Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 255 62, Duke: I don't have time for nonsense, brother.

Compared to the ambition of the Death Lord Typhons, the Bloody Comet where the Khorne Demon Army was located was in great chaos at this time.

On the eve of the Warmaster's Celebration, the Butcher's Nail in the brain of the Demon Primarch Angron was pulled out by Dukor and destroyed on the spot.

Without the urging of the Butcher's Nail, Angron became extremely negative. He stayed idle all day in the yellow sand world controlled by him. No matter how the Blood God urged him, he refused to offer his skull to the Brass Throne.

And there are rumors that Angron intends to put down his battle axe and specialize in the field of literature from now on.

An executioner does not drink the blood of innocent people, but instead has a strong interest in literature, which makes Khorne furious.

If it were in the past, He would not mind spending some effort to insert another Butcher's Nail in Angron's brain.

But now, the projections of the gods and the Emperor are eyeing the sky above the Brass Castle in the Khorne domain, and the demon army and the Legion of the Damned are fighting endlessly with His army.

Under such circumstances, even the Blood God had no spare energy to force a Primarch.

In the war on Belia IV, Angron, as the demon prince of the Blood God, should have participated in the war, but he naturally rejected the oracle of Khorne.

And when the Khorne demon army gathered, Angron also came out to make a big fuss, resulting in the entire World Eaters warband being unable to participate in this grand war.

Without the constraints of the demon primarch and the World Eaters, a large number of Khorne demons who only knew how to kill fought together.

Those Red Butchers who should have been commanded by the World Eaters even made crazy roars on the bloody comet.

The Red Butchers were wearing heavy Terminator armor, and their existence itself represented pure killing.

The soul and reason of the Red Butcher had been burned out by anger, and the only thing left was the instinct of killing.

Only the World Eaters knew how to stop them, but they were intercepted on the road by their Primarch. The unrestrained Blood Butchers vented their anger hysterically. They never cared whose head they chopped off, let alone who chopped off their own.

The eight bloody comets had been caught in an endless melee long before the war on Belia IV started.

On the other side,

Ahriman, the Thousand Sons Sorcerer, the Chosen One of the Lord of Change, did not stay on his flagship.

He stood in front of a crystal tower, and his heart was a little difficult to calm down, which was extremely rare for a wizard.

Ahriman was once the top psyker among the Astartes Brothers. During the Great Crusade, he served as the first company commander of the Thousand Sons Legion.

Born on Holy Terra, he was the earliest Thousand Sons warrior. He personally experienced the large and small battles in the early days of the Great Crusade. He had a deep memory of Dukel, the early warmaster of the Great Crusade.

Ahriman didn't want to be an enemy of the former warmaster. He came here for his own purpose - he was not interested in defeating Dukor, but wanted to find an opportunity to rescue his genetic father, the Crimson King Magnus.

Undoubtedly, this went against the will of the Lord of Change, but Ahriman didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Tzeentch's followers have eight hundred minds and a rebellious bone on average. They are happy to add some of their own little thoughts to Tzeentch's oracle and produce more new and unpredictable changes.

If Tzeentch's followers complete the oracle meticulously, they will be despised by the Lord of Change and become a pathetic Chaos Egg.

Ahriman was an eyewitness of the Burning of Propes during the Horus Heresy. In that fire, he witnessed Magnus' soul being shattered in order to save his surviving offspring.

For a long time, Ahriman has been trying to find the fragments of Magnus' soul and put them together again.

But in a mistake, Ahriman was expelled by Magnus.

Ahriman tried to use a sorcery of his own creation to get rid of the flesh and blood mutations that had plagued the Thousand Sons for a long time, but the spell was not perfect.

He did get rid of the flesh and blood mutations of the Thousand Sons - even got rid of their flesh and blood.

This spell transformed a large number of Thousand Sons warriors into unconscious automatic machines.

These mechanical shells without flesh and blood are called Rubric Warriors.

Their flesh and blood have been completely decomposed by terrifying psychic power, and their souls are imprisoned in armor forever.

These living armors obey the wizard's dispatch and have complete memories and personalities for a short time during battle.

Sometimes they even make familiar movements of their former comrades, which once made Ahriman feel guilty.

The angry Magnus could not forgive him and expelled him, and has not fully accepted him again until now.

