【HighAlchemistRing! Unicon TheSun Got-Got-Got-Gotchanko!

After the transformation, Jiudou Rinyin changed her usual quiet image and rushed forward to grab the three-headed dog Malgan and beat him up!

Atropos, who was far away, couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw this scene.

"Rinyin-chan, I didn't expect that after just a few days, you've become such a womanizer?"

Jiutang Rinyin sneered, turned around and kicked the three-headed dog Malgan away.

"My brother said, there is nothing to say when dealing with people like you. It is not too late to reason with you after we beat you up!"

At the same time, on the other side,

Ichinose Takarō seemed much more innocent. When he dealt with Minato who transformed into Kamen Rider Dread, he not only did not use the igniter at the first time, but also faced Minato's counterattack, he only defended but did not attack!


He grabbed Minato's fist again, his tone anxious and with a little cry,

"Teacher Minato! I believe in you! I believe you are not a bad person, but a hero who fights for justice, right? Come back with us, and stop fighting!"

Minato's eyes showed some reluctance under the mask, but he still said cruel words,

"If you keep doing this stupid thing, I will be angry!"


Minato unexpectedly turned around and kicked Ichinose Tatarō, knocking him back a few steps, and then continued to attack Tatarō closely!

"Teacher! Please wake up! Otherwise, I will use the lighter!"


Looking at the Gotcha igniter panel that Ichinose Takarō took out from behind his back,

Minato's actions could be described as the amazing wisdom of the Knight's Shed!

"Now is not the time to confront your power head-on."

After saying that, he closed the driver wrench and cancelled the transformation on the spot.

The reason why this move can be called amazing wisdom is that, first, it can prevent him from being beaten up by Takarako in the igniter form;

I can't have cancelled my transformation and you're not going to beat me up with martial ethics, right?

Second, it can prevent him from adding to his record of defeat; so far, Minato is still the one with the best record among all those who have used the Dread driver.

Third, it can prevent Kamen Rider Dread's status from dropping too quickly.

After all, as a villain, in order to threaten and intimidate his students, he always has to create some sense of oppression.

If Dread is beaten to the ground, what can Minato rely on to scare these students?

Therefore, this is also the reason why Minato said to Black Steel Spanna before,"My life experience is richer than yours."

If Black Steel Spanna confronted Takarako at this time, he would probably see the igniter panel and still rush up recklessly.

"Teacher Minato!"

As expected, Ichinose Tatarō took back the igniter, but he looked eager to try, as if he was going to use his basic form.

Although this form was much weaker than the igniter form,

Minato was not a student of the Physical Training Academy, and he couldn't survive being hit by dozens of punches.

Thinking of this, in order to prevent Tatarō from going crazy and betraying his teacher and ancestors and attacking him,

Minato quickly took the initiative to speak:

"Aren't you curious about why we are here to snatch your Kamika and ring even though we are obviously not in an advantageous position?"

When these words came out, not only was Ichinose Tarotaro stunned, but

Jiudou Rinyin, who was beating the three-headed dog Malgan in the distance, also looked over.

"Teacher! What do you mean by this?"

Atropos scolded coldly:

"Minato! We are only responsible for the action. Lord Gryon did not ask you to tell them about that matter!"

However, Minato ignored her and continued to speak to himself:

"Haven't you noticed that there's one person missing from your group?"

Bao Taro and Jiudou Rinyin looked back and saw that the seniors were all watching the battle from a distance safely....Who is missing?

At this moment, a text message suddenly vibrated on Ejimi Kyoka's phone.

She opened the phone and saw the content on it.

Her expression changed instantly.

【Emi Kyoka】

【My parents are back from their mission.】

【I will take them to the lab now, thank you.】

"Everyone!!! Something happened to Spana!"

After hearing this, everyone finally understood who Minato was talking about!

Although Ichinose Tatarō had never received positive recognition from Black Steel Spana, in his heart, he had already regarded this proud senior as a partner.

When he learned that he was in danger, he turned around without hesitation and ran towards Emi Kyoka.

""Teacher Jinghua! Where is it? Take us there!"

Jiudou Rin thought for a moment, and after defeating the three-headed dog Malgan, he also untransformed and quickly followed.

Looking at the figures of the group going away,

Atropos looked at Minato with a gloomy face.

