Martial Arts: 3000 Net Sword Slaves At The Start

Chapter 89: Demon Cult Of The Western Regions (Please Subscribe, First Update)

The Demon Cult of the Western Regions is the absolute overlord of the Western Regions, just like Chixia Mountain's status in the Eastern Regions.

People in the Demon Cult are cruel and unscrupulous in their actions.

Over the years, it has attracted righteous discussions from all over the world.

From top to bottom, the Demon Cult has the leader, the great Elder, and the four beast Elders, all of whom are top-ranked Grand Great Masters.

Baili Jinghong, the current leader of the Demon Cult, is ranked 11th in the Tianbang.

Big Elder Situ Sha, ranked 16th on the list.

The Four Fiends Beast Elder Chaos Xiahouba, ranked 33rd on the Tianbang.

The Four Fiends Beast Elder Taotie Shangguan Ming, ranked 62nd on the Tianbang.

The Four Fiends Beast Elder Qiongqi Ouyang Feiying ranked 75th in the Sky List.

The Four Fiends Beast Elder 梼杌 Sima Zhen, ranked 89th on the Tianbang.

Within one sect, there are a total of six Grand Great Masters in the Tianbang. It is no wonder that many famous and decent sects have repeatedly encircled and suppressed the Demon Cult, and returned in defeat.

But some time ago, an earth-shattering event happened inside the Demon Cult.

This major event has not been circulated on Rivers and Lakes until now, and Nangong Ye would not have known if it was not for the well-informed information of the network.

During the Closed Door Training of Baili Jinghong, the leader of the Demon Cult, Situ Sha secretly poisoned Baili Jinghong Qi Deviation.

And he took the opportunity to sneak attack and severely injured Baili Jinghong.

Although Baili Jinghong successfully escaped with his strong strength, he was dying, and his life and death have been unknown since then.

After that, the great Elder Situ Sha took the opportunity to seize power and became the new leader of the Demon Cult.

And Baili Jinghong's daughter, Princess Baili Zhi of the Demon Sect, also disappeared from the Demon Sect from that day on.

Now seeing the re-emergence of "Blood Transformation Dafa" Rivers and Lakes here, Nangong Ye has a bold guess.

Those who practice the "Blood Transformation Dafa" are either Baili Jinghong, the leader of the Demon Cult, or his daughter Baili Zhi.

Because only the two of them can get the cheat book of "Blood Transformation Dafa", and they have this motive.

If combined with the female voice coming from the black air, Nangong Ye can almost conclude that this person is Baili Zhi, the princess of the Demon Sect.

If you make a bold guess, Baili Jinghong has already died, and Baili Zhi avenged his father, and he did not hesitate to practice the "Blood Transformation Dafa".

Then everything that happened in Jizhou City is logical.

The pitch-black night enveloped Jizhou City again, and at this time, people in Suanzhou City would fall into deep fear.

Countless people will think during this period of time, when will such horrible days end?

Shenfengtang is a gang in Jizhou City, with thousands of disciples.

Since the murder of evil spirits in Jizhou City, martial law has been imposed on the upper and lower Shenfengtang.

Lin Li, the guard post inside the gate, and many Practitioners patrol day and night, and they are not willing to neglect at all.

Every night, the people in the Kamikaze Hall are even more vigilant.

All the strong will not sleep, but gather in the lobby, ready to meet the enemy at any time.

It was the same tonight, Chen Boxian, the master of Shenfeng Hall, was sitting on the main seat in the hall, with a resolute face that was not angry and prestige, and a terrifying murderous aura was faintly emanating from his body.

Chen Boxian is a master who has entered the Grandmaster category. Although he has not entered the local list, he is also well-known in Rivers and Lakes.

In addition to Chen Boxian, there are more than a dozen people sitting in the hall.

Among them are men and women, old and young, all of them are high-level kamikaze.

At this moment, everyone was sitting upright, paying attention to every move in the Kamikaze Hall.

This situation has been going on for almost half a month. Although every night is so difficult, they all survived in the end.

So everyone hoped that there would be no danger tonight.

However, the reality is often cruel.

Many sects and inns in Jizhou City have been attacked by evil spirits, and it is finally Kamikaze's turn tonight.

There were four people standing guard outside the gate of the Kamikaze Hall. The four of them stared at the dark night around them, not letting go of any clues.

