""My own exclusive driver."

Kurogan Spana whispered this sentence, which made him excited. He had been watching Ichinose Takarō getting stronger and stronger.

The junior whom he had looked down upon at the beginning became the pillar of the Alchemy Academy.

Kurogan had always felt bad in his heart.

In addition, a few days ago,

Jiudou Rin also became a Kamen Rider.

The strong sense of shock made Kurogan even more uncomfortable.

Now, can he finally get rid of the previous predicament?!

I saw Emi Kyoka looking at the drawings on the computer with satisfaction,

"The power of this driver may be even stronger than that of the innocent little boy Ichinose Takarō!"

She suddenly frowned.

"However, the final debugging work is much more complicated than expected, and I need someone to help me."

Upon hearing this, Heigang Spana immediately spoke up to recommend himself, but Zhijian Jinghua showed an expectant smile, then turned around and walked out.

"I wonder if that guy has missed me recently, but I miss him so much!"

Heigang Spana was stunned and watched Zhijian Jinghua leave the laboratory with a lot of bags.

After a long time, he finally reacted.

"Hey! Teacher! Are you going to look for him?!!"


Lin Feng was sitting in front of the French window of the photo studio. He suddenly sneezed, which made him a little confused.

Was there someone talking about him behind his back?

Shaking his head,

Lin Feng shifted his thoughts again.

While drinking tea, he was thinking about tomorrow's response plan.

The most important thing was that the man who pulled the reputation of the play"Gochard" back from the edge of the cliff was coming, and he had to think of a way to join in the fun.


The wind chime at the door rang, and

Lin Feng shouted to the outside,

"Linyin, you're back so soon?"

Early in the morning on September 7th,

Linyin was very excited and said she was going out to buy breakfast.

I don't know why, but maybe she was preparing for Christmas tomorrow?

But she was only out for a few minutes and came back so soon, which was quite unexpected.

As a result, when I got up from the recliner and walked to the front hall,

I saw an acquaintance I hadn't seen for a while appear in my field of vision.

A gentle woman in work clothes, with a carefree manner, was also Lin Feng's enlightenment teacher in alchemy.

"ah~~~Xiao Feng, long time no see! Let me hug you, I miss you so much!"

She threw aside the pile of things in her hands and pounced on Lin Feng like a spoiled child, then touched him here and poked him there, showing her curiosity.

"Wow, you've grown taller again!"

"He's even more handsome now!"

"Oh! The pectoral muscles are so big!"

"Abs, and mermaid line?!"

"After that..."

Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and he quickly took a step back.

""That's enough! Those who know you know that you are my teacher, and those who don't know you think that I have been entangled by some nympho!"

This woman has been touching him every day since he first started learning from her.

She is obviously an adult, but she always needs Lin Feng to take care of her like a child.

When Lin Feng grew up, she was even more excessive.

She came directly to the photo studio several times and occupied Lin Feng's bedroom, making it difficult for Lin Feng to sleep with her.

If he didn't sleep together, it would be inconvenient for Lin Feng to sleep directly with Jiutang Linyin.

Jiutang Linyin used to be very cold and hostile to Zhi Jianjinghua, just like she was to Ginkgo Lianhua.

Allowing her to stay in the photo studio was already the greatest tolerance for her, so most of the time, only Lin Feng had to endure Zhi Jianjinghua.

In addition, the most important thing is that this woman has never realized the most important problem.

Lin Feng is no longer a child, but this woman is very unscrupulous when she comes to his house.

For example, now Lin Feng's eyes gradually widened.

This woman actually changed clothes in the living room in front of him!!!

Lin Feng subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but after thinking about it, he felt that this was his own home.

She was so blatant.

Was she really not afraid of his jockey, Mezu? But then again, Lin Feng silently looked at the good figure of his enlightenment teacher.

In the previous life, when she played the role of Queen Amaterasu in the Ultra Shed next door, she didn't think she was that good-looking.

But when she came to the Knight Shed and became a down-to-earth and gentle teacher, she felt inexplicably much more pleasing to the eye.

The ditch Tsuburaya makeup artist!!!

Look at what you have done!

Suddenly, the action of Emi Kyoka, who was originally changing clothes, froze.

Lin Feng came back to his senses and saw that her face was rarely flushed.

She looked embarrassed and seemed very delicate and weak, and easy to be pushed down.

