In the early morning, in the Alchemy Academy,

Lin Feng transformed into the basic form of Kamen Rider DarkDecade and stood outside the hall door. The door opened and everyone inside had already arrived.

"Lord DarKDecade, we have been waiting for a long time."

After looking at Gryon,

Lin Feng sat directly on the seat he usually sat.

Gryon, who had no seat, could only stand with the three sisters of Minghei.

This simple action made it clear who the real master was in the whole situation.

Minato stood on the other side and secretly observed everything.

He was very curious about Lin Feng's identity and the purpose of cooperating with Gryon.

Gryon didn't seem to care about his seat being occupied casually.

He was still happy on the surface, but only he knew in his heart that he had already included Lin Feng in the list of people he would definitely take revenge on in the future.

Now it's just because Lin Feng's strength is too strong.

"Okay, prepare for your fun today. I hope it won't be like yesterday, where you were left wanting more."

Hearing Lin Feng's words,

Gryon smiled and nodded, and then walked to a table full of alchemy equipment, raised his hand and opened a void constructed by forbidden alchemy, in which many puppets wrapped in cloth strips were suspended.

He took one out at random and muttered to himself:

"So, which Kemi should we choose to react to?"

Kloto heard this and stepped forward.

"Lord Gryon, this newly captured Kemi"

【Sleeping Moon】

"Um...Eternal sleep? This seems pretty good."

Gryon smiled grimly, then tore the puppet off the board and threw it into the beaker in front of him.

The liquid in the beaker rolled and tumbled, as if something was coming to life.

Lachesis, who was standing opposite, subconsciously whispered to the left:

"What is that puppet?"

Seeing that no one answered her,"Five Six Three" turned around and looked.

Only then did she realize that Cloto, who was originally standing on her left, was gone. The only one left was Lin Feng, who was sitting in the upper seat.

Seeing her stunned look, Lin Feng smiled and said:

"That's your brother. Your Lord Gryon considered them too evil, so he needed to keep them like that."

Lachesis kept blinking, looking a little flustered. No one knew what she was thinking.

At this time, after putting the doll into the beaker for a while,

Gryon took the Sleeping Moon Kemi from Cloto and chanted a spell in a low voice.

"Be infected by the golden shadow!"

Hiss, hiss, hiss!!!

The dark evil energy mixed with the blood-red arc rushed into the beaker frantically.

This force connected the Sleeping Moon and the puppet together.

Finally, a dark golden wave spread out, and the second golden Malgan, the Moon Malgan, was born!

The first one was the Yamata no Orochi Malgan from yesterday.

Because it did not use Lachesis as a carrier, but also used a puppet, the combat power it exerted at that time was more terrifying than usual.

If it were not for the presence of Dawn Gochard, Baotaro would have no chance to defeat it.

"Your expression is awesome.~~~"

Looking at the moon Malgan in front of him, Gryon's abnormal expression appeared on his face consciously.

"Now let's let all humans and Kemi fall into darkness!"

"Lord Gryon, I will follow your orders~"

Looking at the disappearing figure of Moon Malgan,

Gryon slowly looked at Minato beside him and smiled slightly:

"Next, I have a question for our dear Minato-sensei. What is the most urgent thing to do in order to protect the order of this world?"

Minato-sensei pretended to smile and responded:

"It is our alchemist's mission to make Kemi evolve into a more powerful Malgan."

Hearing this, the militant Cloto couldn't help himself.

"Lord Gryon, let me take care of the Kamen Rider!" Kroto hadn't had a chance to fight recently, and she felt like her bones were rusting.

She wanted Gryon to give her a chance to fight with Baotaro and his men, but before she could finish her words,

Gryon interrupted her abruptly.

"Lovely dolls, go and collect the Kemi. I'll leave those dangerous Kemi to you~ At least for the near future, you won't be needed."

Lachesis stood at the back, talking to himself with a gloomy look in his eyes.

"It is indeed...Doll?..."

Although Lin Feng had already heard the news, it was the first time that Gliion admitted it himself.

This meant something different.

She might have had some fantasies before, but now her purpose was clearer.

What happened at the Alchemy Academy did not affect the ordinary students at Furasu High School.

They were still attending classes in an orderly manner.

