Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 298 105, Popular Books in the Empire

The Emperor's incarnation came here, the Eldar leaders had no objections, and the meeting went very smoothly.

When the action plan was finalized and Duker walked out of the conference room, he received a communication from Coze.

The sudden communication from the Lord of Night puzzled Duker, but when the call ended, a slightly surprised smile appeared on the Warmaster's marble-carved face.

Curze successfully harvested a fragment of the Star God from the Uta system. Although this was good news, it did not surprise Dukel.

What really surprised him was what Curze did after capturing the Star God fragments.

"Your Highness, are you happy about the victory of Uta World?" After seeing the smile on Duker's face, Efilar, who was standing beside him, asked curiously.

"No, it is something more valuable than victory." Dukel said with a smile, "Koz actually wants to go on an atonement expedition for his children who betrayed the empire. Isn't this precious enough? Efilar, that dark old man Bat actually cares about his offspring——"

From the battlefield intelligence sent by the Ministry of Military Affairs at the same time, he learned that during the war in the world of Uta, Curze alone brutally killed nearly 40% of the Night Lords.

These tortured Night Lords included, but were not limited to, being stripped of their skin and bleeding to death for several days, having their hearts dug out, and being made into flesh thrones, among other horrific punishments.

This was a bloody scene like hell to others, but with Duker's understanding of Curze, his brother was already very gentle.

Duker's voice was full of exclamations.

Although such a thing is hard to believe, the saint's focus is obviously not here.

"Will you pardon them? Pardon those sinners who betrayed the empire?" Efilar asked.

"Why not?" Duker continued, "Koz's redemption expedition is destined to be difficult. Most of these Night Lords will die in this expedition. If some of them are lucky enough to survive, then It’s also the innocence he fought for himself in blood and fire.”

"It is a great mercy that you can give them the opportunity to atone their sins. They should be grateful to you and repent for their past crimes every day for the rest of their lives." Efilar said from the side.

The saint obviously has no sympathy with these sinners. On the contrary, Efilar believes that the best choice is to punish all those betrayers to death.

Dukel and Efilar did not discuss this matter too much. For them, preparing for the expedition to the Slaanesh realm is the current top priority.

The Ministry of Military Affairs quickly received the Warmaster's instructions, and the empire, a huge war machine, started operating at an extremely fast speed.

other side.

A fleet sailed into the Terra system.

Kurag stood on the bridge, looking at the scene in front of him. His excitement was hard to express, like a fire burning in his heart.

After interstellar jump, he came to the solar system. Kurag had an unusual origin - a remnant of Nostramo.

Nostramo is Curze's home planet. It is a world that has long been deleted from the Imperial archives and was destroyed by the Night Lord himself.

However, as Curze's Atonement Crusade progressed, these anonymous Nostramos were again accepted by the empire and had the right to travel to Holy Terra.

Kurag was born in the slums of a hive world, with no chance of ever getting out of there.

After Duker wiped out the heretical nobles in Terra and the Galaxy, the empire's finances became more abundant than ever before, so he started to promote the reform of the empire's education. The importance of education is self-evident, and compared to the empire, it is Compared with the astronomical military expenditures, the resources spent on reforming education are so worthless.

In Duker's view, this was just a small and cost-effective thing, but when the government order was issued and all reforms were implemented, the fate of hundreds of billions of poor people in the empire also changed.

Kurag was one of them. He once struggled in the slums and studied hard in the 'Imperial Temple' where the statue of Dukel stood.

Then he devoted himself to what he considered the greatest cause - giving speeches. When Kulag was young, he listened to Duker's speech in a blurry image. He could never forget it in his life. When the exciting words hit his heart, what kind of storm was set off in his heart.

Each Imperial Temple is headed by Warmaster Dukel, who serves as Honorary Headmaster and is the greatest speaker in the Empire today.

The throb in his heart when he was young made him choose this path without hesitation.

After hard study, Kurag finally became an excellent speaker as he wished.

Senior speakers need an innate talent, full emotion, and the ability to empathize with the general public.

Kurag possesses this ability. Not long ago, his planet was invaded by cultists.

Curze's Atonement Crusade liberated his world, and during that war, Kurag demonstrated his astonishing oratory skills.

This talent attracted the attention of the Imperial Propaganda Department, who approached him.

The propaganda department took a fancy to his talent and planned to make him an imperial preacher.

And he also learned that the Imperial Warmaster was now preparing for an expedition that would leave a mark in the annals of the Empire.

If successful, he will have the opportunity to speak to countless people in the Empire on the Empire's communication channel, which is naturally a supreme honor for a speaker.

Before this, only the Empire's greatest speaker, Warmaster Duker, had done the same thing.

Kurag agreed without hesitation, and for this reason, he was brought to Terra.

If he can pass the assessment of the propaganda department, he will have the opportunity to take up this position.

The solar system is the core of the Empire, and the protection here is built by the Primarch Dorn himself.

The magnificent space turrets are continuously arranged on the orbit of the star system, forming a tight line of defense.

Dense space mines block one piece of void after another into a restricted area.

There are also countless docks, space fortresses, and various warships responsible for vigilance.

A large number of artificial satellites are equipped with detection equipment, and both the real universe and the subspace are closely monitored by them.

In addition to military facilities, there are thousands of ships that converge into a space torrent, entering from outside the solar system.

After going through layers of inspection, the ships were finally able to enter the major planets of the solar system, bringing specialties from all over the galaxy to the cities that needed them.

At the same time, industrial products in the solar system, various mechanical creations of the Martian cult, and imperial documents were also sent to various galaxies.

Among them, the ships going to Terra were the most numerous. Terra's oceans had all disappeared, and countless huge factories and various administrative buildings stood on it.

