Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 296 103, Garden World

Countless flashes appeared in the sky of the Uta world, and fighter planes with golden sky eagle flags flying high crossed the sky like golden giant eagles.

With a rumbling sound, they landed on the ground of Uta.

Mars hid in his room, watching the door of the fighter plane being ejected, and the hydraulic gas and air mixed into white mist.

The mist blocked Mars's sight, but he could still clearly see the tall figure hidden in the mist.

But when he really saw the man's appearance, Mars' heart seemed to be grasped by an invisible hand of fear, making him almost suffocated.

——The man who walked out of the fighter plane was exactly the same as the midnight lords who enslaved them.

The only difference was that the paint and ornaments on their steel armor were slightly different, and his body was taller, and his temperament was more sinister and crazy.

And Mars also noticed that the man was wearing a black crown on his forehead.

The man was wearing heavy armor, and countless servants followed behind him. When they walked, every step made a heavy sound.

Mars was in a trance. He realized that the long-lasting nightmare of the Uta world would not end, but was just handed over from a terrible demon to another more terrifying existence.

His heart fell to the bottom, which gave birth to a bold idea.

He wanted to go back and see his parents. Maybe he would die if he did so, but he could not suppress the impulse brought by this idea.

Mars needed to be careful.

But he had just walked to the street and had not walked far when a huge explosion suddenly occurred on the street where he was.

The loud bang made his ears buzz, and he could hardly hear any sound or think anything.

Mars was shaken by the huge sound wave and fainted on the spot.

Several stones flying out of the ruins of the building hit his head and thigh respectively, and the severe pain made his mind begin to blur.

He felt the warm liquid flowing down from the top of his head. Mars crawled on the ground and found a place to lean on. But just when he sat down to rest, another deafening explosion sounded.

This time the explosion was only a few feet away from him. At that moment, Mars felt that his ears were deaf and could only hear a buzzing sound. His whole body was blown away by the aftermath of the explosion.

The shock of the aftermath caused his internal organs to shift in an instant, and unbearable pain was about to come out of his mouth.

But the next second, the instinct of long-term survival in Uta made him bite his tongue tightly and not let himself make any sound.

In the city ruled by the Lord of Midnight, making a sound above 50 decibels is also a sin and will be killed.

Mars was out of his mind. He felt that he flew out and then fell heavily to the ground. When he landed, he heard the crisp sound of broken bones.

The unbearable pain broke into every nerve of his, but he did not dare to make any sound.

His eyelids began to feel heavy, and his consciousness began to blur.

A steel bracket fell on his head, but Mars had no time to dodge.

The time at this moment seemed to be infinitely stretched. He could feel that the god of death was standing behind him, and he had heard the cry of the underworld.

When the steel bracket was about to smash him into a meat pie, the steel weighing several tons stopped strangely.

Mars could even see the steel lines and accumulated dust on the bracket.

A strange whisper came to his ears, like the angry voice of the god of death who did not get the soul.

Mars' mind was in a mess, and he didn't even know whether he was alive or dead.

Until a chilling voice brought him back to reality,

"Are you still alive?"

Mars turned his head and saw the giant who was like the Iron Lord, but more majestic than the Iron Lord.

The man was almost three times his height, like a small building. From his perspective, he could only see a scarlet cloak, but not his face.

"I can still work, I am still valuable, please don't kill me, sir." Mars knelt on the ground, enduring the severe pain and begging.

"Heh" he heard a chuckle from the giant's mouth.

Then the steel bracket weighing several tons was easily thrown away by the man.

If it weren't for the rumbling sound of the steel bracket when it landed, Mars would almost doubt whether its real weight was as heavy as it looked.

"Sir, the strategic points of the Midnight Lord have been occupied, and only some local armed forces are still resisting." At this time, a herald came behind the giant.

"Well." Koz nodded, being frugal with words.

The golden giant eagle in the sky roared past, accurately dropping various bombs or missiles, laser beams, and directly wiping out those firepower points that were still resisting.

"My Lord, it's incredible that you conquered this world by yourself. In two hours, the flag of the Sky Eagle will be planted at the highest point of this world." The herald complimented behind the giant.

Curze did not answer, nor did he show any joy, because in his opinion, everything was taken for granted.

Ten thousand years ago, everyone thought Curze was cruel and bloodthirsty, and was the executioner of the Emperor. Even other Primarchs despised this practice.

But in the early days of the Great Crusade, the Night Lords led by Curze had always caused the lowest casualties, both for the enemy and for themselves.

In the middle of the Great Crusade, when the Night Lords were most notorious, some worlds would almost immediately lay down their weapons and choose to surrender upon hearing Curze's arrival.

That was a true conquest of the world without bloodshed.

Curze was thinking about something at this moment - that is, how to deal with the Night Lords who had surrendered on Uta.

In the previous half-month-long terrifying night, Curze only slaughtered about 40% of the Night Lords in this world.

And those people were hopeless sinners.

As for the rest, Curze accepted their surrender.

The Primarch always had complex feelings for his legion, even if this Primarch was Curze, and this legion was composed of sinners, the Night Lords that he despised the most.

Curze felt that he should do something.

Even if the final outcome of these Night Lords was still death, before death came, he should try his best to fight for their salvation.

"Apply to the Military Affairs Department, I want to communicate with the Warmaster." Koz turned his head and said to the messenger beside him.

When the haze of fear in the Uta world was cleared.

On the other side, Dak and his fighting brothers who were rescued from Comoros were sent to a garden world called Jacques for trauma healing.

According to the different uses of the world, the Empire divides the world into primitive world, agricultural world, industrial world, nest world, garden world, etc.

