Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 121 121, Mephiston:

Chapter 121 121, Mephiston: "Dante, why don't we go back."


"Protect the Primarch!"

The hook blade at the tip of the whip was so swift, like a poisonous snake that bites quickly, that it came behind the original body before these sounds could be heard.

But Duker's reaction was sharper. He quickly dodged this potentially fatal blow and saw clearly the existence that dared to attack at this time.

"After just a few years of not seeing each other, have you already learned how to sneak up on me like a mouse?"

He was sarcastic, but what he received in response was an even more violent attack. The long whip was swinging wildly. At this moment, it was like a dense fishhook thrown by a fisherman, and they were attacking him densely.

Facing the dense whip shadow, Duker no longer dodged, but punched out with both fists continuously. Each punch accurately hit the trajectory of the whip. The huge forces collided with each other, and the continuous explosions made everyone present. The mortal sergeant couldn't help but cover his ears.


After being unable to attack for a long time, the blood-red whip body like a thick steel cable instantly tightened and retracted, and all the whip shadows in the sky disappeared; the long steel cable connected a long distance, and at the other end of the long whip, there was a red streak A figure as strong as a hill,

"Dukele, your strength has indeed weakened. This time, you will definitely be defeated!"

With a curved head, an ape-like face, and wide bat wings spread angrily, Kabanha, bathed in the blessing of the Blood God, slowly walked out of the ruins of the mountain.

Its eyes were full of rage and hatred. It held one end of a blood-red whip in its left hand and a huge battle ax in its right hand.

"Am I getting weaker?"

Duker stood on the spot. As the heavy rain fell, the sound of liquid flowing began to be heard in the huge cracks caused by his previous attack. The width of these cracks in the broken earth were more than a hundred meters, like huge cracks. canyon.

"Using such power in the physical universe cannot be without cost. Your weapon has also been broken. With your bare hands, you will no longer be able to resist!"


Kabanha's growling voice echoed slowly, containing endless fury. It had been severely wounded after being knocked back by the Primarch, forcing the Daemon of Khorne into temporary hibernation.

"I have been watching you for a long time. You are at your weakest now, even weaker than when you just woke up."

Kabanha stared at the original body with angry eyes, but no matter how he said it, his challenge had the meaning of a sneak attack and taking advantage of others. As a great demon of Khorne, he felt a little disdainful of his actions.

But strangely, after launching this attack, the Blood God not only did not lower his anger, but instead gave him more blessings.

——In the eyes of the Blood God, daring to challenge Dukel is enough to make him happy? Could it be that in the eyes of the Blood God, he was so weak? !

"I will use your blood to wash away the humiliation. I will offer your head to the brass throne!"


The blood-red whip shadow strikes again. Whips and giant axes are weapons that the great demons of Khorne are good at. Thousands of years ago, Kabanha used the whip and killed more than five hundred people in a short period of time. The famous Blood Angel.

The moment the long whip flew through the air, Duker did not collide with it this time. Instead, he opened his palms and grasped the long whip directly with his huge power glove.

With a forceful swing of his arm, an unimaginable amount of force suddenly erupted. Kabanha, who was holding the other end of the whip tightly, and his body as huge as a hill was suddenly thrown into the air.

Pulled by the huge force, the Great Demon of Khorne was unable to control his figure, and could only let the distance between himself and the original body shorten rapidly.

Duker looked at Kabanha, who was flying toward him with the whip. He clenched his right hand into a fist and charged up force like a long bow.


Kabanha, whose eye sockets were directly hit by a heavy punch, only paused in mid-air for a moment before flying out like a cannonball.

Dulquer followed him like a shadow. Kabanha waved his bat wings in mid-air in an attempt to relieve himself from the impact. However, he was grabbed by the original body in mid-air. With a 'click' sound, the huge bat wings were broken off directly, revealing his terrifying appearance. of bones.


