Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 307 114, Pandoras

"Pandoras." Duker recalled the name in his mouth.

The golden flame has not yet been extinguished. Judging from the fragmentary information revealed in it, the coalition of humans and Eldar has fallen into danger.

The original plan failed, and the Laughing God failed to complete His mission. He was thrown off the chest by the hunter, revealing his still beating heart, and was dragged into the palace of joy by the apostle of the Lord of Joy.

When the golden fire went out, all the illusions were shattered, and blood flowed from the seven orifices of the thousands of psykers on the Fire of the Heart. They collapsed weakly to the ground. Only Duker still stood there and was lost in thought.

This power undoubtedly belonged to the Emperor, and could not be imitated by anyone in this universe. The Emperor conveyed the revelation to the Warmaster, but he did so in a hurry and in the utmost haste.

Duker needs to carefully discern the specific meaning.

His eyes glanced at the collapsed psykers. Although the Emperor did not say so directly, judging from the current scene, the Emperor was also disturbed.

After thousands of years of idolatry by humans, the Emperor's power is no weaker than that of the Dark Gods. His spirit is endless, and the aftermath of his radiation is enough to kill tens of thousands of psykers.

Whether it is the Custodes or the Primarch, it is difficult to communicate with him on an equal footing.

But this was a few years ago. Since Durkor returned to Terra and worked hard to restore the Emperor's state, the Emperor has now gotten rid of the oppression of the divinity on him and has control over his own spiritual power. more accurate.

It is obviously abnormal to accidentally injure thousands of psykers like this.

Duker could guess that the Emperor must have encountered unimaginable resistance to behave like this.

To be able to have such a great impact on the Emperor, it is only possible if multiple Chaos Powers join forces.

After all, in past wars, both Khorne and Nurgle were significantly suppressed when facing the Emperor.

There are signs that, while the Imperium and the Eldar plan to take action against Chaos, the gods also have their own plans.

Dukel will not be afraid of this. As Curze's operation to collect the fragments of the Star God continues, in recent days, he has tried more than once to collide with the star of destiny that binds everyone.

Although the stars of destiny still showed no signs of being broken during the violent collision, they were constantly shaken.

As a result of the shaking of the stars of destiny, the destiny line of the entire universe has become a mess, and the unchanging trajectory of destiny has infinitely many forks.

Under such circumstances, no one or any means can accurately pry into information about the future.

Even the gods are no exception, everyone is shrouded in mist, and even the Lord of Destiny can no longer fiddle with the threads of fate and place everything in plan. Under such circumstances, Dukur had no reason to fear the gods.

Just what does 'Pansdola' mean?

Although the coalition's operation failed, Duker was not worried about the safety of the Imperial Legion. The Emperor may not be able to stand up to the alliance of gods, but the souls who protect the Imperial Legions can.

In Duker's eyes, the existence of this universe is just a spiritual dream. As long as the soul is not destroyed, it is far from true death.

Even if they have been shattered to pieces, they will still come back from the virtual realm or the cursed legions again.

The Emperor's expending so much effort to send him revelations clearly had a plan.

Maybe he saw an opportunity to turn defeat into victory?

Duker suddenly thought of something.

So he summoned Efilar,

"Tell me everything about the world of Pansi Dora." Duker looked at the saint in front of him.

Duker's affairs were so heavy that he didn't have time to look up the news about this world. He didn't even know if this was the name of a world.

At this time, it is the moment for the secretary to experience his own value.

Efilar is responsible for checking various information for the Warmaster to ensure that they will not fall into the enemy's trap due to lack of information.

"Sir, Pansidorah is a semi-demon world located in the dark stars. There are no minions of Chaos in this world, or even any life, but it is eroded by the power of Chaos. No one knows why this world is like this. Specially, in the thirty-sixth millennium, the State Church tried to blow up this planet, but it ended in failure.”

