Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 313 120, The Ultimate Joke

Everene was only half a step away from the last Old Woman's Sword. The ideals and obsessions in her heart materialized at this moment. She summoned the incarnation of the old woman's god in the sword, hoping that this person with the honorable position would The wise man can help her cross the final journey without any obstacles.

"Do you want to know the truth?" the wise man asked her.

"Yes." Everene said, "The road is covered with fog, and we need your help."

"No, child." The old woman's soft voice was filled with kindness and generosity. She looked down at the leader of the Death Army who was showing humility in front of her and spoke again with a compassionate tone.

"You have rare insight, Evrene. You know that there is no escape from the feather of fate, and that fate will eventually come to everyone. To fight against it - it is a fool's errand."

"I must save the fate of our race and hold on to this last hope." Efreni said firmly.

Neither of them noticed that the great prophet Edrad, who was listening to the conversation between them, showed a surprised expression at this moment, thinking deeply.

"Can you clearly grasp your current destiny? How do you know that your current choices will not lead to those bad omens?" the old woman asked Efreni.

"This" Facing the old woman god's heart-wrenching words, Efreni was speechless for a moment. When she spoke again, there was obvious sadness in her tone, "Do you want to teach me to give up?"

"No, I want you to be careful." The old woman slowly shook her head. "There is no good or bad road ahead. There are traps hidden on the seemingly smooth road, and sometimes the dark and narrow paths can be regarded as shortcuts. You need to think twice and carefully. Think about it, only in this way can you ensure that your future self will not regret your current choices.”

Everene's eyes remained firm, "I have no way out. For this result, I have sacrificed too many compatriots and allies."

"Okay." The old woman finally agreed to her request.

"The desperate choices of mortals sometimes bring about rare variables, just like a pearl flashing across the sea of ​​destiny - it has no value, but it is extremely precious." The old woman continued,

"In that case, then as you wish."

The old woman stretched out her dry and slender fingers, and with her fingertips shaped like bird's claws, she grabbed the pitch-black dagger held above her head by Efreni.

Then the sound of a dagger cutting through flesh and blood was heard.

Even though the light here was extremely dark, Efreni could still clearly see the dripping blood.

Blood of the old woman, how she hated it all.

Efreni thought silently in her heart, thinking of the Venerable One who had been away from the world for thousands of years and harbored the same hatred as her, which made her even more determined in what she wanted to do.

The blood dripped, but it did not spill out quickly, as if it was squeezed out from the withered palm of the old woman with difficulty, one drop, two drops, until the ninth drop.

The dry palm like a bird's claw was caressing Efreni's face at this moment, and the cut wound on the palm was facing the eyes of the leader of the Death Army.

Efreni's body trembled slightly, and her instinctive vigilance made her show a slight panic at the beginning, but then she clearly understood the meaning of what the other party did.

Although her eyes were covered by withered palms, Everene could guarantee that she saw the truth of everything clearly at the moment when her vision was covered.

Unprecedented paths loomed before her dark vision.

It was a long and narrow path that mortals like them could not find no matter how hard they tried.

At the end of the road, the last Crone's Sword is there.

Efreni instinctively walked towards the direction of the sword. Her body was like an illusory shadow at this moment, and she could easily pass through the walls of the Palace of Joy.

Nothing can stop her, and nothing can stop her from getting that sword.

Everene showed an excited expression, and she turned around excitedly, wanting to tell her companions the good news.

But when she actually turned around, her smile froze on her face.

The subordinates of the Death Army behind her were still kneeling, but the Eldar prophet headed by Eldrad had already stood up and pointed the staff at her.

——No, more definitely, it was aimed at the old woman god behind her.

"No, put down your weapon!" Everene quickly stopped her.

"She is a liar, Efreni." The great prophet Eldrad's staff condensed the original power, "Don't believe her false lies."

The old woman tilted her head like a bird on the side, watching their conversation, the smile on her face became even brighter.

"It's up to you to choose,"

She shook her head contemptuously, and the layers of shadow fell off like feathers.

"It's all in the plan," she murmured to herself, and the shadow fell toward the dome in an incomprehensible way until a pair of huge wings spread out and disappeared without a trace.

"Catch her!" Eldrad shouted sharply.

The Eldar prophets took steps forward, but were immediately stopped by Everene.

