Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 256 63, Draw the sword for the common ideals of mankind

"Sir, the war situation has deviated from expectations. We need to make a strategic shift." Fakus on the side said.

Horus glanced at him without saying anything, and ignored what he said.

It is just the beginning of the war, and he will never retreat easily.

Long before the war, the blue-robed scholar had also advised him, but in order to stop Dukel, Horus had already become a desperate gambler. Before the real win or loss, he would never give up.

Moreover, this time the bet was just a worthless demon in his eyes.

In the atmospheric orbit of Belia IV, countless weapon platforms stood here, Chaos Fish Silos and various terrifying dark mechanical creations were ready to go.

They were connected into a huge spider web, and their purpose of existence was to deal a fatal blow to the empire.

But at this time, these "spider webs" had not yet played their due role, and they had been completely destroyed.

Countless imperial giant ships were fully armed and destroyed everything.

Macrocannon shells, rockets with tail flames, and plasma spears with dazzling light.

Even the terrible subspace turbulence was torn apart by these imperial divine weapons.

Countless Chaos warships formed burning ruins in the void, and around the silent ruins, there were a lot of giant ship wreckage and corpses floating.

After the Imperial Warmaster Duker released the Round Thorn Truth to open up the situation in the void battlefield, a large number of fighters flew out from the mothership, like a swarm of bees, surrounding the enemy group and showing deadly stings.

The Imperial fighter pilots relied on their superb driving skills to entangle with the enemy in the chaos ruins.

A Khorne skull fortress, surrounded by a large number of fighters, carried out uninterrupted attacks and interference.

Wave after wave of heavy firepower weapons, like a storm, hit the huge skull building.

Faced with such a passive situation, the Khorne demons could only roar in anger.

In addition, they could not do more about the surrounding aircraft.

A cruiser's main gun focused its energy and launched a beam of destruction at the Skull Fortress.

The shock wave of the explosion penetrated into the interior, and the energy ripples released by a series of weapons spread out layer by layer on the surface of the Skull Fortress.

After a brief stalemate, the terrifying energy carried by the beam of destruction tore the Khorne relic apart.

The broken fortress wreckage, like blood-like red flames burning up, as if blood was gushing out.

In the Spirit of Vengeance, Horus stared at the various parameters reflected on the fluorescent screen.

The sharp alarm sounded continuously without a second's pause.

The Spirit of Vengeance is the main ship of the entire demon fleet. As the commander-in-chief, he stood at the highest perspective, overlooking a holographic projection composed of shining images.

All the Chaos fleets reflected bizarre colors in the image. Each light group represented a huge fleet, a battle group composed of reconnaissance ships and requisitioned ships.

"Update the data and report the intelligence of each battle group."

Horus ordered his adjutant.

"Follow your will, sir." Fakus responded from the side.

As the Dark Thinker flickered, the image immediately focused on the flashing red mark.

Dense data streams jumped wildly beside the mark in silent screams.

Each jump represented the destruction of a warship.

Horus's face gradually darkened.

Long before the war, he had considered that the demon army would be defeated, but he never thought it would be defeated so quickly.

The incompetence of the demons at this moment even aroused his anger.

The defeat in the void battlefield not only turned the hunt for Dukel into a bitter battle of life and death.

It would also greatly affect his plan.

The Empire gained the upper hand with an absolute crushing attitude, destroying the demon fleet with overwhelming force.

At different coordinate points, the Empire's giant ships now appeared. The identities of hunter and prey were reversed in an instant.

Although Horus was full of wisdom, he misjudged the Empire's military strength.

In his opinion, after ten thousand years of darkness, the empire has entered a period of decline, as weak as a dying man. He never thought that the strength he showed was even more powerful than during the Great Crusade.

The dense fleet destroyed everything, and the weapons released swept across the galaxy. Nothing could match them.

Compared with the legion led by Duker, the fleet of Saint Efilar was like the difference between fluorescence and stars.

Horus easily forced Efilar into a desperate situation, forcing Duker to come and fight him.