The big demon fell like a meteorite, and a huge depression appeared on the ground again. When Ka'banha emerged from the turbulent smoke and dust again, its demonic body was already in disrepair; the blasphemous demonic blood surged out like a spring, and a pool of blood accumulated in a very short period of time.

"That's it? Can you still stand up?"

Duker was not good at words and had no intention of ridiculing it.

"I am indeed a little weak, but that doesn't mean you have become stronger, Kabanha."

He looked down at the dying demon and calmly expressed his true thoughts.


Kabanha didn't respond, but spewed a large amount of blood from his mouth again.


At the same time, Dante, who set off from Bar, also landed on Baal in a fighter plane.

Coming with him was Mephiston, the current chief think tank of the Blood Angels.

"Dante, I understand your desire to save the Holy Father, and I am equally anxious. But would it be rude for us to come here just after the war without informing you in advance?"

Mephiston asked with some worry, even though he defeated the Black Fury, was a being revered by everyone among the Blood Angels, and was a powerful warrior and psyker--but he was still There is a huge identity difference between mortals and demigods.

Ten thousand years after the Empire fell into the Dark Ages, the story of the Primarch has long since become a legend. They have no way of knowing the true face of the mighty demigods.

Therefore, he acted very cautiously, fearing that their reckless actions would arouse the other party's anger.

"Probably not." Dante actually had the same concerns in his heart, but he still calmly analyzed,

"The other person has crossed countless distances just to protect the body of our holy father. He is so kind and responsible. He should not be a violent person."

"Besides, I once heard His Royal Highness the Regent say that the Lord of the Second Legion is a man who is good at contemplation. Even among demigods, he is a scholar-like existence."

"The weapons against Tyranids and the technology to save the Holy Father are both the research results of the other party. How can a knowledgeable and wise man easily become angry because of our recklessness."

What Dante said makes sense.

"I hope so."

Mephiston was also secretly relieved.

But at this moment,


An angry roar suddenly resounded throughout the world.

Dante and Mephiston, who were sitting in the fighter plane, were suddenly startled when they heard the sound. This sound was very familiar to them. It took only a moment for them to recognize that it was exactly what the Blood Angels were hunting. The great demon of Khorne, Kabanha!

"What's going on? Is there a battle between the original body and the demon?!"

Dante said angrily that Dukel is the only hope for Sanguinius's resurrection at present, and there must be no mistakes.

He also discovered at this time that the current Bawei was completely different from what he remembered. The continental plate was broken into pieces, and countless huge canyons crisscrossed the entire continent, almost tearing the entire continent into countless pieces.

"What happened here?" Dante murmured in shock.

At this moment, after some operations, the pilot of the fighter jet also tracked the source through sound, and the holographic projection spread out in front of the two of them.

That was the battlefield between the Primarch and the Daemon.

I saw the same battlefield full of cracks, next to the pool filled with blood,

"Ha ha ha ha!--"

A tall, black-haired young man wearing power armor was grinning ferociously.

He lifted the huge Kabanha above his head. No matter how much the demon struggled and yelled, it was all to no avail.

In the horrified and incomprehensible eyes of Dante and Mephiston.


Kabanha's huge body was torn apart in an instant!

Then the corpse that was split into two was thrown on the battlefield like garbage. The demon blood spilled out made a huge rain of blood in the video.

"Dante, is this His Highness Dukel?!"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"How about." Mephiston's lips trembled slightly,

"Shall we go back?"

It's hard for him to imagine now what will happen if he really offends the other party.

Dante was silent, after a period of time that was torturous to Mephiston, but actually only lasted a few seconds.

"Can't leave."

He heard Dante say this.

Mephiston was startled and suddenly turned around, only to see the original body still standing in the rain of blood in the holographic projection screen, raising his head and looking directly at him through the projected screen.

There was still a ferocious smile on his face that had not yet dissipated.



Mephiston and Dante, who still had shocked expressions on their faces, came to the front of the original body after passing through layers of interrogations by the Psychic Guards.

