"If you can even block this, I'll admit defeat!!!"

【SteamHopper! BurningFever!!! 】

As Dawn Gochard pushed the driver lever continuously, the exciting sound effects instantly resounded!

His figure turned into a blazing flame, all integrated into the cloak behind him, wrapped in blazing waves, rushing straight into the sky like a rolling firestorm, and then turned into a wild form, rushing straight towards Lin Feng, and in the process transformed into a knight form, performing a double-foot knight kick, falling with a monstrous heat wave!

"Block? I will blow you up!"

Lin Feng said softly, and his fingers skillfully pulled out the final driving card from the card box, inserted it into the driver, and pushed it down violently with one hand!




Lin Feng's body suddenly pressed down, and the energy around him surged and tumbled, flying up and down, cracking and collapsing the ground under his feet like an explosion, forming countless spider-web-like cracks that spread out!

His eyes froze in vain, his feet were together, he jumped into the air and performed a knight kick from bottom to top!


Boom boom boom boom!!!

Like two missiles colliding and exploding in the air, the tinnitus-like roar resounded through the world, and a circle of blue and red wave ripples expanded!

Then, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the black smoke turned into a tsunami, carrying dust and gravel, forming endless aftermath ripples, constantly impacting the surrounding mountains, and unstoppably expanding to the forest outside the mountains!

For a moment, the still forest turned into a sea of trees, which was extremely spectacular!

Under the incredible gazes of countless people, Liming Gechad's fiery red body was rising with black smoke.

He fell straight from the sky like a kite with a broken string, and hit the ground hard, creating a giant pit of dozens of meters!

Electric currents were surging all over his body, and sparks kept coming out.

Obviously, he was exhausted and couldn't hold on!

At the same time, Lin Feng landed steadily with his feet not far away from him.

The figure with his back to him was cold and terrifying.

The raised black cloak swayed like a fire, adding a bit of dangerous atmosphere that could not be approached!

This is the real god of death!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The system reward has been issued. Please check it in time! 】

Lying in the pit, Dawn Gochard looked at Lin Feng's back with some discomfort.

He didn't expect that he would actually lose to this mysterious Kamen Rider, a character who had never existed in his own timeline.

It seems that he is also a ruthless person feared by others in this world. He just didn't expect that he thought that the world where Ichinose Taro was located didn't have as many dangers as 730, but now it seems that Lin Feng is a more terrible danger than Gryon.

Although he helped Taro get the igniter on this trip, such an improvement is still not enough.

He can only pray for Taro now.

In such a world, Taro must continue to become stronger until the moment of realizing his wish.

"Ah~ah, it seems that this is the end."

Dawn Gochard picked up the Time Lord, struggled to turn around and looked into the distance.


Ichinose Taro also released the last blow, heavily kicking the Moon Malgan.

In the flames, his figure was full of infinite future and hope.

Dawn Gochard was somewhat relieved, and was quietly drawn into the space-time tunnel by the Time Lord and disappeared between the mountains.

"DarkDecade, if there is a chance, I really want to fight you again."

A dimensional wall appeared behind Lin Feng, and he slowly walked into it and left here.

"There will be a chance, and I will remember you, Dawn Gochard."

After finishing the battle, Ichinose Takarō felt a little complicated when he saw the two Kamen Riders who had helped him leave one after another.

Sure enough, no one will always be with you on the road of growth in life.

He must continue to work hard, no matter whether those people can see it or not, he must do his best to fight for a dream future!

"Oh, right! There are also seniors and Jiudou-san!"

Ichinose Takarataro suddenly remembered that he had defeated Moon Margan, and the friends who were kidnapped before should have returned.

He turned around and looked into the distance.

Sure enough, they had all returned and were waving at him.

"Everyone! I'm glad you're all right!"

In the Alchemy Academy,

Lin Feng walked out of the dimensional wall. He looked at Gryon who was playing with the Rubik's Cube not far away, and asked in a cold voice with displeasure and dissatisfaction:

"Is this the fun you bring me? I dealt with Dawn Gochard, but what about your Malgan?"

Gryon turned around and said with an apologetic smile:

"Lord DarkDecade, please don't be angry. Although you solved that different Gotchad, Ichinose Takarō's strength did exceed my expectations. Therefore, it is understandable that the strength of the created Malgan is not enough."