But when Duker really arrived, Horus felt that the demon fleet he had high hopes for was as weak as an ant.

No matter how many ants there are, they cannot kill the giant elephant. There is no hope.

"My lord, what should we do next?" Fakus, who was responsible for the duties of adjutant, asked him.

"Wait." Horus said in a deep voice.

Wait? Fakus showed a look of obvious astonishment on his face.

To be honest, in terms of the current situation, he couldn't think of any other way to defeat the imperial army.

Fakus had been through many battles. In the past battles, when the large army failed, boarding the enemy flagship and using the decapitation tactic was undoubtedly the best choice.

--Is Horus going to board the Heartfire?

But Fakus quickly overturned this idea.

Nowadays, Dukel's reputation is known to everyone in the subspace. The opponent's record has caused uproar among the dark stars several times.

In the past, the demon primarchs Magnus and Fulgrim, together with Carlos the Fateweaver, Skarbrand, and the Great Keeper of Secrets, these powerful dark beings carried countless dark legions, representing The gods teamed up to siege Dukel.

But even with such a terrifying lineup, Duker relied on his own bravery to crush the trap and capture the two demon primarchs alive.

A few years ago, the other party led an army to trample the Kingdom of the Plague God, slaughtered countless great demon queens, and even snatched away the Eldar Life Goddess from Nurgle's hands.

Facing such a commander known for his bravery, they must always be on guard against Dukel's gang-hopping.

As for Dukel's gang-hopping?

Farkus felt that there were many stupid ways to die in subspace, but this was definitely the most worthy of ridicule.

Just when he was puzzled, he quickly got the answer.

"Brother, have you made up your mind?"

The light of the teleportation array lit up, and a golden giant walked out. The opponent's body surface bloomed with golden light, as if it brought light to this dark place.

Farkus's heart froze. He looked at Horus, who had his back turned to him. He didn't understand why the Great Word Bearer Luojia appeared here at this time.

"How are the preparations for the ceremony?" Horus asked.

"It has been prepared for a long time. The Word Bearers and I worked hard day and night and offered countless sacrifices to build a magnificent temple in the center of this world." Luo Jia smiled.

"We have chosen Beria IV as the battlefield just for the sake of this moment. All we need now is to be firm in your heart, brother."

Horus nodded, "Even if I pay all the costs, I must stop Dukur. My oath has never changed."

"A wise decision." Luo Jia's smile became even brighter, "It has only been more than ten years since he recovered. But just in this short time, the world was turbulent, the gods were restless, and the final fate It was born out of this.”

"If you continue to hesitate and allow him more time, everything will be irreversible by then."

Horus did not answer any more. He stood on the spot and clenched his fists, and his steel gloves made a creaking sound as they were pressed by the huge force, obviously acquiescing to Luo Jia's statement.

It can even be said that this is the reason why he made up his mind.

He has had a glimpse of the future destiny, but even if there is no revelation of fate, he understands that the day of destruction is not far away.

——The incomprehensible weapons released by Dukel are contributing to the destruction of the spiritual realm every minute.

He didn't know how the other party did it, nor where the devoured energy went.

But Horus understood that if things go on like this, it will inevitably cause an imbalance between the material universe and the spiritual realm, and then the entire universe will be destroyed.

This is a future that all thoughtful people can easily judge. Because of this, he has no doubt about the fate of the future.

There was no time for him to hesitate anymore, he had to bet like a red-eyed gambler regardless. Because this is an unequal bet, the opponent's chips increase sharply every day. If he cannot seize every opportunity, he will have no chance of winning the bet.

"Brother, what else can you do?" Dulquer leaned on the throne, thinking about Horus's next move.

Judging from the current situation, the devil's defeat has been determined, but the opponent still has not retreated, and it is obvious that he has a back-up plan.

After thinking for a moment, Dukel clapped his hands lightly.

Countless distorted space fluctuations emerged, and headed by Doom, a large number of ready-to-go Doom Slayers knelt on one knee under his throne.

"My son, it's your turn to fight for the Empire."

