Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 306 113, Slaanesh's Invitation

Doom looked at the twisted and extravagant palace of Slaanesh, and there was a trace of solemnity in the expression hidden behind the mask.

The coalition forces made such great sacrifices on this trip, and everything was for the next moment.

As long as they can recapture the last Crone's Sword from the palace and complete the Warmaster's strategic intention of severely damaging the Lord of Joy, then everything they have done will be worthwhile.

But the next second, everyone's expressions changed.

With swift hooves clattering and steady and confident, the God Lord and the Great Demon strode out of the forest of indulgence in front of the Palace of Joy.

The appearance of this great secret keeper was instantly met with cheers one after another.

"My dear, you are finally here." She licked her lips lightly, her red lips like fire.

The moment the coalition forces set foot in the Slaanesh realm, the Great Keepers of Secrets noticed their arrival, but they had more important things to do, so they didn't bother to taste the delicacies in front of them.

Standing at the forefront of Slaanesh's army was one of Slaanesh's favorite demons, the Demon Calamity Shalashi.

Shalashi has a slim figure, and her skin is as delicate, smooth and flawless as a sculpture. Just standing there quietly, her body has an incredible elegance.

She is also a skilled stalker and duelist.

Shalaxi's reputation in the real universe is not obvious. She will almost never set foot in the material realm unless necessary. Just like her title, she is a demon disaster, a disaster of demons.

Her duty is to bring war to other evil gods and demons at any time.

She was born from the incarnation of the eternal and fierce feud between Slaanesh and the Blood God. In many ways, Slaanesh's purpose in creating her was to easily kill the bloodthirsty demon with contempt.

For Slaanesh, defeating a hostile evil god that he was obsessed with was an unforgettable victory.

Because of this, Shalaxi is probably the most powerful god and demon under the Lord of Joy, and it can even be said that there is no one.

Rumor has it that she even defeated the terrifying bloodthirsty demon Skarbrand with ease.

The mere appearance of Shalashi would not be enough to make the Doom Slayer and the Eldar Prophet change their minds.

What really made their emotions rise and fall was that behind Shalash, they saw another person.

The man was tied to Shalashi's feet by tentacles of flesh and blood, and countless lust demons stepped on him, clawing open his chest.

After seeing this scene, many Elf clowns couldn't help but hide their faces and cry bitterly, because this man was the god they served - Xi Lego, the God of Laughter.

No one expected that the Laughing God, who was responsible for attracting Slaanesh's attention, would be captured like this and thrown away like a dead dog at the feet of the Great Keeper of Secrets.

This is exactly what Shalaxi did before, and it is more important than the alliance between the empire and the Eldar.

So far, Shalashi has hunted countless warriors, dragons, great demons, and powerful tyrants. And now, she once again hunts worthy prey - an Eldar god.

The charming hunter stands gracefully on the earth, and followers in the world and even the Banshee of Slaanesh are struggling to follow their leader.

The Laughing God has fallen. Thanks to the deadly hunter's perfect skills, no one had noticed this before. Even Xi Lego's life and death could not be known.

This scene couldn't help but make everyone feel despair. Everything they had done before and all the sacrifices they had made seemed to be meaningless.

Everything was in vain, the Laughing God fell, and snatching the old woman's sword became almost impossible.

"The sparkling blood and amber light, the darkness and darkness are combined with sorrow.

When the soul is intoxicated by fear of pain, there is a gap to caress the soul. "

Shalashi softly hummed a poem praising Slaanesh. Her singing voice was extremely beautiful. This was a perfect sound that would never exist in the mortal world. Only in the heaven of Slaanesh can one hear a great god and great demon. 's tribute song.

When the last note of the song fell softly, she bowed gracefully to everyone,

"Welcome to the palace of the Lord of Joy. The Prince of Joy will hold you in his arms and enjoy endless sensory experiences. My dear, I have wanted to meet you for a long time, but this clown who can only play tricks has delayed it. The date between us wasted a lot of my time.”