Only a few people, like Ichinose Takarō, were still immersed in the sadness of not being able to continue attending classes at the Alchemy Academy.

They even dreamed in class that Minato was teaching him a lesson.

"Hey, Ichinose, are you listening carefully in class?"

"?! Teacher Minato?!!"

Takataro subconsciously shouted Minato's name, but when he woke up from the dream, he found that the person standing on the podium was no longer Minato.

""Is your New Year's Day holiday not over yet, Ichinose?"

The new teacher scolded with some sarcasm.

Suddenly, the students below burst into laughter as usual.

It seemed that no one had changed, except for himself.

Ichinose Baotaro felt helpless and bitter in his heart. Jiudou

Rinyin, who was sitting by the window, glanced at him, and then looked outside silently.

It was impossible to say that she didn't have any feelings.

After all, she used to see Lin Feng often in school, but now she can only go home to meet him. She can't stick to him like before.

This naturally makes Jiudou Rinyin uncomfortable, but there is another thing that she cares about, that is, when her ring can be fully charged.

If she can regain the ability to transform, then it will be easier to deal with the rebellion of Teacher Minato.

��In this way, the whole morning class passed with everyone absent-minded.

After class,

Ichinose Tatarō tried to open the door of the Alchemy Academy again, but the powerful ban directly excluded him.

Jiudou Rinyin watched from a distance and gave up the idea of trying.

Tatarō stood up in disappointment, sat on the steps beside him, and said to himself:

"It seems that we really have nowhere to go."

He looked down at his ring again.

"And Minato-sensei will definitely come to snatch our Kamika and ring, right?"

Jiudou Rinyin leaned against the tree trunk beside him, crossed his arms and said:

"I will definitely not hand it over. This is an important thing that my father gave me.

Ichinose Takarō was a little envious.

"It seems that Teacher Lin Feng really gave you a lot of encouragement and support. The current Jiutang students are like two completely different people compared to before. But I..."

He looked down at the volunteer survey form in his hand.

Obviously, he was confused again. After all, it was Minato who led him to the path of alchemy. Minato now wanted him to drop out of school. Even if Baotaro was unwilling, there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, a mocking voice suddenly came from not far away from the two of them.

"The unclear future is like the dark night brought by the new moon~"

This strange voice instinctively alerted Ichinose Tatarō and Kudou Rin'in.

They turned around and took a fighting stance.

Sure enough, it was a Malgan approaching them, and it was a golden Malgan that was different from the previous ones!

It waved its sickle and a clear pool of water appeared on the ground, just like the moon reflected in the water at night, but the figures that appeared in the pool were two seniors!

"Little Abao!!! Excellent student!"

""Kyudou, Ichinose! Run away!!!"

However, before Ichinose Tarotaro could ask what happened, the next second, Kyudou Rin was attacked from behind by Moon Malgan with a sickle and abducted, and was also locked in the pool!!! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Baotaro called out to Jiudou Rin in fear, but he didn't realize that he would also be caught by Moon Margan!

"Stop shouting, I'll reunite you guys soon!"


At the critical moment, the sickle that Moon Malgan was about to slash towards Baotaro was blocked by a sword that suddenly appeared!

Baotaro looked up and found that it was Dawn Gochard who saved him!

"Get out of here!!!"

Dawn Gechad turned around and kicked out. The powerful attack immediately made Moon Malgan retreat again and again.

After doing all this, Dawn Gechad turned his head to look at Baotaro and said sternly:

""Don't say thank you for now, just get out of the way and let me handle it."

However, Ichinose Tarotaro, who was unwilling to admit defeat, took out the Gotchard driver and put it on his waist without saying a word, inserting the card while rushing towards Moon Margan.

"Although I know you are strong, I am not weak either!!���Henshin"[]

【GreatfulAncient! Gotchanko! X X-Rex! Super!

When the X-Dragon turned into a scarlet armor and attached to Baotaro, he pounced directly at Moon Malgan like a beast!


Three scarlet claws slashed down, and the sickle in Moon Malgan's hand was knocked out on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Ichinose Baotaro grabbed Moon Malgan's head and bit it directly with the Tyrannosaurus mouth on his stomach!

"X-dragon's mouth is not a decoration!"