The saint walked to the console and fiddled with it gently with his fingers, and then the holographic projection of the stars quickly opened in front of the two of them.

"The State Religion tried many methods, but was still unable to completely destroy the world, so it moved a large number of fanatics here, preparing to build Pansidola into a world of faith. Fight Chaos with devout faith in the God-Emperor ”

"But the aura of chaos in this world seems to be endless. Except for those strong-willed believers, everyone else has been eroded by chaos and turned into wandering living corpses."

"The filth of this world is like blood seeping into every inch of soil. The state religion has no choice but to give up and let this world fend for itself."

Duker's fingers tapped subconsciously on the smooth metal plate of the console.

He suddenly thought that the Emperor had also entered the Black Library - maybe this world was the entrance to the elusive realm of Slaanesh?

Of course, this is just speculation, and Duker can't be sure what he will encounter there.

"Your Majesty's revelation will not be groundless. We must find out." Without any discussion or discussion, the Imperial Warmaster stated his intention.

Other officers in the command agreed with his idea.

Using the highest-authority virtual realm beacon, it only took Dukel a few hours to reach Pansiduola.

The world of Pansdorla, as described by Efilar, is a barren land.

The planet is in a near-solar orbit, so close to its star that not even the planet's atmosphere exists.

The radiation and heat of the star splash onto the surface of the planet without any hindrance, causing a terrible temperature difference in the entire world.

On the side facing the star, the temperature will be as high as thousands of degrees, and the heat wave will be so intense that even steel will be melted, and the earth will be scorched and carbonized.

On the other hand, it is losing heat rapidly, even reaching low temperatures close to absolute zero.

Not even demons can survive on such a harsh planet.

Demons are not affected by temperature, but if they want to act in the physical realm, they must obey the laws of the physical realm.

Duker and his troops chose to land on the back side of Pansdora to avoid unnecessary energy loss of the battleship due to the terrible heat of the star.

"Sir, this world is too filthy." As soon as he stepped out of the aircraft, Efilar couldn't help but said to Duker, "This world seems to be alive. It is extremely blasphemous. I can even feel it. A force is trying to seduce my soul."

"What a blasphemous world, obviously so far away from the Great Rift. The National Religion has explored the center of this world, but has not found any objects that can breed chaos. According to the pollution of the entire world mentioned in those secret files, It’s like it’s seeping out of the void.”

"Indeed." Red fire ignited in Duker's hand, and his burning palm touched the void in front of him. In the red fire light, some undetectable cracks were looming.

"The barrier between here and the spiritual realm is too weak. Where will it lead?" Duker murmured to himself,

"Bring the goddess of life Aisha. Although I don't want to admit it, her research on the sea of ​​souls is indeed more profound than mine."

"It's such an honor to be praised by the War Commander." A voice sounded from the door of the headquarters, and a tall figure walked in.

Her figure is slender, and she brings with her vigorous vitality the moment she enters this place.

The Goddess of Life walked over, and behind her, two servants of the Spirit Tribe pushed a suspended holographic projection generator.

"My Lord, I am here to answer your confusion." Aisha smiled and bowed humbly, "When you come here, I will be able to guess the question you want to ask."

"In that oldest era, when the Ancient Saint had not yet failed in the battle that plunged the entire galaxy into despair. Pansidorah was also a beautiful world that had been transformed, and a man named Alba The captive vassal race of the ancient saints lives here."

As the goddess of life spoke, the projector behind her also projected an image.

That is history older than the Eldar.

"The Ancient Saints may have been the earliest ancestors in the Sea of ​​Souls, but this does not mean that they were the only ones living there at that time. In the unfathomable depths of the Sea of ​​Souls, some monsters are gradually awakening."

"Today's gods awakened from the depths of the soul sea. No one can imagine how many horrors are hidden deeper in that ocean."

"During the war in heaven, Nurgle's consciousness was the first to awaken. The cunning gods chose to lie dormant, secretly extending the power of chaos into the real universe and absorbing the emotions and souls of all living beings."

