Martial Arts: 3000 Net Sword Slaves At The Start

Chapter 62 Nangong Ye's Road To Rise, Killing And Bloodshed

"After Ghost Valley Swordsman killed Liu Jiyan and became number one on the Qianlong list, he immediately broke through to the Grandmaster realm, and then continued to test his sword in the world.

"One year later, he repeated the process of challenging the Qianlong list again."

"This time, he killed all of the top ten masters in the land list."

"After killing No. 1 on the ground list, Ghost Valley Swordsman disappeared, and there was no news of him for four full months.

"At that time, it was rumored in Rivers and Lakes that because Ghost Valley Swordsman was too sharp, he was assassinated by his enemies and died."

Everyone heard the scene and saw the storyteller stopped to drink tea, they couldn't help being anxious, "Old man, hurry up and talk, is the ghost valley swordsman dead or alive?"

"What happened later? What happened later?"

The storyteller chuckled, "Of course he is alive. How could such a character as Ghost Valley Swordsman die so easily?"

"After disappearing for four months, Ghost Valley Swordsman reappeared in Rivers and Lakes. And the Martial Forest heroes discovered that at this moment, he has actually broken through to the middle stage of the Grand Great Master!"

"Such a fast cultivation speed is really unheard of!"

"The first thing Ghost Valley Swordsman did after he reappeared in Rivers and Lakes was to challenge the masters of the Tianbang."

"And the opponent he chose for the first battle was the No. 9 player in the top ranking, Mobei Canglang Liu Tengkong.

"At that time, Ghost Valley Swordsman was just a Grand Great Master middle stage Cultivation Base, but Liu Tengkong was already at the peak of Grand Great Master. Everyone in the world thought that Ghost Valley Swordsman was looking for death."

"But the final result left everyone dumbfounded. In the decisive battle, the Ghost Valley swordsman defeated the strong with the weak, and successfully killed Liu Tengkong."

"And it is precisely because of this battle that Ghost Valley Swordsman has become the new No. 9 in the Heaven Ranking!"

The storyteller's voice fell, and the whole inn fell into dead silence.

This sword trial Rivers and Lakes of Ghost Valley Swordsman is simply a Legendary, which is enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

When did they ever see such a monstrous character, they couldn't even think about it.

Hearing this, someone in the audience asked, "Since the number nine in the Tianbang was Guigu Swordsman, why is it Nangong Ye now?"

"Could it be that Nangong Ye killed Ghost Valley Swordsman?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a gasp in the air.

They couldn't believe that such a brilliant and talented swordsman of Guigu would fall into the hands of Nangong Ye, the master of the net.

The storyteller shook his head and sighed, "Of course not."

Everyone was puzzled, "Then why?"

The storyteller said quietly, "During the period when Ghost Valley Swordsman rose, there was also a Rivers and Lakes killer organization called Luowang that rose with him!"

"The sky and the earth are covered with a net that penetrates everywhere!"

"Luo Wang claims that as long as the price is paid enough, no one in the world can be killed!"

"And by a coincidence, someone discovered that this ghost valley swordsman is actually the real master behind the Luowang organization."

"When this news was leaked back then, it really made all the masters of Rivers and Lakes dumbfounded."

"It's also because of this incident that Ghost Valley Swordsman uttered his real name, Nangong Ye!"

"And the ninth position on the list that day has changed from Swordsman of the Valley to Nangong Ye!"

When everyone heard this, they finally understood.

It turns out that Ghost Valley Swordsman and Nangong Ye, Lord of the Net, are one person from beginning to end.

The ghost valley swordsman is brilliant and talented, tried his sword in Rivers and Lakes, and became famous all over the world at a young age.

Nangong Ye, the master of the net, is only about twenty years old, and he can command 3,000 net and sword slaves, making the world frightened.

It is impossible for two peerless monsters to appear in one era, but they are actually the same person.

The storyteller sighed: "Since then, Ghost Valley Swordsman has disappeared, and it is Nangong Ye, Lord of the Nets, who reappeared on Rivers and Lakes.

"But Nangong Ye stopped his challenge to the Tianbang for some reason, and has remained at the ninth position in the Tianbang until today."

"This is the past of Nangong Ye, the Lord of the Net!"

The storyteller's mouth was dry, and everyone in the audience was fascinated by it.