"Hey, Xiao Feng, you are not a kid anymore, don’t stare at the teacher when she changes clothes, otherwise, the teacher will get angry easily...."

"??? What are you talking about???"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at her unhappily.

You know it's embarrassing, but you still change in front of me?

I really don't know if your brain circuit is really slower than normal people, or if you are deliberately seducing me.


However, at this moment,

Zhi Jianjinghua's words made Lin Feng stunned.

"By the way, why didn't I see Jiutang Linyin? Is it because today is Christmas and she went out to play?"

No, wait a minute!

Today is Christmas???

Lin Feng quickly picked up the phone beside him and looked over.

Damn, send!

"What's wrong?"

Zhi Jianjinghua was changing her bra while leaning closer to Lin Feng and looking at his phone.

"Calendar? Uh, don’t you know today is Christmas? I picked this time to celebrate with you. You really disappoint the teacher~"

As she said this, she changed her clothes and was about to pounce on Lin Feng again, but Lin Feng turned around.���She dodged and missed, falling onto the sofa

"No, I have to go out for a while, Sister Jinghua, please take care of our house!"

Zhi saw Jinghua lying on the sofa and said shyly:

"Xiao Feng, you finally admit that this is also the teacher's home? Then the teacher will live with you every day from now on~ Hey?! Where are you going!"

Lin Feng ignored the flamboyant Zhi Jian Jinghua, took his coat and ran out.

If today is Christmas, then something big is going to happen!

Why did I forget to check the calendar this morning?

And I remembered the date wrong by one day!


I don’t know where that girl Jiutang Rinyin ran off to!

I hope everything is still in time!

At the same time, in a shopping mall,

Ichinose Takarō, who went out to buy vegetables, suddenly saw his good friend, Kajiki, so he quietly stepped forward to say hello, but the next second, the two of them saw the strange scene in the sky outside.

In the clear sky, a dark cloud layer suddenly appeared.

It didn’t seem gloomy as if it was going to rain, but it kept flashing thunder, which made people feel uneasy.

It was even accompanied by a strange sound of bells, making the atmosphere gradually become weird.

"Baotaro Baotaro! Is there something over there? Why is it flying in the sky?!!"

"Hey, calm down, Kajiki!"

"Do you think it could be Santa Claus? I am really looking forward to seeing Santa Claus!"

However, at this moment, (for super exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) a huge orange-yellow snake head slowly emerged from the clouds!

"Hey, hey, hey! Tatarō, that, that is, a giant snake?!!"

Kajiki's words finally caught Tatarō Ichinose's attention, and when he turned his head to look over, the terrifying giant snake suddenly lit up its eyes, and a dark golden wave spurted out of its mouth!

"Kajiki! Get out of the way!!!"


Ichinose Tatarō instinctively wanted to pull Kajiki with him to dodge, but Kajiki's reaction was faster and he pushed Ichinose Tatarō away the moment the beam hit!


The beam fell from the sky and hit Kajiki, who was petrified into an immobile statue in the blink of an eye!

"Ahhh! There's a monster! Monster!"

"Run away, everyone run away!"



Suddenly, the shopping mall, which was originally filled with a festive atmosphere, became chaotic.

The giant snake shot out several light waves in succession.

In the entire shopping mall, only a handful of citizens survived!

"What on earth is going on? What happened?!!"

While Ichinose Tatarō was still at a loss as to what to do due to the chaotic situation,

Jiudou Rin, Ginkgo Renka, Tsuruhara Senmaru, and even Black Steel Spana arrived at the scene one after another!


Jiudou Rinyin called out to Baotaro, and then took out the communicator in her hand and showed it to him.

On it was the message sent by Minato-sensei.

"We just received intelligence that there are���The strange situation of citizens being petrified was exactly the same as what happened just now. Now it seems that the source of everything is the giant snake in the sky."

At this time, Tsuruhara Senmaru suddenly picked up the tablet and said:

"But that's not right. The animal level 7 tough push snake should have been subdued by us!"

Black Steel Spana denied it.

"Look at the color of that snake, the one you mentioned is brown, but this one is orange."

Ichinose Takarataro suddenly thought of something.

"Could it be that the color changed because it was refined into Malgan? At least, Kemi himself would not attack humans!"

Ginkgo Lotus suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted:

"Stop chatting, the big snake is coming again!!!"