"What are you doing? How dare you offend your authority?!" the leader of the Death Army scolded.

"That's not the God of the Crone, Efrenie." Eldrad argued with her, "You were deceived by that unknown evil spirit!"

"Really?" Everene laughed angrily, "If not her, who would it be? Who has the ability to appear in the abode of God when summoned by a sword? How can you prove that she is someone else?"

"She shed nine drops of blood!" Edlard was also angry at his companion's stubbornness. "Have you forgotten whose number this is?"

"That might just be a coincidence!"

"There are no coincidences in the highest heaven!"

The two argued and glared at each other.

But then, Efrenie was the first to avert her gaze, "Are we going to stop moving forward or even give up because of this uncertain doubt? Even if we have gone through endless obstacles and are only half a step away? Even if we have gone through endless obstacles, we are only half a step away? Countless of our compatriots have died for this? Even if what awaits us is destined to be eternal torture?”

"Our allies are still fighting for us. This opportunity has never happened before in history. Are you sure we want to give up here? Edlard, just because of your impromptu speculation?"

"I" Edlard's expression suddenly became lonely, like a deflated rubber ball, and his whole body stooped down at a speed visible to the naked eye. Everene's questioning made this great prophet of the Eldar race, who had a long lifespan, seem to have aged in an instant.

"The closer we are to success, the more cautious we need to be." The Great Prophet sighed.

"No, we don't have time to hesitate." Before he finished speaking, the confusing aroma surged in again. The surrounding ruby ​​walls squirmed like flesh and blood, growing abominable tentacles.

The expressions of the Death Army leader and the Eldar Great Prophet darkened at the same time.

The eyes of the Lord of Joy were following their steps.

Once truly caught up, all expectations for the future will become unrealistic fantasies.

Evelene's figure rushed out like a phantom at this moment.

The dried blood that the old woman smeared on her face now flowed into incomprehensible runes. The great power contained in this blessing made her path forward unimpeded.

She stepped onto that road she had never imagined without hesitation. The long and narrow path had a strange magic power, and the moment she stepped there, it led her forward quickly.

In the eyes of others, this scene was that Efreni's body suddenly turned into an illusory shadow. This shadow was all-pervasive and easily crossed the wall that blocked them, heading straight towards the position of the last old woman's sword. forward.

This time the Great Prophet Edrad did not stop her, and he was powerless to stop her.

In this universe where the stars of destiny have been knocked far away, even the greatest prophet cannot judge the good or bad future.

Maybe Ephrene was right, or maybe she wasn't, but it was undeniable that just like she said, they had no retreat.

Edrad followed the shadow of the leader of the Death Army. At this moment, two completely opposite emotions of joy and despair were strangely mixed in his heart.

It is destined to be difficult to catch up with Efreni. The other party's shadow glides on the dome like a bird, and passes through the seamless wall like a light feather.

The shadow itself kept swaying and squirming, but it had no effect on Everene herself.

Walking along this path, the purple mist of desire below swirls into the extravagant chandeliers of the Palace of Joy, casting vague outlines around the pink main body of the palace. The psychedelic aroma in the air is enough to lure most living things in the universe. The purpose of the creation of the aroma is to lure ignorant travelers to fall.

But for Efreni, this incense smelled worse than the accumulation of rotting garbage, and made her even more nauseous. During the walk, every time she smelled this smell, it made her skin itch and the corners of her eyes sting.

She endured it until she saw the strange blade, and the outline of the entire palace of pleasure was distorted and transformed into a huge altar. The shadow also lengthened, forming a slender figure. The old woman's blood dried up completely on her face, revealing the figure of Efrenie.

"Is this it? I have been looking for it for a long, long time." At this moment, Efreni was so excited that she almost shed tears.

"I didn't expect to find this sword." Eldrad, who had struggled to catch up, came over and said, "Take out the other swords, Efreni, Slaanesh's eyes are following closely, follow our rehearsal Just like that, the last rites will be completed here.”

Efreni nodded, and she took out the old woman's sword collected from all over the galaxy. In the process, her palms were trembling from it.

Concerned about the future of the Eldar clan’s last hope, it’s finally time to confirm it.

The moment the four old woman's swords were taken out, they had an incomprehensible connection with the one in the center of the altar.

