On a rooftop at Furasu High School ,

Jiudou Rin was lying on a bed, surrounded by Lin Feng and others, watching silently.

Because their goal was to break the magic cast by X-Wizard Malgan,

Jiudou Rin had to take risks, be actively affected by magic, fall into a nightmare, and then break the inner demon from the inside, break the magic, and finally get the real method of using the two kamis of the sun and the unicorn.

And now, no one can help Jiudou Rin, everyone can only wait and pray that Jiudou Rin can overcome the difficulties.

At this time,

Tsumurai came up to

Lin Feng's side and whispered:

"Do you believe her?"

Lin Feng smiled.

"If it were before, I might still hesitate, but after going through so many things, I feel that Jiutang Rinyin will never let me down."

The venue changed, and

Jiutang Rinyin's mind came to a void space.

In front of her was a familiar door, which was the door of her former home.

A strong sense of guidance made her walk forward, turn the handle, and what she saw after opening the door was the scene buried deep in her memory, an extremely warm family in her childhood.

And standing in front of the desk, the figure in a black suit was her father,

Jiutang Fuya.

As if sensing something,

Jiutang Fuya turned around and laughed:

"Rinyin, you finally came to see me."

Jiutang Rinyin's pupils suddenly shrank, and the scene of her dream last night flashed in her mind, and everything made her heart beat wildly.

"So, father, you already knew..."

Jiutang Fengya raised his hand to interrupt her and said with a gentle smile:

"Tell me, kid, why did you come to see me?"

Jiutang Linyin calmed down her excitement and took out two Kaimi cards from her pocket.

"Father, please tell me how to use the power of the two kemis, the sun and the unicorn!"

Jiutang Fengya put down the beaker in his hand, his eyes suddenly became stern and serious,

"I ask you, are you ready to fight?"

Jiutang Linyin was stunned, but Jiutang Fengya asked again:

"Are you ready to fight?"

Jiutang Linyin recalled every little bit of the past, every time she was saved, every time she watched others fight but was powerless, every time she listened to Lin Feng's comfort and encouragement, she was full of confidence in the future again.

It seems that all those past experiences require her to make a decision at this moment!

"Father! I want to use my power to protect the important people! I want to be an alchemist like you who brings happiness to everyone!"

Hearing the tone without hesitation,

Jiutang Fengya showed a gratified smile,

"It seems that entrusting you to Lin Feng is the right decision...."Rinyin, raise your ring." Jiutang Fengya raised her right hand, and the red ring on her index finger instantly shone with dazzling light. Jiutang Rinyin subconsciously looked at her finger, and her originally blue ring instantly turned orange! It can be clearly felt that the ring is hosting an unprecedented huge energy!

"Linyin, that is your signpost, believe in yourself and move forward!"

Jiutang Fengya walked towards her step by step.

"Depending on how it is used, this power can be used for good or evil, so never forget this."

Jiutang Linyin held the ring tightly in her hand.

"I know, this is my mission as an alchemist now!"

After the voice fell, the space began to tremble continuously.

Jiutang Fengya looked around and left his last instructions.

"Go, child, as long as you have a noble heart, Kemi will definitely respond to it!"

Without waiting for Jiutang Linyin to answer, her intention completely dissipated.

When she opened her eyes again, she returned to the real world.

""Lady Rinne!"

Tsumuri was the first to notice that she had woken up. Her surprised voice attracted everyone.

Lin Feng squatted beside her and looked at her with a smile.

Without words, they had already understood each other.

"Brother, leave the rest to me."

Listening to her words,

Lin Feng patted her head, and then made way for her to perform.

Jiutang Linyin walked towards the large group of evil demons who suddenly appeared in front of her with firm steps.

At the same time, she raised her right hand, took off the orange ring on her index finger, and put it on her middle finger.

The next second, the ring changed and became a brand new ring with an arrow and small wings!

In addition, a brand new driver also appeared on her waist!

【AlchemisDriver! 】(Alchemist Driver)

When she scanned the inverted triangle above the ring and the driver, the driver was officially activated!

Jiutang Rinyin looked at the two Camis in her hand, the sun and the unicorn.

This time, she could clearly sense their intentions!

"From this moment on, I will change myself..."

