Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 254 61, Humanity’s unprecedented unity

Asmodai stood on a hill piled with demon corpses, staring at the sky in a daze. His cloak was damaged in the battle, and his armor was also covered with wounds. He was exhausted, but at this moment he completely put his own situation behind him. All the thoughts in his mind were involuntarily praising the reputation of the Emperor and the Warmaster.

He saw the golden eagle with its wings spread swooping down from the sky, screaming, and sprinkling the flames of destruction on the battlefield.

Dragging a slender tail, the airdrop chamber like a fire meteor descended from the golden sky, covering the sky and the sun, like a downpour of fire.

The explosion caused by the impact set off a series of destructive fire curtains in the demon camp.

Gunboats and fighter planes roared past, and the Emperor's angel of destruction, who was in charge of the punishment of heaven, generously gave countless artillery and lasers to those flying demons.

The filthy flesh and blood of countless demons and traitors exploded into meat slag all over the sky.

Thunderous roars continued to be heard from the sky. Like a star beast forged by steel and fire, the Empire's fleet continued to jump out of the Eldar's star gate.

The giant ship stretched across the void, and the roaring engine spewed out several kilometers of tail flames, and the distortion of the subspace was dispelled.

The grandeur that covered the sky and the sun made the battlefield below pale in comparison.

The warship roared and shook the world. Unimaginable magnificent light columns fell from the sky like divine punishment. The bombardment of the orbital gun caused a distorted vortex in the space of the ground battlefield.

In the flying smoke, the ashes of the demon danced with the airflow.

The Astra Militarum driving the Destroyer mecha stepped out of the airdrop chamber. With the help of powerful armor, these mortals can also exert extremely agile speed. Although they are not as good as the Primaris Space Marines, their number is almost endless.

The mechanical arm ejected a blood-red sword. The demons never thought that one day they would be vulnerable in the hands of mortals.

Even the heretic Astartes, once surrounded by multiple Destroyer armors, will undoubtedly die on the battlefield.

The demons roared and counterattacked, trying to attack the soldiers who came out of the airdrop pods.

But their efforts were like ants trying to shake a tree. What made the blasphemers even more uneasy was that behind the Astra Militarum, a large number of Primaris Space Marines also appeared.

Each of them was a hero of mankind, walking out of blood and fire, with steel bodies wielding sharp blades, and the blasphemers fell like wheat in pieces.

With the arrival of powerful reinforcements on the battlefield, the besieged warriors collectively cheered.

Although their armor was already broken and their bodies were covered with scars.

But they still launched a fearless charge towards the demon line.

Asmodai dragged his tired body out from behind the tattered bunker, and he led the remaining warriors to roar and attack.

The priests shouted the names of the Emperor and the Warmaster, waving the Sky Eagle flag, cheering for the Empire.

The saint in coma heard the call, she woke up from her coma, her eyes looked at the sky covered with golden light, her body recovered rapidly in an incredible way.

Then she picked up the spear and sword and joined the battle against the demons.

The horn of the Empire's counterattack sounded, and the most powerful demons were all turned into broken flesh and blood.

The heads of the blasphemers rolled one after another on the land of this ancient planet, the dust was stained with their blood, and the rivers turned bloody.

The Chaos wizards tried their best to suppress the soldiers' charge, but the violent targeted firepower attack made them miserable.

What made the blasphemers even more uneasy was that the huge Eldar star gate in the void that almost covered the planet still showed no signs of closing.

The Empire's giant ships are still jumping out in an endless stream. After the giant ships of the Silver Sisters passed by, waves of more powerful engine roars spread in the vacuum against common sense.

One after another, the giant ships carrying endless glory stretched out their horns, and the blood red, azure blue, dark green, bright yellow, white and other colors that were sung among the stars jumped into the void.

Blood Angels, Ultramarines, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Salamanders, Iron Hands, Raven Guard, White Scars. Every founding legion showed their greatness in the sky above the battlefield.

In addition to these mother groups with a thousand-year reputation in the galaxy, there are hundreds of sub-groups participating in this war.

The number is so large and the scale is so grand that even in the Great Crusade ten thousand years ago, there were very few battles that could match it.

