Manga: The King’s Seat

Chapter 652: The last war (7)

Outside the gate of the New World, the pacifists led by Zhan Taomaru swallowed dazzling flashes, swept the shock waves of terror and went straight to the sea below!

Boom boom boom

The terrifying flash detonated the sea at the moment of contact with the sea, and the shock wave and sea wave after the explosion swept wildly towards the pirate warship that had just appeared in this sea area.

"Haha, the world government has researched new tricks again."

Standing on the deck, Shanks held the handle of the knife in one hand, and laughed endlessly and brazenly: "However, why is this ability so familiar?"

"Boss, this is the ability of a bear!"

Standing next to him, **** glared at him and said angrily: "In the new world, didn't you fight a bear before?"

"How long is that going to happen."

Shanks patted his forehead, then quickly drew his sword out of its sheath, slashing the flash of light that came straight to him!

Boom boom boom

The heavy artillery on more than five hundred pirate warships also began to fight back. With the sound of shocking sounds, dense artillery shells roared out and went straight to the gate of the world!

Cannonballs fell into the camp of pacifists and exploded continuously, and the shock waves of terror that circle after circle instantly swept in all directions, sweeping everything unscrupulously!

Zhan Momomaru with a giant axe on his shoulder stood in front of the pacifist team, watching the dense cannonballs roaring, his eyes tightened in an instant, and then he suddenly jumped into the air, and the giant axe in his hand simultaneously cut out in the air. A mysterious arc!

Bang bang bang

A series of two-by-two collision sounds came out, and then several shells were flying into the sky by his giant axe.

The cannonballs flying to the sky were instantly submerged by the roaring cannonballs, and then exploded at high altitude like fireworks!

The shock wave after the blast swept the other shells that went straight to Zhan Tao Maru, changing direction and lightning. As Zhan Tao Maru fell heavily, the changed direction shell was on the red earth continent ten feet away behind him. After exploding, in the thick smoke rising into the sky and the raging shock wave, Zhan Taomaru took a domineering step forward, and then coldly shouted: "Pacifist, rush down!"

Dong dong dong

Following his order, the pacifist dragged his cumbersome body and rushed out of the gate of the world, heading straight to the coast!

At the same time, the Five Hundred Pirate Ships on the sea quickly approached the coast against the attack of pacifism.

"Hahaha, it's a pleasure."

Kidd, standing next to Shanks, looked at the shore getting closer and closer, ignoring the attacks of the pacifists falling around him and exploding. He stepped forward, grinning bloodthirsally and said: "Is the world government not Are people available? It’s really a big laugh to stop us with these unsentimental tools."


As soon as his voice fell, a series of dizzying voices suddenly came out, followed by a few flashes of light covering him.


At the moment when the flash enveloped him, Kidd gave a violent roar, and then, his magnet fruit bloom quietly.


A sound of metal intersecting sounded around him, but in the blink of an eye, a strange weapon made of metal condensed him to protect him.


With a blast, the flash hit the metal protecting Kidd. The powerful shock wave instantly disintegrated the condensed metal, but it did not cause any harm to Kidd.

At the moment of the disintegration of the metal, Kidd's figure jumped up from the deck in a flash, and then stood firmly on the coastal reef.

"Hahaha, these guys should be made of metal!"

Kidd, who fell on the coast, looked at the pacifists approaching quickly. He turned his head and glanced at the fleet of ships approaching the shore quickly, braving a intensive attack, and asked Shanks who followed him on the shore: " Isn't it, my ability can turn them into a pile of scrap iron?"

"You can try."

Shanks smiled, then held up the Western sword and shouted loudly: "Brothers, stamped out these pacifists!"


The pirates who kept coming to shore and then quickly jumped off the deck shouted in unison, and then swarmed onto the shore.


"Kill Kill Kill"

The pirates who rushed to the coast were completely crazy, and rushed forward desperately against the attacks of the pacifists.

At the same time, Kidd, who was standing next to Shanks, did not neglect. After releasing the magnet fruit ability, his hands suddenly opened, "Come all around, hahahaha"

With the release of his fruit power, Shanks, who was standing by his side, quickly grabbed the Western Sword in his hand. Even so, the Western Sword's blade was still trembling violently and humming.

"Hahahaha, pacifism, a bunch of broken coppers!"

Kidd, who unreservedly released the ability of the magnet fruit, laughed wildly, revealing the vigor and heroism of the younger generation to the fullest. In his laughter, the pacifists closest to him came to a standstill, and then they approached Kidd uncontrollably.

"Damn it."

Standing in front of the pacifists, Zhan Momomaru looked at this weird scene and looked terrified. Then, he quickly rushed forward with a giant axe in his hand, but after two ups and downs, he rushed to the front of Kidd.

"Great Axe!"

Zhan Momomaru, who rushed to the front of Kidd, didn't hesitate, lifted the giant axe high and jumped into the air, and then smashed down with an axe.

"Lao Tzu is a person with the ability of magnetism."

Seeing Zhan Tao Maru leaping high and cleaving his tomahawk at him, Kidd grinned bloodthirsally, and then, with a light wave of his big hand, an invisible and majestic magnetic force enveloped Zhan Tao Maru.

Before Zhan Taomaru could react, the giant axe in his hand uncontrollably let go, and was firmly grasped by Kidd.

While grabbing the tomahawk, Kidd did not pause for a moment. As he moved forward quickly, he held up the tomahawk and shouted awe-inspiringly, "Give you back!"

When the voice fell, the battle axe carrying terrifying power went straight to the battle peach maru as the hood


Next there is


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