Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 126 126, Praise for the Empire

The Battle of Baal was over, the Empire once again ushered in a great victory, and the expedition fleet also won a short rest time for itself.

Gris, the Great Mechanical Sage, and Caul took the Mechanicum's spaceship together and dispersed to the Baal Galaxy and the surrounding star fields. Those worlds that have experienced the war with Leviathan and whose surfaces are covered with large amounts of biomass still need to their transformation.

Under the technological transformation of the Mechanicus, these war-torn worlds will become beautiful and rich imperial pearls.

The Mindfire, in the Primarch's office.

At this moment, Duker was sitting in a chair, looking at the desk in front of him, his eyebrows furrowed.

He looked a little unhappy and a little speechless.

And what can make the great primarch show such an expression——

There were Tyranid dolls neatly arranged, almost filling his entire desk.

Tyranid Worms, Warrior Worms, Digging Pythons, Hive Tyrants, Worm Saint Titans, and Noda Messengers. Each doll is different, but just a cursory look at the Tyranid types on the table is enough. There are hundreds of species.

These are all things that the Doom Slayers have fought on the battlefield.

Now they are made into realistic dolls and placed neatly on the desk.

Looking at these weird and ferocious Tyranne dolls with exquisite workmanship, even the paint colors on them are restored one to one.

The original body's brows frowned even more tightly.

"My Lord, these are the loyalties offered by the Doomsday Slayers for you. I hope you will be happy with them."

Efilar stood in front of the desk and said seriously.

As she spoke, a smile unconsciously appeared on her lips, but she quickly suppressed it.

Yes, she is a nun. She has received professional training and has strong willpower. She will never laugh easily.

"Your Highness, what are you thinking about? Why don't you speak? Are you touched?" Shivara, who had black hair and black eyes, was not so restrained. She covered her mouth and chuckled.

"I have a stern nature."

Duker said dully. As he spoke, he calmly pushed these one-to-one restored Tyranid dolls away and ordered,

"Put these on the cabinet."

"I think Doom and the others are still too leisurely."

Duker looked at the dolls in front of him and commented to his son Rui.


In the machine workshop aboard the Soul Fire.

As a large number of 'Psychic Series' Second Legion weapons are put into production, this machinery workshop is gradually expanding, and its scale is becoming larger and larger.

At this moment, on the endless assembly line as far as the eye could see, the Doomsday Slayers operated mechanical arms to quickly assemble the mechanical creations on the assembly line, and used the abilities inherited from the original body's genes to activate the 'psychic sensors' on these equipment. ——Their movements are extremely skillful, and their expressions are numb, like tireless machines.

They chatted while operating complex machinery,

"Dum, do you think Father will like the doll we made?"

"Definitely!" After talking about this topic, Doom suddenly became energetic, and his numb expression instantly cheered up.

"Any ugly thing becomes beautiful after being made into a doll! Moreover, the master of the Second Legion did not blame us for this. If my father did not blame us, that would be his acquiescence!"

"Dum, you are the first descendant of Gene Father after his resurrection. What you said must make sense."

After hearing his words, the surrounding Doomsday Slayers also nodded in agreement.

"Dum, tell me, can we get out of the assembly line?"

When someone asked this question, all the Doomsday Slayers perked up and looked over with expectant faces.

"Well. We now have more than two hundred brothers. When this number exceeds the legion establishment, maybe."

"Maybe we can leave the assembly line?" a soldier asked excitedly.

"Maybe we'll be moved to the next assembly line."

Doom continued, "I also saw the secretary of the scientific research team yesterday. He came here with a thick stack of design drawings. The expansion speed of this mechanical workshop has far exceeded the birth of our brothers."

"In other words, there will never be enough manpower?"

"We still look forward to the next war."

"When will the Heart Network release the subspace mission? I would rather fight the demons there for ten thousand years than stay on this dark assembly line."

The Doom Slayers were crestfallen.

If there are still humans in this universe who are eager for war, the Second Legion must definitely cover them.

