Manga: The King’s Seat

: Aizenmono Usuke

Seeing Li Yi's opinion, the person in the middle smiled slightly, and said with some surprise: "This powerful healing ability actually prevents the soul from collapsing and forcibly infuses the healing power to allow the broken soul to heal quickly."

Li Yi looked at the other party silently. He was not surprised by the other party's ability to see through Healing Touch. He just pulled his broken clothes hard, quickly tore off a few cloth strips, and fixed Matsumoto Ranju in his arms.

After doing all of this, he slowly pulled out the Soul Slasher, bowed slightly, and didn't care about the number of opponents at all, and grinned bloodthirstyly: "Fight!"

The person in the center was taken aback for a moment, and whispered: "In addition to Mao Zhihualie, there is another warlike death **** of healing."

When the words fell, his hand lightly rested on the Soul Slasher.

At this moment, one of the four people behind this person suddenly spoke: "Deputy Captain, how can you take this small role yourself, just leave it to us."


At the moment his voice fell, Li Yi's figure in front of him disappeared in a flash, and at the moment his pupils were slightly enlarged, four screams came from behind him, and then the sound of falling objects sounded one after another, even more unconsciously. Exclaimed: "Good, good, so strong!"

Turning around slowly, with a slight smile on his face, he carefully looked at the strangely dressed guy in his arms. This person solved his four subordinates in an instant. At this time, he looked like an okay person. The only difference is that the war spirit in his eyes is stronger, and the smile on his face is more bloodthirsty.

"Lan Ran, don't waste time, let's have a good fight!" Li Yi shouted in a low voice, with an uncontrollable excitement in his voice.

Ai Dyongwu Yousuke's discoloration changed for the first time, with a thoughtful light in his eyes. After a while, he pushed his glasses and said in a deep voice, "It seems that someone has noticed it. You were sent by the old guy?"

Unexpectedly, Li Yi shook his head and said impatiently: "No one can tell me Li Yi, because you hurt my important partner, so you have to pay the price. As for what you are doing, it’s my shit. I don’t have time to manage."

Lan Ran was obviously a little surprised at Li Yi's answer. He looked at Li Yi in a daze for a few seconds, nodded gently, held the Soul Slashing Knife in his hand, and whispered: "As you wish."

"Haha, let's move!"

Lan Ran raised his brows and said no more, he pulled out the Soul Slasher and moved his feet.



The soul-slashing knives of the two slammed into each other, and the powerful air wave blew the surrounding vegetation.

Lan Ran was not surprised by the fact that the other party was able to block him with a knife. She smiled slightly, and disappeared in the next moment. When she reappeared, she had already reached Li Yi's left side. He picked up the corner of his mouth and severely cut it off.


Seeing her soul-cutting knife slash into the opponent's chest, Lan Ran's expression changed, and she did not hesitate to raise her knife to parry.


With a loud noise, Lan Yan's feet sank into the ground.

"Come and not be indecent."

With a bloodthirsty grin on Li Yi's face, he stared at Lan Ran unblinkingly.

"Speed ​​and power are very good, interesting!"

Lan Ran said faintly, and then slammed the Soul Slashing Blade firmly.

Li Yishun jumped back with strength, and after standing still, he laughed and said: "The more interesting thing is still to come, you should use all your strength to fight me seriously, don't regret it when you die."

Lan Ran was silent. Although it was only a round of fighting, Lan Ran already knew how strong the opponent was.

Taking a breath, his body shook.

Suddenly, a small cyclone rose under Lan Ran's feet, and suddenly turned into a violent wind in the next moment, carrying a forceful pressure, and burst out all around.


Centering on Lan dye's feet, a huge circle emerged, leaving only bare ground in the circle, and all vegetation, sand and stones disappeared.

A transparent wall of air appeared in front of Li Yi, blocking the impact of flying sand and walking stones, squinting his eyes and quietly watching the rising spiritual power of Lan Ran.


Lan Ran sighed lightly, smiled and said, "This feeling is really good. You are the first person to see this power. I hope your performance will satisfy me."

Li Yi grinned, without replying, holding the knife in silence and bowing slightly.

Looking at Li Yi in an attacking posture, Lan Dian raised her brows, and looked at Li Yi's arms, Matsumoto raised her chin and said, "You should let her go, otherwise, with this burden, you won't be able to use your full strength."

Li Yi didn't move, holding the Soul Slashing Knife tightly, a huge spiritual pressure emerged in his body, not inferior to the other's spiritual power fluctuations, surgingly spreading around.

Feeling the aura on Li Yi's body exploded, Lan Ran stopped saying anything, lifted the knife and rushed towards Li Yi, and soon the two smashed into each other fiercely.

In the bushes not far from the fight between the two, a pair of eyes were staring at the two fighting closely, although in these eyes, there was no figure of the two at all, only the booming explosion, and the energetic flying. , The cut is a tree, but these eyes are still staring here, not letting go of all the details.

And his body was shaking uncontrollably, either because of fear or something else.

"How can Li Yi be so powerful here? The opponent is a deputy captain, and he can actually tie the opponent. Who is he?"

Ichimaru Gin clenched his fists tightly and whispered to himself.

At this moment, the two in the fierce fight finally separated and showed their bodies.

Li Yi panted heavily, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, a scary wound pierced by a knife on his left shoulder, completely unable to affect his expression, still staring at his scarlet eyes, staring at each other with a grin The intention is getting higher and higher.

Lan Ran's breathing was also a little confused, and he took a deep look at Li Yi, who was full of fighting spirit, and frowned. Although he pierced the opponent's shoulder with a knife, he was also slashed in the left arm by the opponent, if not. The reaction was fast enough that the knife had already cost his arm.


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