Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 125 125, Sanguinius-chan?

Chapter 125 125, Sanguinius-chan?

"You are here to help me. What is this place? Where are we?"

Sanguinius seemed to have endless questions.

"Archangel, spread your wings. The sun is just right. We don't have much time."

After hearing this, Sanguinius spread his wings and followed the fireflies into the blue sky. Hearing this, he couldn't help but look up to the sky. He saw the golden sun hanging high in the sky, cloudless, and it was a very clear afternoon.

"What does it mean?"

he asked with some confusion.

"The sun may set at any time. Without the protection of the sun, we cannot return to the real universe in the darkness."

"Isn't this the real universe?" Sanguinius looked at his body, everything felt real. He couldn't believe that he was still just a wandering soul.

"This is not the world we are familiar with, this is the gap between illusion and reality. We are walking in the gap, but please don't worry, I am here with a mission, and I vow to lead you back to the real universe."

"Archangel, please hurry up, we don't have much time."

In the light of the fire, which was as weak as a firefly, a message that even Sanguinius could not understand came out once again.

He didn't understand why he had to find the passage back to the real universe in the sun, but he still chose to believe it.

"What do I need to do?"

"You just need to follow me."

Sanguinius's flapping wings followed the fireflies as they flew towards the sky.

He could still vaguely hear some voices, a man's voice urging him to leave quickly, urging him to return to the real universe and participate in the redemption of the human empire.

He recognized the path Sanguinius had taken, and the voice was familiar, majestic and painful.

But when the archangel wanted to listen carefully, he couldn't hear anything; it seemed that there was a mysterious power that disrupted the transmission of the sound.

"Child, can you hear that voice? He seems to be urging me too."

During the flight, Sanguinius couldn't help but ask. He wanted to ask if the other party could hear those intermittent sounds like he did.

"There are many people who are looking forward to your return. The galaxy is filled with despair. Now the people of the Empire need your rescue. But be careful of the interference of darkness on you, because there are just as many darkness that do not want you. To be able to return from nothingness.”

After hearing these words, Sanguinius nodded seriously.

They kept moving forward, the surrounding scenery kept changing, and the golden sunlight followed them, illuminating the road ahead for them. Everything seemed to be going extremely smoothly.

But when they came to the edge of the world.

All the beautiful and peaceful scenes have undergone earth-shaking changes in just an instant.

All the scenes are changing and becoming ferocious and terrifying, as if they have fallen from heaven to hell in an instant.

The mountains changed into crystal entities, and the crystal mountains continued to rise until they penetrated the blue sky and pierced the stars, like a huge cage.

The green forest quickly rotted and turned into a muddy and dirty swamp, releasing vicious swamp gas.

The bright world dimmed instantly, and clouds of poisonous smoke sprayed into the sky.

The cold river water boiled and rolled, lava bubbles emerged, and hot magma flowed. The earth seemed to be torn apart in an instant, creating countless ravines and abyss. Blood overflowed from the cracks in the earth like spring water, and brass-colored creations rose from the ground.

The herbivorous animals running in the wilderness all let out excited screams at this moment. The goats stood upright and stuck out their fat tongues. Their pure and ignorant looks receded, and their eyes were full of blasphemous desire.

The whole world withered in an instant.

The whirling swirling dust gathered into a terrifying storm.

"How is this going?"

Sanguinius saw these terrible things, and he asked at a loss.

In the darkened world, only the fireflies in front of him were burning with bright fire, and the fire even became brighter.

"Don't worry about this, Archangel, just go on your way."

The fire became brighter and brighter, and a firm voice sounded,

"I vow to lead your course until you return to the real universe!"

Sanguinius sensed a familiar emotion in the firm voice.

That is determination at all costs. Once upon a time, when his descendants sacrificed for him, the emotions that emerged were also full and hot.

"How could I let you, an innocent person, sacrifice for me?" The archangel's eyes overflowed with sadness. He stopped where he was, plucked a feather from his huge wings, and handed it over.

"Looks like I can't get out of here, kid. Get this out of here, it's my last hope."


