Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 244 51, Eight-pointed Star Church

This huge fleet, as a whole, reflects a monotonous, dim blood-red light.

Fierce flashes dotted it, that is the light of the plasma ray cannon.

The void deflection shield was fully deployed, and the shells fired by the Empire were deflected from the orbit, igniting red fireworks in the dim atmosphere of the world of Belia IV.

The two powerful fleets in the galaxy fought each other, and the light between the two sides was so dense that the entire planet was shrouded in morbid aurora.

Both fleets emitted thousands of flashes, which were the light of light spears and macro cannons. The exchange of fire between the two sides was extremely fierce, and an artificial orbital temple turned from the other side of Belia IV.

In the Imperial fleet, some warships launched an attack on this blasphemous symbol creation.

A powerful particle beam hit the blasphemous temple, causing turbulence, and then exploded.

The temple's huge gravity engine exploded in a series of explosions, and this violent explosion directly caused the energy core to report an error. The temple's void shield flickered rapidly, and then there was no movement at all.

Without the gravity field that maintained its balance, the Orbital Temple inevitably began to tilt in space.

Then the Imperial Fleet launched several more attacks, and the huge Orbital Temple was hit and slowly disintegrated in space.

The fragments were swept into the crazy subspace storm and escaped into the depths of nowhere.

Even in the predicament of danger, the loyal soldiers of the Empire were telling everyone with practical actions that among the stars, every blasphemous temple built by Chaos believers would be toppled by human heroes.

Saint Efilar looked at the battle, her sight penetrated the colorful mist of the Sea of ​​Souls, and went deep into the dark depths where countless dark tides surged.

She provoked the golden giant with a war-filled look, even though the other party was once the son of the Empire and the Primarch who carried the glory of mankind.

She stared at the demon primarch Lorgar from a distance.

"Every brother of yours who is still loyal to the Empire is far better than you, Great Speaker. You can't even defeat me. You are destined to be the most defeated one."

Efiral mercilessly provoked and ridiculed the other party, but it was not meaningless. She wanted to provoke Lorgar's anger and cause the other party to reveal his flaws.

The saint was not afraid of a head-on battle with the Great Speaker. In other words, her personal battle to defeat the demon primarch was the only way to end this dilemma.

Flames rose around Lorgar. In the magical realm of the warp, even though he was separated from the saint of the empire by an endless distance, the other party's words still echoed accurately in his ears.

Especially the sentence that he was not as good as his brother, which pierced his heart like a nail.

He wanted to take action immediately and twist off the saint's head, but he restrained himself after all.

Lorgar appeared here for his own purpose, and he must not disrupt the layout because of a momentary impulse.

The distance between the two fleets completely turned into a deadly jungle of lasers and light spears.

The huge muzzle flashed with light, firing shells with a diameter of more than 100 meters.

However, with the advantages brought by technological innovation, the imperial fleet quickly gained the upper hand after a short period of adjustment.

"My lord, the data room sent a message that the other party's flagship is an Abyss-class battleship."

The herald reported to Efilar.

Efilar took the document handed over by the other party, quickly flipped through it, and looked at the star map in front of him,

"Aim at these positions."

Her fingers slid quickly on the display screen, and activated the holographic mark from the blur.

The image of the Abyss-class battleship was formed on a secondary holographic projection in front of the console.

The target ship has a heavy pointed bow, and the heavy armor can feel its terrifying defensive performance just by looking at it.

The conventional caliber macro cannon and light spears can hardly hurt it at all.

The structure that is like a sawtooth plate, and the huge fleet, all express the horror of this battleship.

The three huge jagged buildings looked like a giant trident.

Under the thick bronze of its wide ship's side, countless twin plasma laser cannons were flashing cold light.

Powerful cannons were located on every angular metal depression.

There were also densely packed artillery arrays and dark torpedo silos in the belly of the ship.

At the stern of the ship, a huge jet burst out with dazzling light.

The flag outlined the shape of a book, which was the symbol of the Book of Lorca.

Efilar did not directly intervene in the command. In terms of commanding naval operations, there were people in the command center who were far more professional than her.

