In the hall of the Alchemy Academy , everyone was still remotely monitoring Ichinose Tatarō's actions through the screen, including the explosion of Moon Malgan, then recovery, the appearance of Dawn Gotchad, and the granting of Kameka to Tatarō, and then Tatarō's disappearance.

Everyone witnessed the whole process.

Gryon pondered and said,

"Who is that orange Gochard? Why does he have a set of kamikas that we have never seen before?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, obviously not knowing the answer, and his purpose was very simple, that is, to tell Lin Feng, wanting to know the answer from him.

But Lin Feng had no intention of telling him, and even pretended not to hear it.

Gryon cursed secretly in his heart, and then smiled at Lin Feng in a flattering way:

"Although I don't know where Baotaro went, I think the orange Gotchad will definitely find a way to make Baotaro stronger. However, I also believe that the moon Malgan I created can deal with him, and the orange Gotchad may have to ask Lord DarkDecade to stop him. I believe that such a powerful opponent must be of great interest to you, sir, right?"Originally

, Lin Feng didn't intend to agree to his words, but at this time, the system's task broadcast suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! A powerful opponent has been detected, and the mission is automatically triggered!】

【Mission objective: Defeat Kamen Rider Dawn Gochard!】

【Mission reward: Random Kamen Rider deck x1!】


Lin Feng stroked his chin, finally chuckled, then stood up from the chair and walked out.

"Although I don't know what will happen next, this Dawn Gochard...I really want to fight him."

Looking at Lin Feng's disappearing back,

Glion's face returned to gloomy, and then he split the big screen into two, one monitoring the actions of Moon Malgan, and the other locking onto Lin Feng.

"Let me see how strong you are."

Minato stood in the corner, observing everything silently.

Suddenly, he noticed something was wrong with Lachesis in his peripheral vision.

He turned around and found that this person, who should have been on the same side as Gryon, seemed to have some concerns on his face.

Concerns about Lin Feng?


The voice of the Time Lord sounded in Ichinose Tarotaro's ears, and he felt dizzy.

When he woke up again, he seemed to have come to a strange place.

Ichinose Tarotaro took a look at the Time Lord in his hand and couldn't help but complain:

"Where did TimeLord come from? Is this still China?"

No, that's not right.

This place doesn't seem strange.

Ichinose Takarō suddenly raised his head and looked at the giant snake connected head to tail in the sky.

"Is this the place where I got the driver before? Ouroboros Realm?"

Just as he was wondering why he was teleported to this place, a burst of childish playful sounds came from the other side of the bushes.

Baotaro curiously leaned over and saw that in a small sand pit, the physical Hopper 1 and the steam train were happily playing with a child.

And if you look more closely, you will find that it is Baotaro when he was a child!

"I go...This little boy seems to be me ten years ago?!!"

Baotaro was stunned.

"I have seen Kemi since I was a child?!! But why don't I remember it? ? ?"

At this moment,

Xiao Baotaro sat on the ground and suddenly drew a pattern.

He carefully explained to Hopper1 and the steam train what the pattern represented.

"This is the goggles that my father always wears. I said I wanted them, but he refused to give them to me, saying it was too early for me to take risks."

Hearing this,

Hopper1 and the steam train looked at each other, and then made a very loud sound together!!!

【Hpper!!! Steam!!!】

The next second, a miracle happened.

Brilliant rainbow-colored energy particles appeared out of thin air in the sky.

They spun, intertwined, and danced, converging towards the pattern on the ground.

Finally, in the dazzling light, they turned into a real pair of goggles!

"It turns out that I established a bond with Kemi at such a young age....You can do alchemy, ah~ah! You are worthy of my reputation!!!"

The goggles were rolled up by the rainbow-colored waves, slowly flew into the air, and fell into the hands of Xiao Baotaro.

"So beautiful! Is this my Gotcha?! Thank you, Locust Train!"

At this time,

Baotaro from the future finally found the treasure that Dawn Gotchad mentioned.

If it is correct, it should be the goggles!

Then, as long as he follows the plan, he can sneak past without being discovered and get the goggles....!

"Big brother over there, what are you doing?"

The smile on Ichinose Takarō's face froze in vain.

