Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 120 120, The Malicious Holy Sword

This nearly 100-meter-long monster looks like a monster made up of countless Zerg species, but an ancient and powerful wisdom shines in its thousands of eyes. The moment Duker looked at it, he actually felt his own insignificance. Compared with the wisdom of the other party that had gone through countless years, the original body felt that he was just a toddler.

It exudes power that is enough to break the minds of mortals. The Great Devourer's thought aggregate has such strong control over the galaxy, and there is ancient and terrifying wisdom there. But all the lofty things are suppressed by His bottomless, eternal greed and hunger.

In the process of fighting it, Dukel's spiritual power also gradually sensed the heart of the Hive Will. During the fight with each other, he gradually understood the other party.

It was at this moment that he discovered that this abominable monster did not seem so ugly - the original body sympathized with him.

Like an ancient and inescapable curse, all the ancient and powerful gods in this universe seem unable to escape the influence of their negative nature. They appear to be great, but in fact, no matter how glorious their past is, how many legends they have experienced, how much effort they have made for their great power, and what kind of extraordinary wisdom and strong will they have.

None of them could escape the curse, and eventually inevitably became slaves of authority.

The Primarch pitied them too.


There was a rumble in the monster's throat, and the muscle fibers exposed in the gaps in the carapace suddenly contracted. This was all the warning that Duker could feel when fighting with it; there was no threat to show, no roar to intimidate, the Hive Mind was like a machine. Attack, throw yourself into the attack.

Although the monster is huge, every move and every attack has an extremely amazing speed.

Driven by the Hive Mind, the giant monster wields all its weapons, including bone blades, tentacles, and fangs;

The nearly 100-meter-long monster was circling and swimming flexibly, with various appendages like thousands of arms wielding various weapons at the same time, launching a violent attack on the original body.

Dukel, on the other hand, holds a jet-black power sword in each hand. No matter how fierce the opponent's attack is, he calmly responds to it with his martial arts that have been honed to the peak, remaining motionless.

In the physical universe, the power of the original body was so unstoppable that he stood still. The dual-wielding blades of pain not only blocked all its attacks, but also left scars on the opponent's body.

The vicious poison of the soul made the Hive Mind miserable, but it did not cry out in pain. After feeling the torture, it just used a bony blade like his mantis knife to gouge out its injured flesh and blood. ——This makes it even more dilapidated, but it is still fighting. When the incarnation of the hive consciousness arrives, even pure spiritual malice cannot quickly infect his consciousness.

The original body seemed to have the upper hand, but was unable to end the battle quickly, which was extremely detrimental to the overall war situation.

Duker knew that he had to end this fight as soon as possible.

Every minute this big guy exists on the battlefield, he is a huge threat. Due to his arrival, the insect swarm has become more efficient than ever.

If the greedy insect swarm storm cannot extinguish its eye in time, it will definitely tear apart everything in this world.

Magnus's psychic teleportation has successfully brought him to the vicinity of the insect swarm's incarnation, which has solved the biggest trouble in this battle.

What he has to do is to deliver a fatal blow.

And if you want a fatal blow——

"The Heart Network is equipped with a super-brain computing module, which enables psychic shielding and orc human field protection. Now I want to increase the output of the mental malice of the Blade of Pain."

Dukel used the computing power of the Heart Network Super Brain to help him temporarily block the attack of the incarnation of the Hive Mind.

As for himself, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the malicious use of his mind.

To talk about toxicity without talking about dosage is to be a hooligan. Mental malice is not ineffective. If you want to defeat the Hive Mind, you only need to increase the supply of dosage.

Incomparably strong protective power spreads around the original body.

The psychic sensor in the Blade of Pain is overloaded and outputting a massive amount of psychic malice crazily.

This attack is bound to give the Hive Mind a real taste of human evil.

at the same time.

Under the ruins composed of countless boulders after the mountain collapsed, Kabanha's eyes were also staring at Dukel, his eyes full of anger and hatred.



Accompanying the movements of the original body, a strange sight beyond mortal imagination alarmed all the Imperial warriors on the battlefield.

"What is this?!"

"So dark, so deep, is it a creation of the insect hive?"