In the eyes of most imperial people, gardens are rare paradises in the galaxy and are the paradise that the powerful yearn for.

Only planets that have never been polluted by chaos, with generally docile creatures, beautiful scenery, excellent air quality, and suitable temperature and climate can be called garden worlds.

After Dukel took over as the Warmaster, he used the technology disclosed by the great sage Caul to artificially create hundreds of garden worlds in the galaxy.

The main facilities of these worlds have been transformed into hospitals or sanatoriums. The main purpose is to provide a better place for recuperation for a large number of imperial soldiers and Astartes monks.

The main reason for consuming so many resources to transform this garden world into a sanatorium is that the situation in the empire is improving rapidly, with sufficient financial support, and according to scholars, a better healing environment can alleviate soldiers' war-related mental illnesses with a high probability.

Soldiers who have been fighting among the stars for many years are more or less mentally abnormal.

The planet Yak has a significant axial tilt, and now the summer in the southern hemisphere is about to end.

Dak was sent to this world at the most suitable time for recuperation in the southern hemisphere.

This veteran who has been tortured in the arena of Comoros for a hundred years, when his feet stepped on the land of Yak, felt the light of the stars, and sniffed the fragrance of grass in the air, tears welled up in his eyes.

Astartes monks take restraint as an honor, they abandon the enjoyment of material desires, but after a hundred years, they can walk out of Comoros and feel these again. Dak's heart is uncontrollably filled with great emotion.

But this emotion did not last too long.

As time passed, the veteran soon felt bored.

Garden worlds are pure lands far away from war. In order to protect the purity of these worlds, the legions stationed in the garden worlds will carry out disinfection and inspection procedures in the most stringent way.

"I would rather fight than undergo such an inspection again."

Bulls, who survived the Comoros Arena with Dak, complained after the inspection.

He had just finished the inspection and walked out of the medical hall.

"Be calm, brother, I also experienced this when I first came here." Dak said to him with a smile,

"But I bet that when you see this world, you won't have so many complaints."

"Look, this is what the warmaster prepared for the injured soldiers!"

Bulls looked in the direction of Dak's finger, and he saw that the entire planet was blocked by thin white clouds, and green forests and sapphire-like oceans occupied the surface of the planet.

Human buildings are just insignificant embellishments in this natural picture.

Standing on the medical ship platform in the outer orbit, they can see the scene of the planet alternating day and night.

On one side is the sunny day, and on the other side is the night with city lights.

In the deep and dark space, the planets in front of them are like beautiful and rare treasures. Just watching them from afar brings them unprecedented enjoyment.

The corners of Bulls' mouth unconsciously curled up into a smile, and the irritability in his heart was quickly soothed at this moment.

The days in the Yak world are the most ordinary and stable time in Dak's life.

In addition to the necessary examinations and going to the medical ship, he and several fighting brothers who were also rescued from Comoros all lived in a lakeside cottage far away from the city.

Their doctors praised this behavior, and the breath of nature can soothe their psychological trauma in battle.

They were tortured by the dark elves in Comoros for too long, and all doctors would be shocked when they heard about their dark past.

During this time, Dak also actively cooperated with the treatment plan given by the doctor.

Although he thought he had no problems.

He was strong and firm in faith, and he could still fight for the Emperor and the Warmaster.

But here, only the medical certificate issued by the doctor can prove that he is healthy.

If he wants to return to the front line as soon as possible, he must cooperate with the treatment.

After the meeting, the medical team gave the first treatment plan, which was to let Dak and his fighting brothers go fishing every day.

Dak couldn't understand what fishing had to do with treatment, but in order to return to the battlefield, he accepted this ridiculous plan.

From then on, these Astartes monks, who were about two meters and five meters tall, held fishing rods as thick as their little fingers in their hands and sat side by side by the lake every day.

They had never learned to fish, but as Astartes monks, they quickly mastered this skill.

Dak skillfully made a nest in the lake. Today he had good luck. After a while, the fish took the bait.

As the dart sank, Dak pulled up the fishing rod slightly.

He didn't dare to use too much force. Although the fishing rod was specially made, he was still worried that it would be broken by his brute force.

Dak was very careful in every step.

But unfortunately.

The fish ran away.

Looking at the empty fishhook, Dak felt an inexplicable anger in his heart.

He should be fighting on the battlefield, not fishing here idly and being teased by a fish!

This anger came so suddenly, as if the magic box in his heart was suddenly opened, releasing a monster that shocked Dak himself.

It took him a long time to calm down.

He seemed to feel the meaning of doing this.

The stars of the Jacques world slowly fell at this moment, and the sunset of the garden world was indescribably beautiful.

The golden arc light covered the lake and the forest like a layer of gauze, and the leaves began to turn yellow. From a distance, everything was golden.

The last afterglow of the sunset penetrated the thick white clouds, like the glory of the kingdom of heroes established by the God Emperor.

Some noisy sounds came from afar.

They were not the only ones living next to this lake.

Some children would run to the lake to play in the water.

Looking at the children playing in the lake, Dak was touched.

That was a childhood he had never had. He was born in a world of death. Growing up, he was accompanied only by dark clouds, never seeing the sun, and a gray sky.

In that world, water was strictly distributed.

Just as Dak was lost in his memories, he heard a voice.

Dak stood up and came to the direction of the voice, and found that a girl was forced onto a tree by a wild boar with fangs.

It was a girl with rosy lips and long smooth golden hair. The girl sat on a tree branch, watching the wild boar crashing into the tree, but she did not look panicked.

Even in a trance, Dak actually felt the majesty in the girl's golden eyes, which made him want to worship.

This was a very funny thing, but it happened.

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