Although it is already late at night, the four of them are not tired at all, but full of energy.

They know that this is a matter of life and death, as long as they are a little slack, they may not see the sun tomorrow.

However, these people's strength is too low, even if they stand guard conscientiously, they will not be able to find any traces of black air.

A cloud of black air appeared from a dark corner, and passed over the wall of Kamikaze without a sound.

The four of them didn't notice it, they just thought everything was normal.

In the front yard of the Kamikaze Hall, a group of twelve guards were patrolling. They walked past the Lotus flower pool with lanterns in their hands.

No one noticed that there was a cloud of black air suspended between the branches of a big tree.

There was a flash of black air, but there was no sound or movement.

Like a gust of wind, the black air blew past twelve people.

However, this gust of wind was terrifying, after it blew through, what remained in place were twelve desperate mummies!

Everyone died, silently, without making any sound.

If someone kills with a sword, at least there will be bloody smell, which can be smelled by people with sensitive five senses.

But at this moment, everyone died without bleeding, and there was no smell of blood at all.

The black air flashed and disappeared in the front yard.

Then fly into the hallway.

This corridor leads to the backyard of the Kamikaze Hall. Two Practitioner guards stand every three steps. At a glance, there are probably hundreds of people.

The black air didn't take a detour, it went straight up.

There is only a flash of black air, without the brilliance of Sword Ray, nor the compelling killing intent, it is like a breeze blowing on the face, but it eliminates muscles and bones.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people were all killed.

They just stood there, motionless.

Even if he turned into a mummy and died, he didn't fall down.

The black air massacres like this silently in the Kamikaze Hall, without any movement from the beginning to the end.

Murderous aura emanated from the black air, but the murderous aura was very weak.

Although Chen Boxian, the head of the Divine Wind Hall, is a Great Master, but his perception is not enough to detect this murderous aura.

Above the lobby, everyone closed their eyes and meditated.

No one noticed that the Kamikaze Hall was already littered with corpses.


The candles in the hall suddenly exploded, making a soft noise.

There was a dead silence outside the hall, and the atmosphere seemed to be a bit wrong.

Chen Boxian opened his closed eyes, a cold light flashed in them, and he stared at the door.

He didn't sense the murderous intent, nor did he hear any abnormal noises, it was just a whim, and he felt something was wrong.

"`~It's so quiet."

That's right, Chen Boxian felt this way.

It is normal to be quiet in the dark night, but at this moment, there is something strange about the quietness in the Kamikaze Hall.

"No, the evil spirit is here!"

Chen Boxian's eyes froze, and he directly pulled out the long sword beside his hand.

More than a dozen people in the hall saw that Chen Boxian was facing an enemy, and they all took out their own weapons.

Everyone was like a frightened bird, not daring to be careless at all.

No one asked Chen Boxian if his perception was wrong.

In the face of murderous ghosts, it is good for everyone to make mistakes, no matter how cautious they are.

"Everyone be careful, the people outside may be dead!"

Chen Boxian said with a serious face.

"Impossible? Father."

The speaker was a young man in his twenties, Chen Chong, the son of Chen Boxian.

"There are hundreds of people outside."

There was a trace of disbelief and panic on Chen Chong's face.

"Shut up! Don't talk!"

Chen Boxian has no time to pay attention to his own son now, his gaze scanned back and forth in the dark night outside, looking for suspicious signs.


Suddenly, a woman's charming smile came from the night sky.

This charming smile echoed in the night sky from far to near, and it was hard to tell where the source was.

"Heroes are so on guard, but (Wang Mo's) is waiting for me?"

When everyone in the hall heard this voice, they couldn't help but sweat involuntarily.

After a month, everyone has confirmed some things about the evil spirit.

First of all, he is a cloud of black air, not afraid of swords, water and fire, and then, when black air kills people, sometimes he will make a woman's smile.

No one knows whether the evil ghost is male or female, but since her laughter is a female voice, everyone treats her as a female ghost roar.

Now hearing the female ghost's laughter, Chen Boxian and his party knew that this was indeed a female ghost, not someone pretending to be a ghost.


A gust of cold wind blew in from the outside, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

It was already May at this time, and even at night, the temperature was not very cold.

But at this moment, the cold wind was like a knife, making their cheeks hurt like a knife.

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