"This guy...It's still as scary as before."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who was previously beaten into the ground by Kugimiya Rito, just crawled out and saw the shocking scene of Lin Feng summoning the sun's rays to cut the earth apart. It was even more terrifying than the scene of being beaten in the shrine at that time.

However, it was a good thing that Lin Feng came, otherwise I really don't know how the next battle would end.

On the other side,

Ichinose Takarō also climbed out of the big pit again, revealing a relaxed smile,

"If it was DarkDecade, then Kugimiya Rito would be in big trouble. Now he doesn't have to worry about the destruction of the world, right?"

Hearing his words,

Ukiyo Hideto nodded with some shame but had to admit it.

"Yes, if it was him, we wouldn't have to worry about that."On the rooftop of Furasu High School,

Tsumurai, Ginkgo Renka and others, who had regained their spirits, saw Jiudou Rinyin being sent over by the dimensional wall, and quickly surrounded him to inquire about his injuries.

"I don't have any big problem...Senior sister, help me up first, I want to see my brother...No, I want to see how the battle between DarkDecade and Kugimiya Rito is going.

Ginkgo Renka and Tsumurai helped her up, and they stood on the edge of the rooftop and saw the amazing scene of the sun breaking through the clouds and creating the world.

"This guy is simply ridiculously strong!"

Ginkgo Lotus's sigh was also everyone's sigh.

They always knew that Kamen Rider DarkDecade was very strong, but every time they saw him take action, they would feel that he was not strong enough last time, and this time he was the strongest! So much so that after a repetitive cycle, no one knew where DarkDecade's limit was.

In the center of the battlefield, in the rising gray-black smoke,

Kugimiya Rito, who was kneeling on one knee on the ground and leaving a long mark, looked at the cracked Blade King Sword in his hand, and his whole body trembled incredibly,

"Why?! I obviously have the power of an invincible player, why can your attack still work on me?!!"

Da, da, da

Lin Feng stepped on the puddle and walked out of the smoke and dust.

He looked at his huge fist and said lightly,

"Because your invincibility has limits, but my power is unlimited."

Under normal circumstances, the invincible player and the God Limit are at a level where neither can do anything to the other. The invincible player is immune to all damage and control, while the God Limit cannot be conquered because of its high level. At the same time, it can freely modify its own data.

Even if the health bar is at the bottom, as long as the data is modified, it will be full again.

However, in the Ex-aid spin-off novel published by Azuma, the invincible and the God Limit did fight each other.

As a result, the invincible had a slight advantage, but Baosheng Yongmeng immediately explained that he could conquer the God Limit, but it would take much longer than the human lifespan.

In other words, within the limited lifespan of Baosheng Yongmeng, he could not conquer the God Limit and could only suppress it.

Therefore, both Invincible and God Limit have their own ways of winning the battle.

But now, it is Lin Feng who has transformed into God Limit, and it is the DarkDecade driver that carries this power.

The driver not only amplifies the power of God Limit infinitely, but also the bonus brought by other Kamen Rider decks held by Lin Feng will make God Limit much stronger than the original version.

In addition, although Kugimiya Rito has the power of an invincible player, that power is ultimately incomplete. Facing Lin Feng's deluxe version of the super-large cup God Limit, his invincible ability is like nothing.


Kugimiya Rito, who was dazzled by his self-righteousness, did not believe what Lin Feng said.

He threw the Blade King Sword in his hand casually and got into a fighting stance again.

"Since Saber's blade is not sharp enough, I still have the pure power of Super 1!!!"

The moment the voice fell, the silver leg armor on Kugimiya Rito's legs began to surge with white waves like heat waves.

He accumulated all the strength in his body and then burst out!


The ground under his feet instantly formed a huge depression with a diameter of hundreds of meters. The recoil caused by this impact force made him burst out at an invisible speed. While crossing the entire city, it seemed to tear the space apart, bringing up layers of space ripples!

In that flash of lightning, Kugimiya Rito came in front of Lin Feng, his left fist was wrapped with silver light patterns, creating a huge depression with a diameter of hundreds of meters. The sound barrier broke through with a piercing explosion, and it blasted towards Lin Feng's chest in a terrifying way!



The dull explosion spread, and a circle of invisible ripples quickly expanded between the two of them.

The next second, the world shook, and a huge fan-shaped shock wave was instantly hit behind Lin Feng. Countless cracks spread out, like little snakes, and people who saw it were going to have intensive phobia!

