Manga: The King’s Seat

Chapter 654: The last war (9)

Without waiting for Robin to react, a dense array of shells blasted through the air above the sky, and then exploded around the White Star. The terrorist shock wave swept through everything unscrupulously.

In the blink of an eye, that street was reduced to ruins, filled with gunpowder!

"White Star"

Robin woke up suddenly, then flashed forward quickly.

At the same time as she just dodged and swept out, a sharp cannonball blasted through the sky again!

Robin ignored the roaring shells, several ups and downs came to the smoke-filled ruins. When she came to the ruins, she was stunned again.

I saw that in the ruins in front of her eyes, Bai Xing protected a child in his arms, bowed, and completely protected the child.

Because of this, Bai Xing's body was attacked by the gravel and dust carried by the shock wave, and blood was already flowing.

"White Star."

Seeing that Bai Xing was still alive, Robin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly walked to Bai Xing and hugged her in his arms.

At the same time, the cannonballs roaring from high in the sky exploded around them instantly, and the shock wave came out round after round, once again submerging Robin and White Star.

Finally, the attack of this round of shells disappeared.

In the smoke that gradually dissipated, Robin slowly got up, looking very embarrassed, and checked Bai Xing's body for the first time.

Seeing that Bai Xing had only suffered some skin trauma, she was completely relieved, then let go of Bai Xing, and said with lingering fear: "Bai Xing, follow me later, don't leave!"

"Robin Sang!"

Bai Xing slowly raised his head, looked at Robin with tears in his eyes, and said with a weeping voice: "There are so many innocent civilians here, how can the Navy attack so indiscriminately?"


Robin couldn’t answer Bai Xing’s words for a while. After looking around, she sighed inwardly and softly said: "Bai Xing, this world has always been like this, so your brother Li Yi will do everything to rule this world. The government of the country was overthrown. Now all you have to do is follow me and stop running out alone."

"Why is this?"

Bai Xing hugged the child in his arms tightly. This was a four or five-year-old child who knew nothing about her. She was hit by the cannonballs from the sky. Even if Bai Xing hugged him, he still did not After avoiding this catastrophe, he was lying quietly in Bai Xing's arms, leaving this world forever!

Looking at the child in Bai Xing's arms, Robin trembled inwardly. She knew Bai Xing's kindness, and this sudden little life was in front of her. How could she not be sad!

At this moment, the sharp sound of shells breaking through the air was heard again from high altitude.


Hearing the sharp piercing sound, Robin didn't hesitate to pull up the white star and flashed out quickly.

At the same time, the entire sea around the Chambord Islands was surrounded by naval warships arriving from naval branches all over the world, and the roaring artillery shells burst into the air from all directions and went straight to the Chambord Islands. The Chambord Islands have long been in chaos. The innocent civilians living on the Chambord Islands were bombarded by artillery shells and watched their loved ones die in front of them. Helpless roar and angry roar!

One building after another collapsed under the merciless bombardment of shells. One building after another was razed to the ground in the rain of shells. The prosperous streets were also destroyed by the shells. The shock wave raged into ruins.

The doomsday is playing in the Chambord Islands

Located on the sea at the edge of the Chambordian Islands, when he heard the earth-shaking explosions coming from behind him, Kapu, who stopped one of the fleets, paled for an instant.

He finally understood that he alone would not want to stop this war at all. Even if he stopped the fleet in front of him at this moment, there are still many branches of the world government navy. When he stopped the warship of this branch, the fleet of other branches had reached the range of the Chambord Islands at full speed.

Because of the orders of the five old stars of the world government, the warships entering the Chambordian Islands do not need to ask their superiors to ask their superiors, and directly launched the largest scale of killing the Chambordian Islands in history!

"Master Karp,"

The Lieutenant General, who was stopped by Karp, heard the continuous sound of cannons from the sea ahead, and said solemnly: "I know you are for our good, but we wear navy uniforms. Put on this uniform. You have to obey orders. So, please get out of the way. If we don’t arrive in time, we will"

"Since the old man has appeared, he has stopped you and will stick to it to the end."

Karp looked up at the lieutenant general on the deck, and then said in a deep voice: "If you want to pass, you can defeat the old man first!"

As the battle between Karp and the Lieutenant General was about to begin, Ainilu, Nami, Kalifa and Monet had arrived on a coast of the Chambord Islands.

Seeing the dense navy warships on the sea in front of them, all four took a breath.

The densely roaring shells covered the entire Chambord Archipelago like raindrops. The sound of explosions resounding over the entire Chambord Archipelago continued to vibrate for nine days behind them!

"Haha, what a big battle!"

Just when the four of them were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them, a loud laugh came from their left side, and then the familiar dragon swallowing number came slowly.


Seeing the Swallow Dragon coming slowly, Ainilu's eyes lit up, "Why are you still here."

"How can I not be here."

Frankie put on his super look, grinning bloodthirsty and said: "I've been here waiting for the navy ships to appear."

"Next, you will watch my performance!"

"Oh no, watching the performance of the Dragon Swallowing."

After speaking, Frankie turned around and walked towards the control room. After his figure disappeared from the control room, the Dragon Swallowing trembled slightly, and then the appearance of the Dragon Swallowing changed strangely.

However, in the blink of an eye, the Dragon Swallowing was transformed into a battleship that looked like a beast!


Next there is


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