Manga: The King’s Seat

: Extremely dangerous person

Gengmu Jianba did not answer. After resting for a while, he got up with difficulty, staring at Li Yi firmly, and said solemnly: "No one can be my boss, because one day I will cut him down."

Even Mujian paused, and after a while he said, "Let me see your true strength."

Li Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled. Then, a burst of powerful spiritual power emerged, and while slowly pulling out the Biananhua, he whispered: "Guide to death, Biananhua."

"Elegy of Blood"

A huge blood blade flashed, and the next moment he wiped Gengmu Jianba's body and rushed out.

Gengmu Jianba's face became stiff, if this blow hit him...

Thinking about the consequences, he sweats slightly in his hand holding a knife. If this person is not pursuing the pleasure of fighting and fighting with him, and using all his strength to fight against him, how many moves can he survive?

Gengmu Jianba is just a fighting frenzy, not an idiot. At this moment, he has made clear the gap between himself and Li Yi, and his whole body began to tremble slightly, whether it is because of fear or because of the excitement of encountering such a powerful opponent.

"Healing Touch"

Suddenly a burst of strange power was poured into the body, the wounds on his body healed quickly, and the internal organs in the body were slowly repairing.

Geng Mu Jianba looked at Li Yi in surprise, but didn't say much, but slowly came to Li Yi's side, sat down on the ground, and silently began to recover from his injuries.


When Li Yi returned to the ruined house, he looked at the young girl sleeping on the floor and quickly eased his steps.

But it's still too late. Even if they live in such an environment, even if they are very young, their vigilance doesn't need to be lower than anyone, and perhaps even higher than many.

Therefore, the movement of Li Yi entering the room instantly awakened the sleeping teenage girl.


Ichimaru Gin gave a low cry, blocking the front of Matsumoto Ranju, holding a sharp wooden stick in his hand.

"It's me, sorry to disturb you to rest."

Li Yi's gentle voice sounded, making Ichimaru Gin a sigh of relief.

Li Yi smiled bitterly, he was also a little helpless. He was so happy with Jianba Chop just now. The injuries of both of them were a little too heavy, and they consumed all the spiritual energy to use Healing Touch, which stabilized the injuries of the two.

Because of this, he would alarm both Ichimaru and Silver, otherwise he would be completely unaware of his strength.

"Brother Li Yi, you are really back, great!"

Matsumoto Ranju's cheerful voice sounded, and it was obvious that the little girl was very happy for Li Yi's return.

He jumped and rushed towards Li Yi, but when he came closer, his little nose moved, and he asked with some doubts, "Why is there such a heavy smell of blood?"

Li Yi stepped forward, rubbed Matsumoto Ranju's head, smiled and said, "I'm back."

This step allowed Li Yi to escape from the shadows. Through the starlight, Matsumoto Ranju could see Li Yi's clothes covered with blood, and through the broken place, he could see the large wounds on Li Yi's body.

"Ah, Brother Li Yi, you are injured, how could this happen? Me, what should I do now?"

Li Yi laughed loudly and said: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just had a fight with a funny guy. The injury is almost healed. Did you forget that Brother Li Yi has the ability to heal."

Just as Matsumoto Ranju breathed a sigh of relief, a low voice suddenly sounded behind Li Yi: "Is that what made you drag your exhausted body and rush over?"

Hearing this voice, Li Yi did not answer. Instead, he introduced Matsumoto Ranju and Ichimarugin: "This guy is called Kenpachi Kakiki. Let him stay here for one night and he will leave tomorrow."

"Hello, my name is Matsumoto Ranju."

Matsumoto Ranju said hello timidly, and leaned against Li Yi involuntarily, gently pulling up the corner of Li Yi's clothes.

The person named Gengmu Kenpachi, although she was unable to see clearly in the dark, her keen sixth sense told her that it was an extremely dangerous person, and the inexplicable aura surrounding her made her tremble.

Ichimaru Gin is more sensitive than Matsumoto Ranju, and he knows more. He knows that that kind of terrifying aura is called murderous aura. In his perception, the person standing opposite is not a person at all, but someone who is ready to choose someone and eat it. Fierce beast.

Such a dangerous guy made Ichimarugin's hairs burst, and his vigilance was extremely high.

Li Yi looked at the performance of the young girls, but he didn't say anything. This time, he brought Mu Jianba here to exercise their courage.

Li Yi found a place to sit at will, rested while regaining his spiritual power, while Jianba sat down leaning against the door, and soon the room fell silent.

After a while, Matsumoto Ranju came to Li Yi lightly and lay silently on the side, but Shimaru Gin returned to where she had slept at the beginning.

the next day.

When Li Yi opened his eyes, only himself was left in the room. Feeling the full spiritual power in his body, he stretched his waist satisfied, suddenly his complexion changed, and his figure turned into a gust of wind and swept out of the broken house toward the forest in the distance. In the rush.

At this moment, in the jungle where Li Yi was running, a team of five death gods wearing black death tyrants, a man with short brown hair and black-rimmed glasses in the middle, was holding a strange boulder, facing one another. The **** the ground was shining, and faint rays of light invisible to ordinary people were drawn from the girl's inner body and fell into the cobblestone.

Suddenly his movements stopped, his brows raised slightly, with a hint of interest, and he looked forward.

The figure of the **** the ground has disappeared, replaced by a strangely dressed guy, standing ten meters away, looking at them coldly.

Looking down at the Matsumoto Luanju in his arms, Li Yi sighed deeply, but let this happen.

Perceiving Matsumoto Luanju's situation, his heart sank slightly. At this moment, Matsumoto Luanju's soul was collapsing, and he did not hesitate to make a touch of healing.

After waiting for a while, he found that Luan Ju's soul no longer continued to collapse, but gradually healed. Li Yi was greatly relieved and looked at the five people on the opposite side again.

From the beginning to the end, the other party did not stop him, but looked at him with interest.


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