This time, he came here with the Thousand Sons. This cunning wizard did not care whether the war was won or not, but planned to rescue Magnus in the chaos of the war.

He even hoped that Chaos and the Empire could fight more fiercely, only in this way, it would be easier for him to find the opportunity.

Lucius the Undying was once the 13th Captain of the Emperor's Children, and is now the Chosen of Slaanesh.

In addition, he has many titles, Soul Stealer, Fulgrim's Warrior, and Descendant of Chemos.

He attracted the attention of Slaanesh because he enjoyed the joy of killing in battle.

Lucius died many times, but he woke up again every time.

As long as the other party can gain pleasure from his death, he can use the other party's body to resurrect.

And the faces of his enemies will become twisted carvings on his armor.

In the previous battle of the Dark World, his gene father Fulgrim also became a prisoner of Dukor.

But Lucius did not think of rescuing Fulgrim, not because he was cold-blooded, but because he could not be sure whether Fulgrim was enjoying it.

From Lucius's perspective, Fulgrim's actions were a bit strange. He did not know the hatred between the Primarchs. In his opinion, Fulgrim was completely impatient to find Dukor, and was captured as a matter of course.

Thinking that Fulgrim was imprisoned by the other party at this time and enjoyed the other party's torture all day long.

Lucius thought it was better not to disturb the other party.

After Fulgrim became a prisoner, Lucius summoned all the Emperor's Children and gathered them together.

They were the most casual team, and they came here just to have some fun.

The armies of the gods had their own ulterior motives, but no matter what, under the summons of the Chaos God, they still formed an extremely terrifying army.

If possible, they will spare no effort to extinguish the last hope of the Empire, making the galaxy shrouded in eternal darkness and becoming a place of eternal conflict.

The Terminator-type power armor is extremely large, and can arm soldiers into indestructible human tanks. However, this extra protection comes at the cost of speed.

But Horus, with his strong body, can still remain agile even with such heavy armor.

The Drachanion in his hand smelled the smell of blood, and the magic sword trembled excitedly before the battle.

The power of Chaos is so huge that it makes people feel genuine fear and despair.

The power of the Empire is also strong. At the call of the Warmaster, more than half of the Empire's elite rushed to the battlefield.

Dukel regarded this battle as the clarion call for the counterattack of the warp.

It is also the first battle of the offensive and defensive transformation between humans and demons.

This time it is no longer the demons invading the territory of the Empire, but Dukel led his heroes to break into the warp and invade the demon's territory.

The White Scars' leader, Kosaro, and the Black Templar Marshal, Amarachi, came with their respective subordinates to join the battle.

The Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Ultramarines joined the expeditionary corps early.

As the beginning of the Empire's counterattack on the warp, this battle is crucial.

In the bizarre void, Horus commanded the Chaos Fleet to attack the vanguard of the Imperial Fleet.

The moment Dukel's Heartfire appeared, Horus ordered the Planet Killer and the Blackstone Fortress to charge.

Extracting a huge ether tide, it is necessary to destroy the area where Dukel is located with a devastating attitude.

In Horus's view, the victory of the war is irrelevant. As long as Dukel can be successfully stopped, defeated, or even killed, it is worth it for the Chaos Legion to be completely annihilated.

In the Imperial Headquarters,

Guilliman, who is looking at the overall situation with the Military Affairs Department, rarely shows nervousness at this time.

This is a war that concerns the future destiny of mankind. Compared with the importance of this war, Guilliman's past war experience is like a small fight.

He focused on dozens of battlefield positions at the same time, issued various orders in real time, and handled the complex and changing battlefield situation in an orderly manner.

He carefully considered every instruction, fearing that he would make a mistake and bring irreparable losses to the empire.

But just as Guilliman was actively responding to the complex and changing battlefield situation, as if he saw some incredible situation, Guilliman's face suddenly changed.

He was full of surprise, and his fingertips quickly slid on the holographic star map, and accurately found the projection of Duker from dozens of modules.

In the projection, Duker's Soul Fire encountered seven Plague Arks.

The Plague Ark itself, the Void Whale with a length of hundreds of kilometers, was so conspicuous in the picture that the Soul Fire with a length of only 20 kilometers seemed insignificant in front of them.

Facing such a terrifying behemoth, using one's own flexibility to deal with it is undoubtedly the best choice.

But Dukel did not do so.

