Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 299 106, Duker's Military Parade

Three months have passed since Dukel's secret meeting with the Eldar leaders. With the current efficiency of the Empire, the huge army has been assembled in just three months.

The Dark Crusade has achieved a phased victory, but among the stars in the universe, a great victory often does not represent a permanent solution, but a new journey.

Terra, in a secret laboratory.

In a huge nutrient tank, a tall man is soaked in nutrient solution, with countless tubes connected to his body.

The indicator lights of dozens of thinkers are flashing and jumping.

Next to the nutrient tank, there are more than a dozen scientists in white coats and technical priests in red hoods.

"Praise Ohm Messiah, the new artificial organ has not had an immune response, and the mind computer has been implanted."

"The 22nd test is completed, and the host is awakened."

The head of the scientist team looked at the man in the nutrient tank. His eyes did not look at the indifference of the experimental subject, but were filled with indescribable fanaticism, worship, and awe.

That look was like looking at a new god.

An artificial god that combines the crystallization of human wisdom, and is also the most powerful soldier known in the galaxy.

This is a great project that is enough to be recorded in the history of the empire.

The Second Legion, the first phase of the Doom Slayer Upgrade Project.

This project was jointly participated by 137 scientific and technological elites, including Dukel, the Lord of the Second Legion, as the chief engineer, General Gris of Mars, the Great Mechanical Sage Caul, and the Great Biological Sage Miller.

The first experimental subject to be transformed was Dukel's first offspring after his awakening, Doom.

This hero, who was born in the Krieg Death Corps and followed Dukel to fight the stars, abided by the responsibilities of a soldier and kept in mind his loyalty to the empire.

He showed his courage in the heaven of the God of Plague and defeated the Chaos Warmaster Abaddon. When Dukel was concentrating on research, he walked in the world on behalf of the Lord of Destruction. Today, the reputation of the Doom Slayer is known to everyone.

Doom's bravery is obvious to all.

But in Dukel's view, this is still far from enough.

No one in the galaxy could understand what kind of surging expectations the Primarch had when he gave this name and the name of the Doom Slayer to his offspring.

The more you understand Chaos and the demons of the Warp, the more you will despair of the current situation of the human empire in the galaxy.

In the past, humanity has won victory after victory, but the situation has become increasingly precarious.

When Dukel came to this world, he saw those warriors who were loyal to the Empire and humanity being killed by the blasphemers.

He also saw countless times those civilians who were either tortured or used as sacrifices.

The wails of the dead continued to echo in the world where the empire fell. Dukel heard those unwilling voices and those desperate cries very clearly.

To this day, the despair and pain of those poor compatriots before their death are almost engraved into every inch of his flesh and blood.

Chaos mocks the incompetence of mankind as always, and no one will come to save us.

Dukel is not a savior. He admits that he is not strong enough to save everyone.

In this case, let's indulge in destruction. He will detonate the anger that mankind has suppressed for thousands of years and manifest all disasters in the world.

Blood debts must be paid with blood!

When Doom opened his eyes again, he felt the power flowing in his body.

This power is like a horse that has broken free from its reins, a torrent that is strong and powerful, and full of unimaginable momentum.

"Doom, try to stand up."

A scientist in a white coat, holding a recorder and a paper document, began to record the parameters of Doom after he woke up.

Doom stood up after hearing this, his expression was deeply confused, as if he was a little at a loss, because the world at this time had completely changed in his eyes.

Everything was static, and everything around him looked so slow and so fragile.

The squirming internal organs and flowing blood of the scientist in front of him almost deafened him.

The demons he had killed, those ugly things, were completely transformed into the top nutrients in the galaxy by the Lord of Destruction in an incomprehensible way, nourishing every cell of his.

It took Doom a long time to barely adapt to the changes that had taken place in himself - at least he would not crush the floor of the laboratory when moving, nor would he accidentally damage the alloy door when opening the door.

Of course, this long time was only for himself. In the eyes of the scientists, Doom only took less than a minute to adapt to himself.

After the experimental data was recorded, the scientist in the white coat took Doom to a separate huge venue.

"Congratulations on your rebirth, Doom." When the scientist looked at Doom's body, his eyes still retained a chilling enthusiasm and envy.

"This is a gift prepared for you by the warmaster himself, a battle armor made entirely of Argent - of course, this is only one of them, and... you should understand that it is the tradition of the Second Legion, a ceremony to celebrate your rebirth."