The firefly-like fire wanted to say something more, but his tone was anxious. Behind them, a terrifying shadow of darkness enveloped them.

The repeated blasphemous whispers also weakened in intensity in their ears, making an endless noise.

——"Come back, Varro!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice penetrated the overlapping whispers and echoed clearly.

At the same time, more than a million fire lights lit up the world like stars.


In each ball of fire, a huge eyeball protruded, scanning everything in this world unscrupulously.

The red flames rose up, burning everything around them red, dispelling the darkness that surrounded the two.

Countless huge wheels overlapping each other, and the sacred creation of wheels within wheels, appeared in the flames.

In the pull of the fire, the firefly-like flame was pulled back to the wheel, and in the fire, an eye pupil was also opened.

On the wheel, Varo looked at Sanguinius not far away.

He saw that the other party had a smile on his holy face and was waving goodbye to him.

Yes, the archangel is not part of the wheel, he cannot get on the wheel, and cannot leave here by force.

"My Lord, it shouldn't be like this. This is not the original path." Varo said unwillingly with the pupil embedded in the wheel.

"Let it be so. So far, it is not nothing -"

The huge creation of the rotating wheel responded.

Along with the voice, more than a million flaming eyes that lit up the world like stars returned to the flaming wheel. Each eye, like Varro, had an independent will.

In the center of countless flaming wheels, a huge eyeball suddenly opened. He first looked at the archangel not far away, and then took a deep look at the world.

The condensed spiritual power turned into a thick beam of light. In his sight, the crystal mountain collapsed, the poisonous swamp caught fire, the lava river was cut off, and the flesh and bones of the goat standing up melted. All impurities were being quickly purified.

A crack was torn in the huge dark shadow behind the archangel.

After doing all this, this huge creation disappeared in the flames.

"Thank you for your hard work, Dukel and Varro."

Sanguinius whispered, then he turned around and looked at this already fragmented world.

The archangel passed through the gap torn by the shadow of darkness, and his wings swept across the land full of blasphemy and uncleanness.

He saw four terrible dark clouds, which together obscured the light of the golden sun.

He vibrated his wings and passed through the layers of dark clouds without fear.

Once again, he was bathed in the sun.

In the world covered by the golden sun, everything was still beautiful, with green mountains and green waters, warm and comfortable.

The archangel saw that on the top of the mountains stood a majestic golden palace.

Sanguinius returned to the golden palace, he raised his head, his eyes staring directly at the golden sun,

"Father, I'm sorry, my choice has disappointed you again, but hope will never disappear because of my choice, don't you think?"

The cold golden sun did not speak, but sprinkled warmer and more gentle sunlight.

Under the ground of Baal Prime, Dukel and Varo opened their eyes at the same time.

"My Lord, it's almost there, just a little bit." Varro recalled the lonely figure of the Archangel waving goodbye to him, his eyes slightly red, and he said unwillingly, "I am still too weak. There is no need to activate the 'insurance' for me. I was born for this. Whether I succeed or fail, I am willing to burn everything for this great cause." "Don't blame yourself, you have done a good job." Duker patted his shoulder, "Sanguinius would not want innocent people to sacrifice for him." Once Varro burns everything in that field, he will completely perish. That is a million times more terrible than death, complete nothingness. "Your Highness Duker, our Holy Father," Dante came over with sadness and asked almost choking. The blood angels around him also bowed their heads at this moment, silently grieving. The Primarch and the Navigator have returned, but the body of Sanguinius is still lying there, without any signs of waking up. Doesn't that mean

"Your Highness, if even you can't save our Holy Father"

Dante's voice was dull, and great despair lingered in his heart. He had witnessed the other party's ability. If even the other party couldn't do it, then it would be nothing but a foolish dream for them.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dukel,

"This operation is not without gain, there is still hope."

Dukel took out a white and soft feather. This feather looked a little illusory. It was not an entity in the real universe. It was more than one meter long and thicker than the arm of a Space Marine.

