
In the dead silent square of"Henshin" ,

Tatarō Ichinose took out his few flying card decks, namely, the Thorn Cactus Alchemy Card and the Falcon Star Alchemy Card, inserted the two cards into the drive, and then pulled it open with force!

【Saboneedle! Hawkstar! Gotchanko! NeedleHawk! 】

When the mechanical sound effect fell,

Baotaro transformed into the derived form of Kamen Rider Gotchard, the small wings behind him shook downwards suddenly, and the whole person immediately soared into the sky, rushing straight towards the three giant snakes in the air!

In a hidden corner of the mall,

Lin Feng looked at the three students in front of him, and made a series of plans with them to evacuate the citizens, and asked them to pay attention to their own safety as the first priority, and then everyone dispersed.

However, Lin Feng did not act according to the plan, but returned to the original route and came back to the bottom of the cloud where the giant snake appeared.

He looked at the transformed Ichinose Baotaro, and then took out the DarkDecade driver to transform.

Lin Feng was ready to wait for the man who traveled through time to appear and witness him turning the situation around.

However, unexpectedly,

Atropos suddenly found him,

"Lord DarKDecade, Lord Gryon asked me to invite you to enjoy the fun he has specially planned for you. I hope you can show me your favor."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Ichinose Takarō who was still fighting outside.

After thinking for a while, he finally turned around and left here with her.

"Lead the way."

After that, the two of them left the area where the big snake was, and came to the Alchemy Academy in Lin Feng's somewhat surprised expression.

At this moment, Lin Feng finally guessed Gryon's purpose.

When he walked through the familiar corridor and came to the hall of the Alchemy Academy,

Lin Feng really saw Gryon sitting aside shaking a beaker, and the other two sisters, Cloto and Lachesis.

"Oh! Lord DarkDecade, you are here!"

Gryon stood up and bowed respectfully, then gestured to the seat next to him and said:

"Please take a seat, the fun I prepared for you is about to begin."

Kloto and Lachesis were puzzled.

They wanted to know why Gryon came here.

If he wanted to break into the Alchemy Academy, he should wait until all the little devils were present and then take them down in one fell swoop.

Why did he create a Malgan, throw it into the city, and then turn around and come here without caring about anything?

The answer to everything was revealed in the next second.

The door of the hall was opened again, and

Minato, wearing the Alchemy Academy uniform, walked in with a confused look on his face.


Minato saw the three Dark Sisters at the first time.

He subconsciously raised his ring and was about to release alchemy, but when his sight shifted and he found the back of the person sitting on the other side, his pupils suddenly contracted, his heart beat wildly, and a deep fear appeared on his face!

His body trembled, and he subconsciously took a step back.

Then, there was Dark Decade?!

Minato's face turned completely pale, and the threat of death surged into his heart.

He didn't care about anything and turned around to escape from here, but the next second, a concrete wall rose from the ground, blocking the two passages in the corridor.

Minato had no possibility of escape!

"Do you dislike us so much?"

Gryon laughed softly while playing with the golden Rubik's Cube in his hand.

"I haven't been to this school for a long time. It seems to be much cleaner. The stains and bloodstains of the past are gone....Hehehe! They are all gone! However, those young people with dreams shed their blood, sweat and tears here, and the traces they left are still clearly visible, don’t you think? Minato?"

"No, should I call you Mr. Minato now?"

Looking at Gryon who tilted his head to look at him,

Minato's hands drooped and began to tremble uncontrollably.

There was anger, fear, and despair in his eyes, but no matter which one it was, he didn't dare to show it!


Minato tried his best to calm himself, but his voice was still like gnashing teeth.

"What is your purpose in coming here? The Margan in the city is your work!"

"Of course!"

Glion proudly admitted all this.

"However, the purpose of coming here is actually related to you~"

As he said this, he looked at Lin Feng on the side and said:

"Lord DarkDecade, I believe you have had a lot of dealings with the students and teachers of the Alchemy Academy recently, right? Tell me, if those students who are fighting outside and working hard to protect the citizens knew that their teacher had betrayed them, do you think there would be some interesting scenes?"