As the two Kamikas were inserted into the drive one after another, Rinyin made the Dust Release Peeling Technique gesture with both hands and said softly:



【Unicon! TheSun】

【Asabove, sobelow Got-Got-Got-Gotchanko! Prominencehorn SunUnicorn】

As the clean and clear female voice sang,

Jiutang Rinyin began to gather cosmic energy frantically.

The shadows of the sun and the unicorn descended behind her.

The huge power was fused together by alchemy, and finally formed a pure white armor under the cover of a pair of white wings!

She opened her arms and confidently introduced herself, saying:

"My name is Kamen Rider Majade! (Magic Jade)"

Lin Feng looked at her back, with a strong sense of relief and pride on his face.

The first female deputy knight in the history of knights was born!


Jiutang Rinyin turned her head and looked behind her.

After getting Lin Feng's affirmation, she no longer hesitated. She soared into the air, and the dazzling sunlight burst out from her body.

This endless light was filled with an extremely strong purifying force. It was just an expanding aftermath.

Wherever it passed, all the evil demons created by alchemy were turned into dust on the spot!


Jiutang Rinyin flew into the sky like a little sun!

At the same time,

Master X, Malgan, who was fighting with Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Ichinose Takarō in the distance, suddenly exerted his strength.

He thrust the peacock-shaped sword in his hand into the ground!

Dense spider web-like cracks spread out, and energy fluctuations as hot as magma gushed out from the cracks, like a volcano that suddenly erupted, and all the people around were blown away!

"This guy...This power is simply beyond imagination!"

Baotaro stood up with difficulty while lying on the ground. The electric current surging on his body proved that he was on the verge of collapse!

Although Ukiyo Hidetoshi on the side had no major problems, it was difficult for him to accept that he had not been able to defeat X Wizard Malgan.

I am a god after all.

It's okay that I can't beat Kamen Rider DarkDecade, that BUG-like guy, but why can't I beat you, a monster who uses alchemy??? However, the next second, X Wizard Malgan, who stepped through the smoke and dust and walked slowly, raised his hand and countless chains rose from the ground, directly binding Ukiyo Hidetoshi who wanted to get up in place!

Moreover, no matter how Ukiyo Hidetoshi struggled, he could not break free from the chains!

(To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) At this moment, he suddenly thought of a sentence that Kamen Rider DarkDecade said not long ago,

【The power of creation, also known as Little Alchemy, he won't accept it even if it's given to him. 】

Damn! Is this true? ? ?

Ukiyo Hidetoshi only felt that his face was slapped, [] he really couldn't break free from the chains created by alchemy!

This is too embarrassing, isn't it?!

Although the power of creation in his body is very weak, it is still divine power after all, how come... Fuck! 凸(艹皿艹)!

However, the more serious problem is that without his help,

Ichinose Takarō will face X-Master Malgan alone.

Previously, neither of them could suppress the other.

Now that Takarō is alone, won't he be beaten? ? ?

Takarō's heart is also beating fast.

He has tried to use various combinations of Kemi and change into various forms, but it's no use.

The power of X-Master Malgan is simply abnormal!

Just as everyone was about to fall into an irreversible disadvantage, a stream of light streaked across the sky, and an extremely hot energy wave destroyed everything related to alchemy from a distance!

For example, the chains that bound Ukiyo Hidetoshi, the evil demon summoned by Master X, and the sword in its hand that could continuously release sword energy and magma attacks.���Sword!


There was a loud noise, and a dazzling stream of light descended from the sky, like an angel, elegant and gorgeous!

It was not until this time that everyone saw clearly that this figure was a Kamen Rider they had never seen before!

And it was a female Kamen Rider!

Just as they were wondering who the transformation was,

Jiutang Rin's cold voice rang out,

"Kugimiya Rito, as long as I'm here, your magic and alchemy will be of no use!"


Ichinose Tatarō got up from the ground swiftly, his face under the mask full of surprise.

"Is it Jiudou? You turned into a Kamen Rider too?!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi snorted, expressing his gratitude for her rescue.

But Jiudou Rinyin ignored their wishes and walked straight towards Kugimiya Rito.

"This person was handed over to me."

"Ah...Who do I think I am? A little girl who is still wet behind the ears dares to go up to me?!"