"I felt endless malice from it. Hatred, rage, and resentment belong to humans."

"Is His Highness Dukel over there?"

"We must go and protect His Highness!"

In the chaotic battlefield and the noisy sounds, all kinds of voices rang out in the imperial voice channel almost in a short time. In the eyes of everyone, a dark pillar of light suddenly rose through the sky in the storm composed of insect swarms that covered the sky.

It was like the abyss was being torn open, and everyone who looked at it felt unimaginable malice.

At this moment, Efilar is holding high the golden flag of the Eagle of Destiny, echoing the dark pillar of light that reaches the sky and the earth. Her face is as pious as a pilgrim,

"His Majesty the Great Dukel, son of the God-Emperor, leader of warriors, and pillar of the empire."

"The glorious Lord of Destruction, you will surely create unparalleled achievements and be invincible, and even the gods will not be able to put you in danger——"

Efilar silently praised in his heart.

In the battlefield, Duker almost instilled the mental malice to the extreme, and the overload frequency of the mental sensor instantly exceeded one thousand percent.

The abyss-like black light spread outwards, eventually forming a pure darkness that stretched across the sky and the earth, swallowing up all light. In this darkness, it seems that countless human beings can be seen tortured, wailing, and twisted with hatred;

Facing such a huge toxin, the Hive Mind almost felt fear at this moment. The 100-meter giant insect man stood up and launched a sharp explosion towards Dukel, the sound wave visible to the naked eye was trembling.

Unable to break the psychic shield, it attempted to use sound waves to disrupt the primarch's movements.


"Heartnet, list current parameters."

Dukel mobilized the Heart Network Super Brain to list the current parameters like a computer.

"Brother, I think you should stop charging." Magnus suddenly said at this moment.

"Shut up, I must instill as much malice in my mind as possible, so that I can defeat the Hive Mind in one fell swoop and preserve the Blood Angels' defense line!"

"But brother, haven't you noticed that your power sword is melting?" Magnus said slightly speechlessly.


Dukel raised the Blade of Pain that almost shrouded half of the world in dark light with both hands. This echoed the Destiny Eagle Battle Flag, but was completely different.

"It was a mistake. All the computing power was invested in the use of energy, but the endurance of the material was ignored. However, this should be enough!"

Dukel was in the shield and turned to look at the Hive Mind, which was still trying to break through the orcs' human field protection.

"Taste it, bug! This is the shadow of evil thoughts brewed from the hearts of billions of human beings who have suffered so much!"

Dukel held the sword in both hands, his majestic body suddenly jumped up, and jumped towards the hundred-meter-long monster at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye. The Hive Mind is terrified, and huge monsters stand up like a tower reaching the sky.

"Buzz buzz! -"

The power sword was dissolving in rapid tremors, and the dark light it released would make anyone look away subconsciously, not daring to look directly at it.

In the power of the Primarch, the distance between the two quickly narrowed.


Until the abyss-like power sword slashed at the body of the Hive Mind, boundless dark light suddenly erupted in Duker's sight.

The malicious darkness that had condensed into substance now turned into the Holy Sword of Destruction in the hands of the Demon God, falling from the sky and accurately slashing on the head of the incarnation of the Hive Will.

The light moved downward, downward, and downward almost unhindered, and the boundless darkness and endless malice swept the entire world in just an instant.

All creatures with souls have nameless fires in their hearts, and resentment and twisted thoughts surge up unconsciously.

The standing 100-meter monster, as the incarnation of the will of the hive, could not even scream at this moment, and was shrouded in endless darkness.

Every Imperial person on the battlefield clearly saw that light, like a dark holy sword, swallowed up the Hive Will in the blink of an eye, and also swallowed up the storm of the insect swarm.


When that jet-black light fell to the ground, the entire planet was shaking, the ruins were directly dissolved by darkness, and bottomless ravines stretched across the continental plates - the whole world was wailing, the mountains were torn apart, and the cities The wreckage was swallowed up by the ravine, and the shock wave carrying the smoke and dust was like thousands of horses, galloping in all directions.


The two power swords in Duker's hands seemed to have experienced hundreds of millions of years of weathering. The moment they shattered, they broke at the molecular level and turned into invisible particles and disappeared completely.

