Martial Arts: 3000 Net Sword Slaves At The Start

Chapter 88 Blood Transformation Ancestor, Terrible Magic Art (For Subscription, Fourth Update)

"Young master, the news has been found out."

Zhengang stepped forward and respectfully reported, "There are 37 inns in Jizhou City, and 14 of them were bloodbathed last night."

"Four families in the east of the city, three in the west of the city, three in the north of the city, and four in the south of the city."

"From a geographical point of view, the murderer's target is very balanced."

"That's right." Zhen Gang nodded and said, "The targets he chose are very scattered, so we can't guess where his hiding place is?"

"It is still possible to kill so many people without discovering the location of the lair.

Nangong Ye walked to the window, and from here, he could see the whole Jizhou City at a glance.

"Young master, do we still have to look for him?"


Nangong Ye shook his head, "He will come out by himself, we just have to wait."

"My subordinates dare to ask, why is the young master so interested in this person?"

Hearing Luan Shen's question, the other five sword slaves also listened quietly at the same time.

Because of this matter, Nangong Ye has delayed the trip to find the five spirits.

Nangong Ye smiled lightly, "You will know soon."

For seven days in a row, Nangong Ye lived in the Red Lotus Zhai.

During these seven days and nights, the black energy still came out to kill people, but they never took a step into Honglianzhai.

Because of this, Hua Xunran's attitude towards Nangong Ye is more respectful 04.

All the girls in Honglianzhai also gave Nangong Ye a good look.

On the eighth day, during the day, Nangong Ye was sitting in the room drinking.

Sixteen oirans of Honglianzhai are dancing in the room, and their smiles are extremely touching.


At this time, there was an eagle's chirping from outside the window.

Nangong Ye knew that the news he was waiting for finally came.

For the past seven days, Nangong Ye didn't attack that evil spirit, just waiting for the news.

Luan Shen went to the window and blew his whistle.

The eagle heard the whistle in the sky, spread its wings and shot down from the sky, landing on the arm of Luan Shen.

On the eagle's right paw is tied a piece of brocade cloth, which is much larger than the cloth used to send messages.

"My lord, here is the secret scroll."

Chaotic Divine General Yunjin was sent to Nangong Ye, and many oirans in the room also retreated spontaneously.

As the girls of Honglianzhai, they all have winks and know when to be present and when to retreat.

What to listen to, what not to listen to.

Nangong Ye took the brocade and opened it, on which tens of thousands of words were densely written, which recorded the life of Huaxue Patriarch 120 years ago.

The Patriarch of Huaxue, whose real name is Deng Ninth Stage, was born in a branch of the Deng family in the Northern Territory.

Deng Ninth Stage's parents died at the age of four, and he was brought up by the eldest uncle in the house.

Due to the severe criticism from his uncle's family, Deng Ninth Stage did not have enough to eat and did not wear warm clothes, and his life was hard since he was a child.

When Deng Ninth Stage was twelve years old, because he couldn't bear the abuse from his uncle, he put wolf krait venom in the meal when he was cooking.

This wolf ring snake is a highly venomous snake, its venom can be poisonous to the blood as well as the stomach.

Therefore, after the meal, his uncle's family was all killed.

After Deng Ninth Stage killed his uncle's family, he took his family's gold and silver and escaped from the Deng family in the dark, and has been living in Rivers and Lakes ever since.

What happened afterwards is unknown, only that the 12-year-old Tuzhong was only a first-class Realm Xiulu.

But ten years later, Deng Ninth Stage re-emerged as Rivers and Lakes, under the pseudonym Vengeance.

Overnight, the Deng family was bloodbathed.

And at that time, Deng Ninth Stage already had another Cultivation Base of Grandmaster.

This year, Deng Ninth Stage was only twenty-two years old.

In just ten years, Deng Ninth Stage, who is not highly qualified, has grown from a small person in a third-rate Realm to a rich man like a Grandmaster.

At that time, he was famous all over the world, and everyone was curious how he did it.

Some people speculated that he was Talent Wushuang, some speculated that he ate Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, and some speculated that he practiced Devil Dao Cultivation Technique.

But the truth is, no one knows.

After exterminating the Deng family, Deng Ninth Stage did not change back to its original name, but continued to call it Qiufu.

Vengeance traveled to Rivers and Lakes, reached the 36th land list, and after ten years, he broke through to the Realm of the Grand Great Master.

At that time, everyone on Rivers and Lakes believed that Vengeance was a rare genius in Hundred Years, so he was able to breakthrough Grand Great Master at the age of 32.

However, after the breakthrough Grand Great Master, Vengeance seemed to be a different person overnight.

Not only has his temperament changed drastically, but his appearance has also changed drastically.

Ordinary people's breakthrough Grand Great Master will keep their face forever.