"I will report what you did to Lord Gryon."

Minato looked down at her coldly.

"You puppets are just puppets after all, without human thinking. Why do you think I let them go? To save people? Do you think it would be more painful for them to see Black Steel Spana being tortured in person?"

Atropos's mouth twitched. She understood everything and subconsciously distanced herself from Minato.

"As expected, humans are the most perverted creatures."

However, she thought Minato was on the third floor, but in fact, Minato was on the fifth floor.

It would be very painful for Baotaro and the others to see Kurogane being tortured by Gryon, but on the other hand, they would have more chances to rescue Kurogane from Gryon, especially since Ichinose Baotaro now has the igniter and his strength is incomparable to before.

Therefore, Minato is gambling that

Baotaro and the others can make it in time and have a chance to save people.

At the same time, on the way to the laboratory,

Kurogane put away his phone after sending a message to Emi Kyoka, and turned around happily to look at the two middle-aged men behind him.

They are Kurogane's parents, two alchemists

"Father, mother, have you completed your special mission?"

Heigang's father smiled and waved his hand.

"Special mission? It's not as exaggerated as you said, just a small mission."

Black Steel's mother still wanted to know more about her son.

"How have you been these years? You seem to be in good spirits. Can you tell us what happened recently?"

Black Steel Spana was rarely embarrassed.

Perhaps it was because he hadn't seen his parents for too long, which made him a little restrained. He smiled shyly, but he still happily told us about the changes that had taken place in his life over the years.

"Oh! You are really doing well, kid!"

Heigang's father patted him on the shoulder heavily.

"I didn't expect that he would be a Beyond A Alchemist at such a young age?"

Black Steel's mother also cheered:

"It seems that this event is worth baking you a cake to celebrate!"

However, Black Steel Spana didn't care about those things.

What he wanted now was very simple.

"I will be very satisfied if I can stay with you guys forever."

Just as Black Steel Spana began to imagine a better life in the future, a threatening voice suddenly sounded.

"Please forgive me for taking away your family reunion time."

The family of three subconsciously looked forward, only to see the angel Malgan blocking their way and said coldly:

"The time that the great Lord Gryon has bestowed upon you with mercy will eventually come to an end."

Black Steel Spana raised his arm, stopped his parents behind him, and slowly stepped forward a few steps, asking curiously:

"What does it mean to be merciful and give me time?"

"Oh? Haven't you noticed yet?"

The angel Malgan pointed his finger at his parents behind him with a smile.

"I was the one who brought those two back to life. They were both dead."

Black Steel Spana looked back and sneered disdainfully.

"What a joke! There should be some bottom line for nonsense!"

While roaring,

Heigang took out the wrench sword from his back and rushed towards the angel Malgan without fear.

However, he was unable to transform and faced the golden Malgan that even Ichinose Takarataro had to use an igniter to destroy. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) He seemed to have no room for resistance and was instantly flipped to the ground and fell heavily to the ground!


When Black Steel's parents saw that something was wrong, they raised their hands at the same time, preparing to release alchemy through the ring to help.

However, no matter how hard they tried or how they chanted the spell, the ring did not respond at all.

"It's useless...Alchemy is useless to the dead~"

The angel Malgan excitedly drew a winged sword from his wings and walked towards them step by step.

"Now, let me turn you back into dirt.~!"

"Father and Mother!!!"

Black Steel Spana struggled to stand up and hugged the angel Malgan tightly.

""Run away quickly, don't worry about me!"

Listening to the crying voice of Black Steel, the angel Malgan no longer looked like an angel, and his excited smile made him look more like a devil!

However, even if Black Steel Spana tried his best to buy time for his parents, as soon as the angel Malgan got tired of playing, he would move his mind, and the fleeing Black Steel parents would be manipulated and firmly fixed in place!

"stop it...Stop it!!!"

The anger in Black Steel Spana's voice was completely gone, only pitiful and humble. He begged the angel Malgan to stop, but the demon still came to his parents with the sword in hand.

"Senior Spana!!!"


With a loud engine sound,

Ichinose Tatarō arrived at the scene first in his Golden Charge, followed closely by Jiudou Rin'in riding a silver-white unicorn from the sky!