In the holographic projection, in Guilliman's unbelievable eyes, the Soul Fire suddenly accelerated, not only quickly separated from the large army, but also rushed straight towards a huge Plague Ark.

Like an overconfident knight, he rushed towards the terrifying dragon alone.

"Your Majesty, what is Dukel doing?!"

Guilliman's lips trembled slightly, and he muttered to himself.

"What is he doing?" The commander of the Plague Ark, Typhons, also couldn't understand this scene that went against common sense.

But he quickly calmed down, "No matter what he wants to do, destroy Dukel's flagship for me!"

Typhons gave the order in a cold voice.

As his words fell, seven beams of light carrying unclean energy appeared on the battlefield.

The moment the seven beams appeared, they locked onto the Soul Fire, but just as they were about to hit the target, a huge portal suddenly opened in the void.

In this portal, a thorn ring that was larger than the Void Whale and burning with golden flames like a star protruded from the portal.

The storm of golden flames, like the afterglow of a star explosion, swept everything with a devastating attitude.

The seven deadly rays released by the Plague Ark were swallowed up by it in just a moment.

One by one, the Chaos ships blessed by the gods were instantly vaporized in the golden flames, and the crews on them had turned into nothingness before they even came to their senses.

Nothing could stop this spreading golden flames.

Whether it was demons, Chaos warships, or the flesh and blood creations that the Dark Lord was proud of.

All of them turned into black smoke in this flame.

Countless demons were destroyed in the flames before they even had time to wail.

Typhons watched this scene in amazement.

The Imperial Fleet appeared with an unprecedentedly strong posture, and the first move was a destructive attack comparable to divine punishment.

They suffered heavy losses in just the first wave of attacks.

The camp of the Demon Fleet seemed to be dug out alive. Hundreds of Chaos giant ships, the Black Stone Fortress carefully prepared by Horus, the Planet Killer, and the Plague Ark that Typhons was proud of

were all burned to ashes by this raging fire.

"Heh, I don't have time to fool around with you, brother." At the bow of the Heart Fire, Dukel stared at the results of this attack, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the void battlefield that was cleared in an instant, he could even imagine how horrified Horus was at this moment.

As the first battle of the counterattack on the warp, Dukel wanted not only victory, but also a crushing victory without suspense.

He wanted to use his overwhelming momentum to make the evil existence of Chaos recognize his position.

What Plague Ark, Planet Killer. He admitted that in the long tug-of-war, these terrifying blasphemous creations would pose a great threat to mankind.

But at the beginning of the war, he directly used the ultimate weapon of the Void Realm, the Truth of the Perfect Thorn.

Directly killed in seconds, how to say?

War seems to be extremely complicated, but it is also very simple. In Dukel's understanding, the true meaning of war and victory is to rely on the strong to bully the weak.

He never believed in the myth of the weak defeating the strong, because the strong were not strong enough.

When poor, tactics are interspersed, and when rich, firepower is covered.

Dukel stayed up all year long, introducing new equipment, but it was not for fighting a tug-of-war with the demons.

He wanted to use an absolutely crushing attitude to make all the enemies of the universe understand what is the clear destiny of mankind.

The fire storm of the truth of the circle is just the beginning.

In Horus's horrified eyes, twenty-two huge portals were arranged in a matrix in the void and opened one after another.

Behind each portal, you can see the dark ring burning with golden flames, like twenty-two golden vertical pupils, facing him from a distance of several light years.

At the same time, countless steel giant ships with golden double-headed eagle logos appeared on the battlefield in an unstoppable manner.

The strength shown by the Empire shocked Horus and frightened countless dark beings.

In the Soul of Vengeance, Horus looked at the battlefield areas that were cleared in an instant, and his face showed a look of confusion for the first time.

"We lost the Plague, the Psychedelic, the Change, and the Greed."

Fakus stood aside, checking the situation on the battlefield while reporting to Horus.

The adjutant's eyes full of chaotic power were also trembling, with an irremovable fear.

In just one attack, the Chaos Fleet they had assembled lost thousands of ships.

The loss was unprecedented.

And this was just the beginning.

No one could predict how many times Dukel could unleash this terrifying weapon.

And more Imperial Fleets were also launching fierce attacks on the Chaos side.

The war was just beginning, and they were almost defeated.

Everyone knew that they could not hold out for too long under such circumstances.

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