However, his breakthrough Grand Great Master was rapidly aging, and in just a few days, he turned into the appearance of an old man in his seventies or eighties.

It turned out that this was a side effect of the "Blood Transformation Dafa".

After that, Vengeance must kill and drink blood every day in order to keep his appearance from aging.

So, Vengeance began to massacre Martial Forest people on Rivers and Lakes, and finally became the public enemy of Rivers and Lakes, and was hunted down by the whole world.

And the "Blood Transformation Dafa" practiced by Qiu Fu was finally exposed to the eyes of the world.

"Blood Transformation Dafa" is a very peculiar Devil Dao Cultivation Technique.

It abides by a core, killing people and drinking blood to practice kung fu.

But there are two different cultivation methods.

One, crash.

Two, take it easy.

The instant achievement is to drink blood and do exercises without digesting the energy, and directly use one's own internal energy to run the blood-transforming Dafa method to suppress.

The biggest advantage of this cultivation method is that it can quickly improve the Cultivation Base in a short period of time. As long as enough people are killed, it will soon break through to the Realm of the Grand Great Master.

And because the Preceding Entry Stage absorbs enough human blood, the appearance of the breakthrough Grand Great Master will not age.

But this method has a fatal weakness, that is, it will consume lifespan.

When breaking through the Great Master, the lifespan will not be increased by 50 years, but will be reduced by 20 years.

When breaking through Grand Great Master, the lifespan will not be increased, and the lifespan will be reduced by another 30 years.

In this way, the life limit of this person is only 50 years.

And after that, if you want to live again, you can only kill people and drink blood.

The cultivator will become more and more thirsty for blood, eventually turning him into a lunatic who can only kill.

If you want to solve this sequelae, there is only one way, breakthrough to the realm of Deva.

In this way, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, the Yijing can wash the marrow and reborn.

However, the people at this time have already had Qi Deviation, and it is impossible to break through to Deva.

The second kind of slow growth.

As long as the heterogeneous True Qi and Internal Energy in the blood are digested in time after each killing and drinking blood, the backlash will be much smaller.

If you choose this cultivation method, although you cannot quickly grow into a Grand Great Master in a short period of time, the cultivation speed is many times faster than ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that Deng Ninth Stage was able to breakthrough Great Master in just ten years.

And with this cultivation method, lifespan will not be reduced when breaking through Great Master and Grand Great Master.

However, this method also has a fatal shortcoming.

Because during the cultivation in the Preceding Entry Stage, the blood absorbed is not enough, so in the process of cultivation, the human body will age rapidly.

When the breakthrough reaches the Great Master, it may not be obvious, but once the breakthrough Grand Great Master, the powerful Internal Energy accelerates the operation of "Blood Transformation Dafa".

The human body ages rapidly overnight.

One day is equivalent to ten years for ordinary people.

Although Shouyuan has not changed, his appearance will change a lot.

To solve this sequelae, like the former, it is also a breakthrough to the realm of Deva, with the help of the power of heaven and earth to wash the marrow of the I Ching.

However, today's cultivators are rapidly aging and do not have the vitality of young people at all, so they can only rely on blood to maintain.

As a result, cultivators only focus on killing people, and have no time to express their emotions.

Although different from the former, practitioners will not lose 230 consciousness and become lunatics.

But it's no different from a monster.

Vengeance chose the second method, so after breaking through the Grand Great Master, his temperament changed drastically, and he massacred people in the Martial Forest.

In the end, a small amount of blood could no longer satisfy him, so he made a massacre of the city.

In the end, it was jointly wiped out by the Holy Land in the world.

It is recorded in the secret volume in Nangong Ye's hand.

Later, because of his old appearance, Qiu Fu was called the Patriarch of Huaxue, and it was the Demon Sect of the Western Regions who killed him in the end.

He was knocked off a cliff by the previous leader of the Demon Cult of the Western Regions, and has never appeared since then.

And the "Blood Transformation Dafa" was completely lost along with his Death.

"The secret volume records that the "Blood Transformation Dafa" has been lost."

"Looking at it now, it may not be."

Nangong Ye put down the brocade, thoughtful.

Now that "Blood Transformation Dafa" is back in Rivers and Lakes, Nangong Ye can guess that there are two possibilities.

One, it was Deng Ninth Stage who left the cheat book of "Blood Transformation Dafa" before his death, and was obtained by a coincidence.

Second, it was because the Demon Cult played tricks secretly back then, and had already made preparations under the cliff.

After knocking Deng Ninth Stage off the cliff, from his corpse, he got the secret book of "Blood Transformation Dafa".

Such a powerful Devil Dao martial art, the Devil Sect will not let it go.

Of these two possibilities, the second is more likely.

Nangong Ye has this suspicion because of a major event that happened to the Demon Cult in the Western Regions recently.

This is why Nangong Ye is so interested in this event.

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