However, this full-strength blow fell on Lin Feng, but it still didn't shake him at all.

He took the punch steadily and was extremely calm, as if he was stung by a mosquito.

He came back to his senses and slowly lowered his head.

"That's it.~?"


Lin Feng grabbed Kugimiya Rito's arm with a grim smile, and his right fist was wrapped in purple flames, turning into a purple boxing glove the size of a person. Under Kugimiya Rito's dazed gaze, he fiercely slammed into his head!

At that moment, Lin Feng could even feel the deformation of Kugimiya Rito's head!

Bang! Bang bang bang bang bang!

The difference between the two punches was huge. Kugimiya Rito did not cause any impact on Lin Feng, but Kugimiya Rito could not withstand Lin Feng's fist at all. He flew straight backwards like a kite with a broken string, sliding on the ground to the end of the horizon!

The rubble behind him had formed a small hill, and it was this hill that provided him with resistance, allowing him to finally stop!


【Super Knight Moon Kick!

Kugimiya Rito took the posture of the Red Heart Shaolin Fist, and then the whole person soared into the sky. After spinning for several weeks in the sky, he directly performed the strongest knight kick of Super1 at Lin Feng, who was hundreds of meters away and spanned half of the city!

From a distance, he seemed to have turned into a colorful meteorite.

During the fall, he crashed into one building after another. Surrounded by rubble and debris, he brought up circles of ripples, constantly breaking through the sound barrier and tearing the space, trying to use this blow to completely penetrate Lin Feng!

However, at such a long distance, it was extremely difficult to even hit Lin Feng directly.

Facing his wishful attack,

Lin Feng raised his hand calmly and threw a driving card into the driver!

【AttackRide! Cosmic Chronicles!

Once again,

Lin Feng started the"Cosmic Chronicles" game built into God Limit.

He raised his hand and clenched it towards the sky.

The originally pouring rain suddenly evaporated into steam and drifted in the sky!

People looked up at the sky in confusion, but found a scene that made them feel cold all over!

Densely packed, countless, real meteorites from outer space have descended!

They dragged long, hot tail flames, instantly turning the originally cold Furanosu into a high-temperature area, and the rainwater accumulated in the potholes on the ground was also quickly evaporated.

The whole city seemed to be facing the end of the world!

And Kugimiya Rito, who was still posing in the knight kick posture in the sky, was dumbfounded.

He was directly smashed into the city by meteorites one after another, turning into an invisible ant, and was drowned in the blazing explosion and sea of fire!

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Meteorites fell to the ground, karma fires arose, and all things were annihilated!

One after another, meteorite craters with diameters of hundreds of meters appeared on the territory of Fuliangzhou. The once prosperous city turned into hell in the blink of an eye!

People's shouts have dried up, and their throats have long been hoarse.

Facing the natural disaster that they can't resist, all they can do is despair!

For a moment, (to read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even the members of the protagonist group who were watching the battle from a distance felt a little dizzy.

Who is here to save the world?

Could it be that the boss is Lin Feng? ?

? Isn't the boss Rito Kugimiya ?

Where is the person? Has he been killed by the meteorite? []

If he is not dead, get up quickly and stop Lin Feng from destroying the city!

Just as everyone was sighing that even if the world was saved,

Fuliangzhou would not be habitable, the huge explosion in the center of the city, which was originally caused by the dense meteorite falling to the ground, suddenly slowed down.

The surging heat waves were still blooming in a very concrete state, but they became extremely slow, even almost stopped!

At this time, a low voice came from the explosion,

【Hyper! Clockup! 】

Tada tada!

I saw Kugimiya Rito walking out of the explosion center step by step.

At this moment the Hyper Armor on his chest was opened, and a pair of wings emitting a large number of light particles opened behind him.

But even so, scars can still be seen on other parts of his body.

Obviously, if he hadn't used Hyper Clockup just now, he would have been smashed into a pool of meat by the meteorite!

"DarKDecade, very good...You can actually injure me so badly, but unfortunately, in the face of this highest level of time-boosting, you have no chance to fight back!"

However, the next second,

Lin Feng's voice sounded behind him.



At that moment, all the hairs on Kugimiya Rito's body stood up.

He retreated very quickly, distanced himself from him, and stared at Lin Feng with rapid breathing.

"How could this be?!! I have clearly entered the Hyperion Time Transformation, how could you possibly catch my movements!"

"Because I opened the"Cosmic Chronicles"》"

I saw a game screen slowly appearing next to Lin Feng, with the name of the game on it.

