Everything has finally settled down, the dark clouds in the sky have finally dissipated, and the light scattered in the city has never made people feel so warm.


Ichinose Tarotaro ran to Lin Feng excitedly and respectfully.

He picked up the six Kamikas in his hand and thanked him:

"Senior, thank you very much. Wizard X was rescued. The other five Camies also took the initiative to enter my card out of fear and terror. Anyway,..."Thank you!"

He bowed repeatedly.

Lin Feng glanced at the six Camies, and suddenly there was a rustling sound.

The six Camies shrank into the corner of the card, obviously still frightened by Lin Feng's previous actions.

"Getting them is not a big deal. What is most important is to be able to establish a bond with them and use their power."

Lin Feng's words made Ichinose Takarō serious again.

"I understand! These six level 10 Camies are the friends I really want to make. Believe me, I can definitely make them recognize me! Just wait and see how I perform!"

Without responding to him,

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi who was approaching from the other side.

"What? If you want to thank me, I think it is unnecessary."How can I put it?

Lin Feng didn't think that Ukiyo Hidetoshi would be that kind of person.

If he did something that went against his persona, it would make Lin Feng feel very uncomfortable.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled and said:

"Even though you said that, since you showed up in time this time, I don't have to worry about the future of this world."

Lin Feng turned around and summoned the dimensional wall.

"Don't think too much, what I did was not to protect the world."

After leaving this sentence,

Lin Feng planned to step into the dimensional wall and leave here, but at this moment, he suddenly sensed something, and his brows under the mask slightly frowned.

Seeing him stop in front of the dimensional wall,

Ichinose Takarō curiously stepped forward and asked:

"Senior? Do you have anything else to tell me? If there is anything that needs to be dealt with and it is inconvenient for you to do it, I can help you."

Seeing this, Ukiyo Hidetoshi also stopped and looked at Lin Feng. Although he did not speak, he would not refuse if he wanted to help. Lin Feng thought for a while, then patted Baotaro on the shoulder and said:

"It's nothing. You are so badly injured. Please return to the Alchemy Academy as soon as possible. We don't know how you are doing from such a distance....By the way, please also care about your friends, after all, this battle has affected many people."

Ichinose Tatarō was very surprised when he heard Lin Feng's words, but after thinking about it carefully, when he was fighting with Kugimiya Rito, whether it was teacher Minato, seniors, or Jiudou Rin'on who transformed into a Kamen Rider to help, they all seemed to be affected.

Maybe, Senior DarkDecade wanted to remind himself that while building a bond with Camie, he should not forget the people who have been supporting him behind the scenes.

Thinking of this,

Tatarō nodded seriously and said:

"No problem, senior! I'll go back to the academy now!"

Seeing this,

Lin Feng had nothing else to say, so in front of the surprised eyes of Baotaro and Ukiyo Hidetoshi, he summoned a dark golden motorcycle from the dimensional wall.

Its appearance was the same as the Decade, but the pink stripes turned into dark golden color, making it more domineering.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The roar of the engine resounded,

Lin Feng got on the motorcycle and drove away.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at him who disappeared from his sight, and asked Baotaro beside him in surprise:

""Is your DarkDecade senior also so cool when he left the battlefield before?"

Baotaro frowned and pouted.

"No, I also feel it is a bit strange."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi pondered for a while and said:

"In that case, then you should do as he says and go back to school quickly. We will say goodbye and see each other again if we are lucky."

Ichinose Takarō also had the same idea.

"I hope you will become a better god when we meet again next time!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled a little ashamed.

Being told this by a junior, it seems that his performance as a god has not been satisfactory during this period.

After a brief chat, the two parted ways and continued on their own paths.

In the distance,

Black Steel Spana, who also decided to leave, helped the exhausted Minato up, and then looked at the Taoist priest Azuma who left alone, and asked with some doubts:

"Where are your teammates? Won't they come to help you?"

The sudden words reminded the relaxed Azuma Daochang of some bad memories in DGP.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he replied gloomily,

"No need! I can walk by myself!"

Black Steel Spana and Minato looked at each other, and saw doubt in each other's eyes.

"Maybe he doesn't like others helping him."

At the same time, on the rooftop of the church near Fuliangzhou High School, a man in a black windbreaker, holding a golden Rubik's Cube, wearing single-frame glasses, and with curly hair, was silently watching Lin Feng driving a motorcycle away from the battlefield.

