Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 308 115, Fight to the death

Every second the coalition forces were in front of the Palace of Slaanesh, they were sliding into the abyss of despair. Doom led the Second Legion's Doom Soldier, the Crusader Vanguard and other Imperial heroes to break into the Palace of Pleasure. The priests of the Mechanicus were trying to find a way to get out of here.

In the jungles in front of the Palace of Pleasure, the faint and lewd sounds were heard again.

The figure of the succubus in the garden was looming, and occasionally the unique fragrance of the Great Keeper of Secrets was swept by.

They surrounded the huge coalition forces, spreading panic. For these bad Slaanesh darlings, it was obviously not elegant to kill the coalition soldiers roughly. Only by torturing the soldiers' will, tasting their fear, triggering extreme emotions and then killing them in despair, can the Lord of Pleasure's aesthetics be met.

The earth continued to grow tentacles covered with barbs. These tentacles were tough and powerful, and they could not be eradicated by burning, cutting, and bombing.

The huge ships belonging to the Empire in the sky also had obvious problems. The Imperial beacon could not be used, the navigator could not see the light of the Astronomican, and even the turbulent subspace turbulence disappeared.

Some psykers tried to use their own power to open a passage for the Empire, but after just one attempt, their bodies quickly withered, just like their flesh and blood were sucked dry by invisible leeches.

The navigators of the Astronomican used up their own flesh and blood to support the three eyes of the spirit vision, but they could not even peek into the border of the Slaanesh domain.

The gap between mortals and the dark gods is greater than the gap between stars and gravel. Compared with the power of the gods, the power of mortals is so small that it is not worth mentioning.

The monsters still swarmed from all directions of the domain, densely packed and countless.

The coalition has tens of millions of soldiers and occupies a vast plain, but the number of enemies far exceeds them. There are minions of Slaanesh everywhere. Killing one batch will immediately bring another batch.

Painful and tired, the soldiers had scars on their bodies, but they would never give in. They endured the pain and continued to fight.

The ammunition was consumed quickly, and the number of enemies was even greater than the bullets.

Some mechanical great sages and virtual priests were mobilized to the vicinity of the Imperial Beacon Device Tower, and they placed their hopes on the powerful capabilities of the Imperial Beacon.

But the virtual priests despairingly discovered that the domain of Slaanesh had long been moved to an unpredictable dimension by the Dark Powers, and their connection with the virtual nodes was interrupted.

The probability of success of the operation that could evacuate to retain the living force for the Empire was becoming increasingly slim.

The Empire had trampled on the Kingdom of the Gods once, and they thought there would be a second time. It was this pride that made them relax their vigilance.

So much so that they forgot that no one had truly defeated these dark powers that coexisted with the world, even the Emperor had been defeated by them.

Perhaps they are afraid of the ultimate destruction of the Imperial Warmaster, but it is only fear. This does not mean that the combined forces of the Empire and the Eldar can walk freely in their kingdom with just a laughing god.

An upgraded Warhound-class Titan fell down with a bang. Even if it was equipped with the most advanced combat engine, it was finally defeated by the siege of the Slaanesh Legion.

In front of endless monsters, even the largest war machines seemed extremely fragile.

Disgusting twisted flesh grew on the surface of the damaged tank, and the tank's machine soul screamed in pain. In this realm of desire, nothing can escape His control.

Some fallen war machines grew crab claws and constantly twisting tentacles. They stood up again, and the guns loyal to the Empire were aimed at their former colleagues. The pure souls had been polluted, and the bodies were transformed into monsters that screamed in pain.

The driver with a polluted mind, shouting the name of the Lord of Joy, forever merged with the war machine in a happy expression, and became a demon engine that indulged in eternal pleasure and torture.

"Warriors, resist these monsters! We must hold on until our vanguard returns. We must guard the retreat for them. Hope still exists! For the Emperor, for the Warmaster!"

Marshal Roget of the Astra Militarum roared on the communication channel. Beside him, there were the bodies of several colleagues.

