Everyone frowned when they heard this.

Although Su Ke acted very enthusiastic, they all saw the pride in Su Ke's bones and felt that he was just trying to win over them.

Shui Yuncheng's father cleared his throat and said, "Since Mei'er doesn't want to, let's discuss other matters. This time Su Shaoxia comes to propose marriage, we should still show something."

Hearing this, everyone agreed.

They knew that this marriage would not work out, but they couldn't let the Su family go in vain.

Shuiyuncheng's grandfather said in a deep voice: "Su Shaoxia came to propose marriage because he thinks highly of our family. Although we can't marry Mei'er to him, we can't let her come in vain. I have a suggestion, let's give him a gift. A generous gift to show sincerity."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

They thought this proposal was very good, so they decided that the elders of the family would go to the Su family with a generous gift to apologize.

At this moment, Chen Daoxuan suddenly appeared.

He came to the center of the venue and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I have a piece of advice."

Chen Daoxuan said in a deep voice: "I know you think it is impossible for the Su family to have the intention to annex our family, but I can prove it to you!"

Shuiyuncheng was extremely surprised when he heard Chen Daoxuan's voice.

She always thought that Chen Daoxuan was gone, but she didn't expect that he was still alive.

She couldn't help but rushed forward to hug Chen Daoxuan and shed tears of excitement.

Shuiyuncheng's grandfather was also a little surprised. He asked, "How do you prove it?"

Chen Daoxuan smiled slightly and said: "The Su family does have ambitions. They want to annex. Over the years, the Su family has been secretly studying how to control the family through marriage, so as to control the entire world."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

They never expected it.

The Su family has been secretly studying ways to control their family through marriage.

Chen Daoxuan continued: "In order to control the family, the Su family even sent people to assassinate us. Some members of the family were suddenly assassinated before, and it was the Su family's fault. Unfortunately, their conspiracy was discovered by me, and instead I was used."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

They never expected that the Su family would adopt such despicable means to annex their family.

Shui Yuncheng's father frowned and said, "You have no basis for what you say. How can we believe you?"

Chen Daoxuan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I have evidence."

As he spoke, Chen Daoxuan stretched out his hand and a formation appeared in front of everyone.

In the formation, Su Ke and Su Ming appeared.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Su Ke and Su Ming appear.

Everyone looked carefully and saw Su Ke and Su Ming chatting.

Su Ke said: "You must quickly capture Shuiyun City and control the families in Shuiyun City. Only in this way can we control the entire world!"

Su Ming nodded and said: "Don't worry, father, I'm already planning. However, we still need some time."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

They never expected that the Su family father and son would deliberately want to control their family.

Shuiyuncheng's father frowned and said, "I didn't expect the Su family to be so sinister. At first we thought they were marrying us for the future of the family!"

Chen Daoxuan nodded and said, "Yes, the Su family has been deceiving you all this time. Now, we finally see their true colors!"

Su Ming and Su Ke continued to discuss their next move, but suddenly a demon cultivator appeared. He walked up to Su Ke and Su Ming and asked, "How's it going?"

Su Ke hurriedly replied respectfully: "That's almost it. We plan to take action against that family in the near future. They have now agreed to marry their daughter to Su Ming, and then we can control their family through marriage."

Mo Xiu nodded and said: "Well done! In this way, we can successfully capture that family. What are you going to do?"

Su Ke smiled slightly and said: "We are going to do it at the wedding. By then, we will definitely make that family disappear completely!"

Hearing this, the demon cultivator showed a cruel smile and said: "Very good, you must be careful. In this way, the master's plan will be completed!"

The demon cultivator said coldly: "I'll give you two months to get this matter settled. By then, our boss's plan will come to a head."

Su Ke felt happy in his heart, but he replied respectfully: "Yes, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

After saying that, Su Ke secretly winked at Su Ming.

Su Ming understood the idea and immediately replied: "Don't worry, sir, we will definitely do our best to control the entire world in our hands!"

Mo Xiu nodded, showed a cruel smile, and said: "Very good, you must be careful. Don't betray our trust in you!"

After saying that, the demon cultivator left.

"Now, do you believe what I say?"

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

They have witnessed with their own eyes the cooperation between the Su family and the demon cultivators, so they naturally believe that what Chen Daoxuan said is true.

Shui Yun Cheng's father frowned and said, "I didn't expect that the Su family would actually collude with the demon cultivator. We thought Su Ke was a good person before, but we didn't expect that he turned out to be such a person!"

Everyone else spoke in agreement. They were all very angry. They didn't expect that the Su family would cooperate with the demon cultivator and want to annex their family.

Shuiyuncheng's grandfather asked in a deep voice: "Then what should we do next?"

Chen Daoxuan thought for a while and said: "I think we can use the trick. You agree to the Su family's marriage first. On the wedding day, I will dress up as Shuiyun City and sneak into the Su family to see what they are doing. What an idea."

Shui Yuncheng's father asked worriedly: "What if I get betrayed?"

Chen Daoxuan smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, I know the Great Way of Heaven and Earth and can transform it into all things in the world. Everything will be fine."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this.

They didn't expect Chen Daoxuan to possess such a magical spell.

But this way, their plan becomes more thorough.

So everyone came to an agreement and started preparing for the wedding.

After Su Ke received the news that the Shuiyun City family agreed, he was extremely happy.

He said happily: "Great! We can finally control the Shuiyun City family!"

Su Ming said happily: "Father, now we can finally finish it!"

At this time, a man who looked like an attendant hurried in and said, "Master, the wedding is ready."

Su Ke nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, the wedding must be held in a grand and dignified manner, so that the people in the woman's family can feel the strength of our Su family."

The attendant nodded and said: "Don't worry, young master, we have arranged all the matters. Now the woman's family has left, saying they are going to prepare the dowry."

Su Ke smiled with satisfaction and said, "Very good. In this way, we can successfully control the Shuiyun City family."

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