Martial Arts: 3000 Net Sword Slaves At The Start

Chapter 61 Ghost Valley Swordsman, Killing Warriors

The swordsman asked many questions in a row, and everyone in the inn who heard this question also thought hard.

Indeed, the swordsman asked these meaningful questions, and they got to the bottom of Nangong Ye's biggest secret.

"Hehe, this young man asked a good question." The storyteller grinned, "If you ask other people this question, they will definitely not be able to answer it. But if you ask the old man me, you are asking the right person."

"Oh? You know?"

Everyone in the audience looked surprised.

You know, Nan Zhiye's life experience has always been very mysterious.

On Rivers and Lakes, Nangong Ye is very famous, but there are very few people who really know his true face.

Not to mention, knowing his past and background.

The storyteller showed a look of arrogance on his face, and said loudly: "Old man, although I don't know 10% or 10%, I also know 20% or 30% out of 10%! And these 20% or 30% are about the past of Nangong Ye!"

"Oh? Say it quickly!"

Excitement was revealed on everyone's faces.

Although it is only 20-30%, it can be regarded as Rivers and Lakes-secrets.

Thinking of this, there was silence in the inn, and everyone listened intently, hoping to hear what great news the scholar could tell.

However, the storyteller grinned when he saw the appearance of the crowd, and said: "If you want to know what will happen next, please listen to the next chapter to break it down!"

Hearing that the storyteller said the most exciting part, but stopped abruptly, many Rivers and Lakes guests were taken aback, and then cursed angrily.

Some people threw the food and wine on the table at the storyteller.

"You old man, there is no reason for such a story."

"Yeah, isn't this playing us?"

"If you don't say something good or bad today, don't think about leaving."

Among the people present, a young man in luxurious clothes threw a gold ingot of twelve taels to the stage, and said in a deep voice, "Old man, is this money enough?"

Seeing the gesture of the young man, everyone came to their senses.

They all laughed and scolded: "Old man, you are so smart, you actually used such a trick."

"If you want money, just say it straight, why beat around the bush?"

After the words fell, everyone threw gold and silver onto the stage one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the table in front of the storyteller was full of gold and silver, which made the innkeeper look envious.

Most of the money is scattered silver, there are many larger silver ingots, and the least is gold.

However, the sum of the money is one thousand and several hundred taels.

After all, just the ten taels of gold thrown by the young man was worth 1,000 taels of silver.

The old storyteller wiped his hand on the table, and collected all the money in his sleeve.

This trick has a lot of things in it, and everyone's eyes are wide open.

If there are enough Grandmasters in Realm here, they will definitely be able to see that this is a very clever move.

After collecting the money, the old storyteller coughed a few times, spoke slowly again, and said righteously: "Old man, I am not talking to you because of the money, but to see everyone gathered here today.

It is fate, and this is the only way to clear up the confusion for everyone. Don't misunderstand, you heroes. "

Everyone said that there was no misunderstanding, and asked the storyteller to start quickly.

The old storyteller knocked on the gavel and said slowly: "Five years ago, no, it should be four and a half years ago.

"Above the Rivers and Lakes, a boy with a superb Sword Technique suddenly appeared.

"As soon as he debuted, he directly killed the eighteen serial thieves in Xiaoshan, and then the nine masters of Huohanjiang Water Village. In a short time, his reputation spread far and wide."

"He didn't say what his name was, only that the Sword Technique he used was called Guigu Zongheng Sword Technique.

"Because no one knows his origin, everyone in Rivers and Lakes unanimously calls him Ghost Valley Swordsman!"

"In just two months, this ghost valley swordsman has grown from an unknown kid to a Rivers and Lakes young hero who ranks 71 on the Qianlong list, and he has become famous all over the world!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience exclaimed.

Such a young Yingjie is truly amazing.

When they were young, they also thought about riding alone and holding swords Rivers and Lakes.

However, it is not as powerful as Ghost Valley Swordsman.

"What happened later? What happened to the ghost valley swordsman?"

Everyone couldn't wait to know what happened next.

The storyteller took a sip of tea and said slowly: "After the ghost valley swordsman climbed on the Qianlong list, he began to challenge the young heroes of Rivers and Lakes who ranked ahead of him. This is what many people on the Qianlong list will do. .”

"It's just that his method of challenge is different from ordinary people."

People asked, "How is it different?"

The storyteller said: "Others challenge opponents with similar rankings, but this ghost valley swordsman directly challenges the top ten people on the Qianlong list.

Hearing the storyteller's words, everyone exclaimed again, "It's really so powerful???!"

