Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 297 104, Duke: How to break the shy door of the Lord of Pleasure

Just when Dak was still dazed by the strange feeling in his heart, he saw the golden eyes of the girl on the tree glance at him.

"What are you still waiting for, soldier, there are enemies of mankind here!"

ah? Enemy of mankind? This fanged beast?

When he heard this sentence, Dak wanted to laugh a little, and even the beast in front of him was full of funny joy at this time.

Yak is a garden world carefully created by the Warmaster. Many of the animals and plants here come from biological samples of ancient Terra, and they are harmless, at least in the eyes of the Monks Astartes.

It is true that the two-meter-long wild boar with tusks in front of him is already ferocious enough for ordinary people.

But the enemies that Space Marines think of as human beings are—behemoths tens of meters in size, unimaginable numbers of space bugs, zombie machines that aim to eliminate all life forms, and maggots wearing cloaks.

Dak thought about the evil and cruel enemies he had seen before. Even if they were not wearing armor, he could easily kill the wild boar that was still hitting the tree with one punch.

This is really an easy victory. It would be great if all human enemies could be defeated so easily.

Dark thought in his heart.

"Can this be considered an enemy of mankind?" He raised his head and asked the girl on the tree.

"Of course." The girl climbed down from the tree clumsily. The light of the stars shone on her long, smooth golden hair. The golden hair danced in the breeze, like a sudden leaping golden flame. The noble light that reflected it even made Dak couldn't help but squint his eyes, unable to look directly.

"Anything that endangers human life is an enemy of mankind. Isn't it the purpose of soldiers to protect the lives and property of the people of the empire?" Dark heard the girl continue to ask him,

"Why are you fighting? To protect your own kind? To serve the emperor? Or..." The girl walked towards Dak with an aggressive aura.

"You just want to vent the darkness in your heart and let the beast that is loyal to killing go unchecked?"

When Duck heard the girl's continuous questions, he wanted to retort loudly, but suddenly he recalled the anger that rose up in his heart without warning when he was fishing before.

Thinking of the hatred and anger in his heart that surprised him, Dak took two steps back guiltily amidst the girl's questioning.

But he quickly realized that as a noble Astartes monk and an angel of the Emperor, why was he here to be questioned by a young girl for no reason?

At this moment, he heard the girl's voice again,

"Dark Fraine, the champion who has survived in the City of Darkness for hundreds of years, I thought you were a great warrior, but unexpectedly you turned out to be a coward who didn't even dare to face his heart."

The girl's tone contained disdain that could not be concealed.

Hearing the girl say his name accurately, Dak began to look at the other party - the girl in front of him was obviously prepared.

Maybe this is part of the treatment plan. Duck thought about this possibility.

"I haven't considered what you said." Dak replied honestly. "Currently, the purpose of my hope for war is just to redeem myself. I made a big mistake a hundred years ago, and the brothers in the chapter are because of me." Death, the torture of the Dark Eldar still turns into a nightmare and tortures me now. For me now, war is salvation."

Duck said exactly what was on his mind.

His words were a little disrespectful. Regarding war, the first thing he thought of was not loyalty to the emperor, nor the common ideals of mankind, but his own feelings.

He regarded war as a tool to wash away his own sins. Such selfish thoughts made him lower his head in shame.

Dark thought this would arouse the girl's contempt, and he was prepared to accept the other party's scolding.

Unexpectedly, the girl in front of him just smiled and said, "Everyone makes mistakes. It's amazing that you can survive until now. Dark, have you ever thought about it, even the emperor, who is respected by humans, I have done many wrong things.”

Duck's head jerked up.

If his previous words were a bit disrespectful, what the girl said was completely treasonous.

Daring to speculate on the God-Emperor's mistakes would be a crime that would be deemed a heretic by the Inquisition and then burned to death by the state church.

Now Dak was sure that the girl in front of him was definitely not sent by a doctor - because no doctor had such courage.

"You!" Dark glared at the girl. He wanted to scold her, but when he really looked into those noble golden eyes, he suddenly lost such courage - as a monk Astartes, He didn't even dare to rebuke a mortal.

This is also a funny thing, but it happened naturally.

The anger rising in his heart suddenly stopped, and Dak's face turned red. It took him a while to say,

"To be defeated and frustrated is to fall from the emperor's power."

This is a sentence in the Emperor's Book of Proverbs. Dark's choice to use the Emperor's words to refute the girl at this time has exposed the nervousness in his heart.

"Don't be so nervous. The emperor is just a human being. Do you understand?"