The loyalist soldiers looked up at the magnificent scene above the sky, and many of them had tears in their eyes. Familiar with history, they knew that mankind had not been able to unite like this for more than ten thousand years.

In the dark years of ten thousand years, no hero has been able to reunite the power of mankind again.

Even in the face of the threat of alien species and chaos demons, mankind has been fighting internally for ten thousand years, and party-building and betrayal have become the fate that everyone cannot escape.

The supreme leader of mortals cannot do this, and the heroes of the interstellar war group cannot do this.

This is a great feat that only the warmaster who can bring the hearts of the people can accomplish.

Even the Sisters of Silence, the Imperial Guards, and the Grey Knights are willing to respond to the call of the Supreme Warmaster.

They led more than 10 billion mortal auxiliary troops, forming a terrible torrent, madly strangling the demons teleported from the subspace.

The demons that used to be notorious seemed weak in front of the imperial army.

The endless demons cannot gain any advantage over the imperial army.

The situation of the war was reversed in an instant, and the imperial warriors who were originally in danger received terrible reinforcements in an instant.

Imperial troops sweep across everything.

They advance over the corpses of human traitors and aliens.

Unstoppable, unstoppable.

At this time, Horus, standing on the Spirit of Vengeance, was still able to remain calm.

Facing the defeat on the ground battlefield, he did not feel sad at all. In his eyes, these demons are cannon fodder that can be consumed at will. No matter how many hundreds of billions of demons are killed or injured, he will not feel anything.

He focused his attention on the imperial fleet that appeared outside, his expression was extremely cold, and there was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Horus was certain that Dulquer would definitely come. This brother with a distinctive personality was obviously different from the other brothers. He was arrogant, extreme and reckless. He never weighs the pros and cons, but believes in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Anyone who offends him will instantly incur his wrath - and past history has proven that there will be no exception even if the troublemaker is the Emperor.

Every primarch knew that the Emperor was not a perfect father. He was full of lies and cold and ruthless. Among them, Lorgar the Word Bearer and Angron, the Lord of the Red Veil, hated the Emperor extremely.

But even so, Angron, who had always shown ignorance and madness, would remain dormant and patient in front of the Emperor, putting away his fangs.

Only Dukel, after he realized the darkness of the Emperor, drew his sword without any hesitation. Even if the consequence was that a third of the Empire was destroyed, he was also expelled for ten thousand years.

How could such a person ignore the death of his capable subordinates?

Horus had set a trap here. He had anticipated it, and even if Dulquer knew there was a trap, he would move forward without hesitation.

He admitted that this was the unique charm of Duker. It was this fearless courage that made all powerful warriors willingly follow him.

But at this time, this became his fatal weakness.

Horus was convinced that those who could do him the most harm were often those who knew him best.

"Brother, you are destined to end here." Horus murmured to himself, but unexpectedly, there was not much joy in his heart before victory came. Instead, there was an unconcealable feeling in his tone. sorrow.

They were once close relatives, but now they have to kill each other because of different ideals.

This may be the most tragic drama in the galaxy.

Horus was convinced of his victory, and Dukur brought a formidable army, but he also had enough legions of demons.

In order to prevent the annihilation of the galactic stars, the power of Chaos is worth using. As early as ten thousand years ago, in the game of cards between Horus and the Emperor, he defeated all the Emperor's trump cards with just one demon card.

Nowadays, the Chaos fleets are still gathering in a steady stream. The numbers are so complicated that he can't even count them, and he is too lazy to do so. Anyway, they are all destined to be expendable in the war.

The believers of the Four Gods also burst out with great enthusiasm for the siege of Dulquer, Khorne's Bloody Comet, Tzeentch's Crystal Fortress, Nurgle's Plague Ark, and Slaanesh's Lost City of Desire.

The forces of evil have gathered in one place, and the number of demons and fallen warriors is even more numerous. There are even a large number of alien races that have succumbed to chaos.

Such a terrifying force, in the eyes of Horus, was enough to sweep away the Imperial Legion.

But at this time, there was one person who had a completely different idea.

The scholar wearing a blue feather-woven robe fiddled with the crystal ball in his hand, and then advised Horus, "Dukel's appearance was not at the node predicted by fate. He appeared too early, and even the spirit The appearance of the tribe was not noticed, and this was not part of the plan. Maybe we should retreat and regroup.”