As he spoke, the scientist had retreated to the safe area.

With the sound of hydraulic gas, the twenty-two heavy and huge metal doors around the venue slowly rose.

Behind each door, there were demons that could not be seen at a glance.


A few days later.

Doom, who had not appeared in public for several months, appeared in the Warmaster's office again.

"My son, how do you feel?" Duker turned the quill in his hand and asked the warrior standing proudly in front of him.

"Father, you should prepare one million demons for me, so that I can have enough fun."

"Don't be too anxious, child." Duker smiled, "There is a new war waiting for you, I wonder if you are ready."

A new expedition is about to begin.

The target this time is directly aimed at the divine domain of the Lord of Joy.

After Duker's dark expedition achieved a phased victory, the situation in the empire is finally not so bad.

But this does not mean that everything is peaceful.

In addition to joining forces with the Eldar to snatch the Crone Sword, there are still many enemies eyeing it.

The tentacles of the Tyranid swarm are also arriving in the galaxy continuously, and the orc army led by the Bone Crusher is in a stalemate with them, but when the main force of the swarm really arrives in the galaxy, even Duker cannot predict what kind of catastrophe the Great Devourer will bring.

Guilliman and the Khan are still resisting the invasion of the Necrons. As more and more Necrons dynasties revive, they seem to be a little difficult to hold on, and this is the case when most of the dynasty emperors and storm kings have not yet joined the war.

There are also other alien races that are rising in the galaxy.

These enemies seem terrible enough, but they are still not the biggest threat to the empire.

The gods living deep in the chaos are still the most irresistible enemies.

The power of the gods is beyond imagination. Their existence has long been out of the concept of common sense, ignoring the laws of time and space in the universe, and existing in the past, present and future at the same time.

The greedy eyes of the gods have never left the real universe. Now there are three Primarchs, Sanguinius, Lion, and Clarks, as well as the clone Primarch Fulgrim, who are alert to every wave on the sea of ​​souls.

Dukel has been thinking about how to defeat these existences that defy common sense. Although there has been great progress, it is still far from enough.

The only conclusion that can be drawn at present is to smash the star of destiny and lead mankind out of the control of the fate of the universe, so that there will be a chance of victory.

Maybe everything is not so pessimistic. After all, in the eyes of humans, there are four dark gods in the universe, but in the eyes of other races, there are five.

The power of the Emperor is not inferior to that of the gods, and is even slightly stronger. This is the most powerful weapon of the human empire.

This is a long-term goal.

At this stage, what he needs to do is to weaken the power of the gods as much as possible and improve the state of the Emperor.

A new expedition is being prepared in full swing.

After discussion, Lev, the president of the Supreme Council, was left in Terra to continue to handle many political affairs of the empire.

Duke named this new expedition the Dawn Expedition.

For the empire, this expedition is a war with far-reaching impact.

The stage victory of the Dark Expedition has sounded the horn of counterattack for mankind in the long night of ten thousand years; the Dawn Expedition vows to fight for the dawn of mankind in blood and war.

"Everything is under your guidance." Dum knelt on one knee and answered firmly.

The news of the Dawn Expedition was soon spread by the propaganda department.

This news excited the citizens of the Empire in millions of worlds. Humans were born with the clear destiny to rule the galaxy, and everyone was looking forward to the arrival of the glorious day.

The army assembled by the Military Affairs Department held a military parade on Terra, and the magnificent momentum shocked the stars.

In compliance with the orders of the Warmaster, a large number of unprecedented new equipment were equipped to the Imperial Army.

One by one, the Imperial Sparks were lit in the solar system, and the new power armor and the Primaris Astartes upgrade and transformation surgery were also promoted simultaneously.

The enemies of the Empire will take on the anger of mankind that has been accumulated for thousands of years.

The densely packed giant ships acted for a strategic goal under the unified command of the Military Affairs Department.

The powerful war engine will shuttle between the universe in the name of mankind.

The time of destruction is coming.

Under the countless propaganda machines headed by Reese and Kurag, people's enthusiasm for participation is unprecedented.

The new conscription system was also implemented. This time, the entire galaxy will be ignited by the flames of war, and none of the thousands of races will be spared.

The unprecedented war has brought more than just the impact on the situation in the real universe.