Hearing this,

Minato's legs softened, and he immediately shouted out of control:

"Impossible! I can't betray my students! Gryon, you are wishful thinking!"

As he said this, he looked at Lin Feng pleadingly.

"DarkDecade! Do you really want to help these people?! Don't you know what they have been doing?!! Gryon is a more dangerous character than the three dark sisters. If you help him, the whole world will be in danger!"

After the voice fell, everyone looked at Lin Feng, waiting for his decision.

Even the three dark sisters who didn't understand Gryon's behavior at first now understood why DarkDecade was called over.

The reason was simple.

If they cooperated with Gryon as agreed, then he would be able to watch from the sidelines. No matter what Gryon did, he would not take action.

If DarkDecade was not present, there would be many uncontrollable factors.

In order to ensure that everything was foolproof, he had to be here.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that

Lin Feng agreed so readily.

"I remember I said that a long time ago, right? I only care about whether it is interesting or not, and obviously, the Glion proposal is very attractive to me, so...Otherwise, you can just defect."

As he spoke, Lin Feng also laughed a little mockingly, which made Minato's hatred and anger multiply.

He knew that Lin Feng was a wavering and unsteady person, but he didn't expect that he would agree so decisively!

Gryon didn't expect this at all, but it was fine. He didn't waste time.

He smiled grimly and walked towards Minato step by step.

"I advise you not to resist me. After all, you don't want the tragedy of the past to happen again now, right? Moreover, if you annoy me, maybe your students now will be more miserable than those students back then~ Hehehe!"


Minato's voice seemed to come out from between his teeth.

He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were bloodshot, and his red eyes made people feel sad and pitiful.

"Why are you calling me? Are you really planning to rebel?!"

Gryon's eyes condensed, and a gloomy pressure enveloped Minato, and under the pressure, Minato could only lower his head with a trembling face.

"good...Okay! I promise you!"

As soon as these words came out, the pressure on Minato suddenly eased.

Gleon patted his shoulder with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"That's good, then, let's see how your good student is doing."

As he spoke, the projection screen in the hall showed a picture, which showed Ichinose Takarō fighting with a giant snake in the sky in the square outside the mall!

"That Margan was created by combining a mysterious level 8 evil snake with an alchemical doll I specially made. Its strength is several times greater than that of an ordinary Margan. Do you think your good student can defeat him and save the citizens of the entire city?"

Minato was speechless and could only suppress his worries and silently pray that Ichinose Takaradarou could solve all this.

Bang bang bang! A series of metal collision sounds rang out in the sky. No matter how Ichinose Takaradarou used the X-broken Steel Sword to chop the giant snake, it could only cause a series of electric sparks and could not leave clear wounds visible to the naked eye.

"In that case, use this!"

He took out the Flaming Rose Kemika and inserted it into the X-Steel Sword, then pulled the trigger and aimed at the three giant snakes in front of him!

【[Flaming Rose! Strash]

The rising flames were mixed with scattered rose petals. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The X-Sword was wrapped with circles of violent energy. As Ichinose Tarotaro swung it, it swung forward and slashed out a crescent-shaped blade of light!



The speeding blades of light instantly slashed at the bodies of the three giant snakes at the same time.

However, after a brief explosion, the wounds on the giant snakes disappeared in the blink of an eye!

��How is this possible?!"

Ichinose Takarō was completely stunned.

When did his attack fail to hurt even Malgan?!

At this moment, a deep voice sounded slowly,

""Your expression is really interesting~ How is it? Is my experiment fun?"

As he was talking, two more giant snakes appeared quietly when Ichinose Tatarō wasn't paying attention.

But at this moment, Tatarō was completely enraged by the other party's words.

"Experiment? So you dragged the whole city down just for your own selfish reasons?!"

This rhetorical question made the mysterious voice stunned for a moment.

"oh...I understand. So you are this kind of Kamen Rider."

"You bastard, I will never let you go!!!"

Ichinose Takarō roared and rushed out again, but the giant snake in the sky gave him no chance at all.

The five snake heads took turns to hit him, just like being run over by five large trucks.

The intense pain made Ichinose Takarō feel that his bones were about to fall apart!

