not waste any more words with the crowd, he just raised his hand and cast a cold spell at Wizard X,

""Be stained with darkness, Master X!"

The next second, a ball of dark mist stretched out from the palm of Kugimiya Rito like a poisonous snake.

Master X felt a strong and disgusting breath from it.

It instinctively wanted to escape, but was still bound by the mist halfway. It was pulled back abruptly, and then turned into a ball of purple energy and merged into Kugimiya Rito's body!!!!

With a purple powerful energy wave exploding, under the rolling air wave, Master X merged with Kugimiya Rito and turned into the first level 10 Margan in history, Master X Margan!!!

"Hum hum...Endless power surges up~ As expected of a top-level Camie!"

Kugimiya Rito looked at his hands and body with satisfaction.

The intoxicating power made him feel happier than ever before!

"You bastard!"

Ichinose Takarō was a little furious.

"You turned Master X into Malgan! I will never forgive you!!!"

"Can't forgive me? Hehehe..."

Kugimiya Rito raised his finger to the sky and pronounced coldly:

"Then let you get even angrier! The nightmare game has begun!"

I saw that Kugimiya Rito's body shook violently, and the majestic energy like a spring surged out crazily, followed by a huge red head, rising into the sky, and after breaking through the roof of the factory, it came to the sky above Furasu!

In the end, it exploded on the spot like fireworks, turning into countless purple energy streams in the sky, shooting towards the innocent citizens on the streets in the city!

For a time, most of the humans in Furasu were possessed by this energy and fell into a nightmare-like sleep on the spot.

From a distance, the whole city was like a dead city without vitality!

At this moment, in the secret base of Furasu High School and Alchemy Academy,

Minato and Lin Feng both discovered the sudden abnormality in the city.

The two quickly contacted Jiudou Rin and Ichinose Takarō who were still outside, and rushed in their direction with all kinds of equipment that might be used!

In the factory, after releasing the energy, Kugimiya Rito excitedly introduced his masterpiece to everyone,

"If you don't stop me, then people will be trapped in an eternal nightmare, constantly reincarnating until they finally die!"

As he said this, he looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi and laughed mockingly:

"How about it, Ukiyo Hidetoshi? As a great player in the gaming field, can you pass my game?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi sneered and walked towards him. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"You are not only a bad person, but also have a bad taste in games. I'm going to beat you up and that's it!"

As he spoke, the power of creation in Ukiyo Hidetoshi's body finally recovered.

He raised his hand and took out the Nine-tailed Belt Buckle, and inserted it directly into both sides of the driver!


【REVOLVEON.DynamiteBoost! Geats! ReadyFight! 】

Seeing Ukiyo Hidetoshi complete his transformation,

Ichinose Takarō was not willing to lag behind.

In fact, because he was extremely angry now, he directly took out the X-Gochard Broken Steel Sword and X-Dragon's Kaimika!

"You (bech) damn bastard, I must rescue Master X!"

【GreatfulAncient! Gotchanko! X X-Rex! Super! 】


As the roar of X-Dragon resounded, a battle began immediately, and the white and red figures rushed towards Kugimiya Rito at the same time!

"Humph, then let me get someone to play with you guys!"

With a wave of his hand, Kugimiya Rito immediately made many evil demons appear by alchemy, and the entire factory was instantly occupied by monsters.

The other people also quickly transformed into Kamen Riders to fight!

And Jiutang Rinyin, Ginkgo Renka, Tsuruhara Senmaru, and Tsumurai, four people with little combat power, could only hide in the corner, one is to stay away from the battlefield, and the other is to avoid distracting the Kamen Riders who were fighting!

However, after a period of fighting, everyone found that the power of Master X Malgan seemed to be much stronger than they imagined!

At this moment, with the Fox God and Baotaro attacking from the front and back, In this situation,

Kugimiya Rito raised his hand and fashioned a long sword, releasing several fiery sword qi in succession!

Bang, bang, bang!!! A series of amazing energy fluctuations exploded, instantly tearing the earth into several holes.

The huge factory building was affected by the aftermath and immediately exploded into pieces, causing everyone to come to the open-air construction site!

As Ukiyo Hideto had just recovered the power of creation and was only in a state where it could be used, his body was not full of strength.