The terrifying front will sweep away the aliens, traitors, and chaos.

Wherever the golden eagle spreads its wings and soars, the roar of humanity will resound.

This is a large-scale expedition that surpasses the Great Crusade of ten thousand years ago. The scale of this war will be endlessly expanded, and one day, the scale of the war will even exceed the War of Heaven.

This military parade began in the solar system in a grand manner, and no one could resist this glorious moment.

Thousands of legions were arranged in square formations on the decks of their respective warships, and every soldier held his head high. They will welcome the arrival of Duker Warmaster in the best condition.

Flags gathered into an ocean, and the battle flags of countless war groups and legions were hung high in the light of the stars.

The Star Army, tanks, armored vehicles, knights, destroyers, space warriors, and divine machines, the proud warriors in the world, looked at the arrival of the Warmaster's flagship with enthusiasm and pride, and their eyes were burning.

Groups of war machines let out low roars, ready to gallop across the starry sea in the name of humanity.

The Imperial Navy also displayed their favorite things, various huge macro cannons, seven or eight-story high laser towers, and macro cannon barrels that could accommodate an entire Titan Legion, all of which had been carefully repaired and cleaned by the Imperial Navy.

They did this for only one purpose.

That is to show the might of the Imperial Navy to the Warmaster and the people of the Empire.

When the Warmaster appeared on the viewing platform.

"For the Warmaster, for the Emperor!!!" All the subjects of the Empire present shouted in unison at this moment.

Countless voices gathered together, deafening, like the roar of an ancient giant.

Some people from other parts of the Empire who came to participate in the ceremony could not help but shed tears after seeing this scene, and they shouted subconsciously.

"Be quiet, my proud warriors, and my brothers and sisters." With the help of the loudspeaker, Dukel's voice resounded over the crowd, and with the help of the Imperial network, it echoed in many worlds of the Empire.

The moment his voice fell, the terrible sound wave subsided.

It was as if the previous uniform shouting was an illusion. Many people even felt that even the roar of the giant ship and mechanical engine had been significantly reduced at this moment.

It seemed that even the machine soul inside the machine was obeying the orders of the warmaster.

The figure on the viewing platform, which was so majestic that it could not be ignored, attracted everyone's attention.

No matter where in the ceremony, no matter how far away, everyone's attention was drawn to this figure.

"The Dark Expedition has lasted for twenty-two years. We have won a phased victory, but this is just a new beginning. Those dark aliens in space have not been completely destroyed by us. They hide in the darkness, eager to trample on our lives again."

"This time, we will let them know that they will never have such an opportunity again. The fire of destruction will burn them to ashes, and on their charred corpses, the dawn of our race will be born!"

At the same time, in the throne room of the Terra Palace.

A huge holographic image unfolded in the throne room, broadcasting the scene of the military parade in real time.

"A magnificent scene worthy of being remembered by history." Rog Dorn stood beside the Golden Throne. He looked at what happened in the image and couldn't help but sigh.

The cheers of countless imperial people formed a terrible wave.

Their faces were flushed and their throats were hoarse, but they were still shouting with all their might, only in this way could they release their inner excitement.

The nobles dressed in silk among the stars watched this sacred military parade in various ways. When they heard the war declaration issued by the warmaster against the enemies of the stars, they were already in tears.

The empire has sunk in darkness for ten thousand years, but the common ideals of mankind have long been rooted in the blood of the human race.

Rooted in a place deeper than the darkness of human nature.

They may not be noble, but no matter how ugly and despicable their hearts are, as long as this heart still belongs to mankind, they all yearn for the arrival of the golden age.

Even the heroes of the empire with hearts as strong as steel were moved at this moment. Behind the knight mechas and power armor helmets, many soldiers also shed tears on their genetically modified faces.

They are extremely grateful that they can wait for this moment to come.

The soldiers were not afraid of death, even if they fell on the eve of the dawn. It was their great happiness to die with hope.

They might go to hell, but before that, they would crush all enemies for the golden dream of mankind, dedicate victory to mankind, to the Emperor, and to the Warmaster.

"The long night cannot imprison the fate of our race, the dawn has come!"

Dukel raised the Emperor's sword high, and the golden flame rose like a star.

At the same time, behind every Emperor statue on Terra, a thorn ring of fire was lit.

People watched this scene excitedly,

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Warmaster!!!"

The shouts rose again.

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