They are all the bones of the Crone God's hand, finally uniting into one.

"Finally." Everene watched this scene happen with great excitement. Even the Great Prophet Edrad could no longer maintain his usual calmness.


At this moment, a snake-like hissing whisper echoed at the same moment.

Before the excitement on the faces of Efrenie and Adrad had faded,

The surrounding walls began to peel off like snake skin, exposing its truest flesh and blood. Everything around it turned into this. It looked like——

"It's like the abdominal cavity of a creature." Edlard realized this in horror.

But before they could make any reaction, the dome of flesh and blood above the altar fell rapidly, twisting and rotating in mid-air, stretching out the huge skin that could not be touched by the eyes, and six winds of infatuation blew in, blowing away the members of their team. Everyone is involved.

"No!!!" Efreni looked at the five old woman's swords that were getting further and further away from her, and let out an extremely shrill scream.

The dream that was close at hand kept getting further away, becoming a fantasy that could never be realized. No one could bear this sense of loss.

"We failed," Edlard's voice was extremely bitter. "The entrance we were looking for was just a passage connecting the abdomen of Slaanesh. The five swords fell into his abdomen, and no one could take them out again. ”

"We thought we were hiding from His sight, but we never realized that we were just trudging forward in His belly." The Great Prophet showed a pale and miserable smile. The gap between mortals and the dark gods completely made his soul fall into despair. .

The gods fooled them easily, maybe

Suddenly, a glimmer appeared in Eldrad's eyes again.

He suddenly realized that if there was a moment along the way where he was hidden from Slaanesh's sight, it must be the time when he came into contact with the old woman.

This is the only variable.

"Variables." There was a hope in Edrard's eyes that he was unwilling to admit.

Nine is the number belonging to Tzeentch. The Great Prophet of the Eldar never thought that one day he would place his hopes on another Chaos Evil God.

But as long as we continue to cut off the last hope of the Eldar,

He was shocked by his despicable thoughts, but in fact this emotion was superfluous. At this moment, it was far beyond the scope of a mortal to participate in it. No matter what he thought or did, nothing would change.

This is the gods' game after all.

No matter what high position he occupies in the Eldar, what power he possesses, even human warmasters can be included in him, but he will still be unable to resist.

Just when the great prophet's heart was wrapped in layers of dark despair.

The nearly infinite purple phantom that stood at the end of their sight, occupying the entire field of vision, suddenly let out a scream.

This sound affected everything, even the most basic particles in the six-ring realm were not immune. The entire palace of joy was shaking. This was the second scream Slaanesh had made since its birth.

The last scream killed most of the gods of the Eldar clan in just an instant, but this time, no one died because of the scream.

Just because the scream this time was directed at Himself.

Slaanesh has been very different from his godly brothers since his birth.

He is not only the God of Chaos, but also the racial god of the Eldar. And theoretically, the dark gods have no gender distinction, they are neither male nor female. But even so, other gods do not show the characteristics of both sexes at the same time like Slaanesh.

This is often overlooked. After all, Slaanesh is a great pervert, and no matter what appearance he displays, it is nothing surprising. But no one has ever thought that Slaanesh might have been a pair of twins when he was born.

Jena, the god of death, is not a god awakened by the Crone's Sword, but a brother who coexists with Slaanesh.

An incomprehensible scene echoed in the souls of all living creatures, and immeasurable information impacted their consciousness. Most of them were forced to huddle on the ground.

But the Great Prophet Edrad is still stubborn at this moment and wants to explore the truth of this scene.

His efforts were not in vain, and all the previous doubts suddenly became clear at this moment.

Eldrad had also wondered why the old woman's sword and the five swords did not have much presence in the Eldar mythology, and their owners could not compare with the gods.

But why can it replace the billions of remaining souls of the Eldar and become indispensable for awakening the God of Death?

This biggest mystery was finally revealed by Edlard.

In the Eldar mythology, every soul has an unbreakable connection, which is called the "Crone's Lock". Only the Crone God can break this chain.

At this time, the five divine swords forged from the hand bones of the Crone God became the keys to the chain between Slaanesh and Death.

When this supposedly unbreakable chain is lifted, Slaanesh, the product of the combination of the Chaos Godhead and the Eldar Supreme Divinity, will be re-differentiated into two gods.