Crunch, crunch, crunch!

Although the scene is a bit funny, the dazzling electric sparks exploded one after another, proving that Baotaro's attack did work!

"Damn it! It hurts! Let me go!!!"

"You should let go of my friends and Kimi first!"

Baotaro roared, exerting force with both arms, and directly used a hug and throw to slam Moon Margan to the ground!

Bang!!! A dull sound spread, and the powerful blow instantly shattered the ground under his feet, and it caved in on the spot.

Moon Margan lay in the pit, covering his head and wailing non-stop..........

"It’s time to end the battle!!!"

He quickly pushed and pulled the driver, and the whole person immediately flew into the air!

【X-Rex! ShiningFever! 】

As the mechanical sound sounded, a huge X-dragon shadow appeared behind Baotaro.

Amidst the roars, the Tyrannosaurus opened its bloody mouth, added to Baotaro's scissor kick, and launched a full-strength knight kick at Moon Malgan!

Bang! Boom boom boom!!!

The deafening explosion sounded throughout the school playground. The violent energy was just like the character of the X-dragon, violently tearing at Moon Malgan's body, and finally causing it to explode on the spot and be submerged in the soaring fireworks!

Ichinose Baotaro landed steadily and looked back at Dawn Gochard.

"How about it?! I said I'm not weak, right?!"

However, facing his boasting,

Liming Gechad just looked at the rising black smoke silently.


As if he had noticed something,

Ichinose Takarō also turned his head and looked over.

Then he saw that in the smoke and dust, the lower half of Moon Margan's body was twisting in the flames and slowly recovering.

In the end, the whole body was restored intact!!!

"The moon waxes and wanes, and it will always turn from crescent to full. Next time, I will make you sleep forever."

After saying this, a void appeared under Moon Malgan's feet, and he disappeared from the spot with the help of the passage as if he had teleported!

"What?! Don't run away! Give my friend back!"

"Don't chase me."

Liming Gechad called Baotaro,

"I told you before, you can't defeat it with your current strength, are you willing to believe me this time?"

Ichinose Tatarō silently canceled the transformation.

He has always been a stubborn person.

He would selectively believe what others say.

However, Liming Gechad is a stranger who can't even reveal his true identity, so Tatarō must try it himself to verify what Liming said.

"If you want to move on, you must make changes yourself first, and now you have only one choice."

Under the curious gaze of Ichinose Takara,

Dawn Gotchad removed the panel covering his drive, the Gotcha igniter, and handed it to Ichinose Takara.

"Its power can give you a future and hope, use it."

Looking at the igniter shining in the sun,

Baotaro did feel an extraordinary power fluctuation from it, but his outstretched hand hovered in the air and he did not take it after all.


Ichinose Takarō suddenly withdrew his hand, raised his head, and looked at Dawn 0.1 Gochard with an extremely serious expression.

"I have a senior who is also a Kamen Rider. He told me a long time ago that no matter what choice I make, I need to move forward with my own feet. I think he is right. If I just accept help from others, I will never be able to grasp the future Gotcha!"

Dawn Gotcha tilted his head and thought for a long time, but he didn't understand who the senior Baotaro was talking about.

But it doesn't matter now.

He put away the ignition and asked:

"So what are you going to do now? Without this power, you can't defeat the increasingly powerful Malgan."

"Well, let me think about this...."

Baotaro scratched his head and bit his finger.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind and he smiled:

"I can make it myself! Using alchemy, I can make this thing called a Gotcha lighter!"

"It's Gotcha Igniter...Not a lighter..."

"Hehehe, it’s this prop anyway!"

Looking at his innocent and simple, yet extremely serious look, Liming Gechad couldn't help but laugh as if he was recalling his past self.

"Ah...It's me indeed...."

"Hey? What me?"


Dawn Gochard reinserted the igniter into his drive, then pulled out a Kemi card from the card box.

"If you plan to make it with alchemy, you need the foundation stone. That is the one and only treasure in the world that you made with alchemy in the past! I will use the power of the time-based Kami, the power of the Time Lord, to send you back. After that, the first thing you have to do is to find your past self."

"However, there is one thing you must remember, you must never touch your past self, remember that!"


My mother: Sun 1

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