Harlequin was born after the fall of the gods, and the Laughing God Xilego hid in the Webway to escape the hunting and corruption of Seraan.

After that, more Eldar also sought refuge in the Webway, and they were protected by the Laughing God Siregor. This was the origin of the Harlequin.

The first clown of the Eldar was Siregor himself, and the Eldar under his protection also imitated him and put on the clown mask.

According to legend, the Harlequin is tasked with guarding the Black Library, a library that makes even Tzeentch excited.

This library holds the knowledge of the entire universe, and all kinds of incredible secrets and shocking secrets can be found here.

It is said that books about the future are also collected here.

Legend has it that the Emperor once entered the Black Library, where he gained vast amounts of knowledge that had never existed in the galaxy.

With the information advantage brought by this knowledge, the Emperor successfully teased the gods, and the soon-to-be-god made a contract with the gods, and obtained enough wealth to create twenty demigods.

Although when the gods realized that they had been tricked, they backhandedly made the emperor paralyzed and forced him to sit on the golden throne.

But the importance of the black library is still evident.

As a senior executive of Harlequin, Curtain Walker Xinland couldn't wait to see what he was doing in the webway.

What Duker said was by no means empty talk. If the Eldar alien in front of him couldn't have a justifiable reason, then he should consider cutting it into several pieces.

An Eldar alien dares to openly meet an Imperial Primarch. All I can say is that the current galaxy is really crazy.

Do you really think that every Primarch is called Robert Guilliman?

Even Guilliman would have an absolutely hostile attitude when facing a strange alien.

"Now you can continue talking. Whether you and your companions will survive or not will be determined by your next two sentences." Duker sat on the ruby-encrusted chair and looked at each other. Although his sitting posture was casual, But there was a murderous intent in his words.

Even where he was sitting, his tall body was far taller than the Eldar in front of him.

Every Eldar present felt a heavy sense of oppression at this moment, which made them stop breathing and looked at their leader Xinlande with worried eyes.

"Sir, your subordinates are now enveloped in the darkness of subspace. They are extremely crazy and do not hide their existence at all. They are united by the iron fist of a powerful commander, and the fluctuations they emit can be sensed at a long distance. The enemy is so powerful that being tough will only land you in jail. The clowns know a secret passage through which you can easily rescue your men without having to confront the enemy."

The Curtain Walker spoke urgently, her voice laced with genuine emotion, as if she truly had the Empire's best interests at heart.

But Duker was not moved at all.

"You have one more thing to say." He issued an ultimatum to the Curtain Walker. Obviously, the other person's words did not move him.

The murderous intention lingering around him was almost concentrated at this moment, and it seemed that he could vaguely hear the wails of the innocent souls.

The atmosphere in the room instantly dropped to freezing point. Under this heavy atmosphere, some timid Eldar even started to tremble with their legs.

Only Xinlande, the Curtain Walker, looked decent.

"I've already said it." Xinland shook his head. "My suggestion is undoubtedly the best choice for you at the moment. If you can avoid bleeding, why don't you do it? You can choose to believe us, I Know that the lives of the Eldar are in your hands, and if you wish to destroy us, you can do so at any time."

"But please listen to our opinions carefully before destroying us, and don't make wrong decisions because of temporary impulses. You sit on the supreme throne of the Imperial Warmaster, and every decision you make will affect the entire galaxy. fate."

After saying these words, Xinland stopped talking. She raised her neck like a swan, closed her eyes tightly, and let Duker decide her next fate.

The so-called life of the Eldar refers to Aisha, the goddess of life of the Eldar.

If Duker really wanted to destroy the life of the Eldar, all he had to do was destroy the Goddess of Life.

Xinlande knew very well that her life was always in the hands of the other party, so she seemed very bachelor.

Duker didn't answer him immediately. He was thinking, tapping his fingers on the table of his desk.

In this quiet atmosphere, the Eldar present felt that time had slowed down as never before. Every time Duker tapped his fingers on the table, it seemed to hit their hearts, making them uneasy.

"It's still a reason to be trustworthy." Duker finally spoke, which also made the spirits feel a little more relaxed.

"But it can only be considered half." The Warmaster continued, "You can continue to survive, but I will not let you leave. I want you to do one thing for me."

"Please give me your orders." Xin Rande said humbly.

"The top hunters in the galaxy often appear as prey." Dukel first quoted a proverb,

"Since the enemies hidden in the darkness think that everything is under their control, why not use the webway you mentioned to give them one more gift?"

Duker said with a hint of amusement.

His words stunned everyone present.

Now that the blasphemers of the subspace have joined forces to lay a trap, the Imperial Warmaster does not think about how to escape, but wants to catch them all in one fell swoop.

This gesture is too arrogant. If other people had such an idea, they would definitely be ridiculed.

You can say that Chaos is evil, but no one can deny the power of Chaos. The dark existence of subspace has caused countless races to pay a heavy price.

Over the long years, countless civilizations were destroyed by the claws of the gods, and races were destroyed.

Facing the powerful power of Chaos, let alone defeating them, even being able to confront them for a short time is already a rare victory.

In the eyes of everyone's shock and confusion.

The fighting spirit in Duker's eyes burned as brightly as fire.

"Faced with the chaos of subspace, escaping is the most useless option. They are so eager for destruction and war." He continued,

"But it just so happens that I also long for it. Civilization and reason cannot fight chaos, and we should respond to them in the same way."

"That's the way I like it, too."

Everyone present, whether they were Eldar or the Primarch's guards, were inevitably infected by the Primarch's emotions.