He looked at the innocence on his face when he was a child and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I...Is it so easy to be discovered if you are hiding here?"

Bao Tailang came out of the bushes helplessly, his eyes still fixed on the goggles in Xiao Bao's hand.

Since he has been discovered, he might as well be honest.

Maybe he would be easily persuaded when he was a child?


Xiao Bao Tailang once again predicted his prediction and put the goggles on his head with a smile.

"Big brother, you want my goggles, right? Sorry, I can't give them to you."

Taibao Taro lowered his head helplessly.

It was really impossible.

It seems that when he was a child, he also cherished treasures.

Just when he was at a loss and didn't know how to get the goggles, the originally quiet Hopper 1 and the steam train suddenly became agitated and ran away together!

"Where are you going?! Is there something over there?!"

The strange situation made both Baotaro curious, and coupled with Kimi's unconscious restlessness, they both felt a bit ominous.

So, when they came to the entrance of an alley, a familiar voice suddenly came from inside.

"Are they the Dark Sisters?!! Little Po, hide first!"

Potaro held Hopper and the steam train in one hand, and protected his childhood self with the other, hiding behind the wall and quietly listening to what they were saying. The Dark Sisters, who had not changed at all ten years ago and ten years later

, came to the door of a research institute under the leadership of Gryon. The eldest sister Atropos pointed inside and said:

"Lord Gryon, is this where the Jiutang Fengya conducts experiments?"

"Haha, I didn't expect that bastard would hide here...Let's go!"

Seeing the four people entering the research institute,

Ichinose Takarō's expression became serious.

"Is that Gliion?...It seems that they are much more difficult to deal with than the three sisters of Minghei. However, they also mentioned Jiutang Fuga, Jiutang's father. It seems necessary to continue to follow up and investigate the specific situation. Maybe we can find out why Jiutang Fuga became a traitor."

Thinking of this,

Baotaro secretly followed with his family.

When he arrived at the research institute, there was no one here. There was only a research record on the table where the research equipment was placed. Gryon performed alchemy and opened the book in the air. Then, many shocking and exciting information came into his eyes!

"It actually records the key to open the Dark Gate....It's really exciting!"

At this time,

Jiudou Fuga finally appeared from the back door.

His attire was different from the embarrassed look when Ichinose Takarataro first saw him.

He looked like a mature and reliable alchemy master.

"It's time to stop, Gryon, I don't want to do anything to you."

Gryon laughed coldly.

"I'm telling you straight up, you won't find a place to stay even if you go back, I've modified the memories of that group of cadres! Now everyone knows that Jiutang Fengya has absconded with the driver that is still under research and all the Camis! In other words, you are now a traitor~ah~"

Baotaro, who was hiding in the dark, finally understood the whole story, the truth that had been buried for ten years.

If it wasn't for Dawn Gochard lending him the Time Lord to travel through time and witness it all with his own eyes, I'm afraid he wouldn't have known these facts at all under the manipulation of the chaotic Alchemy Alliance ten years later.

"Enough, Gryon, alchemy is a powerful force, we should follow the rules correctly and use it correctly to light up hope."

Faced with Jiutang Fengya's usual preaching, (to read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Gryon has long been impatient,

"I don't care about that! Jiutang Fuga, get ready to be infected by the golden shadow!"

As he said that, he picked up the alchemical medium in his hand and instantly released several dark golden beams.

Jiutang Fuga reacted quickly and directly summoned the X wizard of professional attribute level 10 to resist his attack.

At the same time, he summoned X Castle and UFO-X to attack the three sisters of Hades together!


The two top alchemists collided, and mortals could only suffer.

After a burst of violent white light filled the entire research institute, the powerful explosion wave blew everyone away!

Ichinose Baotaro instinctively protected Xiaobao in front of him and resisted the impact of the explosion for him.

However, even if Baotaro grew up ten years older, he was still a normal person.

Without transformation, he suffered such a shock wave and fainted uncontrollably.

It was not until a long time later that he heard Xiao Abao's call again in his ears.

""Big brother, are you okay?"

Feeling his body being shaken by others,

Ichinose Takarō woke up from coma and pain, but when he opened his eyes again this time, everything was gone, whether it was Gryon and the three dark sisters, or Kudou Fuga and all the Camies, only the chaotic, empty research institute was left.