Lin Feng reoccupied his seat and said:

"So, can your plans continue to surprise me?"

Gryon smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm ready."

He waved to Cloto who was standing beside him.

"Give me the Kamika I just got."


Cloto handed him three more Kemi Cards, and Gryon's eyes were fixed on the Dawn Cerberus of level 6 fantasy attribute.

"This Kemi seems pretty good...."

He picked up another puppet and chanted a spell to it.

"Dye it with the shadow of gold~"

As the dark energy devoured the Dawn Cerberus like a bottomless pit and merged into the puppet, another Malgan was born instantly!

At this time,

Gryon took out a golden bagpipe from somewhere and handed it to Atropos beside him.

"This puppet is a special one. He only obeys my orders, so a small prop is needed to facilitate your control."

He pointed to the projection screen in the center of the hall and said:

"Minato has been sent out by me, you should hurry up and help him. This time, I want to see the results as soon as possible."

Atropos bowed his head respectfully and then walked out step by step with the bagpipe and guided the three-headed dog of dawn, Malgan.

Lin Feng took everything in and roughly guessed his purpose, but he still pretended to be ignorant and asked:

"With the current combat power of those students, a Kamen Rider Dread and a Malgan might not be enough, right?"

Gryon smiled meaningfully.

"Lord DarKDecade is really far-sighted. Indeed, the two of them are not enough, but my goal is not to get rid of those students, but to contain them and then conduct another experiment."

After the voice fell,

Gryon turned over his palm, and another Kemi card appeared between his fingers.

"This is Kemi, a level 4 mysterious angel, who can control life and death, and it is the most important part of my plan."

He came to the beaker again, put a doll in it, and silently chanted a spell to the guiding angel.

"Dye it with the shadow of gold!"

Buzz! Bang!!!

Even more terrifying than the fusion of the three-headed dog of dawn just now, in the rising and expanding evil waves, the guiding angel Malgan came into being in a flying white feather!

"Great Lord Gryon, I am the angel who controls life and death. As long as it is within my ability, you can give me your orders~"

Gryon smiled with satisfaction.

"Well, please help me complete that interesting experiment that was not completed years ago!"

"As you command, Lord Gryon!"

Looking at the angel Malgan disappearing in the hall,

Gryon smiled apologetically at Lin Feng and said:

"Next, please enjoy my masterpiece, Mr. DarkDecade."

On the street outside Furasu High School, after the battle, Ichinose Takarō, Rinne Kudou and two seniors returned to school while chatting.

"Listen up everyone, protecting humans and Kemi is the mission of alchemists. No matter what happens, we will never give up our beliefs!"

Ginkgo Lotus said this with extraordinary passion,

Jiutang Rinyin sighed helplessly.

"Isn't it a bit too arrogant to talk about this topic so blatantly on the street?"

Ginkgo Lotus laughed.

"I haven’t even mentioned the more arrogant ones yet!

She pointed at the gate of Furasu High School not far away and shouted:

"Let's quickly attack the Alchemy Academy! We can't let the Dark Three Sisters and that Gryon continue to occupy the academy!"

Ichinose Takarataro was instantly interested when he heard this.

"Right! We should be strong enough now. If we attack, we may be able to talk to Teacher Minato! I think there must be something hidden when the teacher is hanging out with them!"

Senior Tsuruhara Sawara whispered: (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!��

"I think we should find a few more partners. What if that Gryon is stronger than any of us?"

Ginkgo Lotus suggested immediately:

"Find DarkDecade! He's so awesome! Helping us attack the Alchemy Academy is a piece of cake, right?"

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard this, except for Ichinose Takarō who disagreed and said:

"You don't know what kind of person Senior DarkDecade is. Although he is a neutral person, he only takes action on things that interest him. There is really no one in the Alchemy Academy that can attract his attention, right? On the contrary, I think Senior might find an opportunity to beat me up. After all, I just got a new form, and he will definitely come to test my level."

Ginkgo Lotus was a little suspicious,

"I don't think Mr. DarkDecade is as hard to persuade as you say. Look, Jiudou has never been beaten up by him, and he has saved him several times. Is it your own problem?

Ichinose Takarō scratched his head but couldn't understand.