Even if he attacked together with Baotaro and fought against Master X Malgan, he could only barely tie!

"did not expect...The power of Kemi is really so terrifying."

In the corner, looking at the battle in front of her,

Tsumurai muttered to herself.

Although her brother had just lost to Lin Feng not long ago, what was the situation at that time?

Lin Feng was a real god!

Although the beating of Fuyo Hidetoshi and Dan Lidou was jaw-dropping, it was reasonable after thinking about it carefully afterwards.

But in front of her, an alchemist who only fused one Kemi was so powerful, what if he fused more Kemi?

However, before she could continue thinking, a familiar voice came from not far away,

""Rin! We are here!"

Tsumuri turned around and saw that it was Minato and Lin Feng who had arrived at the scene.

Jiutang Rin ran up to talk to Lin Feng, while

Tsumuri stared blankly from behind.

She stared at Lin Feng, and her intuition told her that she knew this person.

But...They had never met before.

Why was this feeling like this?

After a long while,

Jiutang Rinyin turned around and said to everyone,

"Everyone, we are going to go back to the Alchemy Academy to find the weakness of Master X Malgan. Do you want to come with us or stay here to help?"

After hearing this, everyone gathered around and decided to leave together.

As mentioned before, they couldn't transform and fight, and their alchemy skills were very low, so they couldn't help at all.

Moreover, once they were targeted by the soldiers, other Kamen Riders would be distracted and protect them.

So, it would be better to leave quickly and do something they can.

At this time, Minato stood up again.

"Lin Feng will take you back, I will stay to help"

""Okay, then everyone else follow me!"

Lin Feng called out, and immediately led everyone back to the Alchemy Academy.

When Tsumurai saw the large army withdrawing, she quickly came to her senses and hurried to keep up with the pace.

Although she was a person with the power of creation, she didn't know how to use it. She could only pray for the Kamen Rider fighting in front of her from behind.

It would be better for her to go with Lin Feng.

Maybe she could remember where she had met him.

For a moment, the battlefield was immediately divided.

The front-line battlefield was fighting with Master X Malgan, and the brain battlefield was back at the Alchemy Academy.

Everyone was racking their brains to analyze Master X's weaknesses!

At this time,

Lin Feng was holding two Kamikas, which attracted everyone's attention!

"Everyone, after analyzing the weakness of Master X, I got a possible...These are the two."

Gingko Lotus came closer and analyzed them carefully.

"Sun and...unicorn?"

"That's right."

Lin Feng explained very professionally:

"Because it seems difficult to defeat X-Wizard Malgan directly, we might as well change our mindset and save the citizens who were sent into an eternal nightmare by X-Wizard Malgan. Therefore, if we combine the endless energy of the sun with the purification effect of the unicorn, we may be able to eliminate the magic."

Tsuruhara Senmaru also voiced his support at this time,

"I heard that both the Cosmic Kemi and the Fantasy Kemi have unpredictable upper limits of power, so it is indeed possible to do this....It seems that only some high-level alchemists who are gifted with special talents can control them."

Zumuri heard this and asked curiously:

"Mr. Lin Feng, you should be a very powerful alchemist, right? Can't you do this too?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Different Camies have different personalities. They will only borrow strength from people they recognize. Unfortunately, these two Camies are not very compatible with me."

After saying that, he slowly set his eyes on Jiutang Rinyin, with some encouragement.

Then, everyone noticed this and looked at Jiutang Rinyin.

But no one spoke out to expose this, because they all wanted to give Jiutang Rinyin a chance to choose.

If she was willing to try, then everyone would be happy.

If not, then he would think of his way.

As expected,

Jiutang Rinyin did not disappoint Lin Feng.

She raised her head, her expression became firm, and said:

"Ouni-Sama, let me take over for a moment."

Lin Feng's mouth curved into a gentle smile.

"This may be dangerous, but if it is what you want to do, I fully support you."

As he said this, he solemnly handed over two Kamikas.

Jiutang Linyin took them with both hands and nodded heavily.

"Ouni-Sama, I will never let you down, and I will never let everyone down....It's my chance to prove myself!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng showed an expectant look.

The first female deputy knight in the history of knights was about to be born!......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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