The infusion of a large amount of spiritual malice also allowed these two blades of pain to release all the pain, and after blooming the most brilliant madness, they also ushered in complete destruction.

Puff puff puff puff!

All the insect swarms on Bawei exploded at the same time. The sporangia exploded into thick mist at high altitudes. The corpses of countless insect swarms fell on the ground like raindrops. The wreckage of biological warships streaked across humans like meteors. The planet's atmosphere.

Such a scene does not only exist in this world.

This is true for all worlds in this galaxy.

On the main planet of Bawei, the war situation quickly reversed with the addition of the Regent Legion.

Dante and Guilliman were joining forces with the Imperial soldiers to counterattack the swarm, just as they were fighting together.

The insect swarms that were fighting against humans exploded at the same moment. All the Imperial soldiers fell into a brief state of shock and confusion. Guilliman and Dante looked at each other until a rainstorm of biomass fell, which brought them back to their senses. Come,

"Is this the power of another His Highness?!" The face behind Dante's mask was full of shock, and he asked in disbelief.

"That's right. Dukel once told me that this technology is very effective against insect swarms, but I didn't expect it to be so good." Even though he was informed in advance, when all this actually happened, Guilliman's The face also showed shock.

"I'm sorry, Prince Regent." Dante suddenly bowed his head to Guilliman and said, "You said before that our Holy Father might still be saved, but I didn't fully believe it."

"But with such a shallow miracle, I actually try to question the power of the demigods. This is a blasphemy against the sacred original body.

After this war, I will go to the monastery to receive my punishment. "

Guilliman opened his mouth. He wanted to say that this was actually nothing wrong.

But before he could say anything, Dante resigned first. The commander-in-chief of these Blood Angels boarded the aircraft. He couldn't wait to go to Bawei.

I want to immediately meet the sacred primarch whom I have never met before.


Hidden high in the sky, in the unpredictable sea of ​​souls, the Hive Mind let out an unprecedented cry. The huge shadow was rolling painfully at this moment, like a giant earthly python with no head or tail, tumbling endlessly.

The majestic subspace entity stirred the waves of the Sea of ​​Souls, causing huge waves to surge throughout the subspace.

As the wave spread, the waves became more violent and eventually turned into a surging tsunami.

Countless dark beings who sensed this drastic change were trembling at this moment.

No one dares to stir up the all-devouring subspace shadow at this moment.

The Lord of Dark Crows, who was guarding the bizarre subspace and incarnated as countless ravens, was also a little frightened and inexplicable at this moment.

As a demigod, he intuitively saw a scar in the shadow of the insect swarm at this moment, although the size of this scar seemed so insignificant compared to the infinitely vast shadow of the insect swarm.

But it is extremely profound and is the source of pain for the Hive Mind - it is a malicious slander that is darker and twisted than the shadow.

The Lord of Dark Crows felt a familiar aura from the wound,

"Brother, what have you done?"

Clarks muttered to himself, but soon his attention was attracted by the sight in front of him.

The four-god coalition led by Abaddon, the victorious warmaster, has made new moves at this moment, seeming to be plotting an evil plot.

He has been guarding here for a long time, and the last thing Raven lacks is patience.

Watching their trail, the shadow of the raven followed.

He is the Lord of Crows in the shadows, and he swears to drink the flesh of his enemies!

The war is over.

The Battle of Baal was won.

When everyone thinks so.

Dukel stood in the battlefield, his cloak billowing like a sea of ​​blood. Ba Weiyi also dropped heavy rain, but it was completely blocked by the force field around him.

"Pursue! I will drive away these insects!"

Duker issued the order directly within the voice channel.

For the behemoth that is the Will of the Swarm, it is better to lose one of its ten fingers than to lose one. In his opinion, this war is far from over. He will take advantage of this opportunity to bite Leviathan's tail tightly, so that these insects will never dare to devour everything in the galaxy again.

But just when he turned around and prepared to assemble the army.


The sound of the steel whip stirring sounded from behind Duker, and the hook at the tip of the whip flew out from the ruins of the mountain and went straight for the heart of the original body!

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