Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 312 119, The God of Laughter’s Joke

Dukel's war cry in defiance to the dark power was like thunder suddenly exploding at the core of the six-ring realm. This roar swept through the endless dimensions and made every soul tremble.

Aisha, the goddess of life, also heard the sound that almost shredded her eardrums and penetrated deep into her soul. She raised her head and looked at the dome. Even though she was at an immeasurable distance, she could still clearly see the fire that ignited the sky.

"He is fighting, and we are about to start, as planned." Aisha looked at the spiritual nuns beside her.

For some unknown reason, every battle sister has a beauty that eclipses the stars. This is a beauty that even the goddess of life is amazed by.

Escorted by the nuns, Elsa entered the Palace of Joy.

This was a tactic that was formulated before entering the Sixth Ring Realm. Duker went to the core to attract the attention of the Lord of Joy, and Aisha's purpose of sneaking here was to rescue the Eldar God of Laughter, Xi Lego.

Xi Lego's injuries were so serious that almost no one in the galaxy could treat him except the goddess of life.

Thankfully, the location of West Lego is not difficult to find, and Elsa quickly searches for the cage where the Laughing God is imprisoned.

The gods that Harlequin believed in were now cowering in cages like cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

There was blood everywhere, his chest was cut open by Shalashi's scimitar, and his sternum was also severed. If it weren't for the exposed huge heart, which was still beating at an undetectable frequency, almost everyone would have died. His death has been presumed.

The goddess of life looked sadly at her former colleagues in the pantheon, and a green vine ring exuding vitality appeared behind her head.

Endless light of life spread out, and under the green light, the injuries suffered by all nearby warriors were completely healed in just an instant.

The soldiers recovered their health, and their body functions were instantly adjusted to their optimal state. Even fatigue was swept away. The vitality radiating from their bodies made them feel that they had endless power.

But the Laughing God's injuries were not so easy to heal. The light that could almost bring mortals back to life had only a weak effect on Xi Lego.

But the good thing is, everything works.

Under the infusion of infinite vitality, the exposed heart gradually began to beat powerfully, and flesh and blood grew, filling the horrific wounds like thousands of intertwined worms.

Xi Legao's consciousness gradually recovered.

"Opening my eyes again, being able to see you makes me feel that everything is worth it, Elsa." A smile appeared on the face of the Laughing God, with his usual glib tone.

But the goddess of life was obviously not in the mood to pay attention to him at the moment. "Can you stand up, Xi Legao? We are not out of danger yet and must leave here as soon as possible."

Xi Lego's smile gradually faded, and his expression quickly darkened, "Wait, Aisha, tell me what the situation is now."

"Your trick was discovered, and the Great Keeper wounded you and captured you here. As a result, the allied forces of humans and Eldar were in trouble. The Great Prophet of the Eldar and the leader of the Death Army united three large companies of Destroyers to form a vanguard army. , broke into the Palace of Joy, trying to find the last old woman's sword in the dilemma. "

"The will of the Lord of Mankind was summoned, and while the predicament was alleviated, the Imperial Warmaster broke in here with a new army. Now the Warmaster is provoking Slaanesh, attracting his attention, us."

During the treatment process, the goddess of life briefly explained the current situation to Xi Lego.

"Wait a minute." The Ridiculous God interrupted him at this moment, "I want to ask more carefully, did Slaanesh respond to the Imperial Warmaster's provocation?"

"Probably not yet." The goddess of life relied on her connection with Dukel and said with some uncertainty after a slight perception.

"We must leave here as soon as possible. Once Slaanesh responds to the provocation, the Warmaster is not sure how long he can last after confronting him." Elsa said in a hurried tone, wanting to pull up Silegor as she spoke.

"You should be able to move now, please leave with us."

"No, no, no, it's not important anymore." But once again, unexpectedly, the Laughing God gently knocked down Aisha's helping hand. He showed a mysterious smile,

"Slaanesh is not a good-tempered character. This does not fit his image. He has been repeatedly provoked but avoided it. What is the great Lord of Joy doing now? Those who broke into the Palace of Joy in search of the Sword of the Crone What are the pioneers doing?”