There was another piercing roar of thunder, and in the disturbing dark clouds, the orange snake head poked out again.

This time it did not spray out light waves, but rushed out with its entire body, attacking Ichinose Takarō and the others straight from high in the sky!

"Get out of the way!"

Black Steel Spana roared, holding a spanner sword and flew into the air, blocking everyone.


The huge snake head and his spanner sword collided fiercely, and the crisp sound of metal collision exploded. Large pieces of electric sparks burst out.

Black Steel Spana struggled to resist, and could barely hinder the movement of the giant snake!

""Spanner, let me help you!"

Ichinose Tarotaro took out the Gotchard Activator and the Kamika and was about to transform, but was directly repelled by Black Steel Spana's words.

"Don't come over!!! I'll stop you here now, you guys go and find out the true identity of this Kemi and how to remove the petrification of people!"

Baotaro was a little anxious.

"But you are alone...!"

"What if I'm alone?!"

Black Steel Spana roared.

"I am a super A alchemist, and you, a layman, can't compare to me!"

Ichinose Tarotaro saw the stubbornness on Black Steel Spana's face, and understood what he said and what he was thinking.

Perhaps, he should really believe him, believe this senior........

"I understand, let's go!"

Seeing that all the people who were in the way had left,

Black Steel Spana thought he could finally show his personal strength, so he took out the Kemi Ka and inserted it into the wrench sword!

"Iron steel!"

【MadWhee1! Gokin! Valvarush Tuneup! MadWhee1! 】

When the mechanical sound sounded,

Black Steel Spana felt that he was able to transform again, so he swung the wrench sword and chopped it hard on the snake's head, intending to repel it!

However, there was only a series of exploding sparks and rising white smoke, and the giant snake did not retreat at all.

At the same time, a strong wind came from the sky again!


The exclamation of Black Steel Spana attracted Ichinose Tarotaro and others who were not far away.

They looked back and were shocked to find that another giant snake emerged from the clouds!!!

"There's another one?!���Is it fake?!"

"Spana, danger!!!"

Baotaro's warning had just reached Black Steel Spana's ears, and the next second, the second giant snake opened its bloody mouth and spit out a dark golden wave, directly petrifying the transformed Black Steel Spana on the spot!

"how so......"

Just as Baotaro was regretting his previous move to leave Kuroko,

Ginkgo Renka exclaimed again.

"No, there are more than two, there is a third one!!!"

Under the horrified gaze of the crowd, the third giant snake pounced on them, also opening its bloody mouth and accumulating dark golden fluctuations.

At this moment, even if Baotaro transformed on the spot, it would be too late!

But at the critical moment, a command spell suddenly sounded in everyone's ears,

【All things are born to transform this thing and differentiate from it! 】



A huge concrete wall rose up in front of them, and the dark golden wave hit the stone wall completely, just saving their lives!

Jiutang Linyin instinctively looked back, and sure enough!


Seeing Jiutang Linyin still able to laugh, Lin Feng sighed helplessly.

"Silly girl, why are you still so relaxed at this time?"

Ginkgo Lotus was also moved to tears.

"Teacher Lin Feng~~~You came just in time. You almost couldn't see your precious student.~~~!"

"Shut up, you idiots!"

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

"Why don't you come with me and leave here first? Are you going to wait here and be petrified?"


Ichinose Takarō walked towards the big snakes.

"Teacher Lin Feng, please take everyone away first."

Tsuruhara Senmaru advised anxiously:

"Bao Taro! We know you're angry about everyone being petrified, but now is not the time to act rashly!"

"No, senior, that's not what I meant."

Ichinose Takarō stared at the three giant snakes in the sky with anger in his eyes.

"I can feel that this guy's goal is actually me."

As he said this, he turned his head and looked at Lin Feng.

"Teacher! I'll leave the task of evacuating the people in the city to you! I will always be here to hold this Malgan in check!"

Lin Feng nodded and said:

""Okay, I believe in your ability, but don't try to show off. I can feel that this Malgan is different from the previous ones. If you really can't do it, just run away. As long as you are not petrified, there is still a chance to save everyone."

Ichinose Takarō pursed his lips, picked up the Kamika, and walked towards the snake step by step.

"Don't worry, I will never let you down. I will definitely defeat this guy, rescue Kemi, and rescue everyone! Henshin!!"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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