Kugimiya Rito shouted angrily, he burst out all the strength in his body, and rushed towards Jiutang Rinyin arrogantly, his hands were wrapped with blazing flames, forming claws, and he swung several claw marks forward continuously, as if to tear the space apart!

On the other hand, Jiutang Rinyin did not choose to fight Kugimiya Rito head-on, but raised her palm, wrapped with some blue energy, drawing circles while meeting those claw marks, buzz buzz buzz!

I saw that the claw marks were directly purified and turned into nothingness the moment they touched Jiutang Rinyin's palm, without any harm!

But if you think that Jiutang Rinyin wants to use the principle of Tai Chi to overcome hardness with softness... , then the next second, she directly delivered a powerful elbow strike, bursting out with the terrible impact force of a unicorn, and fiercely hit Kugimiya Rito's chest!


A dull sound exploded, and being hit by this elbow strike mixed with terrifying power,

Kugimiya Rito immediately flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, sliding straight on the ground until he crashed into the wall and embedded himself in it!

Ichinose Takarō and Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who were far away, were extremely shocked when they saw this. They couldn't believe that Jiudou Rin, who looked so quiet and elegant before, could burst out such a powerful force after the transformation!



Kugimiya Rito shook his body violently, and the wall behind him was directly shattered by him, and he regained the ability to move.

But now he has no time to care about the pain in his body, and is completely immersed in anger!

Kugimiya Rito is a Beyond Grade A Alchemist after all, and he is absolutely confident in his own strength.

At least, he will never believe that he will be defeated by a female student!

So, the crazy Kugimiya Rito mobilized all the remaining energy in his body in an overloaded state!

He lifted his hands up, and the surging power gathered continuously.

Suddenly, a dazzling red light bloomed, and a huge lava fireball, wrapped in a rolling tide, shot towards Jiutang Rinyin!

Looking at the fireball that was gradually enlarged in the field of vision,

Jiutang Rinyin calmly placed the ring on his finger above the driver and swept it over,

【SunUnicornNova! 】

When the melodious female voice rang out,

Jiutang Rinyin suddenly stepped forward and rushed towards the fireball.

She rushed towards the overwhelming heat wave.

At the moment when she was about to collide with the fireball, she jumped into the air and kicked the fireball with one foot!



In an instant, the mysterious energy formed a ban, sealing the fireball that was about to explode on the spot.

At the same time, Jiutang Rinyin circled in the air for a circle, and her right foot was wrapped with huge cosmic energy, forming a pattern of the solar system, and she performed a knight kick on the fireball!


The fireball immediately turned around under the force of the knight kick, and immediately shot back along the original path from where it came from!

Kugimiya Rito had never expected such a scene.

Even if he used his ability to defend himself at this moment, it was too late.

Everyone only saw him standing in place, embracing the fireball as if embracing the sun, and was eventually engulfed by the blazing waves!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

The earth-shaking explosion resounded throughout the world.

The fireball blessed by the power of the knight's kick was extremely powerful.

At the moment of the explosion, it was like a huge fire lotus.

It set off a wave of flames that swept everything and burned all the flowers, plants and trees wherever it passed.

Seeing this, Ukiyo Hideto quickly used the power of creation to protect his friends.

Then, in the smoke and dust that spread all over the sky, the X-Master Malgan, who was transformed by Kugimiya Rito, flew out like a kite with a broken string, fell heavily on the ground, smashed a pit of tens of meters in size, and shook the gravel and dust all over the sky!

Then, in a burst of turbulent electric arcs, the body of X-Master Malgan exploded, revealing the embarrassed Kugimiya Rito inside!

At the same time, all the citizens in Furasu woke up from the nightmare, their mental pain was all reduced, and the memories in their minds were also erased at the same time.

The originally lifeless city, at this moment, became full of vitality again!

When Ichinose Takarataro saw this scene, he felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.

He fell straight to the ground and then looked up to the sky in admiration and shouted:

"Jiutang! You are so awesome!!!"

Jiutang Rinyin ignored his words and looked at the blue and peaceful sky quietly.

A hint of pride appeared on her face under the mask.

I can finally do my part to protect the world!

In addition,

Ukiyo Hideto's attention was focused on the big pit in the distance.

The power of that person, Kugimiya Rito, had not completely disappeared......


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