——Salish, the daughter of joy, and Jena, the god of painful death.

The scream of the dark power set off an endless storm in the sky, and everything was trembling, but in this wild wind, Eldrad clearly captured the sound of the illusory lock opening.

The boundless purple shadow also split into two entities.

Edlard watched the birth of this scene with extremely complicated emotions. He was lucky enough to witness the birth of the god, but he could not predict the changes this would bring to the future.

The good or bad fortune in front of you is still unpredictable.

Just when he was full of thoughts, treacherous laughter echoed in the illusory spiritual realm.

This laughter revealed the joy of succeeding in the plan, which was disgusting.

At the same time, far away on the outermost edge of the Sixth Ring Realm, on the Greedy Plains that had been burned by the imperial army with the fire of destruction, a demonic army belonging to Tzeentch reoccupied the place.

The plains that were charred not long ago were covered with crystals, like a crystal sea of ​​glass, shining with an indescribable light.

At the moment when the cunning laughter resounded, the thin outlines of the gorgeous pillars reflected light through a completely transparent crystal dome. Countless rays of light were refracted in the seemingly extremely fragile glass structure.

These rays of light gathered together like flying elves, and then spanned the boundless six-ring realm, gently shining on the bodies of the Daughter of Joy and the God of Painful Death, who had just been separated from Slaanesh.

The two newly born gods were not yet awake, but in an instant, their bodies were covered with a thick layer of crystal.

The light continued to project, and the crystals covering the two gods were like two crystal coffins. Under the guidance of the light, they were brought to the place chosen by the Lord of Destiny.

"Quick, stop him!" Edrad also realized what the Lord of Destiny was going to do, and he shouted desperately.

Although he didn't know what Tzeentch's purpose was, once the two new gods were taken away by him, no one could guess the consequences.

In his shouting, hundreds of Eldar prophets responded to him. Each of them had a pivotal position in their own ark world, and their own psychic talents were even enough to shake the stars.

Hundreds of prophets simultaneously condensed the most powerful spells of their lives, and the sound of their chanting set off huge waves in the sea of ​​souls.

Spells that condensed their wisdom in this life were cast one after another, but what made them desperate was that until their last bit of psychic energy was squeezed out, they could not shake the seemingly weak crystal light.

Not even a ripple was stirred, and the treacherous laughter still echoed faintly, as if mocking the powerlessness of mortals.

Attempting to shake the ritual of the gods with the talents of mortals, Edrad could already imagine the expression of the Lord of Destiny who couldn't help laughing.

In the eyes of the gods, they were so small, ignorant, and blind that they could be played with at will.

Even the great prophet of the Eldar was exhausted by the play of the gods.

He gave up his futile efforts and was ready to obey the fate arranged by the other party. The prophets who were exhausted around him were like this. But one person did not give up. At the same time, they saw a pillar of fire burning in the distance of the six-ring domain.

In the red pillar of flames, the tall and majestic warrior jumped out with two swords in his hands and jumped towards the crystal light of the dome.

This unyielding heroic posture was enough to be imprinted in the hearts of every living being, but Edrad was not optimistic about it.

In the repeated manipulation of the gods, he has already glimpsed the tip of the iceberg of the gods' power. The will of mortals to resist is so insignificant that it will only make those supreme beings laugh.

But no matter what, Edrad will wish with the most pious heart in this life that the warriors who jumped out of the flames angrily can use the double swords in their hands to cut off the tricks woven by the evil gods.

"Use swords and fire to burn the land of heresy!"

"Use their ashes to fertilize the vast galaxy!"

The warriors' double swords ignited golden and red flames, and the two great wills overlapped. At this moment, the roars of tens of millions of warriors seemed to resound in the void at the same time, shaking everyone's heart.

The flames ignited the dome of the six-ring domain, carrying the power to burn everything, and chopped heavily on the surface of the crystal light.

The moment the blade and the light touched, the entire time and space solidified, Edrad held his breath, and time ran so slowly at this moment.

In the chaotic time and space, all existences lost their perception of time.



A clear and crisp sound of breaking sounded above the dome, and everyone could clearly see that the surface of the light shattered like a smooth mirror.

"How could this be?" In the void above the dome, the existence that manipulated fate uttered a sharp exclamation.