For these former Krieg, now the Slayers of Destruction, compared to this dark assembly line and the bloody and cruel battlefield, for them, it is as easy and comfortable as returning home.

"Actually, there is a way to get out of the assembly line."

Just as everyone was lamenting, Doom suddenly spoke.

"any solution?"

"Isn't there a mission to protect the Archangel in the Heart Network? As long as you accept the mission to protect His Highness Sanguinius, you can leave here."

Doom's voice sounded again.

"Forget it"

"I suddenly felt that the assembly line is pretty good, really."

"His Royal Highness Sanguinius is also very good, but I'm really not good at taking care of people."


Baal Prime, in the temple church of the Blood Angels.

Little Sanguinius sat on the high throne. Below the steps of the throne, the twenty-two chapter masters who survived the Battle of Baal and belonged to the Blood Angels knelt on one knee in a row, their faces pious.

"Father, we failed to follow your morality and protect what you wanted to protect."

"We are losers and have failed the holy blood in our bodies."

"Cadian would not have fallen. Our selfishness and short-sightedness eventually led to a disaster."


The Blood Angels bowed their heads and confessed under the throne, both to their Holy Father and to themselves.


Suddenly, the sound of wings flapping sounded above the throne.

Dante, who was bowing his head to confess, suddenly felt a palm touching his head,

"No need to confess for this, you have done well, and you don't need to be forgiven."

The generous and warm voice flowed in the hearts of every Blood Angel like spring water. After hearing the voice, the descendants of Sanguinius suddenly raised their heads, tears welling up in their eyes.

——This voice was not the voice of a child, but that of an adult, and the emotions expressed in it were like those of a kind elder.

When they raised their heads, they saw that the young face of Sanguinius showed a maturity and compassion that was inconsistent with his physical age.

The voice continued,

"Everyone has made wrong choices. No one can be perfect. Even my father, the savior of mankind, the great Holy Emperor, has never done this. Poor children, we just need to do our best within our abilities, that's enough."

"You are all my proud descendants."

When this voice fell, Dante felt the palm on his head removed, and the little Sanguinius also fell to the ground.

"May the blood of Sanguinius be worthy!"

"May the blood of Sanguinius be worthy!"

"May the blood of Sanguinius be worthy!"

The blood angels shouted in unison, and the sound resounded throughout the city, so that every human here could hear it clearly.

"Angels, what's going on?" Someone heard the shouting and asked in shock.

"They," a blind old lady sitting on the street answered happily,

"Angels, you got what you wanted."

"The holy wings spread again, the archangels came to the world, and all the haze of despair will be dispelled."

The old lady sang in a low voice, a nursery rhyme of Baal.

In the temple, when the shouting of the blood angels gradually subsided,

"Dante, I have an idea."

The mature voice disappeared, and the little Sanguinius said in his childish voice.

"Father, the Blood Angels will obey any of your wishes and carry out your will until eternity."

"I want to go to the 'Delicious Food' of the Son of the People!"

Little Sanguinius said seriously, swallowing his saliva unconsciously while speaking.

"Ah? But His Highness Dukel told you not to eat too much." Dante knelt on one knee and said hesitantly.

"So, Dante, what you just said was a lie, right?"

Little Sanguinius looked at him with a little disappointment, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Just this one look, Dante felt that he was simply guilty of death and deserved the most severe punishment in the universe.

"My Lord, we dare not deceive you, so we will prepare for your trip now."

He replied in fear.

"Also, bring more food to the nuns, cover their mouths, and tell them to keep this matter secret from Dukel!"

"Yes, obey your will!"

After finishing the morning prayer, the Blood Angels were busy again.

Soon, the people on Baal saw a huge array of flying machines heading towards the sky.

After seeing this scene, every imperial man showed a sincere smile on his face.

They knew that these angels went to the sky again to taste the legendary delicious food.

Dukel did not hide the news of the Archangel's return.

Guilliman even intended to publicize this matter.