"Focus on this Abyss-class battleship. For the sake of the Empire and the Holy Throne, we must destroy this blasphemous thing!"

The Imperial Navy Admiral sat in the command center. He gave orders on the communication channel without much hesitation.

The Abyss-class battleship was forged on the eve of the Heresy by the Word Bearers and those radical mechanics who intended to betray the Empire.

Its scale is even larger than the Glorious Queen-class.

Even after all their efforts, they only succeeded in forging three ships.

They are the Furious Abyss, the Blessed Lady, and the Triumvirate.

These three ships almost exhausted all the resources of the Word Bearers and the Mechanicus at the time, and the slaves and ammunition they were equipped with were countless.

These terrible big guys performed brilliantly in the war that betrayed the Empire.

Even the Ultramarines suffered heavy losses under their firepower.

In Abaddon's 13th expedition, the Abyss-class battleship appeared again after a long absence. As soon as it appeared, the Empire suffered unforeseen losses.

Such an abomination, the admirals decided to let it sink into the abyss of the Soul Sea forever today.

On the front line, more than a dozen cruisers were lurking in the dark. When the Abyss-class battleship appeared, they burst out with all their firepower in an instant.

Almost all of their firepower hit the target.

Continuous bombings lit up over the Soul Sea, and the beams of destruction gathered into a torrent that annihilated everything.

Under normal circumstances, a giant ship can withstand several hours of bombing when the shield is fully deployed.

Multiple void shields protect their hulls, and the steel walls of the hulls themselves are tens of meters or even hundreds of meters thick.

But the empire's current ships have also been improved and upgraded by Dukel and the scientific research team, and their attack performance is far superior to the old models of the empire.

Under their concentrated fire, even if the opponent supports the deflection shield and the Geller force field at the same time, they will be destroyed instantly.

With just one concentrated fire, the Abyss-class battleship can be blown into pieces with overwhelming firepower.

When the void shield of the Abyss battleship was submerged by the light spear, the shield generator was overloaded in the frequent flashes.

Countless particle lights covered the surface of the Abyss battleship. Only twenty seconds later, the hull of the Abyss-class battleship turned into a huge pillar of fire.

The huge hull began to slowly crack, and its reactor also had a chain explosion. The fire lit up, like a miniature sun slowly rising, covering the Abyss battleship in a perfect sphere of fire.

This victory was almost certain, the tactics of the Imperial Navy took effect, and the admiral showed a little smile on his face.

Even the Abyss-class battleship was severely damaged at the first moment of the battle.

Other ships had no possibility of fighting against the Empire.

The Imperial Saint was also delighted with the victory. Then her extraordinary vision crossed the sea of ​​souls and looked at the Great Word Bearer.

She wanted to know what the demon primarch would do next.

The Word Bearers fleet still had combat capabilities, and Ephilar thought they would continue to fight the Imperial fleet.

But what she didn't expect was that when the Abyss-class battleships suffered heavy damage, the Word Bearers fleet began to evacuate quickly as if it had really collapsed.

During the evacuation, Ephilar even saw Lorgar's unwilling eyes.

The Saint almost wanted to chase him immediately and capture the demon primarch.

If she could really capture the Great Word Bearer, Dukor would be very happy.

Thinking of the Warmaster's appreciative eyes, she could no longer suppress the impulse in her heart, but at this moment, the officials of the command center dissuaded her.

The experienced admiral believed that the retreat of the Word Bearers was deliberately to attract them to the trap set in advance.

Even if the other side was really defeated, the primary strategic goal of the Imperial Fleet at this time should not be to hunt down the Word Bearers.

Because there are more terrifying demon fleets chasing them closely behind, and the enemies in the warp are still staring at them.

The words of the admiral calmed Efilar like a basin of cold water.

She knew very well that if the Imperial Fleet was trapped in the vortex of the warp again, it would be really difficult for them to escape.

Giving up the pursuit of the Word Bearers, the Imperial Fleet turned around and prepared to land on the world of Belia IV.

On the surface of this world, there stands a dark church as huge as the capital city.