"What a pity. I had a chance to ask Jiutang's father some questions...."

Baotaro felt a little regretful.

After ten years, Glion has broken the seal and resumed its activities, but the whereabouts of Jiutang Fuga's father remain unknown.

It is hard not to be curious about the reason.

It seems that he can only find out the future by himself.

At this moment, a small hand suddenly held the goggles and handed them to him.

"Big brother, this is for you, it is my treasure.

Ichinose Takarō was a little flattered.

"Did you really give it to me?"

Little Abao nodded with a smile.

"Well, thank you for protecting me. This is all I can give you to express my gratitude."

Baotaro solemnly accepted the gift.

Unexpectedly, he actually got the goggles.

What Baotaro didn't realize was that when he took the goggles, a red arc suddenly surged from his fingertips, and then the Time Lord in his pocket cried out in pain!

Ichinose Baotaro took it out and saw that the pattern on the Time Lord card was getting dim, as if it was gradually losing power!

At this time, Baotaro finally remembered what Dawn Gochard had told him before.

He seemed to have touched little Po many times inadvertently!

"No, I haven't said goodbye to Po yet!!!"

Before Ichinose Tatarō could turn around and say goodbye, the Time Lord dragged him into the space-time tunnel and took him back to the world ten years later.

Po, who didn't know what happened, was looking for Tatarō in confusion.

At this time,

Kudou Fuga happened to return from outside.

He came to Po and praised him sincerely.

"Young boy, I didn't expect that you were the one who attracted those Kemi people...."

Jiutang 717 Fengya raised his hand and gently stroked Xiao Abao's head.

At the same time, the alchemy ring on his finger also emitted a red light at this moment.

It was the alchemy that erased the memory.

Sure enough, after doing all this,

Xiao Abao seemed to have lost his memory and left the institute in silence.

Jiutang Fengya followed behind and watched silently, softly promising him a future.

"If you don't forget the bond you have built with your friends, then one day, destiny will choose you."

At the same time, in the world ten years later,

Dawn Gochard, who was waiting for the result, suddenly heard a thunder.

He looked up and saw a stream of light falling from the sky, and finally turned into the figure of Ichinose Takarō!

"You are finally back."

Liming Gechad looked over with some anticipation.

"I'm sorry! I accidentally touched my past self, Time Lord, and something seems to have gone wrong."

Looking at the Time Lord handed over by Ichinose Takarada, Dawn Gochard nodded and said:

"It's not a big problem. Let me talk about you first. Did you get the things?

Bao Tailang nodded heavily.

He opened the goggles in his hand and put them in Liming Ge Chad's hand.

"This is a unique treasure in the world. Moreover, I also know that I have been friends with the Kemi people for a long time!"

Dawn Gochard breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that it has come to this, let's tell them everything else.

"Very good, but this is only the first step to success. Gryon will control half of the world in five years, and both Kemi and mankind will be on the road to destruction, so now complete this alchemy, use your own words to ignite the fire of life for your treasure!"

After saying that, Dawn Gotchad spread out the goggles in his hand, slowly handed them forward, and waited for Ichinose Tatarō's decision.

Knowing that he had a heavy responsibility,

Tatarō became so serious for the first time in his life.

He slowly closed his eyes, exhaled, and then raised his hand with the alchemy ring, and said word by word:

"For the future of Kemi and human beings living in harmony, I want to be a Gotchard who can help everyone at any time, illuminate hope, and ignite passion! No, I will definitely become that kind of Gotchard."

Awakened by his determination, rainbow-colored energy flashed and surged from the ring, and finally turned into several streams of light, which were injected into the goggles together.

Under the dazzling light, it was a panel prop on Gotchard's waist that was like the dawn.

【Gotcha igniter!】

"This is the new power I created!!!"

Looking at the lighter tightly held in the hand of Ichinose Taro,

Liming Gochard couldn't help but feel gratified for his past self.

At this moment, a gray dimensional wall appeared.

Lin Feng held his waist with one hand and walked out leisurely.

"How can I be missing from such an interesting moment?"......

My mother: Sun 1

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