The demons who were good at assassination among the followers of Slaanesh attacked the imperial commander purposefully.

In their waves of attacks, Roget felt that he would be the same as those fallen colleagues.

His body was pierced by a dagger. Although it was not fatal, the heavy bleeding had made him unconscious. He was breathing rapidly, and a strong smell of blood would flow into his nasal cavity with every gasp.

His armor frequently sounded alarms, and the defensive performance was almost at its limit.

There were problems with his strong body. With the help of the life support system built into the armor, his injuries were effectively improving. But he still felt that he was dying. In this country belonging to the evil god, the demons would not let him survive when he was already injured.

Roget wanted to see the Imperial Legion turn the corner before his life ended. If he could not see the light that represented hope, he would not be able to rest in peace even if his soul returned to the throne.

But in the communication panel, the communication interface of Doom, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Legion, was still gray and disconnected.

Not only him, but also the newly promoted Saint Adeline, and the heroes of the Second Legion, Luxi, Kao, and Andrews, were also disconnected.

Even the Eldar Great Prophet Edrad was the same.

These vanguards lost communication with the main army the moment they rushed into the Temple of Pleasure.

They must have encountered an accident, so they secretly ordered the Mechanicus to find a way to retreat.

Roget stood up with difficulty. On the screen in the command room, he could clearly see the endless tide of Slaanesh.

This space has been blocked, and they have no way to escape. Even the psykers on the starship have fallen into a state of serious injury. The saints suffered heavy casualties, and the existing structure could hardly be maintained. The virtual priests walked among the soldiers, burning illusory flames to expel the power of chaos for the injured soldiers.

The artillery was still firing, and the bombs were still roaring. No one knew whether they would wait for reinforcements after their plan was destroyed.

As mortals, they have done well enough and can still spread the reputation of the empire in the realm of God. As far as the current situation is concerned, they can no longer see any hope of survival, but no one still chooses to give up.

"We have seen the dawn of that great era with our own eyes, and we are working hard for the world that is bound to come."

"My brothers and sisters, for the common ideals of our race, for the dream that is as bright as gold. We will win victory again, glory belongs to us, victory belongs to the empire, long live the emperor! Long live the warmaster!"

In the last second before he fell into a coma, Roget used his will to support his body and issued a last shout on the communication channel to encourage the soldiers fighting on the front line.

After he fell into a coma, the command authority of the imperial war system was transferred to the next commander in order.

And in the Hall of Joy.

A more shocking war is also breaking out.

The great secret keepers walked gracefully, showing these uninvited guests their desperate and tragic ending.

Their plan was arranged by the gods from beginning to end, and everything was in His plan.

Letting them pass through the six-ring domain is just a test of their ability.

The God-lords and demons were confident that in such a situation, no matter how stubborn the warriors were, they would know what to choose. But what they didn't expect was that these empire warriors not only did not surrender, but even dared to attack.

Looking at these mortals who drew their swords and fought to the death.

Even Enkali, the daughter of Cheng Huan, one of the six most favored secret keepers of Slaanesh, had a deep puzzlement in her eyes like perfect gems.

"Why, don't you understand that everything you do is in vain. The final salvation of all sentient beings points to the Lord of Joy."

"Heh," Andrews, the captain of the second company of the Doom Soldier, laughed disdainfully, "My father once taught us that there is no need for gods among the stars. Only when the gods are destroyed can we be truly saved." He drew out a flaming blade from his back.

The rune of destruction of the Sword of Judgment lit up, causing the surrounding blasphemous air to scream in pain.

His transformed body burst out with extremely terrifying power, and even the Great Keeper of Secrets had to temporarily avoid it.

But this power was not without cost. Every demon he had killed and absorbed, the stored energy, now burned with substantial flames.

These powers were squeezed without limit. In the realm of the gods, any physical law lost its original effect. Here, there was only a competition between the body and the will.

The battle reached a fever pitch in just a moment.