This is the masterpiece of the Word Bearers. They are like their genetic fathers, always having a fanatical pursuit of faith.

The most favorite thing for the Word Bearers is to build magnificent churches.

Before the rebellion, Lorca personally commanded them and spent more than a hundred years to build the Perfect City, but this city-state was eventually destroyed by the wrath of the Emperor.

After entering Chaos, they were obsessed with building temples for the Dark Gods.

This giant city-like church has an octagonal shape, which is the symbol of the Chaos Octagonal Star.

But unlike the ordinary Octagonal Star, in the center of this octagonal building complex, there stands a strange tower building that should not appear.

This abnormal scene made this giant city church more blasphemous in the eyes of Efilar.

Efilar immediately decided to destroy the temple.

No one refuted him this time. For the Empire, it was their duty to tear down the blasphemous temple.

And the location of this giant city church is also very good, just right arranged inside a basin.

There are also a large number of coffin towers next to it.

Coffin towers are alien creations unique to the Eldar, which have the function of disrupting the perception of the Warp Demon.

With this unique location, the Imperial troops finally had a brief respite.

When they blew open the gate of the temple, the imagined battle did not happen, and the temple was empty.

Only blasphemous runes and bones were left.

These bones were not all human. In the bones, you can find the characteristics of almost all races in the galaxy, whether it is the Tau or the Tyranids, and even the bodies of the Necrons that have been dug out of their energy cores.

Seeing this scene, Efilar could foresee that the Word Bearers must have spent unimaginable efforts to build this temple.

A learned psychic speculated from the many traces here that a sacrifice ceremony had been held inside this church.

But what puzzled the psyker was that this sacrifice was not directed to any god he knew.

This was also abnormal. In the warp, there were only a handful of gods worthy of worship by the Word Bearers, and the power of many secondary gods was not even as strong as that of the Word Bearers themselves.

And Lorgar, the Great Word Bearer, even disdained to worship the dark gods. He only worshiped the original truth.

This sacrificial ceremony took place not long ago.

Ephilar recalled the vortex encountered by the Imperial Fleet before, and she speculated that this vortex was the result of the sacrifice of the Word Bearers.

But the psyker did not comment on this speculation.

The scholar was still observing every detail in the temple, trying to infer the true purpose of the Word Bearers.

In his opinion, both this temple and the sudden retreat of the Word Bearers just now revealed a strong sense of abnormality.

There must be a truth hidden in it that he did not know.

But Efilar had lost her patience. She was a hot-tempered battle nun. Even standing beside the Lord of Destruction, she restrained most of her sharpness.

Efilar ordered the imperial soldiers to push down the statues of the dark gods, smash the stairs dedicated to the gods, and then erase the blasphemous runes and clear a place for the imperial soldiers to rest.

After leaving the ship, the soldiers stepped on the ground again. After months of fighting, they suddenly felt exhausted.

With the help of the prayers of the priests of the virtual world, they were able to travel in the virtual world while sleeping, and they could obtain supplies from the virtual world in the shortest time and recover from the fatigue of the war.

This is a very popular way of rest in the empire today.

The workers on Terra like to come to the virtual world meditation room every day to recover from the fatigue caused by long-term work while traveling in the virtual world.

The imperial soldiers are recovering at the fastest speed to recuperate for the next upcoming war.

Some ships in good condition were still docked in the outer orbit at this time, and their powerful firepower systems were always charged, in order to deter the Word Bearers who had retreated not long ago, and to be ready to deal with the demon army at any time.

At this time, Efilar contacted the Eldar goddess Aisha through the mental network.

As the race god of the Eldar, Aisha knew every entrance to the Eldar webway.

In normal times, the Imperial Fleet disdained to use the Eldar webway, even though they could do so after the Warmaster captured the Goddess of Life, but the virtual realm jump was more popular with them.

In non-essential situations, the alien webway would never be their first choice.

But now it was necessary, and Efilar sent out Space Marines, following the information given by Aisha, and began to look for the entrance to the webway.

If those long-abandoned Eldar webways were still usable, they might be able to escape directly and join up with Duker who was on his way.

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