"Of course!" The storyteller slapped the gavel again, "In the first round, Ghost Valley Swordsman challenged the ninth-ranked Streamer Silver Halberd Wen Kexing."

"That Wen Kexing inherited Liang Chusheng, a master of the land list, and he has exhausted Liang Chusheng's true halberd technique with one hand. With both halberds, he killed many young heroes on the Qianlong list.

"But against Ghost Valley Swordsman, he was defeated with one move!"

"As soon as his double halberds were thrown out, the Sword Ray of Ghost Valley Swordsman arrived."

"It was a Sword Ray as fast as lightning and thunder. Wen Kexing's twin halberds were torn apart by the Sword Ray, and his neck was torn apart along with the twin halberds."

"Just like that, Ghost Valley Swordsman stepped on Wen Kexing's corpse and became the new No. 9 on the Qianlong list!"

Seeing everyone's stupefied looks, the storyteller spoke slowly again, "In the second round, Ghost Valley Swordsman will challenge the eighth-ranked Hunan Fairy Xiao Qiuyu."

"This Xiao Qiuyu is famous far and wide, but she is one of the top ten stunning beauties in the Martial Forest of the Northern Territory. Her "Flying Flowers and Flying Sleeves" skill is amazing. I don't know how many young heroes from Rivers and Lakes regard her as the lover of their dreams."

"However, this ghost valley swordsman was not moved by the beauty at all. When challenging Xiao Qiuyu, he pierced her forehead with a sword, turned around and left."

0...asking for flowers...

"Just like that, the eighth on the Qianlong list also died under the sword of Ghost Valley Swordsman."

"After Xiao Qiuyu's death, a total of 17 Qianlongbang Young Heroes searched for Ghost Valley Swordsman in an attempt to avenge her."

"But in the end, these seventeen people all died under that sharp sword!"

"Afterwards, Ghost Valley Swordsman continued to challenge, beating the seventh, sixth, and fifth places in the Qianlong list in a row, until the final third and second place."

"None of these people on the Qianlong list can catch the sword of Ghost Valley Swordsman!"

"In the end, only the No. 1 Swordsman of the Setting Sun, Liu Jiyan, is left!"

"This Liu Jiyan is the only son of the head of the Shaoyang School, famous all over the world, but at the age of twenty-three, he is already a Half step Grandmaster other swordsman.

"The Shaoyang faction has been lonely for a long time, I don't know how many years they have waited for such a genius!"

"In order to prevent Liu Jiyan from having any accidents, the head of the Shaoyang faction joined forces with the six elders in the sect to secretly attack and kill the Ghost Valley Swordsman in an attempt to end the decisive battle."

"As long as the Ghost Valley Swordsman is killed in advance, he will be defeated without a fight, and Liu Jiyan will naturally be fine."

When everyone in the audience heard this, they all angrily scolded the Shaoyang faction for being despicable and shameless.

One of them said: "I've also heard about this incident. In the end, the ghost valley swordsman seemed to be safe and sound, and the decisive battle was still going on."

"That's right, that's true." The storyteller nodded, "The head of the Shaoyang faction who attempted to assassinate Ghost Valley Swordsman, and his six elders disappeared completely as soon as they left the mountain gate of the Shaoyang faction."

"From now on, no one is alive, no corpse is seen after death, it seems to have disappeared out of thin air."

"Afterwards, the decisive battle between Ghost Valley Swordsman and Liu Jiyan still proceeded as planned. Like the previous eight people, Liu Jiyan also lost, and the defeat was clean and tidy, without any regrets.

"Since he is defeated, he is no different from the previous eight people. Guigu swordsman chopped off Liu Jiyan's head with a single sword, and took his head as a sacrifice, becoming the new No. 1 on the Qianlong list

"Seven days after the decisive battle, someone discovered that the entire Shaoyang faction, from top to bottom, was dead, including the missing head of the Shaoyang faction and the six elders."

"Their corpses are all neatly lying in the Great Hall of the Shaoyang faction, and the Shaoyang faction will be wiped out from then on!"

"No one knows who the murderer is, and no one knows why the murderer wants to kill them?"

Hearing this, someone in the audience said, "Old man, didn't you want to talk about Nangong Ye's past experience? Why do you keep talking about Ghost Valley Swordsman? They have nothing to do with each other!"

The old storyteller chuckled, "Don't worry, guest officer, just listen to me slowly."

ps: Ask for subscription, ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for praise, anyway, ask for everything.

The author is still desperately coding, with a guaranteed bottom line of 10,000 changes every day, I beg readers to give the author some motivation, thank you very much for your help!.

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