An unnatural rosiness appeared on Shalashi's beautiful and fair face, and her face was full of joy. If the horror on her body was ignored, this scene would be like the expression of a young girl in love on her first date.

They say a girl's blush is better than anything else in the world.

But everyone in the coalition army felt the despair that penetrated their bones.

It turns out that Silegor, the Laughing God, had never attracted the attention of Slaanesh. His drama had just begun when he was captured by the deadly hunter.

Everything the coalition forces do is done under the eyes of Slaanesh.

Thinking of this, the souls of some spiritual wise men even showed signs of collapse.

All the efforts they have made so far may be an interesting performance in the eyes of the other party.

"We will die here, and our souls will never escape the eternal torment." An old spiritual wise man giggled and traveled through the six-ring realm. The nerves that had been tense finally broke at this moment. .

He cried and laughed like a madman, sometimes going mad and sometimes crying.

"You are also happy about this, right?" Shahira glanced over, "You will be reborn, which is an experience you have never experienced before. You can only feel it when you touch the hem of His skirt with your own hands. The moment of true ecstasy will make you feel that your past life has been wasted and you will regret why you didn’t fall into His arms earlier.”

There is ultimate temptation in Shalashi's smile, and the horns on the top of her head are like a crown, making it difficult for people not to kneel at her feet.

"For the sake of the empire, in the name of the God-Emperor and the Warmaster, we will never surrender!" Adeline, the saint of the empire, angrily yelled.

During the Battle of Belial IV, she became the new saint of the Empire and is now one of the most active living saints in the galaxy.

Adeline's golden wings stretched out behind her, and the ring of flame thorns burned brightly behind her head, which was extremely sacred.

"I don't know how to be charming." Shalaxi rolled his eyes at her, "The cursed one is a liar, and your Warmaster is a lunatic. It's hard for me to understand how anyone can offer their precious loyalty to them. Perhaps only the most powerful person in the universe can do so." Only stupid people would do such things."

"Stop being stubborn. You deserve a better master. Our Lord will never force his subjects to do anything. He belongs to everyone in the universe, just like everyone belongs to Him."

The gold chain sword popped out of Doom's arm armor, "You are too proud too early. Even if we step into the trap, even if we are killed by you, you will never be able to conquer the empire."

"Don't talk nonsense too early, little one." Shalashi covered her mouth and chuckled, as if she heard a funny joke. She walked slowly, her straight and slender legs with goat's hooves gracefully walked to Slaanesh. At the palace gate.

She gently pushed the door open, and like opening Pandora's box, a pink temptation that was visible to the naked eye surged out of the palace of pleasure.

"There are always people who say this. There are always people who feel that they can restrain their desires, but nothing can be changed. Desire is like water. The more you suppress it, the more turbulent it becomes, until you drown in the ocean of indulgence."

"All souls in the universe will bow to my Lord, sooner or later, and no one can change this. Just because He is the eternal master and lover of all souls, He will lead all living beings out of the sea of ​​suffering and sinking , bringing true joy to the general public.”

"But your emperor and warmaster only know how to destroy. They are real villains. They can't help you in any way. They will only bring your empire into final destruction. You were deceived by them and went further and further astray. , If we don’t look back in time, everything will be irreversible.”

"Come in, my lord kindly invites you, let's go and see the real paradise in the universe." Shalaxi's palm caressed the door of the Palace of Joy, sending an invitation to the coalition of humans and elves.

She moved her fingers, seducing everyone charmingly. Shalashi's followers and banshees followed her and brought the tall Laughing God into the palace.

The Laughing God seemed to have a glimmer of hope, but he was seriously injured. Even though he was dragged along by the Slaanesh banshees, he was unable to put up any resistance.

"Commander, what should we do?"

Saint Adeline looked at Doom beside her and asked with a pale face.

The demon Shalashi did not attack them, and even the tide of Slaanesh demons that appeared with her disappeared together.

The other party took the initiative to lure the coalition forces into the palace, with that charming gesture, as if it was not a palace of gods, but a high-end club on Terra.