"It's really exciting." The Laughing God's words revealed an indescribable mystery.

"What do you mean?" Aisha's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, her expression filled with obvious doubts.

"Who knows, hehehehehehahahahahaha." The Laughing God suddenly laughed crazily. His laughter was sharp and full of jokes.

"Maybe this is just a joke, hee hee hee hee is just a joke, hahahaha."

Aisha looked at her colleague who was laughing wildly in confusion. She couldn't understand the meaning of the other person's words, but she just felt that the clown god had gone crazy after being seriously injured.

What is regrettable is that, with her status as the goddess of life, she can heal any kind of injury in the universe, but she cannot cure the spirit of a god.

On the other side, on the boundless plain of pleasure, there are stumps and broken arms everywhere, and filthy blood everywhere. Weapons embedded with gems are still held tightly by incomplete hands, and the blood gathers into streams. This plain of pleasure, Just because of the arrival of one person, it became a horrific Shura battlefield.

"Come, face me, fight to the death with me, dance with me on this plain, dip your blood into paintings, break your bones to sing songs! I have come a long way, how can you not fulfill my friendship as a landlord!"

Dukel charged on the plains, with the broken body of a great Keeper of Secrets still hanging on the sword of judgment in his hand.

The flesh and blood was still squirming, but it did not launch an attack. Instead, it wanted to break away from the blade and escape from this brave warrior.

"This is nothingness, this is the end, this is great destruction!" Duker exerted force violently, and the remains of the Great Keeper of Secrets on the Sword of Destruction were decomposed into countless elementary particles in an instant. This man brought great consequences to countless worlds. The tormented demon just turned into smoke blown away by the wind without leaving a trace.

Then the Emperor's Sword in his other hand suddenly slashed down, and the endless golden flames turned into waves of fire that swept across the plain. From this huge wave of flames, strips of fire pillars like long tongues spewed out, and those Watching the fleeing demon become entangled in the flames.

"No!" One by one, the gods and demons let out shrill wails. Their flawless bodies knelt in the flames, and their slender and soft palms grasped toward the sky in vain, as if expecting the great being to pull them out of the fire. Pull out.

But it was all in vain. Their graceful figures turned into charred corpses in the blink of an eye, and even their souls were swallowed up by the flames.

The burnt corpses of the gods and demons knelt down on the plain, raising their palms in a gesture of supplication.

Those ugly and twisted souls are burning for the sins they have committed, and now Dukel can easily kill them even in the evil god's kingdom.

"Where there is god there is no fire, and where there is fire there is no god. Only by burning the last god to death in the last temple can the stars usher in real hope. Are you also afraid of my arrival?" Duke Holding two divine weapons, you stand proudly on the scorched plains of joy, and once again challenge the common master of all demons.

But no matter how many times he provoked, there was no response.

This is extremely abnormal, how could the arrogant gods allow a demigod to challenge their authority.

This made Dukel extremely disappointed. He really wanted to fight the evil god and didn't even care whether he could win.

The Emperor's Sword he holds also contains the power of reason, the master of mankind.

Duker wanted to see with his own eyes whether the almighty god was really so inviolable.

But no matter how provocative he was, the Lord of Joy never responded. Even though he was slaughtering the other party's beloved child unscrupulously, Slaanesh remained indifferent.

Duker was disappointed.

He came here in a fit of excitement, carrying tremendous fighting spirit and courage, but he never expected that his passion would never be realized.

This triggered his greater anger, which turned into substance in the spiritual realm, and boundless red wildfire materialized.

"Where are you?" In the endless fire, Duker asked his own question.

Not far away, Doom, the King of Destroyers, looked at the performance of his genetic father with surprise and shock.

Even Saint Adeline had to admit that the will and bravery of the Imperial Warmaster were indeed unmatched.

No one will forget the Primarch's heroic appearance on the battlefield, and his arrival is the moment when the trumpet of victory is blown.

Even if the sun and moon change, the body decays.

Doom felt that he would never forget what he saw now.

