Manga: The King’s Seat

Chapter 653: The last war (8)

Chapter 653 The Last War (8)


At the moment when the giant axe was under the hood, Zhan Momomaru, who was in the air, instantly released his armed domineering and then armed his whole body.

At the same time, when the giant axe under the hood carried a mighty force on him.


With a muffled sound, Zhan Tao Maru flew out all over, and then fell to the ground with one hand on the ground.

"Haha, it's not easy."

Seeing that Tao Maru Sheng was unscathed in taking such a domineering blow, Kidd's eyes lit up, and then stepped forward and said murderously: "It's you, kid!"

When the voice fell, he bowed abruptly, and the figure behind appeared in front of Zhan Taomaru in a flash.

While Kidd rushed towards Zhan Tao Maru, Shanks had led the pirate army out of the pacifist siege. Under their tide of offensive, the semi-finished products of the pacifists fell down in an instant, and then followed. The pirates who followed were stomping on them.

"Haha, enter the gate of the world!"

Shanks, who rushed out of the pacifists, stood on a commanding height, holding up the Western sword and shouting loudly: "With one blow, conquer this obstacle that blocks the two connecting segments of the great route!"


Thousands of pirates roared in unison, and then went straight to the gate of the world at the fastest speed!

at the same time.

Chambord Islands!

The murloc army gathered in front of the Shaqi Bar, the members of the gods and the old members of the former Roger Pirates group eagerly looked at Leily who flashed quickly.

"set off!"

Seeing everyone gathered on the street in front of the bar, Rayleigh, who flashed quickly, ordered decisively and said with a little excitement: "Shanks has already started the war, we can't slow down."

Before Raleigh had finished speaking, several ear-piercing sounds suddenly sounded.

With the domineering capture of seeing and hearing, everyone present changed their expressions.

Then, everyone quickly turned around tacitly.

The moment they turned around, they looked at the high sky in front of them, and the dense black spots pulled out an arc of the sky, instantly connecting the Chambordian Islands.


The black spots in the sky are nothing but shells shot by heavy artillery. When everyone turned around and whizzed down, the cannonballs like raindrops fell indiscriminately into the Chambordian Islands, and then exploded one after another.

After the explosion, the thick smoke and flames soared into the sky, instantly reflecting the entire Chambordian Islands sky red!

"The fleets of naval branches all over the world have arrived."

Seeing the flames rising into the sky, Lei Li said solemnly: "It's not that simple if we want to smoothly enter the Holy Land Mariejoa."

"Just what I want," Ainilu took a step forward and said aggressively and arrogantly: "I stay, you just go!"

"I stay too."

Nami took an unprecedented step forward, and then said: "I and Aini, stop these warships, enough!"

"Count me again."

Kalifa walked to Nami and said with a smile: "Without my door fruit, your fluttering fruit is difficult to function."

"And I."

Monet stepped forward slowly, and said calmly as he walked: "Perhaps, I can help you in a critical moment."

"it is good."

Carlyfa nodded, then looked at Hancock.

Hancock did not speak, because her sight was not here, but at the end of the street.

At the end of the street in front of her, Robin came quickly with a white star. Seeing everyone standing on the street in front of the bar, the white star being led by Robin immediately waved his hand and asked worriedly: "Everyone All are well!"

Hancock smiled, then looked at Nami, Kalifa and Monet, and whispered, "You have to be careful."

Seeing the three women nodding, Hancock turned around resolutely, and then nodded to Leili.

"set off!"

Raleigh didn't hesitate, but at the same time as the voice fell, he took the lead to flash forward.

As soon as Lei Li left, the members of the gods, the old part of the Roger Pirates and the murloc army followed them, and went straight to the holy place Mariagioa.

Before Bai Xing had had time to say a word to everyone, Robin led the team to move forward quickly.

After following Robin for a while, Bai Xing stopped suddenly, and then she turned to look at Nami who was standing still.

"Robin, why don't Nami and the others leave?"

Upon hearing this, Robin stopped. After looking at Nami, she explained softly: "Now that the war has started, we all have our own tasks to complete. They stay here to block navies from all over the world. ."

"Just a few of them."

Bai Xing was stunned, and then she still stepped back, her face firmly said: "I want to accompany Namei Sang!"

Before Robin could react, Bai Xing ran towards Nami.

At this moment, Nami, Kalifa, Monet and Aini Road are heading straight to the coast facing the sky of artillery fire.

"White Star."

Seeing Bai Xing running back, Robin suddenly became anxious, and while hurried to catch up with Bai Xing, she said anxiously: "You can't stay here, it's dangerous here."

"Because of the danger, I want to stay with Namei Sang."

Bai Xing did not slow down, and quickly caught up with Nami, she kept shouting: "Nami Sang, Nami Sang, wait for me"


A cannonball came through the air, and then exploded on the street in front of the white star

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