"As the Chaos Evil Gods grow stronger, they have established their own kingdoms in all directions. The real universe is closely related to the spiritual realm, and can even be regarded as the virtual and real sides of the universe. The realm created by the Chaos Gods, It will also leave traces in the real universe.”

"The reason why Pandoras is so special is that it is a borderland. The realms of the Chaos Gods overlap with each other. The barriers between reality and illusion are overwhelmed, and eventually the power of Chaos penetrates."

"The breath of chaos is continuously squeezed out, and over time, the world will be completely polluted."

"Then what does this have to do with the emperor's revelation?" Efilar asked in confusion.

"Slaanesh's consciousness was the last to awaken, and his kingdom was also the last to be built. In the overlapping position of this realm, we can open a small path, just like there are weak points in even the strongest city walls. We can dig a secret passage here. , perhaps directly to the kingdom of Slaanesh.”

Elsa, the goddess of life, replied.

Hearing her answer, Duker's eyes gradually brightened, and at this moment he also understood the meaning of the myth of the Life Girl.


On the other side, in the palace of Slaanesh, even in a desperate situation, the coalition soldiers were still fighting hard, shouting the name of the Emperor or Warmaster.

Deeper still, Doom, the leader of the Doom Slayers, also had a duel with the demon Calamity Shalashi.

Doom, the King of Destroyers who has been upgraded again, is now in a bitter battle.

Defeating the most favored Great Keeper of Secrets in Slaanesh's realm is nearly impossible.

The two sides were fighting inextricably and could not resolve the battle quickly.

Both of them were burning with incredible power, and the original might was constantly infused into their bodies. To some extent, they were both mythical beings.

In terms of martial arts, the Doom Slayer and the Demonic Slayer were equally matched, and there was no clear winner in terms of will.

One side fought for the common ideals of mankind, for precious hope, and for revenge for past suffering.

One side fought for her eternal and ancient dark prince, trying to integrate the ultimate joy into the universe.

The wills of both sides were equally firm and could not be shaken by external forces.

During the battle, Xia Laxi gradually put away her contempt for mortals.

The weak mortals who were once despised by her now also possessed extraordinary power, and could even be comparable to her.

She had to take it seriously, but even so, it was still difficult to find a way to defeat Doom quickly.

She was even gradually suppressed and constantly hurt by the Sword of Judgment in Doom's hand.

"My dear, you really fascinate me. As long as you put down your weapons, maybe we can be happy forever." A charming smile appeared on Xia Laxi's face, and her words were like a spring breeze, blowing through the heart of the Doom Slayer.

Every move of Slaanesh's favorite has a charm that mortals can hardly imagine. If such words fall into the secular world, it is enough to make countless worlds crazy and willingly throw themselves into her arms.

In the realm of Slaanesh, the Great Keeper of Secrets has unimaginable power, and even words can easily destroy countless worlds.

"No, you are too ugly and have no appeal to me." Doom used the Argent Chainsaw Sword to chop off the spear thrown by Xia Laxi, and replied seriously,

"I prefer to work with my father to push all of you filthy things into eternal destruction."

Doom's emotions were very calm, but Xia Laxi was so angry that she roared repeatedly.

The Great Keeper of Secrets, who was proud of his perfection, was the first to receive such an evaluation.

The two sides fought fiercely again.

On the ground, the coalition forces that were still attacking also encountered trouble at this time.

The power of Chaos was constantly eroding their consciousness, causing them heavy losses.

The Crusaders led by the Ecclesiarchy were in logistics, and they were also looking for ways to evacuate from the trap during the battle.

But they desperately realized that even the Void Beacon had lost its effectiveness at this moment. Slaanesh pulled her temple to a dimension that did not belong to this universe, completely sealing them off.

The terror of the God of Chaos once again breeds despair in everyone's hearts.

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