For the Empire in the Dark Ages, the return of little Sanguinius was like a warm light seen in the cold despair.

For this reason, the Primarch also arranged a large number of guards around the Archangel.

After all, Sanguinius was too popular.

Whether it was bathing in the warm sunshine or in the secret darkness, they were all paying attention to his every move.

The task of protecting the Archangel's safety has become the top priority.

At present, this task is almost contracted by the battle sisters in the heart network.

The sisters of the expeditionary corps showed high enthusiasm for this task, and they were happy to protect the safety of the Archangel.

Even if they were just hiding, they couldn't have direct contact with little Sanguinius.

Everyone loved little Sanguinius.

Except for Dukel. And his descendants, the Slayers.

They didn't hate the Archangel, but they really didn't know how to get along with children, so they showed obvious resistance.


In the outer orbit, the warships belonging to the Sons of the People quietly floated in the cold and dark space. But the fireworks emanating from them made this empty universe less lonely.

Duker never expected that after the Expedition Corps assigned them ten moon-class cruisers, they would directly transform one of them into a space canteen.

Every corner of the 'Delicious Food', a moon-class cruiser with a length of five kilometers, is exuding the rich aroma of rice.

"It smells so good. How did the sons of the people study it?"

"This is food? This is actually food? What did we eat before?"

"It's great to eat!"

Countless diners from the Expeditionary Corps have given unanimous praise to this place and never want to return.

Perhaps the experience of starvation in the outer systems of Baal had a psychological shadow on the Children of the People. These Space Marines developed a strong interest in cooking after the Battle of Baal.

Not only do the sons of the people possess cooking skills that are close to the pinnacle of humankind, but even hundreds of millions of mortal servants have been trained by them to become master chefs.

Not only did they take the initiative to provide food for the expedition fleet,

It even provides takeaway service——

Yes, during non-war periods, the hundreds of fighter planes assigned to them are used to deliver food.

And in order to protect the safety of the food, the Sons of the People will personally serve as takeaways and escort the food with live ammunition.

Space warrior, delivery boy, two unrelated professions were merged together.

And the things they did that made Duker feel outrageous were far more than that.

They seem to be very happy to explore the types of food ingredients - they even set their gluttonous eyes on the Tyranids.

But before this idea could be implemented, it was severely stopped by the biological sages of the Mechanicus.

Even though biological sages have repeatedly emphasized that the Tyranids are inedible, eating the flesh and blood of the Tyranids will cause horrific mutations.

But they still don't give up.

They always believed that they could remove the inedible parts of Talen with their superb cooking skills.

Duker still remembers the Chapter Master of the Sons of the People in his office, swore about how delicious the Tyranids' meat looked.

If the primarch hadn't seen those disgusting bugs with his own eyes, he would have thought that what the other party described was some kind of seafood.

How outrageous.

Tyranid swarms have eaten through countless star systems.

Maybe the Great Devourer's ancient wisdom never thought that one day in the galaxy, someone would actually want to take a bite of it, and would seriously consider the cooking steps.

On the battleship Delicious Food, you can see the endless kitchen.

In order to supply the huge demand for food, tens of thousands of chefs are cooking here at the same time.

At first glance, this scene is quite spectacular.

Suddenly, someone in the corner asked,

"Where is our forging brother? Isn't he coming to help in the kitchen?"

"He can't learn the great art of cooking. How can he help in the kitchen?"

"Then where did he go?"

"He was taken to the Fire of the Soul. His Highness Duker arranged for him to be put into a mechanical workshop where he can use his blacksmith skills."

"That's it, that's pretty good."

"Yes, the life we ​​live now is something I have never dreamed of before."

The two people in the conversation expressed emotion. For most people in the empire, especially mortals, being able to come to the expedition fleet and get a job is a wonderful life that they had once been unable to imagine.

"Praise to the Imperium, praise to the Primarch."

Everyone who can live here peacefully, away from despair and darkness, sincerely praises it.

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