Dak lowered his head and gritted his teeth. His reason was already urging him to punch the heretic in front of him to death.

But he didn't want to, or to be more precise, he didn't dare to do it.

He also couldn't figure out why. Brother Astartes was nearly two and a half meters tall, while the girl in front of him had a slender and delicate body that was less than one and a half meters tall.

Dak had no reason to fear the other party, but in the conversation with the other party, he unconsciously put himself in the position of a lower person. This feeling was like a naive child meeting a respected elder.

But he had fought among the stars for hundreds of years and experienced a hundred years of suffering in Comoros, while the girl in front of him looked only about fourteen years old.

Just as Dak was secretly struggling.

He suddenly felt the tremor from the ground.

Dak was very familiar with this tremor. When he walked on the ground in heavy armor, he also caused a similar tremor on the ground.

——It seems that the girl's rebellious words alarmed the brothers of the legion stationed in this world. Maybe it was the Dark Angel, or something else

Dak's heart was hanging again. Although it was only the first time he met the girl and they were not happy to get along, he still didn't want the girl to be hurt.

He thought that maybe he could argue for the girl, but in the next moment, his thoughts were replaced by awe.

A tall warrior in golden armor walked out of the woods with footsteps, and the guards in golden heavy armor gathered around him, forming a line between the girl and the warrior.

But at this moment, even the imperial guards hardly attracted Dake's attention. His eyes were always fixed on the golden warrior holding a spear.

Dake had only seen that image on tapestries, murals and stained glass in the past. He recognized the identity of the warrior, and his heart was beating violently, responding to the facts in front of him with joy.

The maximum shock that an Astartes monk could feel made Dake stagger, prompting him to kneel on one knee instinctively.

The person who appeared in front of him was Rogal Dorn, the Primarch of the Imperial Fists.

A part of Dake's heart was trembling with fear, because the arrival of this Primarch was when he was having a treasonous conversation with the girl.

But what he didn't notice was that Dorn's eyes were not looking at him, but always on the girl.

"My lord, the meeting has begun, Warmaster and." Dorne said here, looking at Dak who was kneeling on one knee, and concealed the names that were about to come out of his mouth.

"There are other guests waiting for you. The Warmaster is already impatient and urged me to go with you as soon as possible."

"Okay." The girl nodded, "He is still so impatient. You must know that patience is the only virtue of mankind."

"My lord, it is meaningless for you to say this to me. You should teach him in person."

"Tsk." The girl curled her lips, "I really don't want to communicate with you, like a stone that doesn't understand humor."

"My lord, I think honesty is also a virtue of mankind."

"Shut up."

The girl and the warrior holding a spear left with the guards of the palace.

Until their figures completely disappeared, Dak was still kneeling on the ground, and his body was still shaking uncontrollably. Most of this came from excitement, but at the same time there was also some fear.

Maybe he should be glad that he didn't really regard the girl as a heretic and punch her.

On the other side, in a spacious meeting room.

Dukel sat on the chair. Although his expression was still calm, it was just a false decoration. In fact, a nameless fire had already been ignited in his heart.

Not many members attended the meeting at this moment.

Except for him and Efiral who was listening as a secretary, the other three guests were all leaders of the Eldar - the Ark Eldar Great Prophet Edrad, the leader of the Death Army Evelyne, and the Curtain Walker Sinland of the Harlequin Troupe.

This was a secret meeting.

The main content of the meeting was how to take the old woman's sword guarded by the Lord of Pleasure from the domain of Slaanesh.

According to legend, the Eldar's old woman god Mori Haig, who controlled the soul and destiny, induced her partner, the god of war, Cain Bloodhand, to cut off one of her hands in order to seek the wisdom flowing in her veins.

Then the goddess drank her own blood and gained the wisdom contained in it, and the craftsman god Val got the goddess's severed hand. He made five fingers of the hand bones into five extremely powerful old woman's swords.

Legend has it that when the Crone Sword is held by a qualified person, it can give the holder the power to control life and death.

Most of the wise men of the Eldar believe that as long as five Crone Swords are collected, the Eldar will be able to gain the power to fight against Slaanesh.

Evelene, the Apostle of the God of Death, is even more convinced that collecting all five Crone Swords will give her enough power to awaken Jena, the God of Death.

Dukel does not believe the legend that the Crone Sword can kill Slaanesh, but he still supports the action of snatching the Crone Sword.

No matter what the final result is, as long as it can cause trauma to the dark power, he has no reason to be absent.