"Masked Rider...DarKDecade..."

The man whispered Lin Feng's name, his eyes gradually became ferocious, and an excited smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"That power is really Sbarasi!!!"

As he said this, he turned his head and looked behind him.

"It's understandable that the three of you have your plans disrupted by such a character!"

The view turned, and behind the man, the three Dark Sisters, who had been feared by countless alchemists, bowed respectfully.

Only Atropos, who was standing in front, slowly raised his head and said:

"Lord Gryon, what should we do next?���

That's right, the man standing there at this moment was the famous new student, Ge Liang, who had just broken the seal of Jiutang Fengya and saw the light of day again!

And what a coincidence, he broke the seal on his body with the help of the energy aftermath that erupted during the battle between Lin Feng and Kugimiya Rito.

If it weren't for this earth-shaking battle,

Gryon would have to take at least several days to fully recover!

So, as soon as the seal was broken, Gryon rushed straight to the source of energy.

It was a pity that he didn't witness the shocking scene of Lin Feng dragging the moon to crush Kugimiya Rito with his own eyes, but the energy surging and overflowing on the battlefield would not lie.

Gryon was still deeply attracted by the fluctuations around Lin Feng!

In his opinion, if the fluctuations on Lin Feng could be obtained, he could definitely use them to break the seal of the Dark King immediately!

Therefore, he was so excited at this time!

Atropos didn't know what Gryon was thinking.

She looked at Lin Feng who was gradually disappearing from her sight and put forward her own suggestions:

"Now, should we take advantage of the fact that he has just finished a battle and is weak to get rid of this troublesome guy? If we don't get rid of him, we have to take him into account in the future plans.

Gryon pondered for a while, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I remember you said before that he intervened in your fight with the students from the Alchemy Academy, but he didn't help one side. He just seemed to be having fun, right?"

Atropos nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, in a battle not long ago, DarkDecade had directly rescued Lachesis, and he had said bluntly many times that the purpose of his participation in the battle was to find interesting targets."

Gryon glanced at Lachesis, who was hanging his head and could not see his face clearly, then retracted his gaze and cast his gaze at Lin Feng in the distance, and replied softly:

"In that case, then you should come with me, so that I can have a good look at this world destroyer."

After the words fell,

Gryon's fingers gently turned the golden Rubik's Cube in his hand, and then, the forbidden alchemy was performed, and the four figures disappeared at the same time.

At the same time,

Lin Feng, who was driving a motorcycle away from the battlefield, was not idle either. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He immediately communicated with the system in his mind

"Collect mission rewards"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Evo1 series card set!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Durenda 1 series card set!】

"Wow, it’s finally here!"[]

Looking at the system broadcast in his field of vision,

Lin Feng was refreshed and in a better mood.

Kamen Rider Evo1, its famous name should be known to all special effects fans.

As the most vagrant villain Boss in history, not only has its strength reached the star level, but its appearance is also loved by many knight fans!

When the black hole form first appeared, it caused a lot of heat in the knight world.

Now the legend about E-General continues!

Among the outsiders, E-General has also returned in the latest form! The power is naturally stronger than before!

Lin Feng has begun to look forward to using this power to bring surprises to everyone in the Gochard world!

As for the other Kamen Rider Durenda1, he is nicknamed"Big Brother-in-law" for no other reason than that his sister is the famous bad woman of Reiwa, Kamishiro Reika.

Therefore, many old special effects perverts affectionately call him this way. However

, in addition to this, the special ability"Time Delete" also appeared for the first time in the Kamen Rider series.

It is the signature skill of Kamen Rider Durenda1.

Unlike the straightforwardness of time stop, after using it, it will enter a space that cannot be captured.

After acting freely in the space, when it appears again, it will delete the time he acted in the space.

It can be understood as a special teleportation ability.

Therefore, it is not as obvious as the effect of time stop, but it is also very good.

When Lin Feng was contentedly admiring the two sets of cards in his hand, he suddenly noticed several uninvited guests in front of him.

I saw that outside the smoke and dust,

Lin Feng, who was driving a motorcycle, squeezed the brakes and stopped dozens of meters away.

At this time, Lin Feng restored his basic form.

Under the dark blue goggles,

Gryon's figure was clearly reflected.

This scene made Lin Feng sure of his perception.

