Su Qiming, the head of the Su family, gave an order, and everyone in the Su family became lively.

The preparations for the wedding were in full swing, and the servants of the Su family were very busy.

The wedding venue was extremely luxuriously decorated, with fluttering ribbons, brocade decorations, and various flowers placed in every corner.

The high-hanging red characters "Happy" shine in the sunshine, highlighting the extremely festive atmosphere.

Experts from all sides and leaders of various Immortal Gate cultivating sects came to support him one after another, and the Su family arranged smart reception staff to greet him at the door.

Su Ming wore an exquisite groom's outfit and greeted the guests at the door with a smile.

From time to time, some familiar faces flashed before his eyes. These were all well-known masters and masters of immortal cultivation in the world.

"Su Shaoxia, congratulations!"

Suddenly a loud voice came. Su Ming took a closer look and saw that it was Li Perfected Being, the leader of the Kunlun Sect.

"Li Perfected Being, thank you for your support!"

Su Ming bowed his hands and saluted, with a happy smile on his face.

"Young Master Su, you're welcome! Today's wedding is really lively. It is indeed a major event in the Immortal Cultivation World!"

Li Perfected Being smiled.

"Yes, on behalf of the Su family, thank you all!"

Su Ming looked back at the guests in the hall, feeling filled with emotion.

Afterwards, heroes and celebrities from all walks of life arrived one after another, and everyone was congratulating and greeting each other.

"Su Shaoxia, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your cultivation has improved a lot!"

A middle-aged man wearing a blue robe came over. He was a retired master of immortal cultivation in the Immortal Cultivation World, and was now the owner of a cultivation hall in Jiangnan.

"Master Liu, thank you for your praise. Your cultivation is what I have admired for a long time!"

Su Ming replied politely.

"Haha, good, good! After this wedding, we will have another discussion!"

Hall Leader Liu patted Su Ming on the shoulder and smiled heartily.

While they were talking, another old man with gray hair and a childish face came over.

He held a whisk in his hand and wore a white Taoist robe, looking like an immortal.

"Is this old man also here to congratulate Su Shaoxia?"

Su Ming took a step forward and asked.

"Yes, I heard that there is a young hero in the Immortal Cultivation World. I came here today to see him!"

The old man said calmly, "I am the leader of the Zhongnan Sect. I am honored to meet you!"

"It turns out that the head of the Zhongnan Sect is here. It really makes the Su family shine!"

Su Ming quickly returned the courtesy.

In a corner of the wedding scene, a man who looked like a decent man attracted everyone's attention.

He was dressed in a black robe with fluttering skirts and a handsome expression. He is a demon cultivator disguised as a decent person.

Mo Xiu walked to Su Ming and asked, pretending to be concerned: "Su Shaoxia, how is the matter?"

Su Ming's heart tightened, but he remained calm on the surface and replied: "Everything is ready, just waiting for the auspicious time."

Mo Xiu nodded and said: "That's good. Remember, you must make the people in the woman's family completely trust you."

Su Ming sneered in his heart, but replied: "Don't worry, I will definitely make them believe it."

Mo Xiu was very satisfied with Su Ming's answer. He smiled and said, "That's good. On the day of the wedding, you must be extremely loving and let everyone be infected by your happiness."

Su Ming knew in his heart that this was Mo Xiu's hint that he was going to take action at the wedding.

He replied calmly: "Okay, I will definitely do it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Ming suddenly saw a familiar figure flash past.

Who is that? He was confused.

However, he didn't pay attention and continued chatting with the demon cultivator.

Preparations for the wedding are still continuing, and experts from all parties and heads of various Immortal Gate cultivators are still arriving one after another.

This grand wedding is slowly unveiling its mystery.

In the residence of the Shuiyun City family, the beautiful woman transformed by Chen Daoxuan, wearing a red phoenix crown and harem, got on the sedan chair. Her beautiful face was filled with a touch of happiness and expectation.

Shui Yuncheng asked worriedly: "Chen Daoxuan, will everything be okay?"

Chen Daoxuan turned his head, looked at Shuiyuncheng with firm eyes, and replied: "Don't worry, I'm fully prepared."

While talking, the sedan chair has arrived in front of the door.

Firecrackers went off, music played, and a group of servants dressed in red led the mules and horses in red colors and walked slowly around the courtyard. For a while, the courtyard was filled with an atmosphere of joy.

Chen Daoxuan walked down the red carpet from the sedan chair, and Su Ming hurried up to meet her and took her arm.

The two walked towards the altar in the hall

The servants began to serve the food.

The Su family's cooking skills are absolutely top-notch, and all kinds of delicacies are presented in front of the guests, which makes everyone appetite.

At this time, the wedding has entered a climax stage.

The servants shuttled between the halls, holding exquisite drinks and delicacies. They not only presented delicious food to the guests, but also sent the Su family's blessings to the guests.

On the other side of the hall, a group of children were playing, and their laughter spread throughout the compound.

The adults were chatting enthusiastically, sharing their experiences and insights. In the atmosphere of mutual respect and give-and-take, the wedding became even more lively.

Especially Chen Daoxuan and Su Ming, they became the focus of the audience.

The two held hands, faced the altar, and worshiped heaven and earth.

At this moment, a loud sound suddenly came from the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a huge crane flying in the sky. Its snow-white feathers sparkled in the sun, making it look extremely majestic.

On the back of the crane sat a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe.

He was holding a whisk in his hand, and his expression was elegant and refined. You could tell at a glance that he was an accomplished man.

"Everyone, congratulations! I'm here to send you a wedding!"

The middle-aged man said loudly.

It turns out that this middle-aged man is the head of another sect in the Immortal Cultivation World, the Kunlun Sect. He came unexpectedly just to witness the wedding of Chen Daoxuan and Su Ming.

"Thank you, Master Li!"

Su Ming and Ming said at the same time.

Head Li got down from the crane, walked to Chen Daoxuan and Su Ming, took out a piece of velvet cloth and handed it to them and said: "This is the treasure of our Kunlun Sect - Yuanyang Brocade, which contains endless power and blessings. . If you carry it with you, no matter what difficulties and dangers you encounter in the future, you will be protected by it."

Su Ming took the Yuanyang Brocade and bowed deeply: "Thank you, Master Li!"

Just in front of the altar, when Su Ming and Chen Daoxuan were preparing to pay their second respects to the high hall, suddenly, the sky suddenly turned dark and dark clouds gathered.

Around the altar, a powerful energy field formed, covering the entire Su family compound.

Everyone was shocked and confused, and this vision made people feel extremely uneasy.

At this time, a man wearing a black robe and a gloomy face walked out of the darkness. He was the demon cultivator.


The demon cultivator laughed wildly and said, "Do you think this is just a wedding? This is the feast you brought to your door!"

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