However, his decisive battle with Enkali did not attract much attention. Even Slaanesh, the master of this palace, did not pay attention.

In the Palace of Pleasure, there are countless magic mirrors, which form a huge maze, and each mirror is an independent space.

And in the deepest part, the majestic figure with infinite charm, sitting on the goose down throne, is showing a joyful smile with fatal attraction.

This figure is a little blurry, and no one can see his true face directly. All the ordinary descriptions of him are just his insignificant side.

No one can understand His existence. Anyone who tries to understand Him, even if they only know a few words, will fall into eternal madness.

"You go find the Crone's Sword, I'll hold her back, quick!" Second Captain Andrews ordered the soldiers in the battle with Enkali.

"How foolish! The cursed cannot save you, but will only lead you into destruction."

Enkali swung the gem-studded whip with contempt, and Andrews quickly dodged to the other side. The whip did not hit him, but hit the ground beside him.

The ground that was hit instantly squirmed with excitement, making a happy humming sound.

The terrible power of the Daughter of Joy made the Eternal Palace begin to sway.

"Your victory is insignificant. Maybe you can win for a while, but in the end you will kneel before the temple of the Lord of Pleasure, begging for His mercy."

Enkali waved her crab-like claws. Andrews did not speak, but just blocked the claws when they came, and rolled over to dodge the attack of the Great Keeper of Secrets.

In the process, he chopped the opponent's crab claws with the Sword of Judgment, leaving a deep wound on it.

The power of the Sword of Judgment is enough to scare all demons.

After being hurt, Enkali did not feel the pleasure of pain like in the past battles. The deep trauma in her soul made her fall into rage.

The psychedelic aroma was blown up by the strong wind, and Enkali's intensive offensive raised waves of fragrant wind.

The tentacles gathered into a tide, twisting and attacking Andrews.

Even though Andrews had closed the respiratory system of the power armor, he could still smell the deadly fragrance.

This fragrance tried to confuse the will of the Slayer, spreading the ultimate sensory experience of pain and joy to him.

Taking this opportunity, the long whip inlaid with gems once again entangled the Slayer.

Andrews was confused by the fragrance, but relying on the intuition of his heart, he still used the Argentinian chainsaw sword on his arm armor to chop off the long whip.

This whip was so heavy that the Slayer Captain was beaten back again and again.

"It's time to enjoy the pleasant torture." Enkali licked her lips, took elegant steps with her long and straight legs, and a morbid smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

But at this moment, a burst of golden light suddenly lit up.

The blazing light made Enkali scream. Even though she dodged quickly, a wound inevitably appeared on her body.

"Damn it." The surging desire that had just been mentioned was interrupted. Enkali's face flushed unnaturally, and she glared at the newcomer.

"Disgusting monster." Adeline walked out from behind the captain of the Doom Soldier. A pair of wings spread out behind the saint. She originally wanted to go with the Eldar team to find the Crone Sword, but after thinking about it, she turned back.

Even if it is the champion of the Doom Soldier, it is very dangerous to fight against the most favored God-Lord Demon in the Hall of Pleasure.

Enkali screamed at this time, and with her explosion, the surrounding walls quickly crawled.

The veiled succubus walked out of the wall, waving the weapon of vanity.

Andrews was entangled with the demon.

At this time, the saint's palm with a gauntlet pulled him out of the tide of Enkali and the succubus.

The wings flapped, and the golden light made all the demons retreat in fear.

This light was too harmful to the demons. After only a short exposure, black smoke appeared on their bodies.

The faint laughter in the air seemed to laugh at the stupidity and stubbornness of Andrews and Adeline.

They were powerful, but in the domain of Slaanesh, how many demons could they kill? Ten thousand? One hundred thousand? Or ten million? But these were just insignificant numbers for the Lord of Pleasure.

All beings in the universe have emotions. Every joy, every pain, every pleasure, every love, all of these are constantly enhancing His power.

As long as the authority of the Chaos Gods exists, the demons will be endless.

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