"Variable." He muttered to himself, chewing on this word, and then laughed strangely.

The crystal light burst out with a light that could not be looked at directly, and in an instant, it disappeared without a trace carrying the two new gods.

The original trajectory was changed by the brute force of the fire, and they would be thrown to a place that anyone could predict.

The screams of the followers of Slaanesh resounded throughout the six-ring area.

This luxurious paradise now only has the afterglow of the past carnival, and all dreams have become a bubble. The almost omnipotent God who ruled this nightmare palace disappeared before their eyes.

They cried and wailed, and the sadness of this moment will accompany them until they wait for His return again.

The threads of fate were entangled, producing countless branches, but the master who wove the threads was not angry at all.

But his apostles were furious. They cursed endlessly on the Greedy Plain covered with crystals, spitting at the actions of the cursed.

These sharp curses reached Dukel's ears.

In response, he simply cast a contemptuous look at the Greedy Plains.

"The empire that you are talking about is about to fall has gone through one millennium after another. Even if the Lord of Mankind is only left with bones, he can still illuminate the entire galaxy. And your gods are just a group of beggars, cowards, and no one in this spiritual realm dares to confront our will head-on. The consequences of your atrocities are just a little bit of wind and frost in the progress of mankind."

"My battlefield is here, my blade is here, and my warriors are here! And you, blasphemers, your gods avoid fighting, and your only result is to burn in hell!"

His voice shook the universe. This was not only a declaration to the Tzeentch demon army in the Greedy Plains, but also a warning to all dark existences.

After speaking, twenty-two phantoms outlined by flames condensed behind him, and twenty-two armored Dukers threw the Emperor's sword in their hands like javelins.

The twenty-two swords continued to expand at the moment of throwing, and finally fell on the distant Greedy Plains like twenty-two stars.

Amid the flames of destruction, a shrill howl resounded.

But Duker disdained to look at those ugly things again, and instead walked in another direction.

On the other side, the laughter of the Laughing God Xi Lego was still echoing among the beams of the Palace of Joy.

His seriously injured body had healed with the help of the goddess of life. But even so, he still had no intention of leaving this cage. He was just like a madman, uttering words that were difficult for others to understand, and letting out sharp and non-stop laughter.



A figure crushed the wall above the Laughing God's head and broke the thick beams. Then a giant steel foot stepped heavily on Xi Legao's body.

The sharp laughter finally stopped at this moment. Under the huge pressure from the steel boots, no sound came out of Xi Lego's mouth.

Aisha, the Goddess of Life, and the Harlequins of the Eldar Tribe all showed shocked expressions after seeing who was coming. Even if their gods are trampled under their feet, they dare not stop them in the slightest.

As for the spiritual nuns who were responsible for guarding them, the moment they saw each other clearly, their eyes were completely filled with admiration and adoration.

Their eyes are so fanatical that even if the other party asks them to commit suicide, they will not hesitate at all, let alone stop the other party's behavior.

"Commander, why are you like this?" After a brief silence, Aisha was the first to ask cautiously.

But this time, Duker rarely ignored her. His bright eyes stared at the God of Laughter in front of him, and from time to time, a spine-chilling murderous intention emerged.

"The true function of the five Crone Swords will only be revealed when Slaanesh swallows them?" Finally, Durkel asked the first question, but he seemed to be asking a question, but in fact he already had the answer.

"How do you make sure this doesn't go astray?" he asked again.

"I can't confirm cough cough cough." He lifted his feet slightly, and the Laughing God was finally able to make a sound again, but even so, he still maintained a crazy smile on his face.

After hearing the answer, Duker did not continue to ask, but asked the next question,

"The gods of death that the Eldar try their best to awaken will actually harvest their souls. Salish will do her best to save the Eldar instead of destroying them. Is this what you call the ultimate joke?"

After hearing this question, the smile on Siggao's face froze, "You know more than I thought."

"No matter how much I know, it doesn't matter." The killing will in Duker's eyes almost turned into reality. In his eyes, Xi Lego even felt like he was dead.

"On the contrary, you need to think carefully, otherwise destruction will come in an instant."

It wasn't until he heard the Warmaster's warning that he regained consciousness.

Duker ignored him and walked away.

Now, it's time to deal with the mess left behind from this battle.

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