However, what was even more painful was that he was shot down to the ground and watched the citizens who were fleeing in the distance being targeted by the giant snake again.

Then a dark golden wave washed over, and the people on the whole street were turned into statues.


Ichinose Takarō knelt on the ground, trembling and pounding the ground.

The strong sense of self-blame and anger at his own weakness made him extremely painful.

"If I continue like this, I may not be able to save anyone! I don't want this!!!"

In the Alchemy Academy,

Gryon looked at Baotaro's angry expression and laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! Minato, did you see that? Your students are really determined! Even after being beaten so badly, they are still thinking about saving everyone. I have to say, you taught them very well!"

Minato couldn't laugh at all.

He couldn't even make an expression.

At this moment, he could only watch all this behind the scenes.

For Minato, it was tantamount to torture.

Guilt and self-blame made him feel tortured, but he couldn't resist because the result would only be worse.

However, at this time,

Lin Feng suddenly said:

"This show is indeed quite entertaining, but I advise you not to continue playing it."

Gryon, the three Dark Sisters, and Minato all looked over.

"Lord DarKDecade, what do you mean by this?"

"I mean, if you continue playing, there will only be accidents. If you really want to get rid of Baotaro, I advise you to do it now."

Hearing Lin Feng's words,

Minato's anger in his heart became even worse.

He instinctively wanted to curse out loud, but Gryon's hand directly pressed on his shoulder.

"Um...I think what Lord DarkDecade said is very right. Anyway, the original purpose of using this kid is to provoke our Minato teacher. Now that Minato teacher has joined us, there is no need for this kid to stay."

As he said,

Gryon picked up the 200-li dark gold cube in his hand and immediately gave a remote command to the evil snake Malgan in the sky to kill Ichinose Tarotaro.

But just when everyone was looking forward to the big screen, an accident suddenly occurred.

With an angry roar, a dazzling orange sword appeared, which cut off one of the snake heads of the evil snake that was diving towards Ichinose Tarotaro on the spot!


The violent explosion instantly filled the entire big screen.

Everyone in the hall widened their eyes, showing shock and surprise.

Only Lin Feng, with eyes full of expectation, whispered:

"The main film begins!"


A huge explosion caused a terrifying shock wave that sent Ichinose Takarō flying.

Not knowing what happened, he quickly got up from the lawn and looked up into the sky in doubt. He saw a figure emerging from the flames on the top of a building not far away. He raised the sword in his hand, and the flaming cape behind him was blown up by the wind. The sunlight shone behind him, reflecting his invincible figure! Ichinose Takarō's sight passed through the distorted flames, and he was shocked to find that the figure was so familiar, as if it was another self?!

"Gotchard! No, it's an orange Gotchard!"

And Baotaro also noticed an important point.

The color and configuration of the driver on Gotchard's waist were also different from his own.

Baotaro's driver was orange, while the driver on the rooftop was dark red, and there was a���The orange-yellow panel he had never seen before, his power seemed to have a lot to do with that panel!

At the same time, in the Alchemy Academy, Gryon saw this mysterious figure and subconsciously turned his head to look at Lin Feng.

"Lord DarkDecade, did you know that there was someone watching you in secret? Could it be that you are the only one who knows his name?"

Lin Feng chuckled a few times.

"I said I don't know, do you believe it?"

Gryon also laughed, nonsense, ask who here believes it?

Lin Feng looked at the big screen expectantly and muttered to himself:

"His name is Kamen Rider Gotchard Daybreak, also known as Dawn Gotchard"

"Dawn, Gochard..."

Gryon narrowed his eyes and looked at the figure in the picture.

"Bring the dawn to Gochard...It's interesting, but unfortunately, my Malgan is not someone who can be defeated easily. Since I have fished out this guy who was secretly observing, I will take this opportunity to test his strength!"

Lin Feng laughed with some disdain. This man was able to hold on to the dawn for twenty years when half of the world was destroyed and half of the world was eroded by darkness. A mere evil snake Malgan, no matter how strong he is, is useless! The top boss returned to play the game of bombing fish. Isn't this just a casual beating? Hang him up and whip him like a spinning top!


My mother: Sun 1

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