Not long ago, when he was communicating with Ichinose Tatarō and Ukiyo Hidetoshi, it was indeed this newborn who was peeping at him from a distance.

That's right!

At that time, the reason why Lin Feng paused in front of the dimensional wall was because he noticed Gryon's sight, but he was not sure about Gryon's purpose.

So, for safety reasons,

Lin Feng did not teleport to the Alchemy Academy immediately, but drove a motorcycle to guide Gryon and let him follow him to a place far away from the Alchemy Academy.

At the same time, the purpose of asking Ichinose Tatarō to go back to school quickly was to make thorough preparations.

If Gryon came by himself and then sent the three sisters of Hades to attack the Alchemy Academy directly while they were weak and exhausted after the war, then the academy would definitely be in trouble without the protection of Tatarō.

However, judging from the results, Gryon came to him with all his men.

Tap, tap, tap!

Glion's high-heeled leather shoes made a crisp sound as they stepped on the floor of the square.

He slowly approached Lin Feng while playing with the Rubik's Cube in his hand, and chuckled in a low voice:

"Kamen Rider, DarkDecade, a passing Kamen Rider, a demon who calls himself a world destroyer, I am really curious about your true face."

Lin Feng let go of the handlebars, leaned back in the seat leisurely, and said with a smile:

"Gryon, the creator of the tragedy at the Alchemy Academy ten years ago, the initiator of the changes to the top management of the Alchemy Alliance, a follower who wanted to gain the power of the Dark Lord, and a conservative alchemist who was traditional and only wanted to turn the world into [gold]. This kind of information is known to everyone on the street, who are you trying to scare by telling it out?" Perhaps, no one would be surprised if

Lin Feng's information was told out.

After all, every time Lin Feng took action, no one dared not to admit that he was a world destroyer.

But Gryon was different.

He had just escaped from the seal.

Except for some teachers of the Alchemy Academy and the top leaders of the alliance, no one even knew of Gryon's existence.

No one would remember those past events and the truth.

But Lin Feng told it all, which naturally shocked Gryon and the three sisters of Minghei at this time.

However, they thought carefully about Lin Feng's mysterious power.

It seemed that there was nothing surprising about the existence of such divine power and some unknown secrets.

However, there was one thing that needed to be corrected.

Gryon said unconvincedly:

"Isn't it the original alchemy to turn worthless things into gold? In other words, as an alchemist, if I get power and don't practice alchemy, should I practice copper?"

Atropos: I seem to have heard something strange???

Even Clotho and Lachesis inexplicably wanted to complain, what kind of abstract wish is this?

So you keep creating Malgan to attack humans and destroy the world, and the ultimate goal is to make gold, right? This goal is too damn pure!

When Lin Feng heard this, he almost couldn't hold it back.

I'm not saying that Ge Liang is just this much, you are a fundamentalist alchemist?

It really is a return to nature, my family!

However, laughing aside,

Lin Feng probably understood the meaning of Gryon's desire to turn the world into gold.

In fact, he believed that gold represents eternity, and turning the world into gold means dominating and eliminating the useless and eternal stagnation.

Thinking of this, the purpose has become destructive again.

"Okay, stop talking so much nonsense and useless things. What on earth do you want to do when you come to see me?"

Lin Feng opened the card box, casually pulled out a driving card, and looked at Gryon with a smile.

"If you want to fight, I have every card in my hand ready to fight you."

Although I don't know what Gleon is up to, it's the first time that Lin Feng has seen a villain come to his doorstep to ask for a fight.

If he really wants to fight,

Lin Feng doesn't mind speeding up the process and directly letting the plot of Gochard progress to the stage of the arrival of the Dark Lord.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the unknown control card in Lin Feng's hand.

Lachesis clenched the sword in her hand, swallowed her saliva, and was extremely nervous.

She and her elder and second sisters witnessed Lin Feng's use of the Moon Fist to blow up the Kugimiya.

If she hadn't instinctively followed Gleon's orders, she would have even wanted to escape halfway.

How could she have thought that she would have to face Lin Feng head-on now?

And still have to fight?

Don't be ridiculous, he would be merciful if he didn't beat the four of us into a pulp with one punch!

However, at this point, no matter how cowardly Lachesis's heart-warming little theater was, she could only bite the bullet and stand here, waiting for the development of the situation.......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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