But everyone knows that there is a fatal crisis hidden in it.

Unlike Clubhouse, they have no room for rejection.

From the beginning, everything the coalition did was within the plans of the gods.

The other party will use every possible means to torture them until they completely surrender. This is the evil god's usual method.

"Can you sense the old woman's sword?" Doom looked at the Eldar Great Prophet.

The Great Prophet Edrad immediately gave a positive answer. The old woman's swords were all hand bones of the Eldar goddess of destiny. Even Slaanesh himself could not break the connection between them.

"Then there is nothing to hesitate. My father's order is to recapture the Sword of the Old Woman. Before we can achieve our mission, we will move forward, move forward, and move forward regardless of all odds." Doom issued an order to the imperial army on the command channel.

Then he switched to the channel shared by the coalition forces,

"In the name of my father, the Lord of Destruction, I regret this life. Maybe we will fail, and our souls will be captured, just like the lost people in the six-ring realm, and suffer eternal torture."

Doom's voice was calm, and he exposed the cruel reality before everyone in the coalition.

After passing through the six-ring realm, everyone knows what they will face once their souls are kidnapped by Slaanesh.

The souls of the Eldar are the delicacies of Slaanesh, and the souls of humans cannot return to the throne.

They will be tormented forever.

Doom's words echoed in everyone's ears. The soldiers looked at each other, but in the end they said nothing.

Whether Eldar or Imperial warriors, they all choose to accept their fate.

A terrible war that required the sacrifice of countless lives.

But sacrifice does not mean that there will be a glimmer of hope.

Even if you fail, you must try your best.

"We have nothing to fear." Eldrad responded, standing beside him.

The Eldar warrior remained silent behind him.

"The Emperor's will is the direction of our blades, and the Warmaster's vision is the future we fight for with our lives."

The saint holds a sword.

The most difficult thing in the world is not victory, but hopeless persistence and hard work.

The Emperor and the Warmaster have seen endless darkness, but for the common ideals of mankind, they still choose to persist.

Racial hope is never a gift from fate, but a trophy won by countless warriors.

They are in desperate situations, but they can still draw their swords to fight.

Kneeling at the feet of those monsters may get eternal life, but it is impossible to get the future they expect.

"It is not a pity for me to die, for the golden years, for the light of the Emperor to shine on every world, for the vision of the Warmaster, and for the common ideals of mankind."

Doom holds the blade of judgment, the rune of destruction is bright, and he roars with anger,

"We will never surrender!"

All the power of the empire is fighting for a common future.

Outside the realm of Slaanesh, the huge golden eagle flag spread its wings in the sky, filling people's hearts with hope, as if the bright future has arrived and is firmly grasped.

Duker is still actively looking for a way to break into the realm of Slaanesh.

He used the power of the Void to control Horus to flip through the books in the Black Library.

If the Primarch is compared to a company, giving them power is like acquiring equity.

Duker was acquired by the Four Gods in the Great Heresy, and a large number of shares were acquired by Horus, so that he lost control of the company.

The situation is the same now. He gained power from the Void and signed a contract with the Truth of the Round Thorn. It is impossible to be without cost.

And this kind of manipulation is very hidden. Horus will regard all his instructions as his own ideas.

Just like Horus ten thousand years ago, no matter how blasphemous his ideas were, he would think that it was the result of his own thinking, and would not doubt that it was the fooling of the gods.

Duker is sure that the Black Library contains a way to break into the realm of Slaanesh, but there are too many books here.

All the secrets in the universe seem insignificant in this library.

After flipping through a large number of books, he still couldn't find it, which made Duker feel a little tired.

Suddenly, a tingling pain surged into his brain, and a golden flame burned in his consciousness.

This energy appeared without warning, and Duker could still bear it, but the psychics in the legion screamed at the same time.

In this flame, a king with golden light seemed to be saying something to him.

But the countless voices around and the king's voice gathered together, and nothing could be expressed.

In the end, Duker only vaguely heard a name-Pansdorra.

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