The Primarch placed the feather on the body of Sanguinius.

Under his guidance, the feather slowly merged into the flesh and blood.

A strange light flashed, and at this moment, the wound on the Archangel was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone was nervously watching this miraculous scene until the light became more and more dazzling, completely enveloping the Archangel's body and stinging their eyes.

Dukel was the only one who could see through the light. As the light shone, his expression gradually changed from joy to a strange look.

Wow! --

The sound of wings flapping came from the shining light.

After hearing this faint sound, everyone except Dukel was excited.

Until the light faded, revealing a figure shrouded by the light --

The awakened angel, with white wings spread out and long golden hair falling, showed the temperament of a demigod in just a moment of appearance;

So noble;

So pure;

So holy --

The angel with spread wings returns to the world.


Why is this figure not as majestic as imagined?

He seems to be only a little over one meter tall, and judging from his face, he must be less than five years old. His delicate and holy face makes it even difficult to tell his gender.

"Could he really become Sanguinius-chan?" Dukel wondered in his heart.

Although all Primarchs were unmistakably male.

But in this abnormal universe, anything that happens is normal.

It’s hard to guarantee——


Just when Duker was thinking this, the clothes on little Sanguinius, which were clearly not fitting at the moment, suddenly slipped off, exposing the space between his legs.

The Blood Angels present were stunned.

Even Guilliman couldn't help but look shocked.

"Fortunately, it's a boy."

Only Dukel thought so.

"Holy Father?!"

"Our father?!!!"

After a brief period of mental blankness, the Blood Angels screamed one after another.

They swarmed forward and completely surrounded Little Sanguinius in just an instant.

The Primarch's plan succeeded, but not entirely.

Although some things are different from what you imagined,

But for some reason, the Blood Angels were even more excited than they imagined after seeing little Sanguinius.

"How could Sanguinius become like this?" At this time, Guilliman came closer and asked in a low voice.

"Do you remember Horus?" Duker asked.

"Does this have anything to do with Horus?" The regent was shocked.

"That's not true." Dukel explained, "A long time ago, Horus always thought that he was just an ordinary person, and at that time, he was really just a stronger mortal. Until our father found With him, Horus understood his mission, and at that moment, he completed his growth from mortal to demigod."

"As the original body, our form in the physical universe is actually very idealistic."

"Just like these wrinkles, this is not because you are really aging, it is just a manifestation of the fatigue in your heart." Dukel pointed to the wrinkles on Guilliman's forehead and continued to explain.

In fact, in addition to these two examples, there is also Vulkan who is among the sons of the people.

But Dulquer did not plan to tell Guilliman about this for the time being, as he felt there was no need to worry the regent.

"Then can he recover?"

Guilliman asked again, "Although he is quite good like this, I still hope that our brother can truly return."

"Of course." Duker said with certainty, "This is only a small part of Sanguinius's soul essence."

"And it seems that it represents the part of childhood? I don't know why the soul fragment he gave me is from this part."

"But just take him with you and complete the other soul fragments."

After Guilliman heard these words, he nodded in understanding.

Then a smile appeared on his face. No matter what, the archangel's resurrection has made great progress, and his return is not far away.

In his heart, he was also happy for this.

While the two Primarchs were talking.

"Cackle——" A crisp and cheerful laughter came from the crowd surrounded by Blood Angels.

Every space warrior has reached the pinnacle in multiple mortal realms over the long years.

They are not only top soldiers, but also top chefs, painters, poets, craftsmen, etc.

At this moment, the Blood Angels present all transformed into top tailors.

Using the only fabric they had, they made a gorgeous robe for little Sanguinius in a very short period of time - so that their little father would not be naked.


Suddenly, a childish voice sounded.

When Dulquer and Guilliman heard the news and went away, what they saw was little Sanguinius sitting on Dante's head, pointing at them.

Maybe it was because he hadn't spoken for a long time, so the little angel's pronunciation was still a bit difficult.

"Look, brother, he still remembers us!"

Guilliman said in surprise.


Dukel also had a smile on his face.

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