Duker stepped down from the throne and lifted up the kneeling heirs one by one. His movements were gentle but with force that could not be resisted.

After lifting up these proud warriors, he would even prepare the armor and cloak for his son who was about to go off to war like a real father.

"For thousands of years, the fate of our race has been entangled with struggle. During the long battle, we have experienced the darkest and most desperate era."

Dukel walks among the Doomsday Slayers, his voice is deep and carries the power to infect people's hearts.

"Despicable alien races and filthy heretics abuse our compatriots, and human traitors commit unforgivable crimes without restraint."

"Plague, war, desire, trickery, the enemy seems to have endless ways to torture us."

"I see my compatriots crying in despair while trying to survive."

"Amidst the hopeless stars, everyone is fighting and trying their best to survive."

"For the sake of our own survival, we abandon reason and have no compassion, because we have no time to think and no time to breathe."

"Sacrifice has long been a routine. In this malicious universe, fight, win, or die."

"Throwing the enemy's blood and our blood on the battlefield together, I have looked up at the stars countless times, wondering whether my people will still be lucky enough to see a bright future."

"That era when sacrifices are no longer necessary and when malice is no longer suffered is worth fighting to the last moment."

"My sons are also the sharpest and most loyal swords in my hands. I have to use you to defend the oath I promised in front of everyone."

At Duker's voice, even the cold-hearted warrior's eyes gradually filled with tears.

Each of the Doom Soldier has experienced hundreds of battles, and the unfortunate memories of his compatriots and fighting brothers are still fresh.

"Father, we don't." Doom's voice came from the inside of the helmet, which seemed a little dull.

He wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Duker's hand.

"Fight for me, draw your sword for the common ideals of mankind, my sons, I believe that the golden era will eventually come. Sentiment and kindness cannot dispel the wilderness, and fire must be used to destroy darkness and ice."


As Duker's voice fell, each Doom Soldier drew out the Argentinian longsword. Without too many words, they just raised the longsword and let the red force field spread on the sword.

Every warrior is willing to devote himself to the great ideal conceived by Duker. In front of this pure will like faith, any words seem pale and powerless at this moment.

No demons or evil gods can shake this will.

These warriors who stand proudly in the world voluntarily become the extension of the will of the warmaster.

A sharp sword for the golden age of mankind.

The only meaning of their existence is to destroy all enemies of mankind until that era comes.

With waves of virtual fluctuations, the Doom Soldier disappeared on the spot.

They joined the war and felt the presence of the Doom Soldier. Some demons and human traitors screamed in fear. They desperately wanted to escape from the battlefield.

But it was too late.

The arrival of the Doom Soldier stirred up a vortex, and the cold momentum made the demons feel that the space seemed to become heavy.

The divine weapon forged by the sub-gold energy metal frightened countless demons, and fear suppressed their instincts of killing and destruction.

Duke returned to his throne, and he watched the Doom Soldier leave.

"Kill them all, my son."

The warmaster said calmly, without any joy or pride.

The Doom Soldier slaughtered demons, just like ordinary meals for mortals. There may be satisfaction, but it is not worth more emotions.

The Doom Soldier began to act on the battlefield.

The moment Doom's figure appeared, the demons in his area collectively screamed in fear.

The demon army that was still fighting suddenly collapsed, but they could not escape the pursuit of the Doom Slayer.

Doom waved the red energy sword in his hand, as fast as the wind. Wherever the blade passed, the bodies of demons fell to the ground in all directions.

There were too many demons in Belia IV, so many that he did not need to deliberately preserve the lives of demons as materials for the Argent Factory.

They were the Warmaster's angels of destruction and the sharpest divine weapons of the empire.

All enemies of mankind will fall under this blade.

The great demons that had caused the destruction of countless worlds wailed and cursed on the battlefield, and with their vicious hearts, they offered the most vicious curse to the Doom Slayer.

The Doom Slayer responded with indifference. Even when they were Krieg soldiers, they did not have much emotion about killing, and at this time they would not care about the struggle of the demons before their death.

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