In the Palace of Joy, the vanguard of the coalition forces was looking for the location of the old woman's sword.

"I am certain that the Death Army is the last hope. As a member of the Ark, I fight for the revival of our race. Once we have the help of the Death God, we can prevent the destruction of the Eldar."

During the journey forward, Death Army Efreni clearly sensed that the divine sword was not far away from them. She was extremely excited. She recalled the oath she made in her heart when forming the Death Army, and now she finally got her reward. When you wish.

"We're almost there." Efreni said excitedly to her companions beside her. She used her strong arms to pull her body up the smooth rock wall, and stretched out a hand to help her companions.

The psychedelic scene of the palace of pleasure spread out below her was lit by a faint light.

In this grotesque temple of gods, few things can be so vivid. Of course, this flickering scenery is just a fleeting illusion in the blasphemous temple.

Once an unwary traveler becomes tainted by the faint ripples of color, they are swept up in the tentacles of the sentient slime, doomed to a slow and horrific death.

"It's not easy to climb up here." Efreni said breathlessly, "I kind of understand why the sword is hidden here."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it's good enough." Great Prophet Edrad also climbed up. "We must restrain our spirits. The ascension of those who question the supreme divinity means becoming His prey. We must not relax our vigilance. ”

"I know this place better than you think." Efreni jumped up easily and stood firm, "Didn't we come here for the same reason?"

"I hope so." Great Prophet Edrad sighed.

When he came here, the sense of crisis in his heart became even stronger.

The group left the narrow ledge, and Evelyne led her companions along a narrow path carved through the glass-like stone.

It was very dark here, as if they were walking in an abyss that swallowed everything.

"This place has not been used yet." Evelyne turned back and reminded, "Don't speak without permission before I allow it."

Her words drew responses from her companions, and even the great prophet Edrad nodded modestly.

The Eldar had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and none of them would ruin everything at the moment because of a stupid act that violated etiquette.

The path meandered down like a tight spiral, and the road was narrow. Even the agile Eldar had to move sideways. They struggled to pass through this narrow crack in the falling Slaanesh perfume.

Finally, they came to an open-air round hall with a dry pond in the center. The dark dome of the Temple of Slaanesh loomed over their heads, hanging low and ominous.

"You want to join our party?" This voice suddenly echoed in the ears of every Eldar, and the way it echoed was very strange, and no one could determine the exact location.

The Eldar present all showed confused and panicked expressions.

Only Evelene remained calm. She knelt down gently, "Yes, omniscient old woman, we found four swords, and the last one is also very close. We took many risks and fortunately escaped the interrogation of the Supreme Divine."

The voice made a hoarse breath, which might be the other party's laughter.

"How can you be sure that I can give you guidance? Trust is the comfort of fools."

"I beg you, wise man." Evelene held a black dagger in her hand and lowered her head - this is the closest posture of the Eldar to surrender, "We need your help, many compatriots are still persecuted by the Supreme Divine, and the future of the Eldar cannot be cut off."

Everything was silent. Then, figures began to emerge from all around, hunched figures wearing black robes and silver masks, half hidden in the darkness.

"You pray for the truth, then I will give you a chance to glimpse the truth, and you only have one chance."

The soft voice reached the ears of every Eldar, no longer accompanied by crazy echoes.

A thin, tall, pale figure stood above their heads.

Long white hair covered the face of this creature, and wrinkles appeared on his skinny shoulders. The man held a staff with multi-eye-shaped runes carved on the top of the staff.

"Is this her?" The voice of the great prophet Edrad suddenly sounded in Eveleni's ears, "The legendary God of the Old Woman, the echo of wisdom and disobedience?"

Eveleni nodded slightly.

Although the real God of the Old Woman is dead, the one in front of him is undoubtedly the incarnation left by the other party.

In order to get the last sword of the old woman, they need the help of the other party.

The figure was still staring at them. Suddenly, the old woman with pale hair tilted her head and looked at them like a bird.

Even her shoulders suddenly grew feathers like birds.

But unfortunately, no one of the elves kneeling on the ground saw this scene that was enough to make them worried.

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