In addition, there were countless fanatical believers and men and women who were eager to see the sacred Terra with their own eyes.

Terra was the beating heart of the empire. In this place of human origin, there was a law that was not available in other worlds.

- It is forbidden to steal Terra's soil.

Those who violated this law would be sentenced to death.

This is the throne world. Every year, countless pilgrims spend their entire lives and money just to come here to see Terra.

In the black market, Terra's soil is more precious than gold, and a handful of soil can cause countless bloodbaths.

Kurag entered from the outer edge of the solar system and headed all the way to the throne world.

Along the way, he saw many pilgrims' boats. Through the portholes of the ships, he could see whips soaked in scented oil, constantly whipping their fanatics.

He also saw priests holding burning braziers and praying devoutly.

Kurag could see that the priest's hands had been burned by the brazier, but he never let go of the brazier, because it was a proof of his faith.

The priests firmly believed that the Emperor was enduring unimaginable suffering for mankind, and they were eager to share the suffering with the Emperor in this way.

Kurag was shocked by everything he saw, and felt the fanatical faith of those people in the Emperor, and his heart was also filled with turbulent emotions.

After many checkpoints, Kurag boarded the Empire's airborne spacecraft at the starport of Terra.

The Imperial Propaganda Department is a subordinate department of the State Religion, so the spacecraft landed at the State Religion's "Saints' Wharf".

This port also had a turbulent flow of people, most of whom were pilgrims.

A propaganda official received Kurag and exempted him from complicated inspections.

Even though it was only a subordinate department of the state religion, it was still magnificent and spectacular. Gothic church buildings overlapped one after another, and the burning oil braziers formed fierce smoke that enveloped all the buildings here.

Countless priests and officials walked through the smoke formed by burning incense, chanting poems praising the Emperor. The fragrant smoke was stirred by them, forming short vortices in the air.

Kurag walked past the devout believers and entered a cathedral with a statue of the Emperor at the door.

In the church, a priest was praying to the statue of the Emperor,

"Lord Reese, the person you are waiting for has arrived."

"Okay, you can step aside for now."

After a brief exchange, the propaganda official who was responsible for bringing Kurag in left the church.

Reese stood up and turned to look at Kurag.

The height difference between the two was not big, and their eyes were surprisingly similar.

They could see at a glance that the other party was a gifted speaker who could easily arouse people's emotions.

Reese was once one of the best preachers of the state religion.

But when the Primarch Duker returned to Terra, he, like many priests, had a sudden disappearance.

Outsiders had no way of knowing what these priests experienced after their disappearance, and even the Inquisition gave up investigating the matter.

But since then, Reese, the best preacher of the state religion, has rarely spoken in public.

With the establishment of the propaganda department, he completely disappeared from the public's sight.

No one knows why.

"Child, do you need to rest?" Reese asked. His voice was very nice, and every syllable was very rhythmic and easy to penetrate into people's hearts.

Kurag was a little flattered, "My lord, I am not tired."

"Let's take a break. A speaker must always be in the best condition." Reese pointed to the chair in the church and motioned him to sit down.

"If you have seen the Warmaster himself, you will have a deeper understanding of this. The Warmaster doesn't even need to say anything, just his bright eyes can inspire people."

Reese sighed first, then continued, "Next I will take you to the military camp, where you will give a speech, and I will decide whether to hire you based on your performance."

"So, sir, what is the topic of my speech?" Kurag asked.

"Feel free." Reese chuckled, "But I can give you some hints - think about what is the most popular book about soldiers in recent times."

"Are you talking about "The Autobiography of an Unknown Soldier"? "

Hearing Kurag's repeated question, Reese smiled but said nothing.

This almost acquiesced to his answer.

Seeing this, Kurag hurriedly took out a very thin paper book from his backpack - he happened to carry that book with him. This was bought from the fleet caravan when he went to Terra. It was originally just a pastime on the journey, but he didn't expect it to give him unexpected help at this moment.

The author of this book is an Astartes monk named Dark Freyne. It is rumored that he was inspired by the Emperor when he was recuperating in the Garden World Jacques and wrote this book.

His original intention was to face his past that he did not want to recall in the process of writing, and to inspire those who had similar dark pasts.

But unexpectedly, the book was published less than a month ago, and it set off a craze in tens of thousands of worlds in the Empire as soon as it was released, and spread to more worlds with the help of the Empire network.

The book describes his experience as a Space Marine for hundreds of years, training, fighting, praying, honor. Simple but legendary experience.

He focused on describing his own mistakes and the pain in his heart.

Once the book was published, it quickly became a best-seller.

The self-narration of a Space Marine can attract the curiosity of most people. And from this book, people realize that in the steel body of the Space Marine, there lives a human soul that is as emotional as them.

Every Space Marine is a hero among heroes in the eyes of the people of the Empire. They are the angels of the Emperor and they are warriors full of honor. But it is this brilliant image that has created an unignorable gap between them and the people of the Empire.

Before the publication of this book, mortals could not even imagine that Space Marines would have a fragile and emotional side.

Many Imperials will have a sudden realization after reading this book - it turns out that Space Marines are also human beings, and they are the same kind. Their hearts are not as indestructible as their armor, but they can endure more.

Holding weapons, they face unimaginable enemies of the Empire. They are not invincible. In places that mortals cannot see, these demigods will mourn and cry for their brothers who died in battle.

"Read carefully, child. If you can pass this assessment, you will become one of the mouthpieces of the Warmaster, and read those great deeds to the world in the next great expedition."

Kurag raised his head, and he heard the loneliness and envy in Reese's voice.

The other party is also an excellent speaker, but now he chooses to come behind the scenes to maintain the order and management of the propaganda department, and can no longer step onto the podium that everyone is paying attention to.

For a talented speaker, this is tantamount to self-sacrifice.

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