The other people didn't follow, mainly because Emi Kyoka was worried that the scene would be chaotic, and people without combat power should not cause trouble, so Ichinose Tatarō and Jiudou Rin'in were entrusted with the important task!

Although it was still a step late based on the current situation,

Black Steel Spana was still awake and could still save people!

"Henshin" X2

Ichinose Tatarō and Kudou Rin'on transformed one after another.

Tatarō even directly plugged the ignition panel into the driver.

At the moment of transformation, he turned into a jet and rushed over, knocking the angel Malgan away!

"Senior Spana, take your parents first....Get out of here!"

Baotaro was reluctant to tell Black Steel Spana the truth.

This was what they had agreed on before they came.

They planned to have Emi Kyoka explain this in person after rescuing the people.

However, no one expected that when Black Steel Spana supported his parents and fled step by step into the distance, Gryon, who had been lying in ambush, suddenly appeared on the scene!

He casually performed alchemy and turned into two golden chains to hang up Black Steel's parents, making the scene instantly extremely insulting, worthy of the name of Chusheng!

And when Black Steel Spana's eyes met Gryon, the series of memories that had been sealed in his mind rushed out like a tide, which made him gradually remember something and recognize who was in front of him.

"Glion...You're a newborn......"

"Hehe~ It seems that you have remembered it, young man, don’t be so irritable and swear~"

Gryon excitedly looked back at Lin Feng who appeared soon after, and said with a smile:

"Lord DarKDecade, this fun has not yet reached its climax. Now I will stimulate the dark power hidden in his body. You must watch carefully."

Gryon flipped his palm in vain, and the chain that originally hung up Black Steel's parents suddenly tightened.

His parents immediately made a painful sound, and the debris like sand and gravel began to fall from their bodies.

Then Black Steel Spana didn't want to admit it anymore. Everything in front of him also told him that his parents were resurrected by stones.

However, even if it was stones, for Black Steel Spana, watching his parents being strangled to death with his own eyes was also very desperate.

"Gryon, you newborn!!! If you have the guts, let them go!!!"

Heigang roared and tried to rush over, but Gryon waved his hand casually, and a large number of chains emerged from the ground, binding him tightly in place, so that he could not do anything but kneel on the ground miserably, watching his parents turn into dust bit by bit.

"Ichinose Takarō, Kyudou Rinon! Help me...Come and help me!!!"

Kurogane's cry for help finally reached the ears of Baotaro and Rin.

Ichinose Baotaro found that something was wrong and immediately changed direction. He handed the angel Malgan to Rin, started the engine behind him, and rushed towards Gryon at the fastest straight-line acceleration!

However, everything was within Gryon's calculations.

Even Baotaro, who had just obtained new power and a new form, didn't even look at him. He raised his hand to perform alchemy and lifted a huge boulder from the ground to block himself.

Then, Baotaro, who was accelerating in a straight line, was blocked by the thick concrete barrier. As a result, he lost control and was thrown out!

"Hehehe~ Now, who else can help you? Come on, start reacting! Black Steel Spana!"

Gryon no longer consumed his patience, and the power of the alchemy in his hand increased again.

He lifted the chains of Black Steel's parents, exerted his greatest strength, melted their bodies bit by bit, and finally crushed them into dust and sand, scattered in the air, and drifted away with the wind.

At that moment,

Black Steel Spana's breathing stagnated for a moment, and the scene ten years ago flashed before his eyes.

He also saw his parents in front of him, being melted alive by Gryon's alchemy, leaving nothing behind.

The memory completely defeated Black Steel Spana's spirit.

He was completely occupied by anger in his mind and brain. He let out a heart-wrenching roar.

The next second, purple-black flames rushed out of his body, melting the chains on his body in an instant, exuding extremely terrifying energy fluctuations!

"Hahahaha! Lord DarKDecade, did you see that?! What a wonderful scene!"

Lin Feng looked at his excited expression and sighed secretly, he is indeed a top freshman!

"Next, the real reaction begins..."

Gryon took out the Crazy Wheel, one of the three Kamikases that Minato had obtained when he defeated Black Steel not long ago, and then silently chanted a spell.

"Be infected by the golden shadow!"

Amidst the roars, the black steel devoured by the purple-black flames turned into the crazy wheel Malgan!!!.....


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