"I don't know, I feel like there's nothing wrong with me...."

Jiudou Rinyin interrupted their conversation.

"Anyway, the premise of finding a helper is that he must not be an ordinary person. We must not forget the iron rule of alchemy."

At this time, a voice answered her words,

"That's right, as a student, you should indeed abide by the iron rules set by the academy. Now hand over your ring and Kamika."

This familiar voice made everyone look back instinctively, and they saw that all the passers-by around them were automatically diverted by alchemy, and the instigator of everything, Minato, raised his finger with a red light on it.


Ichinose Takarō immediately stood in front of the three people,

"Teacher, why are you here?!"

Minato’s eyes passed him and locked onto Jiudou Rin.

"Jiutang, your ring is very unique. Let it help us complete some necessary research.

Jiutang Linyin covered the ring without hesitation.

"Impossible, I will not go along with you guys and use Kemi to hurt others."

Minato sighed helplessly.

"You just said that students must abide by the rules and obey the instructions of the alliance, and Jiutang Fengya should have solemnly reminded you of this, right?"

Jiutang Linyin's face remained calm, without the slightest ripple.

"Now no matter who you mention or what you mention, it will not shake my faith, Mr. Minato"[]

At this moment,

Atropos's childish voice followed into everyone's ears.

"Why bother talking to them? Have you forgotten Lord Gryon's orders?"

"The Dark Three Sisters?!!"

Ichinose Takarō took out his driver and put it on his waist.

"Jiutang, seniors! You retreat first, I'll block here!"

Minato glanced at Atropos, thinking that she had ruined his good deeds, but now Gryon was monitoring behind the scenes, and he had to follow the previous order.

"In this case, we have no choice but to take action."

He took out the Dread drive and put it on his waist, took out the replica steam train Kamika, and inserted it into it!


【Steamliner! DreadZeroShiki! 】

Seeing this,

Ichinose Takarō was not to be outdone and took out two Kamikaze cards and inserted them into the drive!

"I am not as weak as before. Minato-sensei, you can't stop me! Henshin!"

【Hopper1! Steamliner! Gotchanko! Steam Hopper! Hopper——hopper——】

The moment the transformation was completed,

Baotaro rushed out with his powerful jumping ability and directly found Minato!

Looking at the two people fighting each other,

Atropos took out the golden bagpipe given to her by Gryon and played it softly.

"If one person can't take care of you, then what about two people?"


A wild roar was heard, and the three-headed dog Malgan jumped out of the bushes and ran towards Jiutang Rinyin and the other three people who had no transformation ability at an extremely fast speed!

"Everyone, get out of the way!!!"

Ichinose Takarō didn't expect that two enemies would appear in this battle.

He was entangled and couldn't get away at all.

His shouts of warning were useless!

Because the three-headed dog Malgan was too fast, ordinary people would be caught up no matter how fast they could run!

Just when the situation was at a stalemate, help finally arrived!

Emi Kyoka ran over from a distance and shouted from a distance:

"Jiutang Rinyin!!! Next!!!"

Jiutang Rinyin looked back at the sky and steadily caught a small device that was thrown to him.

Its shape was like an inverted triangle with a circle of grooves on it for placing rings!

"Could it be that..."

"That's right!"

Zhijian Jinghua proudly put her hands on her waist and shouted:

"The ring charger you asked for! I sent it to you as soon as it was made. Looks like I made it just in time!"

Jiutang Linyin heard this and quickly took off the ring and put it on the charger. In just a blink of an eye, the ring actually lit up with orange light again!

"Hahaha! Isn't that amazing?"

Zhijian Jinghua touched her nose.

"I also set up the function of storing energy in this charger. When I need it, it is just like a mobile phone power bank. I can just put it on and use it!"

Atropos was a little impatient and immediately sped up the bagpipe.

"Three-headed dog Malgan, kill that nagging woman for me!"

Seeing this, Jiutang Linyin stepped directly to block the path of the three-headed dog Malgan.

She put on the ring again, summoned her own driver, and looked at Atropos with some anger.

"This is a fight between you and me, don't involve others!"

【HighAlchemistRing! Unicon TheSun】

【Got-Got-Got-Gotchanko! Prominencehorn SunUnicorn】......

My mother: Sun 1

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