After listening to it, what was left was not only shock, but also shock.

Everyone felt that Nangong Ye's road to rise was really a road full of blood and killings.

He's been killing people since the day he debuted.

First kill the bandits and water bandits, then kill the young heroes of Rivers and Lakes, then kill the geniuses of the Qianlong list, then kill the masters of the land list, and finally kill the old man of Rivers and Lakes.

It seems that in Nangong Ye's eyes, there is really no one who cannot be killed.

This point is exactly the same as that of the Luowang organization.

This Nangong Ye is indeed the master of the net, and only he can create a killer organization like the net.

On a wide official road in the wild, Nangong Ye and his party rode a bloody BMW and walked like flying, setting off billowing smoke and yellow sand.

In the eyes of many passers-by, they are like a gust of wind, disappearing from their side in the blink of an eye, leaving only a lot of dust floating into their mouths.

The crowd was full of dust, spit a few mouthfuls of saliva, and complained a few times.

It has been 6 days since he left Jingzhou City. On the way, Nangong Ye passed two big cities.

It's just that he didn't stay in the city at all, he just rested overnight and set off the next day.

"Really, how far is this place from Luzhou City?"

On the horse's back, Nangong Ye waved his whip, looked at Zhen Gang behind him and asked.

Zhen just thought for a moment, then looked at Nangong Ye: "If you drive at full speed, you should be able to reach Luzhou City before sunset."

"However, the gates of Luzhou City will not be closed, so we can enter the city even at night.

"Okay, got it."

Everyone came to a post station teahouse, Nangong Ye pulled the reins.

"Law! Law! Law! Law! Law!"

The BMW under his crotch let out a roar, raised its two front hooves, and stopped abruptly.

"It's been a day, let's take a rest..."

Everyone got off their horses and walked into the teahouse. When the waiter of the teahouse saw the distinguished guests coming, he hurried over to lead the horse for Nangong Ye.

Zhen just threw a piece of silver to the buddy and said, "Use the best feed."

The buddy put the silver into his arms with a smile, bowed and nodded.

He didn't dare to neglect, and quickly took the horse to the backyard to take good care of it.

He has stayed in this inn for many years, and has seen many businessmen and knights from Rivers and Lakes traveling north and south on horseback.

But never have I seen such a fine horse.

He felt that each of these eight horses was worth more than his people.

The tea in the post station is very ordinary, and it is drawn from the well next to it.

The food and drink here are only of a common standard, not up to the requirements of Nangong Ye.

So they just rested their feet on the table here, eating and drinking, all brought from the restaurants in the city.

Nangong Ye felt that own mouth was really spoiled.

If there is a day in the future, the trap will be wiped out, and the own martial arts will be abolished, and people will be left in despair.

How should I live in the Rivers and Lakes? Don't I want to starve to death?

In order not to let this happen, Nangong Ye can only force himself to keep getting stronger.

Startled Salamander took out exquisite jade boxes from his luggage, and filled the table in front of him.

After opening, there are delicate side dishes inside.

This jade box is made of Hundred Year warm jade, not as valuable as Thousand Year warm jade, but it is also a rare beautiful jade.

The best advantage of the jade box made of this kind of jade is that it can keep warm.

These jade boxes made by Nangong Ye are equivalent to ancient thermos cups.

Wine and vegetables are placed inside, and it will not be cold for several days.

Only Nangong Ye, who has a big family and a big business, can be so extravagant.

A batch of jade boxes are specially made, just to be able to eat hot dishes in the wild.

While eating, Nangong Ye4.6 noticed that besides him, there were three other tables of guests sitting in the station teahouse.

The first table was just a pair of Common's grandparents, plainly dressed, without any True Qi fluctuations on their bodies.

The second table is two young men and women, they are all dressed in white clothes, dressed as Rivers and Lakes young heroes.

When eating, the long swords they carry are placed on the table so that they can be drawn with a touch.

When going out, it is very common to have a disagreement, draw a knife and face each other, and blood splatter five steps.

Anyone with a little Rivers and Lakes experience knows the most basic vigilance like this.

The third table was a woman with a graceful figure, she was wearing a long pink dress and a white jade pendant on her waist, she looked like a rich lady.

However, her head was covered with a veil so that outsiders could not see her true face.

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