"In this game, everything is the same as in the universe, and your time-up is not essentially an extremely high movement speed, but it is the manipulation of the flow of time around you that creates the illusion of high-speed movement....In the universe, there is no concept of time."

Looking at Lin Feng's shaking fingers,

Kugimiya Rito's mouth twitched.

"So what if it's like this? You still can't defeat me! As long as I can dodge all your attacks! Even in the universe, so what?!"

Lin Feng sneered when he heard this.

"Really? Then I will make it impossible for you to dodge, isn't that good?"

The moment Lin Feng finished speaking,

Kugimiya Rito instinctively sensed the danger and wanted to distance himself from him.


Lin Feng, who was well prepared, stretched out his fist like rubber, and gave him a rising dragon punch the moment Kugimiya Rito wanted to escape!


Kugimiya Rito's body soared into the sky uncontrollably.

This time it was not as simple as being hit into the sky.

What was incredible was that he was actually hit into outer space outside the earth!!!

Kugimiya Rito was already dumbfounded.

He was floating in outer space in a trance, his heart beating wildly, and a strong ominous premonition finally made him feel terrified!

【Final Attack Ride! Kamiwaza! God Maximum Critical B1essing! 】

A familiar mechanical sound sounded behind him.

Kugimiya Rito didn't know how he heard it in this vacuum where sound couldn't be transmitted.

He turned his head stiffly and saw the last scene of his life.

Lin Feng was hanging under the huge moon at this moment.

White light fell on him.

At this moment, Kugimiya Rito was still attracted by Lin Feng.

He didn't see that he actually stretched out his fist and pierced directly into the surface of the moon.

By the time he reacted,

Lin Feng had slowly dragged the moon and used it as a projectile to smash it towards Kugimiya Rito!!!!!

At that moment,

Kugimiya Rito's breathing completely stopped.

��The paleness of the moon was reflected on his face, and then he was crushed by the moon and crashed straight into the earth!!!

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

At this time, people on earth thought that the battle was over after seeing Lin Feng and Kugimiya Rito disappear in the city.

They even began to think about how to rebuild Furano Island.

But the next second, a terrifying scene that half of the people on earth will never forget appeared.

In broad daylight, the huge moon was crushing towards the earth little by little!

People were speechless.

People who originally had giant phobia collapsed on the spot.

People who did not have giant phobia suffered from this symptom.

This time they had no doubt that the earth was really going to be destroyed.


With a sound, the moon crushed the high-rise buildings and slowly touched the earth.

The heat wave that was enough to engulf everything destroyed all obstacles in its path like a tsunami of destruction, leaving no dust behind.

In the end, there was only a white light left in people's vision!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host (Li Zhaozhao) for completing the task. The reward has been distributed to the system space. Please check it in time! 】

After an unknown amount of time, the buzzing sound of the tinnitus office gradually disappeared, and the white light that filled the field of vision also weakened.

People were doubtful and confirmed whether they had arrived in heaven, but the moment they opened their eyes, they were greeted by the familiar prosperous city and the pouring rain.

Having experienced everything that had happened before, the people of Furasu were all stunned.

They looked at the surrounding environment with suspicion, and at some of the dilapidated scenes remaining in the city with suspicion.

Why didn't the world perish? Why were only some buildings damaged?

Why didn't the moon crush over?

The answers are all in the center of the battlefield that has not yet ended.

On the ruins,

Kugimiya Rito knelt on the ground, constantly vomiting blood, and trembling all over.

At this moment, he has returned to his human form.

Master X flew out of his body and drilled into Takanashi Ichinose's Kaimi.

".What...What just happened...What on earth is going on?"

Ritsuto Kugimiya looked at Lin Feng in a daze, just wanting to get an answer.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Tatarō behind Lin Feng were also very curious.

They also witnessed his soul-shaking scene with their own eyes.

The moon hit, but a white light flashed, and only a crisp click sound spread.

Then, they returned to the city as if they had traveled through space.

As for the traces left by Lin Feng and Ritsuto Kugimiya's battle, they were all wiped out.

"Because, all of that happened within my game domain."

Lin Feng looked at him, and a cluster of purple flames rose from his palm.

"In my domain, reality can be changed by games, and games can also be affected by reality. Therefore, the scene of the moon hitting the earth does exist, but now, because I have withdrawn the domain, the game data has restored reality."

After saying this, the flame flew towards Kugimiya Rito without any wailing sound.���Turned into ashes and dissipated into the sky......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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