Everyone unconsciously clenched the weapons at their waists. The pain caused by the Chaos Demons in the past turned into a flame that burned everything, burning more and more intensely in their hearts, making them eager to join in the war immediately. In the battle with the devil.

And Duker's voice continued to sound,

"The hidden rats don't even have the courage to confront me head-on. They only dare to use this deceitful trick. Facing such an enemy, why should I be afraid of fighting them head-on? I see their inferiority, and they themselves I don’t believe that I have the qualifications to be my enemy.”

"No matter how many times the war continues, I will be invincible!"

Duker's impassioned speech made everyone lower their heads unconsciously.

"That's right, father, all victories are justifiable to you!"

On the other hand, Doom, who had been standing silently behind the original body, shouted excitedly at this moment.

This was his genetic father, the Primarch whom the Second Legion would follow to the death.

Duker waved his hand to signal him to calm down, then glanced at everyone,

"The gods and demons have ravaged the galaxy for endless years, and it's time to make them pay the price. We use our ideals and beliefs to forge divine weapons, and my warriors give blood for blood, tooth for tooth. When we cut off the demon's head, let the last The last god on a throne begs for mercy from our swords, and only then does our Manifest Destiny begin."

Everyone in the room was silent as they digested the primarch's bold words. Even several Eldar were speechless at this time. They were shocked by the ambition of the Imperial Warmaster.

Dukel's words hit their hearts like a heavy hammer.

"Since we began our great crusade against darkness, we have won incredible wars."

"The hidden enemy has set a trap for us, but in my opinion it is the grave they dug for themselves. They thought they would use tricks to destroy our hopes like before, but they were wrong. This time we will cut down Kill their heads, destroy their souls, and completely destroy the kingdom of heaven they live on.”

Duker stopped talking and looked at the Eldar people.

"If you are willing to complete the tasks I have given you, I will form an alliance with you. You will become my unbreakable allies with the Second Legion, just like the Thirteenth Legion of the Imperial Regent and the Death Army. If you are not willing, I will Your hearts will be ripped out, your bodies will be thrown into the sea of ​​blasphemy, and your souls will be sent to the Argent Factory.”

"Although I am a general in war, I always have a compassionate heart. Now I give you the right to freely choose your destiny."

Veilwalker Xinland: "."

This is too freeing. Does she have a choice?

There have long been rumors that the current Imperial Warmaster is a hypocritical dictator. Now it seems that this may not be a rumor.

Although Xin Rande was complaining in her heart, after a short conversation, she also understood the attitude of the imperial war commander - after all, the other party had openly exposed his ambitions, and she would be a fool if she didn't understand.

Dukel, unlike everyone she had ever met, did not position himself as a passive victim but actively took on the reputation of a perpetrator.

In the presence of the Warmaster, whether Chaos wants war or not, the Warmaster himself will ignite the flames of war.

After thinking quickly and briefly in her heart, Xinland quickly responded,

"Efreni and her Death Army are just little puppies of the Imperial Regent. Their power is nothing compared to ours." Xinland first expressed his disdain for Efreni, and then continued,

"We are here to help you. If the Warmaster has a specific plan, please let me know the details."

Dukel was not surprised that Sinland despised the Death Army.

Because Evrené was too close to Guilliman, most of the Eldar were very disdainful of her and called her the little bitch of the Imperial Regent.

The Eldar appear to humans as arrogant most of the time.

But in fact, they are not that proud. Most of the Eldar forces are not opposed to finding a powerful human legion as a backer.

There are countless such examples.

And the reason why they particularly despised Efreni was probably because they were not the ones who embraced the imperial regent's lap.

Dukel nodded. With the addition of this clown and the webway information, his attack on the Chaos forces will become smoother and more thorough.

Dukel decided to give Horus and the gods a great gift.

Perhaps he should also shout out a slogan, such as - the age of the gods is over.

On Belia IV, the Eldar still have several intact webways.

After all, that world is the location of Asuryan's temple, and the goddess of life also knows the existence of those webways, but the goddess who has been away from the physical universe for too long cannot accurately point out which webway is still intact like the Veil Walker.

A long time ago, Belia IV was the cultural center of the Eldar, and such a prosperous planet was also a transit station for the webway.

The dense webway entrances are hidden in that world, but with the demise of the Eldar civilization, most of the webways are either destroyed or occupied by a large number of demons.

After discussing the plan, the Veil Walker left in a hurry.

She left with a brisk pace, showing her happy heart.

In order to make her serve him wholeheartedly, Dukel promised her that she could meet Aisha, the goddess of life.

At the same time, Dukel also lent them a warship that could jump to the virtual realm.

As long as he gained Dukel's trust, he would never treat his people badly.

It took several days to make a plan, but for the original body, it was not enough to make him tired.

When he walked out of the conference room, Dukel was still energetic.

When he stepped out of the door of the conference room, his eyes unconsciously glanced at the dark corner, where an assassin from the Assassin's Court felt his gaze at the same time, and hurriedly shrank back, trying to hide himself.

Dukel ignored him, because the assassin was sent by the Lion King, nominally to protect his safety, but actually a messenger for the two to communicate secretly.

This assassin is quite useful. The human empire has survived thousands of years and is still standing today, and the credit of the Assassin's Court is indispensable.

When there are tyrannical planetary governors, traitors who incite riots, or other factors that affect the stability of the empire, the Assassin's Court will take action to eliminate them.

In a sense, the functions of the Assassin's Court are very similar to those of the Dark Angels, which is why Duker temporarily handed the Assassin's Court over to the Lion King.

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