"Why, didn't you see Duker's performance in the drama of your destiny?" Horus glanced at him sideways, with a little ridicule.

During the previous pursuit of Golden Sun, he discovered that these friends were not trustworthy.

Once there is a crack in trust, it can never be repaired and will only continue to expand.

The most intuitive manifestation is that Horus no longer respects these four friends as he did before.

The blue-robed scholar frowned and stared at the crystal ball with all his concentration. He didn't even pay attention to Horus's taunts.

"Dukel is different. His destiny is shrouded in mist. Even the trajectory of the stars representing destiny cannot completely predict his direction. His unknown power is even impacting the stars of destiny. Once the stars of destiny are completely Shattered, we can no longer even predict his actions."

"Is that so?" Horus' eyes became serious. "Then we must defeat him now. If even fate cannot restrain him, how can we defeat him? Besides, we have already made a plan. Now it’s on the line.”

"Change is a good thing." The scholar advised again.

But Horus had made up his mind.

"Don't worry." He comforted the scholar, "The final victory of this battle is not to defeat the empire. All these demons can be destroyed. As long as Duker is defeated, it will be worth it."

Horus's words revealed his ruthlessness towards demons.

But he didn't notice that when he said this, all four of his friends had unnatural expressions on their faces.

Even the ugly warrior wearing blood armor was no exception.

The imperial army led by Dukel is different from the past. They have the power to truly destroy demons, which is the annihilation of returning the origin of the warp to nothingness.

Each demon is equivalent to the incarnation of the gods. Now the demon army summoned has almost filled the entire galaxy. If such a huge demon is annihilated, even the gods will feel pain.

But the four did not say anything else.

Their power at this time is not enough to defy Horus who has made up his mind.

And Horus' words are not without reason. The victory or defeat of this war is not so important. If Dukel can be completely eliminated here, then everything is worth it.

The four also cannot control the final result.

Dukel is a gambler. He took the imperial army to the warp to gamble. But Horus and the four are also not sure of winning, and they can't escape the fate of gamblers.

The eternal and great gods do not like games that cannot be won.

Now almost all the traitors of mankind have gathered in the Belia IV star field.

Typhons leads the Death Guard and is now on the flagship of the Plague Fleet, the Doomsday End.

The flagship is located at the edge of the Void Battlefield. He stands on the bridge and directs the Plague Fleet's attack on the Imperial Fleet.

He is the Chosen of Nurgle, the Demon Prince of the Kind Father, the Lord of the Destroyer Hive, and the controller of the First Plague Company under the Death Guard.

Currently, as one of the most terrifying dark lords, he leads the Death Guard to participate in this war.

The betrayal of Mortarion, the Primarch of the Death Guard, once made the Kind Father sad.

Typhons also felt sad. He actively showed himself and wanted to prove to the Kind Father that he was enough to replace Mortarion.

And in front of him is his perfect opportunity, if he can defeat Dukor in the Belia IV Starfield in the Eye of Terror.

This will definitely please the Kind Father, and it also proves that he is stronger than the Primarch and is enough to replace the other party in the Kind Father's heart.

During the Horus Heresy, Typhons despised his genetic father.

He killed the navigator, disobeyed Mortarion's orders, and fell into the heaven of the father with the primarch.

It was Typhons' actions that forced Mortarion to be unable to leave the garden of the father. The entire Death Guard was tortured by Nurgle's plague, forcing Mortarion to surrender to Nurgle.

After surrendering to Nurgle, Typhons directly broke away from Mortarion's control, took a part of the Death Guard away from the primarch, and went to various parts of the empire to wreak havoc and release the plague virus.

In Typhons' eyes, Mortarion's ability and character made him ashamed, but the father was the master he was willing to surrender to.

In order to win the favor of the father, he used the plague to turn one world after another into a garden world full of rotten graves.

Countless lives sank forever in wailing.

Nurgle loves every life equally, viruses and bacteria are also his dependents, and he is keen to generously spread the blessings to the stars.

It is also in Nurgle's mercy that those who are afflicted by the plague will be subjected to the most desperate torture. They will not die, but will only sing painful elegy in eternal torment.

Now, it is time for Typhons to prove to his father that he is superior to the Primarch.

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