Now the four Crone Swords - the Sword of Sorrow·Kavier, the Silent Screaming Sword·Asuval, the Soul Sword·Villiszar, and the Twilight Spear, have all been collected by Evelene, the leader of the Death Army.

As long as the last Crone Sword is snatched, Dukel estimates that this action will at least give him the opportunity to severely damage the Lord of Pleasure.

Being able to severely injure a dark power, the importance of this matter is also among the top of many matters in the empire today.

In order to ensure the safety of this operation, and coincidentally with the success of the network cleaning plan, the Emperor's condition has improved temporarily.

Dukel simply brought the incarnation of the Emperor to participate in this secret meeting together.

Even the world where the meeting was held was carefully selected by him, and he finally chose the garden world of Yak, which had never been polluted by Chaos, as the venue for the secret meeting.

Everything was prepared very carefully, but something unexpected happened--

Just after walking out of the teleportation array, the Emperor was lost--

Originally, the Emperor's incarnation as a little girl made Dukel quite dissatisfied, wondering if the previous war in the spiritual realm had awakened some special habits of this old Deng.

Now, on the eve of an important meeting, the great Lord of Humanity simply couldn't find anyone.

Thinking of this, Dukel clenched his fist uncontrollably.

But now that the meeting has begun, it is not convenient for him to personally look for the Emperor's traces, so he asked Dorn to lead the Imperial Guards to search carefully and make sure to find the Emperor's girl incarnation as soon as possible.

"Warmaster." At this time, the Curtain Walker Xinland asked him, "How can we hide from His ears and eyes, especially the demons, these subspace entities are almost one."

Hearing this question, Evelyne of the Death Army and the Great Prophet Edrad also looked over.

Although the God of Laughter Xilego will also participate in this operation, they still have no confidence that they can hide the Old Woman's Sword from the Lord of Joy.

"Hide? Why hide?" Duker asked, "Do you want to take the sword out of a piece of stone without holes? The stone has no seams, so the only way is to break it, first break its body, then crush its soul!"

Duker's fighting spirit was not concealed. Just from his words, several elves seemed to have seen the flames of war burning everywhere and the wailing of countless souls.

"But." The Great Prophet Edrad looked bitter, "It is so difficult to rob. The great deeds you have done in the Heaven of the God of Plague have made the dark powers wary. It is difficult for us to force our way into His Heaven again."

"That's right." Eveleni of the Death Army echoed, "The last success was that the Regent of the Empire was taken into the Heaven by Mortarion. Do we have to sacrifice the Regent again? However, with the previous precedent, I am afraid that no Chaos believers will bring the Primarch back to their domain."

"Eveleni, this may not be impossible, but it requires a little more thinking." After hearing their words, the Curtain Walker Xinland explained on behalf of Dukel.

Eveleni and Edrad looked at each other and were about to express their doubts again.

But he was interrupted by Dukel's wave of his hand, "No need to bother, Slaanesh's domain will not refuse you and the Empire's soldiers to enter. In the eyes of the arrogant gods, no matter how many mortals there are, they are just delicious cakes. You just need to enter openly.

And I will break open the door of His kingdom of heaven and become the uninvited evil guest."

"But Lord Warmaster, this is almost impossible." The Great Prophet Aedral said.

The more you know about the Chaos Gods, the more you will despair of their existence. It's not that he despises Dukel. If he really thinks so, the proud Eldar will not come to seek help from the Empire.

He admitted that Dukel was powerful, especially at this time, they sat opposite each other, and in his spiritual vision, the power of the demigod in front of him was even more intuitive.

But even so, it is still a bit of a pipe dream to want to break through the domain of the gods.

Dukel smiled but said nothing, and this time he didn't rush to answer.

Just a few seconds later, the door of the conference room was opened again.

Several Eldar leaders looked over at the first moment. They saw Dorn and the girl next to the Primarch Dorn.

Evelyne and Sinland were still confused. They couldn't understand why a human girl was brought to such an important meeting.

As one of the most powerful psychics of the Eldar, the Great Prophet Edlard knelt before they asked questions.

In Edlard's spiritual vision, the moment the girl entered the conference room, everything here was ignited by golden fire at the same time.

The golden flames burned, but he couldn't feel any temperature. He was not burned by the flames, but felt the biting cold.

"Eldar Prophet Edlard, I humbly send you my lofty greetings and praise you, the great Lord of Humanity, the Eternal Emperor on the Golden Throne."

He prostrated himself on the ground and presented the highest courtesy of the Eldar to the blonde girl.

Dukel smiled, "Now, let's officially start our meeting. The content of the meeting is - how to break the shy door of the Lord of Pleasure."

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