When they actually came to the original body, the uneasiness and worries in their hearts disappeared in an instant.

Correspondingly, there was a burning heat rising unconsciously in their chests, which was the flame of fighting spirit and courage.

An atmosphere unimaginable to ordinary people enveloped everything around them. Under this atmosphere, all warriors naturally became unyielding in facing powerful enemies.

When witnessing this majestic figure with one's own eyes, all emotions of fear and uneasiness are not allowed to exist. Even the most cowardly scavengers will have the courage to fight endlessly against the enemies of the empire.

——This Your Highness, his heart is like a blazing flame.

This was the first impression Dante and Mephiston had when they met the Primarch.

"Your Highness, have you really developed something great enough to save our Holy Father?"

After the uneasiness in his heart was dispelled, Dante became much calmer. He asked the question he wanted to know most straightforwardly, his eyes full of hope, hoping to get the answer he wanted from the other person's mouth.

And the original body did not blame them for their recklessness as they imagined, and answered their questions seriously.

"It's true." Duker said rigorously. "Although Sanguinius' soul is broken, it is not completely dead. As long as some fragments of his soul can be found, it will be enough to wake him up again and return to his physical form. universe."

"But frankly speaking, even so, according to my calculations, the probability of successfully awakening him is not high."

"Excuse me, what is the probability of success?" Mephiston, the calm chief think tank leader, asked eagerly at this moment.


After hearing the original body's answer, Dante and Mephiston did not show disappointment on their faces. On the contrary, they looked at each other, and they could see uncontrollable ecstasy in each other's eyes. .

This probability has greatly exceeded their expectations.

As long as they could save Sanguinius, even if there was only a one percent chance, it would be enough to make them excited.

"Your Highness, please follow me back to Baal!"

"Don't worry, the war is not over yet. I want to assemble the team to completely eliminate the threat of Leviathan." Duker replied in a deep voice. At the same time, the Doom Slayer handed him two brand new blades of pain.

"But Your Highness, the war is over and Leviathan's tendrils have receded."

"It's not enough to just retreat, kid." Duker took the Blade of Pain from the hands of the Doom Slayer, put it away and continued, "Insects should stay in dark, uninhabited corners, instead of showing their tentacles to make people disgusted. I'm going to drive these bugs back to where they belong!"

"Your Highness, I understand." Dante looked solemn.

"Please rest for now. The current battle situation is no longer worth your personal involvement in the danger. We will implement your will and drive these bugs back to where they belong!"

The Chapter Leader of the Blood Angels said solemnly.

Even if Duker couldn't save Sanguinius, he would still make this choice. For the empire now sunk in darkness, every primarch is the most precious asset, not only because of their god-like power and wisdom, but also because they represent hope.

In Dante's view, just chasing the insect swarm is not worth the slightest risk for the original body.

"Rest?" Dukel laughed dumbly. He patted Dante on the shoulder.

"Child, if you want to rest, you should go and rest. I am never tired."

At this time, the expeditionary legion once again made all preparations before departure.

After seeing that they could not persuade the original body to change his will, Dante and Mephiston looked at each other and made a decision.

"Then let us fight side by side with you!"

they said together.

To this, Duker naturally agreed readily.


Chasing the insect swarms is not an easy task. Although they cannot sail through subspace, they can travel in space at faster than light speeds that violate the laws of the physical universe.

During the movement of the insect swarm, even light cannot capture their exact trajectory and can only be predicted based on their movement route.

But this time the pursuit was not that troublesome.

The orc army led by Bonebreaker Salaka has long been on the outskirts of the Baal system. Before Leviathan entered Baal, these orcs roughly grabbed its tendrils and held it tightly. Most of the main force of the insect swarm lived.

The expedition fleet breaks through the barriers of the real universe and enters subspace for short-distance navigation.

Duker is sitting in the office, observing the situation on the orc battlefield through the soul essence that represents 'Dugo'.

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